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Be Mine... Or Else

Page 2

by Alexa King

  His hand comes up and he brushes his thumb across my lips. I inhale softly as the touch shoots through every vein of my body. He’s soft and tender, and when his thumb falls away, I lick the place he touched, wanting to taste him. But all I can taste is coffee. Then I glance at his thumb and see whip cream on it. He was wiping it away for me.

  "Thank you," I mumble as embarrassment washes over me. The blush comes back and I feel like a dork.

  Slowly, as if he’s deliberately trying to make my panties explode, he brings his thumb to his mouth and licks the cream from it. My heart pounds and I feel a tingle between my legs. How can something so simple make me react like this?

  "Sweet." His voice is deep and rumbles from his chest. For some reason it feels as if he's not talking about the whip cream.

  "Anything against that black coffee is going to be sweet." My eyes drop to his broad chest. Today he has on a deep blue tie and dark gray suit.

  "Maybe I should taste more of what you have." He takes a step toward me, closing the small amount of space that’s between us. His warm scent surrounds me and I wonder if it's him or a cologne. He’s so close and he’s so big that I barely come up to the middle of his broad chest.

  A wave of heat rolls down my own chest, past my stomach and between my thighs. I clench them together, trying to find relief, but all I can do is gasp for air as he towers over me. He leans down so slowly that I think he is going to kiss me, but he stops before his lips meet mine. My heart is pounding in my ears as everything around me fades away. Everything dulls except for awareness at how close Beau is to my body.

  "Why haven't you called me?" His tone is stern and a little admonishing. I don't even notice I'm leaning up and trying to get my mouth closer to his. Something about his voice makes me want to be closer to him. I like it. I open my mouth to ask him what he means, but then I feel his hand on my hip. He stops me from getting closer to him, stops me from moving. His fingers dig into me as he grips me in a firm hold. "Not here."

  "What?" I ask, lost in a lusty haze. I’m dying at the feel of his hand on me. He’s so close and everything in me is screaming at him to put his lips on mine. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me.

  "Jesus. I never imagined you could be so adorable and fuckable all at once," he growls. His fingers flex against me as if he doesn't want to let me go.

  "You think I'm sexy?" It's the only part I’m able to process.

  Beau takes a step back from me, releasing my hip. I miss his touch immediately and want to follow his retreat. He glances around, then suddenly I blink, remembering we are in a public place. I look around to see that the coffee shop is busy and some people are staring at us.

  He runs his hand through his wavy black hair, making it messy. I bite my lip, wondering what I’ve done to make him so agitated. He’s clearly upset and I’m beginning to wonder if I’ve just made a fool of myself.

  "You haven't called me," he says again, his tone accusatory.

  "Call you?" How on earth could I call him? I don't have his number.

  "I've given you my number multiple times now."

  I shake my head, but he sighs and points to my cup. I glance down at it, and I gasp in shock. On the side of it is his name in bold with a phone number underneath it. I’m such an idiot.

  "Oh," is what tumbles out of my mouth and I wish I could have thought of something better to say.

  He runs his hand through his hair again, and I have the biggest urge to step toward him and fix it.

  "I'll pick you up after work."

  "Pick me up after work?" My mind is racing, and I can’t keep up with his train of thought.

  "Yes." He steps forward again, like he can’t stand the space he put between us. He brings his hand up and grazes it across my jaw with a feather-light touch. "Wait inside and I'll come in and get you."

  He leans down and brushes his nose along my neck. I swear I feel him inhale and breathe me in. His lips press against the soft skin below my ear, and I close my eyes. I have to be dreaming.

  Suddenly, he’s gone and I’m standing there stunned. What just happened, and more importantly, how does he know where I work?

  Chapter Four


  "I want the Steele, Twin and Johnson files," I bark as I exit the elevator. Carrie jumps up from her desk and does as I ask.

