Book Read Free

Criminal Defense

Page 3

by Alice J. Harris-Wood

  "‘Candee and I are going to get married in two months. I want to invite all the state and local politicians, law enforcement captains that are on our payroll, plus local residents and friends. Whatever number it comes to is okay with us. We want this to be the wedding of the century. Do you understand?’ implied Buddy.

  "Next on Buddy’s list was Candee’s new business. ‘Candee has come up with a great idea, which is to start a club called Candee’s Palace. We need a location that is easy to get to, in which anyone who wants to come can walk or ride. I have a building that I won in a poker game just outside of town. It is the old Miller mansion. It is located on a hill with plenty of space and land for parking and other activities for our patrons. Candee, maybe it should be called Miller Hill!’ shouted Buddy.

  "Smiling and looking quite pleased, Candee said, ‘Sounds good to me. Let’s go with it.’

  “’Buddy, can we have the wedding at the country club?” asked Candee.

  "‘This is why I love you; we think alike. That is just what I was going to suggest to you,’ said Buddy.

  “Buddy was a good manager. The whole town was involved in getting Miller Hill ready for its grand opening for New Year’s Eve and at the same time preparing the guest list, the food, and all the other things that go into planning a wedding. This was a great time for Harrisonville. There was plenty of excitement in the air. People were buzzing around, happy with the feeling of nothing but joy that was on its way.”

  “Did they get married, Buddy and Candee?” asked Ted.

  “Yes, and it was everything that Candee could have dreamed,” replied Lola.

  “Buddy and Redd were part owners of the club with fifty-five percent. Redd believed that it would not be good for business if the membership knew they were owners,” said Lola.

  “The bank, as it was called, lent money to clients that could not borrow money from a government-regulated bank. Their clients came from all over the county. Some were well-educated who needed money for a start-up business. On the other hand, some just needed it to make it to the next payday. Whatever the situation was, the bank would lend the money with a high interest rate. In some cases, it was as high as sixty percent. Sixty percent if they did not have any assets to use as collateral,” said Lola.

  “A payment with interest had to be made every week or Candee would send her collector to get the payment. The uncollected interest was added to the principal and when the balance was over a certain amount, an insurance policy would be taken out on the client, with Candee as the beneficiary,” Lola looked concerned as she spoke.

  “Did they ever collect on the insurance policies?” asked Ted.

  “Sure, all the time,” said Lola.

  “This was a group of people that you did not want to owe anything,” said Lola.

  “If you did, you either paid up or died,” said Lola with certainty.

  “The swampland on Redd’s farm was the graveyard for poor souls who could not pay. After about a year of being missing, Candee would stake a claim and the adjustor who was on their payroll would submit the claim to the insurance company and Candee would get paid,” confessed Lola.

  "Getting back to the country club’s ownership and how the two friends became partners, Redd was very good at poker and the owner of the club was a regular at his weekend poker games. In order to play in these games, you had to buy in with at least two thousand dollars. The owner lost a lot of money playing poker and always thought he could win his money back. Without realizing it, he was borrowing from the bank. Because he wanted large sums, his country club had to be put up as collateral. He was making his payments on time but the business slowed down and he had a problem with his cash flow. He started missing payments and that was not a good thing to do.

  “So Candee told the boys, ‘We need to become his partners. Let him be the front man but we will control the money and business.’ At first, the owner did not like the idea but he realized it was not worth dying for his country club. And that is just what would happen. He would have been lying in the swamp of poor souls,” said Lola.

  "The old plantation on the hill was the center of attention for Harrisonville. Unemployment in this town was very low. The only people that were not working were little kids and real old people. The plantation’s new name was Miller Hill. It needed a lot of work but Buddy and Redd did not care, for it was for their two lovely women.

