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Be Mine... Or Else

Page 11

by Alexa King

  I get to her door and grab the knob. I go to turn it, but it doesn’t work. It’s locked. We never lock our doors. There’s no reason to, and oftentimes we end up in each other’s beds. I hear a giggle from her room and press my ear against the door. Then I hear a moan.

  Oh my God.

  I knock on the door lightly and wait.

  “Coming,” I hear her say in a high-pitched voice. Then she starts whispering. “Get in the closet. Oh God, you’ll never fit in the closet. What do they feed you? I bet that—” I knock again, knowing my sister just got off topic and would never come to the door.

  “It’s me,” I whisper in a voice that’s way louder than it should be. I look up and down the hall to make sure no one is coming.

  The door swings open, and my sister is standing there in a shirt that’s clearly not hers. Her hair is a wild mess, and her make-up looks like she slept in it. But we haven’t gone to bed yet. We only parted from my mother thirty minutes ago.

  “What is going on?” I half-yell. She grabs me by the arm, pulls me into her room, and shuts the door behind us.

  “Shh,” she snaps.

  “Don’t shh me,” I snap back, pointing my finger at her and narrowing my eyes. I want to know what’s going on. She smiles at me, and I want to roll my eyes.

  “Surprise?” She makes her smile even bigger, showing her perfect teeth. “I got you a stripper? You know, bachelorette party…” She shrugs like she has no idea where she’s going with this lie.

  I look around her and see Vlad, Roman’s bodyguard, buttoning up his pants, and my eyes almost pop out of my head. I see the shade of lipstick that’s smeared on her face matches the shade smeared all over his mouth.

  “Wait. I take it back!” She jumps in my line of sight of him. “Don’t look at him. Vlad, put a shirt on!”

  “Babe, you’re wearing my shirt,” I hear him say, laughter in his voice.

  “Oh.” She looks down at the shirt.

  “You had sex,” I gasp, really putting everything together.

  She nods and mouths, “It was amazing.” I snort.

  Suddenly Tabby’s door flies open, making us both jump. Roman fills the doorway, and he swiftly steps into the room and shuts the door behind him. He’s in a dark suit, but he somehow still looks like he’s ready to go into battle.

  “You found me.” I stomp my foot. I was going to hide out in my sister’s room tonight, knowing he’d likely come. Well, I thought I was. She clearly had other plans. Still, I was going to hide. I wanted a little payback for how he thinks he can pop up anywhere and do whatever he likes to me. Even if I kinda like the things he does. Okay, maybe kinda is putting it lightly.

  “Took me an extra two seconds, but it wasn’t hard. Should I have a tracker put on you?”

  “She not a dog,” my sister hisses at him.

  “Yeah, what she said,” I add, because I’ve got nothing else to use as a comeback.

  A half-smirk plays on Roman’s lips, but I glare at him. I’m sure my sister is doing the same.

  “Wait,” Tabby says. She leans into me a little. “Do we like him or not? I can’t remember.”

  I hear a chuckle come from both of the men and nudge her to hush it.

  “Doesn’t matter. I don’t need a tracker. Come tomorrow, I can keep you at my side for the rest of my life.”

  “Well, then I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodbye,” I say tartly, trying to dismiss him. I know it won’t work, but a girl’s gotta try.

  “My princess, you know what I came for, and I’m going to get my taste before I leave.”

  His words make anger boil up in my stomach. That’s all he cares about—sex…or whatever it is we’ve been doing. Yeah, it feels good, but for some reason it hurts that it’s the only reason he seeks me out.

  “You shut your face and get out of my room right this second.” My sister steps in front of me, standing in between us and ready to go to battle.

  “Babe, get your sweet ass over here,” Vlad commands. All our eyes go to him. He’s leaning up against the wall, still shirtless, with a smile on his face like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

  “Not now. I’m doing something,” she tells him.

  “Eyes,” Roman orders, making me jump. I turn to look at him. “Vlad, cover yourself in front of my wife.”

