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Rebel Mate

Page 13

by Grace Goodwin

  I was too tired and heartbroken at the moment to keep fighting.

  I’d been alone on Earth. I was alone in space. I would always be alone. Shit happened. I should use the S-Gen machine and put it on a t-shirt.

  “I didn’t kill him.” I held out my hands, wrists up and waited for whatever the Trion version of handcuffs was to close around my flesh. “Don’t you people have video cameras or something? It happened at a transport center. I’d only just arrived from Earth. Naked. It wasn’t like I brought something with me from Earth. You don’t have any security footage to check?”

  Captain Erick shook his head. “The comm system was disabled the day of your arrival.”

  “That’s convenient.” It was my word against Bertok’s.

  “Apologies, my lady.” The captain reached for my wrists, and I blinked back tears. This sucked. But had I really expected anything different? I was not the fairy-tale, happy ending kind of girl.

  The first touch of the dark gray restraint was cold against my skin, and I blew out a breath. Closed my eyes, but a growl and a funny eep sound had them popping open.

  Captain Erick went flying, as in across the room, three feet off the ground, flying. Before me stood Isaak. He lifted a hand to my cheek. “Are you all right, gara?”

  I couldn’t answer. I was paralyzed. Shock? Rage? Fear? Relief? I had no idea how to feel. “What are you doing? Why did you do that? Now you’re in trouble.”

  “My parents are used to me being defiant. It is not new. No one is taking you anywhere.” He pulled me into his arms, and I went willingly, shocked that he had defended me, was protecting me against his own family. He turned his head, looked at his father. “She is innocent. You will not touch her.”

  “Son, be reasonable for once in your life.” Isaak’s father didn’t raise his voice, which somehow made his chastisement worse. In my arms, Isaak stiffened. Captain Erick was back on his feet, space gun drawn and pointed at Isaak.

  “Fark reasonable,” Isaak countered. “Councilor Bertok murdered Naron, sold Zara to Cerberus and, even now, plots to destroy Bakkarholt.” Isaak moved us both, placing me behind him when Captain Erick took a step forward. “Don’t do it, Erick. We grew up together. You were like a brother to me. But if you touch her again, I’ll kill you.”

  “Isaak!” His mother’s voice was full of shock.

  “I mean it, Mother. Zara is innocent, and she has suffered enough.”

  “She has not been claimed, son. She has not been adorned.”

  Yeah, that had been obvious when my own nipples had been on full display. I’d told Isaak I couldn’t let his parents see me this way. But noooo.

  “You have no right to place her under your protection.” His father’s deep voice still had not changed. Condescending, that’s what I would call it. Like he was explaining things to a child, as if he was used to doing this with Isaak.

  “Think about what Bertok is spreading about her. She transported from Earth, and Naron was dead within minutes.”

  Isaak looked to me for confirmation. I nodded.

  “How would she get to The Dome? Why would she even go there? She was a processed bride not a Coalition volunteer. She was matched to Naron through the testing. She had no idea she would even be matched to Trion.”

  I’d first thought there’d been a mistake being matched to this planet. Now I needed to send the warden a thank you note. Although my troubles weren’t behind me yet.

  “If what you say is true, Naron’s brother would be her protector now,” Isaak’s father said.

  Naron had a brother? And by Trion law I would belong to him? Or if not belong to as his mate but be under his family’s control? They called it protection, but I knew the truth. Isaak stood fully clothed, as did his father. His mother and I? Half naked. Dressed like this, we wouldn’t be able to fight our way out of a paper bag. My fingers itched for my titan stick. That would get the guys to see me differently.

  For the space of a few seconds, I thought this would be the moment Isaak claimed me as his mate. This would be when he confessed that he had feelings for me, that what was between us was more than just sex. That he’d come back to Trion for more than just being a rebel.

  “I gave her my word that I would keep her safe and help her bring justice to Bertok,” he told them.

  That was not romantic. Not at all. And now I was blinking back tears for an all new and more painful reason. A reason I shouldn’t be considering.

