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Blissful Valentine: A Novella

Page 8

by Amy L. Gale

  A shiver that brings pure pleasure sweeps through my body like a tidal wave. He slides his fingers along my belly, slowly moving his fingertips in small circles along the edge of my jeans. Is he deliberately teasing me? My heart pounds and every inch of my body tingles. His fingers creep down, making their way underneath the black lace panties that I bought just in case. He fits his fingers inside me, and rolls my body toward his. I let out a slight moan as he pleasures my most sensitive areas. Ah, baseball players really do have gifted hands.

  No need to be selfish. I slide my hand over his eight-pack abs and follow the line of the sexy V that seems to point to the direction of the promised land. I yank at the button, pulling it open in one sweep. His muscles tense. My turn to give him a taste of his own medicine. I glide my hand underneath his jeans and boxers, the zipper gives way as I move down. I rub my hands against his length. Impressive. He gasps and exhales loudly.

  He pulls his hand away from my most sensitive areas and grips my wrist, stopping me from touching him. “You sure?”

  I slide my hand up to his heart and nod.

  He hovers over me and tugs on my jeans, taking them, along with my underwear, off in one quick motion. I arch my back to help him with the journey. He stares at me, focused, as if it’s the last play of a big game and he’s going for the grand slam. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his wallet, slipping a condom from the inside fold and setting it next to us on the bed. He wiggles out of his jeans and kicks them off, along with his boxers.

  Every cell in my body aches for him. He grabs the silver wrapper from the bed and tears it with his teeth, quickly unrolling the sheath over himself. A gasp escapes me and I realize that everything is about to change in one split second. My body trembles as he lowers himself over me. I breathe deep, trying to control my heart rate. What am I thinking? No reason to hold back now. I part my legs sliding my thighs against his hips and pull him close. He slowly fits himself into me. I gasp as he fills me completely, pressing against every cell inside my core.

  We move in a slow, steady motion, both of us mimicking the other’s movements. My breathing rate triples and my heart slams against the walls of my chest. I dig my fingers in his back, the passion building quickly. He thrusts inside me, slow and deep. A surge of electricity flows through every ounce of my being. I gasp and my toes curl. My body ignites, sending me into another dimension.

  He moans as I press my fingernails into his back, releasing my built-up passion. He moves faster, thrusting himself inside me hard. I slam my body into his, desperately trying to give him the same pleasure. Oh, he definitely deserves to be pleasured. He grabs my hips and pulls them toward him, holding me tight to his impressive length. I grind against him, back and forth. He lets out a loud groan and explodes inside me, gripping my hips tight.

  I press my head into the sheets and he collapses on top of me, slowly catching his breath. He props himself up so we’re face-to-face and tucks a few stray strands of hair behind my ear. “You’re insanely amazing.”

  Heat creeps across my face, along with a smile. “Right back atcha.”

  He rolls over onto his back and takes a few deep breaths. “Be right back.” He kisses my cheek and hops off the bed, pulling on his boxers.

  “First door on the left,” I say as he heads out of the bedroom, disappearing into the dim lit hallway.

  I sit up and cover myself with the silky lavender sheet. Insanely amazing doesn’t begin to explain what just occurred. That was…otherworldly. I run my hand through my slightly tangled hair and gaze into the mirror of my triple dresser. Please tell me that’s not who I think it is staring back at me.


  I follow every rule of Lakeview U; I do everything I’m told to prevent chaos from raining down on my future, but Dean Parker has me breaking my own rules. It’s like someone has snatched my brain and turns it into mush every time he’s near me. My stomach knots and tightens. Everything was fine; my life was plotted into a perfect outline of success. Now it’s spinning into a vortex of…god knows what. When did I lose control? I cover my face with my hands and drag them down to my chin. I look around the floor at our random articles of clothing tossed around in wild rage of unbridled passion. Flashbacks of hook-ups underneath the bleachers after my high school football games, backseat rendezvous, and glimpses of waking up with guys I hardly knew run through my mind like a freight train. A painful tightness forms in my chest, almost suffocating me. I struggle to suck in a breath.