  “She’s not your wife yet,” Tabby fires back. I nod, agreeing with her.

  “Is this how it’s always going to be? Maybe it isn’t so wise I let your sister come and stay with us.”

  I gasp, and my eyes fill with tears. No. Before I can even open my mouth, Roman is in front of me, his big hands cupping my face.

  “I’m sorry. Forgive me. I didn’t mean… Please.” He peppers kisses all over my face. “I’m sorry. Don’t cry.”

  I close my eyes, and he kisses my eyelids.

  “I was angry.” His voice sounds a little choked. “I don’t like when you say you’re not going to be mine. I didn’t mean it.”

  I open my eyes and see remorse all over his face. His eyes look soft and not as dark as normal.

  “Please don’t cry. Say you forgive me.”

  I stand there, shocked by how he’s reacting. He’s upset that I’m upset.

  “Your sister can have a whole wing of the castle for all I care.”

  “I really don’t take up that much space,” I hear my sister say, and I can’t fight my smile. Worry drains from Roman’s face. He lets go of me reluctantly, and I blush as I realize what everyone has just seen. I glance over at Vlad, and he simply stares at Roman as if in shock.

  “Princess,” Roman growls, and I pull my eyes back to him. I can see jealousy light up his eyes.

  “Shirt,” I hear my sister bark at Vlad again.

  “Babe, you’re still wearing it, for one, and two, come tomorrow night you sleep where I sleep.”

  “Don’t boss me around,” Tabby replies halfheartedly, but I can tell she likes it. It makes me giggle, and she smiles.

  Roman huffs out a breath, and the next thing I know I’m over his shoulder and he’s leaving Tabby’s room and heading for mine. I don’t fight it because I don’t want to make noise and get caught and also because my belly got all tingly when he picked me up like that.

  When we get to my room he places me softly on the side of the bed and drops to his knees in front of me. The move allows me to see him at eye level.

  “Did you come here to get off?” I blurt out, and I feel my face turn red. I drop my eyes in embarrassment. I can’t believe I said that.

  He brings his finger to my chin and tips it so I look up at him.

  “No, my princess. I came here because I couldn’t stay away from you.” He brushes his finger along what I know are cherry-red cheeks.

  He suddenly stands, kicking off his shoes and taking off his suit jacket before going to the other side of the bed. I watch as he lies down, his eyes on me the whole time.

  I bite my lip, unsure what he’s going to do. Then he grabs me and pulls me to him so I’m on my side. My back is to his chest as he wraps his arms around me. One of his legs tangles with mine, and I immediately feel so safe. He buries his face in my hair, and I can feel his breath against my neck as I drift off to sleep faster than I ever have before.

  Chapter Ten


  I’m pacing the room so much, I’m surprised the hardwood floor hasn’t worn away.

  “Calm down, Roman. She’ll be by your side in moments.”

  I look over at Vlad, who’s leaning casually against the wall. I want to punch him in the face just to get some of my aggression out, but I know it won’t do any good. The only thing that will make me feel better is to have Alena by my side. Forever.

  “What time is it?” I growl, and make another pass along my pacing route.

  “It’s exactly fifteen seconds after you asked me the last time.” He rubs his face like he thinks I’m being ridiculous.

  “You think you’d be so calm if the sister was the one coming down the aisle to
you?” I challenge.

  “Tabby would never make me lose control like that.”

  I can’t believe he was able to say the words with a straight face. As soon as they are out of his mouth, he’s laughing.

  “Okay, okay. I see your point. Just a few more minutes and the suspense will all be over.”

  There’s a knock on my door, and I stop in my tracks as Vlad goes to answer it. He peeks out and then leans back, opening the door and allowing the person to enter.


  I smile when I see my childhood friend, and as usual he’s taking up almost as much space as I do.

  “It’s good to see you, Karim,” I say, giving him a big bear hug.

  “It’s a happy day for you, Roman. One I hope to have myself.”