  “Miller Hill was not always a happy place. It was almost destroyed by the union soldiers during the war but was purchased later by a plantation owner in the area. He worked in the farm but after the slaves were freed, he could not afford to keep them or the plantation. He had two children and a wife who he loved. As he sat next to his fireplace with very little to eat but drinking whisky and getting more and more depressed, he took his shotgun and killed his whole family while they were sleeping in their beds and then killed himself too. He left a note stating that he could not bear the fact that they were going to be put out on the street by the bank because the mortgage was a year behind,” said Lola in a low and sober voice.

  “After many, many years of sitting abandoned, the boys purchased it from the bank for almost nothing. The bank just wanted to get rid of it,” said Lola.

  “The boys felt good and alive again. They were both in love and nothing could stop them now,” said Lola.

  "Redd said, ‘Before we do anything, let’s set up a production plan and management plan so that we will be the greatest place in the state to eat, drink, gamble, and have fun with the ladies.’

  "‘Okay,’ said Buddy. ‘Candee, you and Nina work with our accountant to develop a plan for money and how it will be implemented.’

  "‘Yes, we will, my love,’ said Candee. ‘First I need to call a meeting with our friends in high places to let them know and understand that we need their cooperation and help to make Miller Hill a complete success. I will make it perfectly clear that they will be well compensated for their services,’ said Candee.

  "Candee was all business and most of the time had a pleasant, pretty smile on her face. But it was also known by all who knew her that her nickname was the smiling assassin. She would smile and be nice and then order you to be killed without you even knowing what she was going to do.

  “She was also loved by all that met her. She was a very gracious lady. Only a handful of her closest associates knew the true Candee and that is how she wanted it and lived,” said Lola.

  "The plans for Miller Hill called for a large, big porch with two large white columns, one on each side of the door as you entered the front door. The windows in the front would start at the top of the first floor and ended a few inches from the floor. The plans called for two huge windows on each side.

  "As you entered the front, there was to be a massive foyer with a gold-and-glass chandelier. The chandelier was to be imported from France. Candee wanted everything to remind the guest that this was a palace and it was a special place to be happy and have fun.

  "‘Miller Hill would be rocking and rolling every day of the week. It would have something for everyone. The ladies would enjoy the shows and dancing along with great food. If they had never been to Philadelphia or New York City, this would be a good substitute. The drinks would be served in fancy glasses and the waiters would be men with good service skills. Once inside, whatever you wanted, Miller Hill provided. No request would be too small or too big,’ said Candee as she got excited by her own words.

  "‘Okay team,’ said Candee, ‘I want you to remember: customers come first. They are the reason for our business and not the cause of it,’ said Candee as she smiled with total delight.

  "‘This is the plan. As you enter the foyer, you will be able to look up and see areas that gentlemen can take their wives or girlfriends or just a group of friends to, for dinner and drinks. As your eyes descend down, you will see a beautiful stage. In front of the stage at night would be a massive dance floor. Next will be small tables for two to four people to eat, drink, and be happy. Being happy
is the name of the game. Happy people spend a lot of money. Do you understand, team?’ said Candee.

  "‘I want everyone to leave, except Frank, who is the accountant and financial manager. Frank,’ said Candee. ‘Besides the night club, there will be other enterprises. The basement is the total length of this mansion. Therefore, Buddy, Redd, and I want it utilized to the fullest. In order to do that, we are moving the bank, poker room, and bookie operation into the basement. There will also be an area of rooms for men who want the company of a beautiful lady. Frank, I want you to work with Nina to help set up the basement. It will be called the Gentlemen’s Basement. It will look as elegant as the upper level or better for our customers,’ said Candee.

  "‘A false wall will be designed to hide the basement door, just in case some of those religious nuts try to expose us. This area will be for existing customers who do not want anyone to know that they are patronizing the basement. It will have a bar and a dining area. Nina will run the Gentlemen’s Basement and I will run Miller Hill. How does that sound, Frank?’ said Candee.

  "‘When will we be up and running?’ asked Frank.