  I toss my full cup of coffee into the trashcan next to Katie's desk. She hands me a mug of coffee she made me. "I don't know how that place stays in business. The coffee is disgusting."

  "Maybe because you stopped their eviction?"

  I grunt at the reminder. The Heart law firm takes up the top three floors of the building. The other floors are rented out to different business. The bottom lobby is where the coffee shop is. They were months behind in rent so I started the eviction process. That was until the day I saw Dove in there. Instantly everything was put on hold, and I began drinking shitty coffee every day just to get close to my ray of sunshine.

  "How is she?" Katie asks, breaking through my thoughts. I cut her with a hard look that does nothing. Anyone else around here would be running, but she just smiles at me and waits.

  "I don't know what you're talking about." I clench my jaw. I don't like the idea of everyone knowing about her. Not yet anyway. I'm not ready to share her. I barely keep it together knowing security is aware of her, but I needed to have eyes on her at all times in order to keep my sanity.

  I’m taking it slow with her and I don’t want to chance some little fuck trying to steal her out from under me. I don't know if she was single when I first met her, but thank god she is. One less thing to have to deal with, because I don’t like to imagine what I would have done to make her single. She’s been the breath of air I didn’t know I needed. The first spark of light I've seen in…I can’t remember, and I’m not letting her go. Ever.

  Today's outfit didn't help. What was she thinking wearing that dress? The sight of her shapely curves being hugged and on display. The short length giving view to creamy thighs and every man’s fantasy in between them. A tight little pussy that may or may not have been covered. I think about her pink lips and if they were wet while she was talking to me, and I have to hold on to the edge of my desk to keep my knees from buckling. It wouldn't be so bad if I was with her all day, but I can't be. The thought of her being on her own and the edge of her dress showing more and more skin as she bends over throughout the day…

  I don't want her ass leaving that flower shop today. A gust of wind could show off what belongs to me. The thought has me banging my head on the desk. What if she has deliveries? I sit up and grab my phone and shoot a text to Quinn.

  Me: Have lunch delivered to the flower shop.

  Quinn: Got it.

  Me: That delivery boy there today?

  Quinn: Yes.

  That's bittersweet. He’ll do the deliveries for the day, but I know the worm has a crush on her. Hopefully the deliveries will keep him busy and away from her.

  There’s a double knock on my office door and then Carrie is shuffling in. She hands me the folders I asked for and waits. "Is there anything else, sir?"

  I shake my head. She scurries out. Half a second later, Katie comes strolling in.

  "You have court in an hour, and Mrs. Barton is already here to prep."

  I let out a deep breath. Mrs. Barton is a blood sucker. Her soon-to-be ex-husband was too dumb to see it. Now he's going to pay the price. I'm pretty sure she's been cheating on him, too. Spending years working as a divorce lawyer wears down your view of marriage. Not that mine was great to start with after having a father like mine.

  He's working on wife number six at the moment. I hope this one sticks. I actually like her. She's only fifteen years younger than him and doesn't seem to be after his money since she has her own. I'm not really sure how he even landed her to begin with, but they seem to be in love.

  That reminds me I'm supposed to have dinner with them tonight. "Cancel dinner with my father," I tell Katie.

  "It's your fathe
r, you should cancel yourself," she says back in her motherly tone.

  "You do it, or I'll have Carrie do it." I don't have to look up from the file I'm going over to know she’s giving me a death glare. A beat passes and I hear my office door shut.

  I make a few changes to the files before telling Katie to send in Mrs. Barton. I really don't feel like going to court today. My head isn't in the game. Instead it's on a little blonde with bright blue eyes, soft pink lips, and hair that smells like strawberries.

  God, I wanted to kiss her this morning, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to control myself. The first touch would have had her pinned to the floor with me on top of her. All this control I've been holding back would have snapped, and I wouldn't have been able to let her go. I’ve never felt so possessive of someone before, and it’s driving me mad.