  Karim is king over his own country, and soon he’ll choose his own bride. When I think about how we used to throw mud at each other as children, I cannot imagine him getting married. But I’m about to do the same thing. Tension automatically comes flooding back, and Karim notices.

  “I’ll leave you and Vlad alone right now. I’m sure you’re anxious to claim your bride.” He gives me a smile and a pat on the back before walking out. Before he does, he turns and laughs. “We’ve got bets to see if you make it to the end of the ceremony before carrying your new bride to the honeymoon tower. Don’t let me down, cousin.”

  I growl as the door shuts, and Vlad simply shakes his head.

  I pace for a few more moments, and after what seems like an age to me, it’s time. In a traditional ceremony, the bride is presented with both her parents while the groom waits with the officiant. As I wait, I note that a large crowd is present, even though the wedding came at short notice to everyone. But they could all be invisible for how many of them I see. My sole focus is on the doors at the end of the room as I wait for them to open.

  It’s maddening torture, but finally the sun beams through them, and I see Alena standing there with her parents on either side of her as she walks to me.

  She’s wearing a long dress that covers almost every inch of her skin. Good. I don’t want anyone to see what now belongs to me. The dress has long sleeves and is high around her neck. The soft cream-colored material is molded to her body, showing off her small waist and wide hips. Her chest is small, but her rounded lower half is made to breed heirs. I’ve chosen the best for making me sons.

  My cock lengthens at the sight of her, and I want to rip her dress off and sink deep into her. My eyes trail down to the bottom and see her dress flares out, layers of material hiding what’s mine. I could easily tear through that, and the idea makes me smile.

  A thin veil lies in front of her face and blocks her eyes from me. I hate it. I go to take a step forward to remove it, but I feel a grip on my arm pulling me back. When I turn, I see Vlad beside me, holding my arm and shaking his head. Goddamn him.

  I clench my fists at my side and wait until Alena reaches me. The officiant says a few words I don’t really pay attention to, and finally her family is kissing her cheek and handing her over to me.

  Once I’ve got her hand in mine, my pulse slows a little. I want to steal her away from all of this and have her only to myself, but I know I have to wait for the words to be said.

  While the officiant speaks, I ignore him and reach out, pulling the veil away from her face and pushing it back behind her. I want to be able to see her eyes when she’s made mine.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, my princess,” I say, touching her cheek.

  She blushes a deep shade of red, and I take both of her hands in mine while we wait.

  More words are spoken, but I only stare at my princess and think of all the things I will do to her once she’s under me. How will she sound? What will she beg for when I’ve give her more pleasure that she’s ever imagined?

  “You may kiss your princess,” I hear the officiant say, and that’s the signal that the ceremony is over.

  I grab her face gently with both of my big hands. I place my lips gently on hers and then give her the barest hint of my tongue. I growl against her lips as I feel her own tongue touch mine. It’s a promise of things to come, and I don’t know how long I will make it before I make good on my promises.

  I wanted to walk out of here with her over my shoulder, but I know that she deserves a beautiful wedding day, even though I care for none of it. The wedding was merely a means to make her mine. But every princess should have the day she’s wanted since birth, and I am determined to give it to her.

  “Shall we, my wife?” I offer, holding out my arm and leading her to the reception line.

  Alena looks at me with a little shock before she puts her hand in the crook of my arm and nods for me to lead.

  The receiving line is long, and I know we’ll be greeted by well-wishers and dignitaries for quite a long time. But I don’t plan on letting Alena go while this is happening. People can say hello to her, but no one touches my princess.

  Chapter Eleven


  Roman has one arm wrapped around the back of my chair while his other hand can’t seem to stop touching me. From small brushes against my arm to full-on grabbing my thigh under the table. They’re all possessive yet soft. Even when it’s just moving a strand of my hair off my shoulder. He has some sort of obsession with my hair. A few times I even caught him smelling it.

  “Your hair reminds me of the sun. I hope our daughters have it,” he says, as if reading my thoughts.

