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The Fire Within The Night (Night Aberrations - Book Two)

Page 9

by JD Nelson

  That explained the stranger with Nils. I sighed in exasperation. How was I ever going to look him in the eye after he saw me naked? Viggo, Nils, and Soren, too, for that matter. Every one of them saw me in all my glory.

  “It’ll be fine. They won’t mention anything about it. I’ve threatened dismemberment of their favorite part.”

  “Remind me never to piss you off.”

  She laughed. “Good call. I’ll see you in a minute?”

  “I’ll be right there.”


  Everyone was assembled in the living room when I emerged from the bathroom, clothed and warmed. Conversations were being had, but none of them out loud. That wasn’t suspicious, or anything. I wondered what could be so important that they were using mind-speak to discuss it and then remembered the other part of what Emelie said. We needed to talk about my mother.

  “Hi,” I offered, and as soon as their solemn eyes were all diverted to me, I asked, “Who is it?”

  There was no beating around the bush. Jakob answered, with zero hesitation. “Viveka.”

  I tried to appear nonchalant, but inside I was as crushed as any little girl would be to find out that her dreams of a faerytale life were dashed. I couldn’t believe my luck. Both of my parents were megalomaniacs with the goal of ruling the Norse-lands. Wasn’t that just peachy?

  Viggo was the first to break the silence. “I am sorry about the ‘marry me’ comment, poppet. I did not realize it would turn out to be so creepy.”

  In a flash, the pieces came together in my mind as if it were a puzzle. Viggo must be Viveka’s half-brother. It was no wonder we were so alike.

  Nils chortled with glee. “I’d forgotten that you said that to her. Awkward!” He wiggled his eyebrows at me. “I’m still not related.”

  “Nils!” Soren reprimanded.

  “I know, I know. She’s your sister. Whatever.”

  Jakob, like most of the others, had been silent since he’d revealed my parentage. I wondered what his reaction to all of this was, but couldn’t bring myself to look at him. It was an insurmountable task. What if he had undesirable feelings on semi-dating his step-niece.

  “Who wants to tell her about her family?” Emelie suggested, attempting to lighten the mood around the gigantic elephant of awkwardness in the room. “It’s not all bad, right? I think I remember Viggo saying that his mother was the best female he’s ever known.”

  Viggo nodded. “You are right, Em. You would have loved your grandmother, Alva. She was more than a mother to Viveka and myself. She was a friend to the entire kingdom, and is still mourned as having been the best of all the queens of Svartálfaheim. It is a pity that she is not here to see her only granddaughter. You are her image. I cannot believe that I didn’t notice it before tonight.”

  Nils shuddered. “You saw her naked, dude.”

  “Shut up, Fenrir!” Loki admonished, in a thick accent. “No one noticed her nudity, save you.”

  I sent him a silent thank you, and he nodded in acceptance and offered the chair next to him for me to sit in. When I was settled, I asked, “Loki, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, I am father to Fenrir and mate to Sigyn,” he answered with his strange inflection. “The loss of your grandmother was a great one. The news of her death was spread far enough to reach me in my imprisonment.” He smiled as if remembering a memory of her. “Her sharp tongue and intolerance for evil made her the most popular regent in thousands of years.”

  I grinned. She did sound similar to me … if I were Mother Teresa.

  “I have agreed to tell Odin that you have escaped my grasp,” Loki continued. “Now that I have seen you and know how much you favor Alva, I know that it is the right decision. She would skin me alive for not helping her granddaughter in a time of great need.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, I hugged him. “Thank you.”

  “How can we trust you, Loki? You never do anything without payment of some sort. What do you want?” Jakob's deep voice was saturated with contempt.

  Nils’s hackles were instantly raised. “Do you think that after thousands of years of torture by Odin’s hand—”

  Loki held up his hand to silence his son, his young and handsome face marred with concern. “Calm yourself, Fenrir.” Turning to address Jakob, he spoke simply. “I have joined the rebellion. Have your Norn examine my intentions if you do not believe me. Revenge against the Alfather will be mine.”

  “And you should have it,” I agreed. “I’d be pretty pissed at Odin too.”