  Isaak didn’t want a future with me. He wanted to get this thing with Bertok done and go back out into space to hunt his robot parts and live on that tiny little spaceship.

  I didn’t want that. I wanted a home. A family. I wanted to take walks with my kids and look for butterflies—assuming they had something like that on Trion. I wanted a new life. Something completely different than the shitshow I’d struggled through on Earth.

  I wanted Isaak, but what was that stupid saying? Want in one hand, shit in the other.

  At least I wasn’t going to be hauled off to jail. Yet.

  That would have to do for now.

  I’d make sure Bertok was punished for Naron’s death, say good-bye to Isaak, and worry about the rest later. I would survive. That was what I knew. That was the one thing I was good at. I’d survive. I always did.



  * * *

  Behind me, Zara shook. I had seen the sheen of tears in her eyes, watched her shoulders droop as my father’s captain of the guard, my boyhood friend, Erick, had moved toward her. In the moment her gaze lifted to mine, I’d seen something I never wanted to see in her beautiful eyes again when she looked at me. Disappointment. Pain. Resignation.

  Even when she’d stood beside Jirghogis, she’d looked fierce and determined.

  Here, now, she had believed I was going to allow her to be taken. I had hesitated for a split second, but that had been enough to betray her trust. Fark!

  My father’s scowl deepened, but he wisely waved Erick away from me when the brute would have come at me again. “You are making very serious accusations against an extremely powerful Councilor, Isaak. A Councilor who also happens to be one of my strongest allies.” There it was—the censure. The judgment. The disbelief. His trust in this was in Bertok not me. His son. He believed the lies a politically grasping Councilor said over his own blood.

  As usual, my mother remained silent. In private, she would scream and rant when the mood took her. But in public, before our people or our guards, she was always the dutiful and submissive female. The perfect Trion mate.

  “What he says is true. You don’t have to believe me, but Isaak’s your son,” Zara said. “You shouldn’t need proof in order to believe him.”

  Zara moved to stand beside me, and her words fell into a deafening and shocked silence. They might have echoed my thoughts, but I doubted my father had ever been spoken to in such a manner, in public, and by an unclaimed female. But gods, I was glad to see her fire back. She didn’t have much hope for herself, but when it came to standing up for me...fark. What a fierce and stunning female she was.

  “Zara.” I warned her with my tone not because I didn’t admire her spirit but because I did not want my father to direct his wrath at her. He could speak to me in any manner he chose. I’d walked away from it once, and I planned to do so again. I was very practiced at ignoring him. But I would not have him threatening Zara.

  “No, Isaak.” Zara stepped forward to stand even closer to my parents. “Your son is honorable and brave. He has saved my life more than once and sacrificed a lot to do so. You will not be mean to him in front of me.”

  Be mean to me?

  My mother closed the distance until the two females stood facing one another, toes nearly touching. I glanced at my father, uncertain how to proceed. I would never dare lay a hand on my mother, not even to gently pull her away from Zara. And Zara? If I interfered now, she’d probably want to jab me with her titan stick.

  “Zara, I am Eela. It is an honor to me
et you. Captain, take the restraints from her.” Erick took a step their way but paused. He answered to my father. “Now,” she added. The words held no command, but Erick did her bidding, removing the cuffs from Zara’s wrists before stepping back.

  “The honor is mine.” Zara held out her hand in what I assumed was some kind of human custom. My mother looked confused then reached out with both of her hands to take hold of Zara’s.

  Both ladies smiled until Zara spoke again. “Ma’am, I’m serious. Do not disrespect your son in front of me.” She looked up to glare at my father. “Either of you. It’s not his fault Malik died. I’m so sorry for your loss, but he lost someone too. His twin. He might not be the kind to sit behind a desk and talk politics, but if he hadn’t been out there, in space, I’d be with Cerberus right now and your precious city wouldn't’ stand a chance. You should be on your knees thanking him for being rebellious. Bertok’s one scary old guy and isn’t what you think. Isaak’s rebel ass is about to save a lot of lives.”