  I swallow hard and take a deep breath. Not this time. That girl is gone and Dean isn’t some random hook-up. Now if I can just convince myself there’s a chance this won’t go up in flames. Not that I could resist the fire.

  Dean walks back through the doorway running a hand through his hair. My hands drop to my sides, falling onto the silky sheets. My eyes scan every inch of his scorching hot body. I follow the lines of his muscles, dancing in perfect choreographed motion with every movement. Heat rushes through my body like a raging inferno. Self-control where are you?

  He slides onto the bed and scoots over next to me, propping himself on his elbow. “Maybe we should fight more often.” He smirks.

  “Or maybe I shouldn’t let my emotions get the best of me.” I pull the sheet up, covering as much of my body as possible, and turn toward him, fidgeting with my fingers.

  “You okay?” He lightly runs his fingers along my arm.

  I nod. “I’m just not…this kind of girl any more.”

  He wrinkles his eyebrows and slightly jerks his head back. “What kind of girl?”

  I drop my eyes to the purple sheets and sigh. “I’m afraid I’m on a backwards path.”

  He lifts my chin, locking his deep blue eyes with mine. “Fear is the path to the dark side.” He winks.

  “Some places are darker than others.”

  He has no idea how dark life can get. How can he? I lean back and turn my head away from him, trying to hold in the tears.

  Dean eases forward and trails his fingertips down my arm into my hand, interlocking his fingers with mine. “Brooke.”

  I reach down and snag my T-shirt off the floor, quickly pulling it over my head. I flick off a stray tear from my cheek before turning toward him. I try my best to form my lips into a smile, a small attempt to hide the pain. “I’m sorry.”

  He runs his thumb across my fingers. “I’m not…well, except for you crying after sex. I’m hoping they’re tears of joy though. Right?” He nudges my arm playfully.

  I let out a slight giggle, desperately trying to prevent any more tears from spewing out. Amazing, he can make me laugh even when I dredge up my worst possible memory. I look down at our interlocked hands. I pull my hand away and shift my body toward him, so we’re face-to-face. My stomach drops to the floor and my muscles quiver. “Look, I really like you, but.”

  He shakes his head and exhales loudly. “It’s because of Beta Omega, right?” He rubs the back of his neck and his lips press into a line. “Unbelievable. No matter what I do or say you can’t get past that?” He sighs letting out a slight laugh. “Girls are way worse than guys.”

  Dammit. This went so much better in my head. I run my hands over my face and through my hair. “Let me explain myself before you walk out of here and never speak to me again.” I take a deep breath and swallow hard. “I’m just….not what you’re looking for. I’ll never be one of those girls who hangs out at parties with handcuffs or god knows what else. I was once. Not anymore.”

  He huffs and runs a hand through his hair. “I’ll decide what I’m looking for. Just so you know, it’s not some girl to hang all over me at parties.” His cheeks turn crimson. “Wait, what are you talking about…anymore?”

  I fidget with my fingers and stare into his eyes, which are much colder than they were a few minutes ago. “About a year and a half ago, I lost my Dad…stomach cancer.” I swallow hard. “I was completely blindsided when we found out, but hearing the news he only had one month left with us if we w
ere lucky, was like being flung off of an airplane into a volcano.” My stomach rolls and a dull ache forms in the back of my throat.

  Dean’s eyes narrow. He places his hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb along my skin. “I’m sorry.” He raises his eyes to look back into mine.

  I let out a deep breath. “Worst day of my life. Anyway, I just couldn’t handle it. I didn’t care. Not about school, not about my future, not about myself. I guess it was the easiest way for me to deal with the heartbreak.”

  My lip quivers as I try to get the words out. “I disappointed him,” I whisper. A stray tear falls down my cheek. “Turned into everything he raised me not to be.” I wipe the tear away and blink repeatedly, trying to prevent any more from escaping. “I got wasted every day. I mean wasted until I couldn’t feel anything. Hooked up with random guys just to feel good for a few minutes. I was a total disaster.” Another tear rolls down my cheek.