  “It is good that you have taken after your grandmother,” Loki said to me in answer—as cryptic as the rest of them usually were.

  I shot a meaningful glance at Jakob, and he nodded his reluctant acquiescence with the situation. “I hope your words are sincere.”

  “They are, Prince Väsen. Upon what is left of my honor, I wish nothing but goodwill to the rebellion and a reign of terror upon Odin and his servants.”

  Soren interrupted the tension with a question of his own. “What of the temple, Jakob?”

  With a last untrusting look at Loki, he answered, “It is as we thought. They are replicating the temple and gathering sacrifices as we speak. I could not find the exact location, but it is the talk of the villages on Ásgard, Álfheim, and Svartálfaheim. They fear for their livestock and their children.”

  I gasped in horror. How could I have forgotten the passage I read about the sacrifices? “Did that really happen?”

  “Yes. Every nine years for thousands of years. Of course, back then, they didn’t have to resort to kidnapping and stealing; the creatures of the realm volunteered the sacrifices.”

  “Why didn’t I see this?” Emelie lamented.

  Soren put a consoling arm around her. “Perfection takes time with all magic, little one. In a century or so, you and Erin will be feared across the land.”

  She pouted. “Shut up.”

  “What about our brother, Thor?” I asked. “What did you find out from him?” I’d been fascinated by the blond warrior since I was a child and, now that he was my brother, I was ten times more intrigued.

  “Our brother, Thor, is an imbecile content to ride on his father’s coattails,” he spat out, distaste plain in his voice.

  Whoa. I hadn’t expected that. Was he jealous of his father’s close relationship with Thor, or was it the notoriety that his younger brother had?

  Soren turned his crimson stare to me. “Do not trust Thor. He is anxious to meet you. Nothing good can come of it, I assure you. To remain our father’s favorite, there is no limit to the number of evils he’s willing to perform. Why he cares to, I will never comprehend.”

  I guess I can scratch that jealousy theory then.

  Jakob subtly inclined his head. It was a reminder that he’d told me about how little upset Soren to the point of action. I should count myself lucky to have him take an interest in me. Otherwise, Odin might have found me first.

  “So, Thor is a part of this temple rebuilding?”

  “Oh, yes. It is not a surprise, as he was one of the gods worshiped in the original temple.”

  Loki spoke up. “Thor indicated to me that he is more than unconcerned with the implications of his actions. He desires his father’s throne, nothing else. How Odin does not realize his treachery, I do not understand. It is almost as if he is bewitched.”

  Emelie stood. “Are you guys saying that Thor is with Viveka and the Freyr in this temple thing?”

  Nils, who had been sulking on the sofa since his father’s reprimand, finally spoke. “And Odin. My father and I can find out.”

  “Do it, then,” Soren consented. “Just be careful.”

  “I don’t get it,” I wondered aloud. “How does my mother fit in all of this?”

  “I believe that she is tolerated because of you,” Jakob explained. “Your power rivals Odin’s, which makes you the perfect weapon against the rebellion. I believe they think your sentimental human-born ways will make you an easy target for Viveka’s manipu

  I heard his underlying message loud and clear. I was born to be a pawn in the war between Odin and the rebellion. “Fuck that. I’m with you guys, no matter what.”

  Viggo patted my knee in an absurd, fatherly way making Nils cringe. “Good girl.”

  “Fenrir, can you grow the fuck up?” Jakob’s tone was scolding.

  Viggo’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “Never mind that, Jakob. There is a better way. Soren, did Nils tell you that he stripped down naked in front of Erin when he phased?”

  Soren’s immediate rage was palpable, however calm his words sounded. “Is that true, Fenrir?”

  “I’ve seen penises before,” I interjected, trying to diffuse the situation. Judging by the horrified expression on Soren’s face, this might not have been the best choice of words.

  Snickering, Nils checked his watch and pulled out a shifting stone. He could care less that his life was about to come to an end. “I have to go. Call me when we have a plan.” He disappeared without another word.

  Soren huffed and sat back in his chair. “Is no one a gentle-male anymore?”