  My father stared at Zara like she had three heads. My mother’s eyes widened, clearly stunned by her earthly manners. Laughter flowed into the silence like magic. “Oh, Isaak. I like this one. I approve of your choice in mate.”

  “Oh, I’m not—I mean, Isaak is going to go back to space as soon as this Bertok thing is over.” Zara’s halting words reminded me that she was not mine. She had refused to call me master. Even now, she did not allow me to care for her, instead speaking out against my father directly. It was obvious she still did not trust me, had not given herself into my care, and there was nothing I could do to force her to accept me. She was not wrong. I had no intention of staying on Trion. My father’s stern frown solidified that truth. I was not wanted here. Not really.

  I was the wrong son.

  If Malik had come to father with Bertok’s scheme, he would have been believed instantly, without question.

  “If you have proof, Son, present it now. I have a Councilor’s meeting to attend, and Bertok will be there.”

  “No,” I commanded. “You can’t go.”

  “Give me a reason not to,” my father insisted.


  My comm rang once more, and I turned from the drama in my living area to the screen on the wall. With a wave of my hand, Zenos and Ivy appeared.

  Zenos took in everyone around me within two seconds then looked to me. “Isaak, Cerberus is on the move. I’m tracking the attack ship. It will be within range of Trion within the hour. That’s your time, by the way. We had the computer figure out the difference.”

  My father moved closer to the screen and inspected Zenos and Ivy. “Who are you? I see the mark of Astra legion on your arm. Why are you communicating with my son?”

  My father knew of the Rogue 5 legions?

  Zenos ignored him as Ivy leaned around to look for Zara. As if she were in the room with us and trying to get my father out of the way. “Hey Zara, you good? We can be there in a few days, which is like ten hours for you. Get you off that rock if they aren’t treating you right.”

  A sharp protest was on my lips, but my father beat me to it. “Trion males worship their mates, female. Do not insult my son again.”

  If he expected Ivy—from Earth—to back down, he was about to be disappointed.

  “Zara is my friend,” she countered. “No offense, but I don't know you. So, if you would kindly move out of my way, I’d like to hear from Zara directly. Otherwise, Zenos and I will come down there and cause problems you don’t want.”

  Behind me, Zara chuckled. My mother gasped. I had no idea what my father’s reaction would be, but he looked at Zenos and Ivy on the screen. “I assume, female, that you and Zara Novak are from the same planet?”

  Ivy’s grin was pure mischief. “You know it. Earth girls don’t put up with bullshit, so please let me talk to Zara.”

  Zara moved forward. “I’m fine, Ivy. I promise. Thank you for wanting to come to my rescue. It means more than you’ll ever know.”

  Ivy whistled. “Whoa, woman. You’ve gone full native with that outfit.”

  Zara smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “It’s temporary. Once Bertok is taken care of, Isaak is heading your way. He’s got more tech to hunt.”

  She frowned. “What?”

  “He’s going back to being a space pirate, and I’ll be going home.”

  It was Zenos’ turn to frown. “To Earth?”

  I looked away from the screen and to watch Zara. She nodded. “Yes. I can’t stay here.”

  She was stating the impossible. No female from the Bride Program could return to her home planet. My father was correct. She was under Naron’s brother’s protection. She would go to live with them.

  The urge to reach for her and pull her into my arms was strong, but there wasn’t time. I would deal with the attack on Bakkarholt, take care of Bertok, and once Zara and my father’s people were safe, I would speak with the stubborn female. She belonged on Trion. Her response to me was proof of that. The way she reveled in the Trion culture was something she needed, something the testing pulled from her and showed her. Even if she wasn’t with me.

  Zenos’s deep, no-nonsense voice penetrated the fog in my mind. “Forty-nine minutes, Isaak.”

  “What is going on?”

  I spun on my heel and faced my father. “Bertok killed Zara’s mate and traded her to Cerberus. In exchange, Cerberus legion is on their way here to blow up the entire city of Bakkarholt.”

  Mother gasped, and Father’s jaw clenched at the words.