  Dean moves forward and wipes it away. “Hey, we’ve all got our crosses to bear.”

  I shake my head and cover my face with my hands, slowly dropping them back to my sides. “I just can’t be that girl any more. The one who wakes up after being drugged at a frat house, moderates handcuff parties, bails guys out at the police station…or campus police station and hooks up with no commitment. It’s like I’m on my way back to that place….to becoming a disappointment.” A flush of heat spreads across my cheeks.

  Dean grabs my hand pulling me so close our lips are almost touching. “Then you’re the perfect disappointment.” He lifts my hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on my knuckles, “And this wasn’t a random hook-up.” He brushes his lips across mine. “I want you and only you and not just for one night.”

  My heart thrashes against my chest and electricity surges through my body. Dean wants me? Just the thought of being Dean’s, sends butterflies fluttering through the depths of my soul. He knows about the skeletons of my past. Is it even possible for a relationship with him to work? Guess I’ll never know unless I try and Dean is worth trying for. I slowly open my eyes and breathe deep, trying to control my heartbeat. I stare into the deep blue eyes that are searching my face for any hint of what’s about to come out of my mouth.

  “I’m completely yours.” I press my lips against his and channel all the passion raging throughout my body into one epic kiss.

  I rush outside at the sound of the doorbell and snatch the small cardboard box from the porch. A gust of frigid air blows through the kitchen. I step back inside and push the door shut, tossing the box on the table.

  “Is Publishers Clearing House outside about to offer us 10 grand?” Lexie trudges into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. “Nothing else is worth getting up this early on a Saturday.” She lets out a yawn.

  “Dean’s Valentine’s Day present came.” I bounce on my toes and grab the scissors from the junk drawer.

  Lexie moseys over to the coffee machine and starts a fresh pot. “Nothing but a stupid commercial holiday.”

  I shrug. “Yeah, but it’s about time I celebrate it.” The last time I actually had a date on Valentine’s Day was sophomore year with Bobby Johnson. Guess he didn’t set the bar too high since he puked all over my shoes after we slugged the awful wine he brought to our Valentine dance. Doubt any date could be that bad. I hop into the wooden chair and nudge the scissors along the packing tape.

  Ah, it’s in perfect condition. I pull out the baseball from the box and examine the blue letters scribbled in between the red threads. He’ll freak when he opens it. This night is going to be epic.

  Lexie pours herself a cup of coffee and joins me at the table. “Want a cup?”

  I shake my head. “I’m jumpy enough. No caffeine needed.”

  She glances over the baseball as I hold it up to the light. “He might propose when he sees that gift.” She sips her coffee.

  I raise my eyebrows, shrug and stretch a smile across my face. “Who knows, anything can happen.”

  A small smile graces her face. She sets her cup down on the table. “I’m really psyched for you. He’s a great guy.”

  I nod. “Is this the ‘I told you so speech’?”

  She sips her coffee and shakes her head. “No way. Who the hell am I to be giving relationship advice? Look at the losers I pick.”

  I set the baseball back in its box and shove it to the side of the table. “Not everyone is an asshole like Tom.”

  She slugs down the rest of her coffee. “Yeah, and not everyone is Prince Charming either.” She pushes her chair back sending screeches against the tiles and sets her cup in the sink. “A happy medium would do the trick.”

  “Half-asshole, half Prince Charming. I’m pretty sure that’s Jekyll and Hyde.” I head over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water.

  She shrugs. “He is a doctor.”

  We burst into a mess of giggles. Leave it to her to find a bright side, even when she’s had it with the world of dating. Now, if I could just steal some of her optimism, maybe I wouldn’t be a ball of nerves. Sure everything is great…more than great actually, but that could change at any minute, and I’m not sure if I can handle another crushing blow if this turns into a destructive disaster. All I can do is hope Cupid puts some extra magic into that arrow pointed at Dean and I.