  Emelie settled herself into his lap and kissed him intimately enough that we all felt uncomfortable. “Not many, my love. I missed you.”

  I pointed at the door, looking to Jakob for an excuse to leave.

  Standing, he announced, “If we are done here, Erin and I are expected at the castle for dinner.”

  Soren just nodded, never taking his eyes or hands off of his mate.

  Loki stood as well, looking as if he wanted to be anywhere else. “I, too, must leave. I will keep myself open to contact, should you decide that I am worthy of your trust.”

  There was no reply from either of them. Bewildered, I followed the males outside, where we all shared a half-nervous, half-creeped out laugh.

  Viggo pulled out a pale red stone and disappeared without preamble. He looked shaken by the affectionate display. Loki didn’t speak either, he tipped his head in a polite bow and faded from existence amidst a wisp of smoke. Cool.

  Now that we were alone, I wrapped my arms around Jakob and inhaled. I loved his scent. I craved it.

  “Shall we go, älskling?”

  “I’ll go anywhere with you, Jakob.”

  He kissed the top of my head. “Erin, you are everything to me.”

  We shifted to a deserted garden next to a massive stone castle. Even in the dim light, the shadow of the building was formidable, as was the tall warrior fast approaching us with a broadsword hilt peeking out from behind his shoulder.

  “Axel, how do you fare?” Jakob called out.

  The strange-eyed, handsome male inclined his head. “I am well, Prince Jakob. The King is expecting you.”

  “Thank you.” He motioned to me. “Allow me to introduce you to Erin.”

  “Ah, the daughter of Odin.” He bent his short-cropped dark head in my direction and pressed his arm across his heart. “You bear an uncanny resemblance to our beloved Queen Alva. Does she not, sire?”

  “That she does, and it is for good reason. She is daughter to Viveka.”

  Axel’s yellow, reptilian eyes bore into me. “How unfortunate. I am sorry.”

  I nodded. “Thank you.” He and I were of one mind on that subject. Twenty-five years of high expectations are not easily forgotten.

  He smiled at my thanks, exposing his secret to me. He wasn’t a dark elf. His mouth was a nightmare of sharpened teeth. I took an involuntary step back. “Jakob?”

  “Do not scare the female. She is new to the Norse-lands, Axel.”

  His disconcert was apparent, but he apologized nonetheless. “My lady, I did not realize that the illusion had slipped. Please do not be frightened of my appearance.”

  Jakob, noticing that my eyes were still locked on the snake-like features Axel was trying to hide, tucked me in closer to him. “Erin? Can you still see Axel the way he was before?”

  “Nothing’s changed from the moment we’ve met,” I answered, feeling as confused as ever.

  Jakob was astonished. “I see the illusion, Axel.”

  He looked from Jakob to me. “You see through my disguise?”

  “All I see is a tall guy with yellow eyes and some dental…um…anomalies.”

  Axel chuckled. “That is a kind description, Erin.”

  “Is it rude of me to ask if you are a dark elf?”

  “Of course not, my lady. I am not a dark elf. I am son to Loki and the Giantess, Angrboda. You may know me by my name, Jörmungand, or the Midgard Serpent, if you are learned in Norse Mythology?”

  “I’m pretty ignorant of my heritage,” I explained. “But I do know that if you are a son of Loki, that makes Nils your brother, doesn’t it?”

  “It does. However, I would be interested to know if Fenrir views me as such.”

  What was an appropriate comment to that statement? Being around for only two days, I didn’t know either of them well enough to contribute.

  Saving me from the awkward silence, Jakob spoke up. “Please tell Kristian that we will arrive in a moment.”

  He inclined his head. “Of course, my prince. It was a pleasure, my lady.”

  “Likewise,” I called out after his retreating form. When he was out of earshot, I turned to Jakob with a hundred questions on my mind. First and foremost was, “Did that go well?”

  Jakob laughed and pulled me into his embrace. “With Axel, if you are still breathing after a meeting with him, it went well. He is impulsive. Steer clear of him, would you?”

  “Since you asked in such a nice way,” I purred, snuggling into his warmth. “Is there anything else you want?”