  I know she would have let me kiss her. It was in her eyes and the way she was trying to press her body against mine. Her mouth was begging for it, and her breathing was heavy with lust. As much as I loved that look on her face and how hard she made me, I had to find my control. I can’t stand the idea of people around us seeing her horny. I was already dripping cum and I wasn’t about to let everyone in that place see her doing the same. It took everything in me to step away from her.

  I glance at the clock and remind myself in a few hours I'll be with her again. And this time I’m not letting her get away. There isn't another option or I'll lose my fucking mind. I need to mark her as mine or I’m going to come out of my skin. Every thought I have is filled with her, and this beastly desire is driving me to ravage her.

  "Beau," Mrs. Barton says in a sugary sweet voice.

  I stand from my chair, trying to clear my thoughts as she comes over toward me. She’s coming in for a hug and a double cheek kiss. I can’t handle it today and I extended my hand for a shake to stop her, unable to stand the thought of her touching me. Right now, I’m filled with the memory of my sunshine’s sweet scent and I don’t want this woman’s perfume to invade that.

  She rolls her eyes at me but takes my hand and shakes it. "Always so formal," she huffs before taking her seat. I take mine across from her, putting some distance between us.

  "I told you to dress like you were going to church." My tone is bored but firm.

  "Sorry, I don't own anything like that." She smirks before shooting me a wink. I bring my fingers to my temples and press them, questioning why I became a divorce lawyer.

  "Lucky for you, I'm prepared," I say, letting out a sigh. We keep a closet of women's suit jackets and other pieces of clothing just for moments like this. Eighty percent of my clients are women. I won a giant divorce settlement for a woman my first year out of law school and now every woman wanting to divorce their husband thinks I'm the man to go to. Maybe I am because I'm good at it, but it’s not doing my soul any favors.

  "I love having my own personal Boy Scout saving the day." She moves to the edge of her seat and leans forward, trying to give me an eyeful of her cleavage. I have to fight the urge to say something snide. Sadly I'm used to this kind of behavior.

  "I sent over another offer," I tell her. "If they don't take it in the next…" I glance at the clock on my computer. "…Twenty minutes we’ll go straight to the court house." She gives me a pout, and I have no fucking clue why. "Let's go over a few things."

  "We've gone over everything. I'm sick of talking about it. Let's talk about something more interesting. Like…" The pout is gone and a sinister smile spreads on her lips. How did her husband fall for this shit?

  My mind flashes to my blonde ray of sunshine. I'd fall for anything when it comes to her.

  "I'm going to be single and freshly divorced by the end of the day. What are your plans tonight?"

  My plans are to have a beautiful blonde underneath me as my name falls from her lips and she begs me to stop eating her pussy. But I don’t tell her that.

  "Beau!" Mrs. Barton snaps, breaking me from my thoughts of Dove. I fight back a growl.

  "I'm seeing someone," I say simply, as if it's old news.

  "Oh, well. No one has to know." The smile on her face grows even bigger, then she bites her lip. I'm guessing it’s an attempt to be sexy.

  I've had enough. "Mrs. Barton—" I'm cut off when the intercom on my phone goes off.

  "Call on line two, Mr. Heart. It's Thompson and Thompson," Katie says. I grab for the phone, glad to have the interruption. Hopefully this call is their client taking our offer so I can get Mrs. Barton out of my life by the end of the day.

  Chapter Five


  "Earth to Dove." Sue snaps her fingers in front of my face, clearing thoughts of the coffee shop and Beau from my mind.

  "Sorry," I tell her as I flip the page in the order book. I try to look like I’m working and not daydreaming.

  "All I want to know is how coffee went this morning." She wiggles her eyebrows.

  Why do I have such a big mouth? I can't stop talking about Beau to my friends. I had to, though. I needed their help. Well, I thought I did. Things look like they might be taking the next step on their own without me having to make a move. Thank goodness.

  "I'm guessing by that blush it went well," Sue giggles.