  I have Dean’s gift tucked into my pocket like it’s my lifeline on the short walk to the Beta Omega house. It’s not like it’s even humanly possible to lose it at this point. I run my fingers along the plastic case and take a deep breath, letting the cool air calm my jittery nerves. Everything’s different, like the world changed within a week. I look up at the clear blue sky tinged with hints of pink and purple caused by the setting sun. The blistery wave of artic air plaguing us for the last month has turned into a cool forty degree day. Best thing of all, I’m celebrating Valentine’s Day with Dean. My stomach flutters like the wings of a million butterflies. Not many guys would risk ‘the bond of the Brotherhood’ by refusing to take part in one of their biggest parties of the year, Cupid’s Bullseye Bash. Then again, Dean Parker isn’t most guys.

  I turn the corner and trek up the sidewalk to the infamous Beta Omega house. My eyes peruse the drab green siding leading to the wooden inscription above the door. Chills run down my spine spreading goose bumps along my skin. It’s like a cloud of dark energy surrounds this place.

  I march up the steps and knock on the door. Baseball practice had to start today of all days. Never fails. At least I’ll only be spending all of five minutes here tonight while Dean finishes getting ready. Not too bad of a deal. I tap my foot against the black doormat. Seriously? No one can even answer the door.

  I sigh. Typical. I loosen my grip on the package tucked tightly in my pocket and slide my hand onto the doorknob, giving it a half-turn. Guess no one worries about locking the door. I step inside and slam the door behind me, making as much noise as possible. God knows what I’m walking into. Anything goes here and I’m not in the mood to walk by any orgies or ritualistic events of any kind.

  Great, no reaction. I cautiously walk through the foyer and into the Beta Omega meeting area. More like video game center. Four guys surround the TV, sitting on the couches holding controllers and staring at the screen. No one notices me.

  “Hey. Is Dean here?”

  “Shit.” The TV screen flashes GAME OVER and the guy closest to me drops his controller. He turns toward me. “Hey babe, he’s in his room. He’ll get to you in a minute.” He chuckles under his breath.

  It’s like I’m in the land of the assholes. How the hell did these idiots even get into college? I huff and spin around. The sooner I get away from them the better. Five minutes has proven to be way too long to spend here. Dean can’t take long to get ready. Waiting for him in his room is clearly the lesser of the evils.

  I march through the foyer and head up the creaky steps to Dean’s room. My pulse races, fluttering faster by the second. Memories of my first encounter here flood my brain. I take a deep breath and slowly exhale, letting all my negative thoug
hts flow out of my body. Tonight is all about fun and a little romance. I unbutton my black pea coat and pat down my fitted red dress. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Let the Valentine festivities begin.

  I knock and take a step back, hoping Dean likes what he sees. No response. I step forward and knock again. Nothing. I guess knocking on the door is unacceptable behavior in the frat house. I grip the door knob, turning it slowly. I push it open a crack. “Dean?” Nothing. I swing the door open and step inside.

  I gasp. My hands fly to my face, covering my mouth. My stomach drops to the floor like a ton of bricks. This can’t be happening. I drop my arms to my sides and stare at the scene in front of me, blinking repeatedly. Please tell me my eyes are playing tricks on me. Tanya Layton is lying across Dean’s bed, half-naked in her red bra and panties, holding a cardboard heart-shaped Valentine. I shift my gaze toward Dean, standing at the head of the bed shirtless wearing only jeans. Bastard.

  He holds up his hands and walks toward me. “This isn’t what you think.”

  My hands clench into tight fists. “Please, enlighten me.” I look over at Tanya, a smug smile plastered across her face. “You know what? Never mind, I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.”

  A low growl forms in my throat. Maybe she needs someone to slap that smirk from her mouth. My fists clench harder, pressing my fingernails into my palms. I close my eyes tight, trying to suppress the tears that are about to burst from eyes. “Go to hell, both of you.”

  I turn around and storm out of the room, shoving the door so hard it slams off the wall. A river of tears flows down my cheeks. God, why didn’t I stick to my rules?

  I wipe my cheeks and run down the steps like stampede of horses. I fling open the heavy wooden door like it’s made of feathers and fly down the concrete steps. Of course this was destined to go down in a blazing inferno. Just didn’t expect it to happen before our first official date.


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