  “A great many things, älskling.”

  I raised myself on the tip of my toes to press my lips against his. “Name it, and it’s yours, Jakob.”

  “Do not tempt me. I suffered without your smell, your taste, your beautiful smile last night. I believe that you will be my undoing.”

  I locked my wrists behind his head and kissed him again, deeper this time. “Sounds fun. When do we start?”

  The deep sigh he gave as a response sounded troubled. “I have something to tell you, Erin.”

  “I have something to tell you also,” I countered, nipping his lip with my teeth.

  “What would you have me know, my love?”

  Letting my hands skim under his shirt and onto his muscled back, I said, “I am really, really glad that we’re not related.”

  “Are you, kitten?” he teased.

  “Kitten?” I pushed him down onto the garden bench behind him and straddled his lap. “I’m not feeling too kittenish tonight, Jakob. I missed you.”

  In a moment of clarity, Jakob looked to the darkened tree line in the distance. “Erin, we should not do this here. There are too many witnesses.”

  Looking around, I didn’t see anyone, so I assumed he said that to dissuade me. “I don’t care about witnesses. I care about you. I want you, Jakob.”

  He pulled me tight against him, burying his face between my breasts, and taking a deep breath before speaking again. “Which part of me interests you?” His voice was barely above a growl.

  Pushing my hands into his thick, black hair, I wrenched his head back, running my lips along his neck, before saying, “Every part.”

  His half-opened lids sprang up in surprise. “Taste me, Erin.”

  I didn’t comprehend his words right away. I was lost in his scent and the feel of his possessive hands resting on my waist. “Wait. What—” I stopped mid-sentence, stuck my fingers in my mouth, and found … fangs. Embarrassed, I put my hand over my mouth. “I’m sorry.”

  “You are very becoming, älskling,” Jakob assured me. “Do not apologize for what is natural to you. Indeed, to all of us. Almost every species of the Norse-lands has their own version of fangs. Blood is a common element in our rituals and ceremonies. We do not fear it as human communities do.”

  As relieved as I was that he found this natural, and even beautiful, I still had reason to worry.
My mouth was watering with the urge to bite him. I couldn’t think of anything but the blood coursing through his veins. The feeling was so strong within me that I could taste the coppery tang of his blood in my mouth already.

  Jakob cupped the back of my head and brought my mouth to the unmarked smoothness of his neck. “Take me as your own, Erin. I beg of you.”

  I didn’t hesitate, sinking my teeth into the side of his throat, and moaning with the pleasure his blood brought me as it coated my tongue. I thought that it would taste coppery, of rust and salt, but it didn’t. It tasted of the sweetest wine and had much the same effect. It was decadent. I didn’t want to ever stop drinking and wasn’t sure if I would have if I didn’t get too lightheaded to continue. I pulled away, my head swimming with his magic flowing through my bloodstream.

  “Erin,” His eyes burned into mine.

  I sighed. “Don’t say that we shouldn’t have done this.” Nothing had ever felt so right to me.

  “Never. I wanted to say that even if this turns out to be a disaster, and we are not allowed to mate, I love you.”

  Stunned, I searched his face and found nothing but sincerity. “Am I drunk, or did you just say you loved me?”

  He kissed me. “Both, älskling.”

  “I am, aren’t I? It’s your fault. You’re just so damn tasty.” His body jerked beneath me when I scored his skin a second time, then he relaxed, tracing slow circles onto the bare skin of my back. He was enjoying this, too.

  “I’m going to have to carry you in to dinner if you don’t stop, Erin.”

  I licked the last drop of blood from his wounded neck feeling boneless and sated. “Too late. Besides, I think we should skip dinner and find a bed. You have a bedroom here, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” he answered after some hesitation. “Are you ill?”

  “Not at all.” I reached down and palmed the bulge between us. “I want you.”

  “And you shall have me—after dinner,” he assured me through gritted teeth. “Kristian will be affronted if we do not dine with him tonight. He has ordered this dinner for you. I told him of your interest in the native cuisine.”

  “Fine,” I pouted.


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