  "‘Buddy wants it to be ready for business on New Year’s Eve,’ said Candee. ‘Therefore we have four months to get everything in shape. How’s that sound?’ said Candee.

  "‘I believe it can be done, my lady,’ replied Frank.

  “Frank would do anything for Candee, for he also loved her but was never able to express it because he knew Buddy would have killed him,” said Lola quietly as if Buddy might hear her.

  “All the plans had been set in motion and everything was on schedule, for Miller Hill and religious groups had joined with other agitators to prohibit the sale of liquor by the federal government. The prohibition of liquor seemed sure to be passed and it was passed,” said Lola.

  “An emergency meeting was called for all the local officials and state lawmakers who were on the payroll to come together to work out a plan to keep the town from going belly-up. They met at Redd’s place because it was far away from everything. The agitators did not know where Redd lived,” said Lola.

  “Did they solve the problem?” asked Ted.

  “Well, solve the problem. That is a matter of how you see it,” said Lola.

  “This is how it is when down. Redd’s family came from the old country, which was Ireland. His ancestors were the best bootleggers in that country. In fact, that is why they came to America; they were chased out of Ireland because of all their criminal activities. They were on the verge of being hung. They landed in Harrisonville and because of contagious deceases like whooping cough, his mother died soon after they got to Harrisonville,” said Lola.

  “Redd was smart and a quick learner. Therefore, he was able to set up stills and start selling moonshine. His buddies, the lawmakers and local law enforcers, decided they would ride it out with him until prohibition was overturned,” said Lola.

  “What about Miller Hill?” asked Ted.

  “Miller Hill opened up on New Year’s Eve as schedules with the local law officers as the security. Harrisonville felt that the rest of the country did not know them and they did not know the rest of the country. They believed that they had a right to work and make money for the town and feed their families,” said Lola as she raised her voice.

  “Miller Hill was rocking and rolling with Redd’s moonshine every night. The band, piano, and singers were bringing customers from not just this county but from other states. The food was the best food throughout the South. The Gentlemen’s Basement had a waiting list in order to get in. You waited upstairs until someone came and got you. One man left and another man came in,” said Lola.

  “The bank, the poker room, bookie parlor, and rooms for special visitors with lovely ladies were the hottest attractions throughout the South. Things were going very well and the money was rolling in. Redd was selling moonshine in almost every state on the east coast. Redd and Buddy were on top of the world. Nothing could stop them now,” said Lola.

  “This went on big for several years until prohibition was appealed. Then things got even better. Nina was now almost twenty-one years old and she was truly in love with Redd,” said Lola. “So she decided it was time to be Redd’s fiancée as he had predicted when she was only sixteen years old,” said Lola, with tears in her eyes.

  "‘That night will be the night that I will have Redd to propose to me,’ thought Nina. ‘How will I do it? Should I get him drunk and just tell him in the morning after we made love that I said ’yes’ to his marriage proposal? Oh, I know, I will put on the same dress that he first saw me in, with my bright red lipstick. Then when he comes through the door, I will walk up to him and kiss him on the forehead and he will understand that I am ready, ready to marry him,’ Nina said to herself.

  "Redd slowly opened the door and peeked in, for he was always surprised about something that Nina had done or was doing. Before he could get his head past the doorway, Nina grabbed and pulled him in. ‘I am ready to get married, are you?’

  "‘Yes!’ said Redd, ‘let’s go to Elkton, Maryland, tonight. That is where many of the famous celebrities go to get hooked up right away without any hassle or questions asked,’ informed Redd.

  "Nina replied, ‘That sounds wonderful to me.’

  "Nina threw a few things in her little red travel bag and off they went to get married. Nina left a note for Candee, stating that the time had come for her to be made an honest woman. ‘Redd and I are on our way to Elkton, Maryland, to be married. I will see you in a few days, love Nina.’

  "Maryland turned out to be a long way off; therefore, they stopped at a motel for the night. In that little red bag, Nina had a bottle of champagne with cheese and crackers. ‘This is a night for making love and being loved,’ thought Nina.