  I turn to look at him, the sweetness of his words making me feel warm all over. He leans in, taking my lips in a slow kiss before pulling back. I can tell he’s fighting control. He wants to take the kiss deeper.

  “You like it? I’ve always thought it made me look different from the rest of my family,” I admit. “I’ve thought about dyeing it.”

  “I forbid it.” He doesn’t say it like a demand, more as if he’s in shock at the thought of me doing anything to change myself. “It’s the first thing about you that caught my attention. I thought you looked bright, full of life. I wanted that.”

  My mouth falls open a little, and his eyes catch the motion. He licks his own lips as if he’s trying to remember what I taste like.

  “You seem so dark,” I admit, scooting a little closer to him. Not that there is much space to begin with. He’d already pulled my chair right up next to his. I reach up and touch his face, and he leans into my touch.

  “Maybe that’s why I need your light.”

  “That’s incredibly sweet.” I smile at him as tears burn the back of my eyes. He doesn’t seem anything like I first thought he would be.

  Suddenly he’s picking me up and putting me on his lap.

  “Oh God.” I bury my face in his neck, knowing my cheeks are probably flaming red. We are sitting at the front of the room while the wedding party is in full swing. Roman said there would be no first dance, and the party just started. I was happy about that. I didn’t like the idea of getting up and dancing with only the two of us on the dance floor. He said he didn’t like the idea of everyone looking at me moving around in this wedding dress. I didn’t even know what that meant.

  He runs his hand along my back. “It was either put you in my lap or pull you out of here. I don’t like when your eyes fill with tears. It does something to me, something I don’t like.”

  I snort against him. My snort turns into a laugh, and I can’t stop giggling. “You mean you don’t like emotions.” I can barely get the words out through my laughter, and I lean back to look at him. He’s giving me a giant smile.

  “That feels good. I like your laughter against me.”

  “How do you do that, seem so cold one second and warm the next?”

  “Am I cold with you? I don’t mean to be. All I feel when I’m around you is the need to be closer. The need to have you. When you’re close, I feel…” He pauses as if he’s looking for the right word. “Whole.”

  A rush of love for this man courses through me. I’m floored
that this warrior-like man needs me to feel whole. I try to think about when he’s been cold to me, but when I replay in my head the times we’ve spent together, I realize he hasn’t been cold at all. He’s been intense. His one mission has been clear. He wants me. Even thinking back to the first day when I thought he was being a jerk, he wasn’t. He was worried about me. Wanted me near him. Everything I’ve asked for, he’s given me instantly. Unless it was to have distance from him.

  No, the cold is something I got from all the things I’d read about him.

  “They call you The Wall.” I glance over my shoulder, looking at the room filled with people. I notice a ton of people look away as I do it. Clearly they’ve all been staring at us. “Everyone is looking at us,” I mutter, more to myself than to him.

  “I know they are staring at us. It was part of why I put you in my lap. I don’t like it when they look at you.”

  It’s then I see someone I recognize—Princess Kaul. I’d seen her in a picture with Roman. They looked like they’d been on a date.

  “You invited your ex?” I say harshly. I’m sure he has exes, but why would he invite one to our wedding? Maybe he has to invite her because of her royal status. Heck, he probably didn’t even have a hand in the guest list. But I still don’t like it, and suddenly I’m feeling very possessive of my husband. I grab on to his shirt.

  “Who?” he queries, looking over my shoulder. “I don’t know what you are talking about. I don’t have an ex.”

  “Princess Kaul.”

  “I’ll ask you again, my queen. Who?”

  “You don’t know who Princess Kaul is? I saw you in a picture with her at the Ruther charity dinner a few months ago.”

  He smiles at my words. He looks down at where I’ve got his shirt clenched in my hands, and his smile grows.

  “I have to say, I like that you get as worked up about the idea of me on a date as I’ve gotten about you having other men—men who might have called for your hand in marriage.”


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