  Sue owns the flower shop. I've worked here for about a year and I really enjoy it. I love flowers and putting different ones together to make beautiful creations. I know they’ll bring joy to people, and that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

  "I think we have a date tonight," I sheepishly admit. I glance over at her, and Sue is smiling at me. She does a little jump, making her short gray curls bounce. I swear sometimes she has more energy than I do.

  She stops jumping after a second then looks at me seriously. "Wait, why do you think you have a date?"

  "He said he'd pick me up after work, but how does he know where I work?" It’s one question that keeps running through my head.

  "Maybe you told him?"

  "Maybe." I try to think back. We've made small talk over the past few weeks, talking a little more each day. I know he’s an only child, went to Yale, is in his early thirties, and a lawyer. "He gave me his number."

  I pick up my coffee cup and show her. "I was thinking I should text him?" That way I could double-check that he knows where I work. I really would hate to not have this date tonight. I don't think I've ever been more excited about anything before. He could have been caught up in the moment and forgotten he didn't know, and now he has no way to get a hold of me.

  "You kids and texting." Sue shakes her head.

  There’s no way I’m calling, but I keep that thought to myself. In a text I won't have to worry about forgetting to speak or stumbling over my words. I can plan better over text and not seem like a blushing schoolgirl. Which I totally am these days. But what if I did tell him where I work, then I’ll look clingy and too excited about a date. I’m sure a guy like Beau is used to dating lots of women. The thought makes my stomach sink. I'm in over my head and I hate the idea of him with another woman. One who probably doesn’t blush every two seconds.

  He thinks I’m hot, and no one has ever made me feel like that before. I felt like a woman in that moment. There was a power that came with it, and I felt like I could have all of him if I wanted to. And boy, do I want to.

  "Text him," Sue tells me. She probably knows I’m starting to second guess myself.

  I pick up my phone and scroll to his number. I already programed it in as soon as I got to work. As I tap on my messages, the chime over the door rings, and both Sue and I look up. John, the new superintendent, walks into the shop. He’s been here the past few weeks and it’s been a godsend. He fixes stuff around the shop that Sue has been trying to get the landlord to fix for months. I guess the building got bought by someone new and he’s making sure everything is good to go.

  "John, I don't think I have anything else for you to fix around here," Sue tells him.

  "I'm going to be checking the water lines today. Can't have a flower shop going without water." He
shoots Sue a wink. I love all that he's done around here, but I feel like he doesn't like me. He never meets my eyes and barely acknowledges I'm here.

  "Hi, John," I try, but he only gives me a nod as he heads toward the back.

  "Such a sweet boy," Sue says. "If you and this Beau don't work out—"

  "Married, ma'am,” we hear John say from the back.

  Sue giggles. I shake my head, feeling a little embarrassed. "Okay, okay. I’ll go text him," I say as she goes back to her arrangement.

  I put in his name and type out the text.

  Me: Hey, it's Dove from the coffee shop. Wanted to make sure you knew where I worked and what time I get off.

  I stare down at the phone thinking he’ll text me back right away, but there’s no response.

  "He's probably busy, honey."

  "Yeah," I agree halfheartedly. Sue gives my arm a squeeze and we both get back to work. I start putting flowers together, getting lost in the job until Luke comes in to pick up some orders for delivery. I help him carry some outside, making sure the balloons don't tangle as we load them into the truck.

  When I walk back in I come up short when John is blocking my path. He’s actually making eye contact with me.

  "Can I use your phone? Mine isn't working," he asks.

  "Yeah, sure." I walk over to the counter where I left it and put in my code real quick, then hand it to him. He looks down at the phone and hands it back to me without making a call.

  "Looks like you got some missed texts." He turns and walks away.

  "I thought you needed to use it," I yell to his retreating back.

  "I forgot I already had the part I needed. Don’t need to call anyone," he throws back without looking at me.


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