  “That night, they made love like two teenagers who were stealing a small piece of time that could never be repeated like that night. The next day, they went to breakfast with just smiles of joy on their faces, not saying much to each other. They did not have to talk because they understood each other’s deepest thoughts,” said Lola.

  "Walking down the streets of Elkton, Nina said, ‘There, over there is where I want to get married. It looks like us,’ said Nina.

  "‘You are right,’ replied Redd. ‘A small white building, with a white picket fence that looked like something out of a fairytale and that is how I feel, Nina,’ said Redd.

  "Nina read the sign which said: Wedding Chapel – All are welcome.

  "As Nina and Redd walked in, they were greeted by a semi-fat lady with red, rosy cheeks. ‘I love couples like you two, who are looking to be married for the rest of their lives,’ said the lady. ‘My name is Kate and I do it all. Are you ready to get married today?’

  "Without hesitation, the two lovers said ‘yes’ at the same time.

  Kate said, ‘It will cost you $50.00 and if you want the full treatment, then it will be an extra $50.00.’

  "Nina replied, ‘What does the full treatment consist of?’

  "‘Well, love birds, my husband of forty years will play two songs, one before the service and one after the service. You can pick the songs from our book. It also includes fifty percent of a meal at the diner across the street. You will also receive a ticket for free parking in the lot where you are parked. How does that sound, love birds?’ said Kate.

  "‘Well, give us the ticket for the parking and the music and you can have the meal ticket. I will be taking my wife to the airport for a honeymoon in the Bahamas. My friend is making the plans as we are speaking,’ said Redd.

  “In the motel, while Nina was sleeping, Redd placed a call to Buddy and told him that they were in to Elkton, Maryland, to get married in the morning. He asked him to make plans for them to fly to the Bahamas for their honeymoon of two weeks,” said Lola.

  Lola looked up at Ted and thought to herself, ‘Wouldn’t a two-week honeymoon with his hunk be just wonderful?’

  ‘Lola and I could get a lot done with a two-week honey
moon,’ said Ted to himself.

  “How did the wedding turn out?” asked Ted.

  “Just wonderful,” replied Lola.

  “Sure did, and they had no problem getting to the Bahamas,” stated Lola.

  “Redd had planned to go to the Bahamas to meet with some associates about bringing some ladies and some entertainers to Miller Hill. Therefore, he could combine business with pleasure,” said Lola.

  “In the Bahamas, business was conducted differently than in the States. Everyone wanted a piece of the action,” said Lola.

  “Nina understood Redd’s desire to get some ladies and entertainers for Miller Hill. Therefore he wanted Nina to draw the associates in with him by using her charm,” said Lola.

  ""Nina said, ‘I have a plan. We will have a very outstanding dinner dance with all the most influential, important people in the area. Let’s show them how rich we are and how we party. I will purchase a very expensive dress from one of their most exclusive stores in the area. When asked, I will tell the clerk that it is for a party for very exclusive group of people. The word will spread quickly and everyone who is someone will want to be invited.’

  "‘We will have the hall set up like Miller Hill. It will have a stage for the band and singers, a dance floor, and small tables for two to four people. All the waiters will be the best in business with good manners. Everything will be free. Anything that is requested will be provided,’ said Redd.

  "‘My plan is to open up a Miller Hill in the Bahamas that Americans can take advantage of. It will be a totally legal operation. I have been tipped off by my friends in high places that the Feds are planning to audit our books. They are trying to get Buddy and me for tax evasion. Therefore, I want to hide my money here in the Bahamas and maybe we will have to leave the States and live here,’ said Redd.

  “‘I will live anywhere with you, Redd,’ replied Nina. ‘You are my man for life.’ Nina continued on saying that it sounded like a great plan to her and she loved the beaches and warm weather. ’The only thing that I have always wanted was a family. A house full of children. Is that okay with you, Redd, my love?” said Nina.


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