  “Cerberus doesn’t care if the blame falls on him. He’s known for worse crimes. Cerberus wants an Earth female. Bertok wants control of another region. Bertok heard of Naron’s match and found exactly what Cerberus wanted, took her. Sold her. Cerberus staging the attack will only make him more ruthless and infamous across the galaxy.”

  Father blinked, processed my words. Realized the implications. With Trion being so remote, the planet didn’t have much interaction with others. The fact that Cerberus from distant Rogue 5 wanted to destroy an entire city was difficult to comprehend. It was solely because of Zara, really. If she’d been matched to a different planet, perhaps Viken, then it was possible she’d have been sold to Cerberus just the same, but there would have been no bargain to wreak devastation on Trion. Even so, she was innocent. Father had to see that it was Bertok who was the true villain in this.

  “Do you have a stealth ship I can borrow?” I asked. “I can’t keep trying to get you to believe me. I don’t even care if you don’t. I’m not going to let Bakkarholt be destroyed and tens of thousands of Trion people die.”

  He shook his head. “No. Your ship is where you left it, as is your brother’s. Captain Erick?”

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Get your men on Malik’s ship,” Father ordered. “Isaak and I will take the other fighter. We will send you coordinates as soon as we are on board.”

  My mother placed her hand on Father’s shoulder. “I will take the remaining guards and go to Outpost None. I will hold your seat at the council meeting until you arrive. Hopefully, you will return with the proof we need to prosecute Bertok and eliminate the threat to our people.”

  My mother believed me. Fark.

  I turned to Zara. “You will go with my mother, Zara. Remain out of sight, gara, and stay with the guards until I arrive.” It was a command, nothing less. I knew what she was capable of. The Omega Dome was one thing, but Trion another entirely. Women were revered and cherished, but they also didn’t behave as Zara would in a dangerous situation. But at least Outpost Nine should be safe. The tent city moved around the planet to host meetings among the High Councilors of the various Trion regions. The Outpost was always heavily guarded and rarely in the same place twice.

  Zara tilted her head, and I had no idea if she would obey me or not. I was not her master. She had made that very clear. “Fine. But I’m keeping the cattle prod.”

  I nodded. It was a wise idea. She was skilled with the titan stick, and I
would feel better knowing she was armed.

  “Good luck, friends,” Zenos said from the screen. “I look forward to seeing Cerberus’ plans defeated and a traitor on your planet brought to justice.”

  “Tell Astra I’m taking down this Cerberus ship for her. Tell her she owes me one.”

  Zenos chuckled, the deep rumble easing a mood that had begun to feel suffocating. “I like the way you bargain, pirate. Consider it done.”

  A few quick commands on the comm system, and I transferred the data Zenos and Ivy had sent me to my old ship, relieved to discover that my father had told the truth. My ship and its command codes were intact, exactly as I had left it. We just had to go to the landing bay to climb aboard.

  “Let’s go, Father.”

  “You have allies on Rogue 5?”

  “Yes.” I was already moving, grabbing gear.

  “What else have you been doing out there?” My father’s tone made me pause, as I heard a bit of mirth behind the question. And perhaps...approval?

  No. Now was not the time to indulge in wishful thinking. “Priorities, father. Bakkarholt. Bertok.” I glanced at Zara, who stood stoically, waiting to leave with my mother. “Then we’ll talk about the rest.”

  “Agreed.” My father waved Erick ahead. “Go, Captain. Now. We’re right behind you.” While he knew how to fly a craft, I’d rarely known him to do it. He fought battles diplomatically not in space with weapons. We had to intercept Cerberus’ ship, had to keep him from destroying Bakkarholt. We couldn't do it from the ground. He was a wise man and knew what needed to be done. He just had to believe it was actually happening.

  Father and Mother embraced briefly, and I touched Zara on the cheek. “Behave, gara. Do not place yourself in danger. I will return.”

  The guards left with Erick until it was just the four of us, my parents, Zara and me. “I will not leave Zara unprotected like this father.”

  “Don’t worry, Isaak. You should know your father better than that.” My mother was smiling as she moved to the door. Opened it.


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