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MENAGE - Bound,gagged,stuffed DOMINATED (1st time Gang,MFM, MFMM, MFMMM ,DP,TP,White Female Shared Hard,Fast without Protection)-Volume 2 -10 Short Story Book Boxed Set Anthology

Page 13

by Nicola Diaz

  After the longest time, he pulls the handle from me completely, and doesn’t insert it again. He dances over my cunt with the blade again though, and again the thought of losing my clit is uppermost in my mind. Then he dances around my belly in figure eights again, and then my breasts. He really digs into the flesh of my mounds now, thoughts of losing my breasts too in the process coming up into my mind and then escaping my head. He really is skilled with this knife, too skilled. But still I don’t trust that he will not let it slip.

  A thick finger enters me, and then another. The knife continues to dance around my breasts, and on my nipples, as the count of fingers works up to three and then four in my cunt. My pussy starts to wet itself from deep inside now, and this lubricates the fingers that are really digging into me. An orgasm is once again on the horizon, so close, I can almost smell it, taste it. But it is not to be, and one by one he removes his fingers from my cunt, replacing it as quickly with the handle of the knife again.

  Again he fucks me aggressively with the handle, and I start to think that maybe a part of the blade is also making its way inside me. My pussy is really being torn apart, and I think that it is because the handle is somewhat serrated. It isn’t sharp though, I know this. But the serration pulls on the walls of my cunt until they are collapsing in on themselves. Harder and harder the end makes its way deep inside me, and all the way out of me. Again and again it is pulled from me with such aggression that I feel like it is taking a piece of my cunt with it each time.

  Then I hear the knife drop to the floor, thrown wildly to the ground. The buzzing sound returns, and I am moving again. Suddenly face down, I am again kissing his nuts, sucking on his balls involuntarily. He rubs his balls in my mouth hard, against my teeth, and then inside my mouth. I suck on his nuts still, and then I lick them as he moves them from side to side in front of my mouth.

  When he sinks my nose into his nut sack again I cannot breathe. I sniff in the scent of his nuts and then send my tongue out of my mouth again, tasting what I am smelling. He shoves his dick inside my mouth again, stretching it, bringing the crowd to its feet, I know this because they are stamping their feet and clapping. A few chairs are raised in the air and brought down to the ground with a crash. They really are a wild bunch, and I can only hope that none of them will be offered parts of me that are already aching far more than even I had thought possible.

  Axel fucks my mouth hard now, and the spit from my mouth coats his cock completely. Still this doesn’t help ease the entrance or exit of this mammoth dick in my mouth. He continues to fuck my mouth though, harder and harder, and then he sends the tip of his cock into the side of my mouth stretching the skin that forms my cheek almost to bursting. I really feel like he is going to pierce right through me and I will be left with a hole in the side of my mouth the circumference of his tool.

  Then he moves it into my throat, deep, and far down so that I cannot breathe again. He keeps on fucking me with such intention that I think maybe he might just blow, shoot his massive load all the way down my throat and into my stomach. Again I am left wanting, because he pulls his cock from my mouth and the machine buzzes again, moving me to a further diagonal, not quite flat, but also not quite straight up. I think I am still face up though, I think.

  Axel pulls on the clamps again, and he really pulls on them hard. The burning in my pussy, in my clit, in my breasts, grows exponentially. Wave after wave of blistering beating heat moves through every part of me now, and seems to gather at my belly. The feeling is really that of fire, burning into my insides, and I know that this has everything to do with the clamps that are really being tugged now. He really is showing me no mercy, and I know that this isn’t even just because of my spy-like invasion of his sanctuary. Axel just really enjoys this.

  I thought that I knew everything that there was to know about BDSM. Even when I researched this story, and Sin Club, I thought I was fully prepared for what I would find inside these walls. Nothing could have prepared me for this though, and nothing could have prepared my body for this torture. I go so often between liking it and hating it though that I am also suddenly very confused. There really are things in the sexual realm that are meant for a certain breed of human being. Not everyone’s stomach can handle this deviation.

  Thinking back to the moments before I slipped into the club, under the guise of being a delivery boy, or girl if you saw through my disguise. Come to think of it, I should probably have concealed my handbag a little bit better. Or maybe I should have left it behind altogether, not even sure if I needed the camera footage that my handbag would mean that I got. But now I know that my handbag is in the front row, and recording everything that is being done to me. Talk about going above and beyond the call of fucking duty.

  He positions his cock between the clamps on my lips now, and rubs the tip of his cock against my entrance. I start to ache again, not sure if I want him inside me, not sure if I will be able to take it. There is no time for me to think though about this too much, because he is already easing the first few inches of his incredible dick into my quivering cunt. He is so slow about it too, almost as though he knows that ramming it into me with all his strength, hell with even half of his strength, will no doubt split my pussy in two. Axel works half of his cock into me, and I am totally breathless.

  Still he pushes more of himself into me, and I really cannot take it. I try to brace myself against this intrusion but I cannot really. I try to push him out of me with all the muscles in my cunt, but he pushes determinedly against this resistance. He pulls out of me a little, only to send more of his thick dick into me, leaving me breathless again. I concentrate on my breathing now, because there is nothing else that I can focus on. My cunt is going to be obliterated whether I like it or not.

  He starts to fuck me with the parts of him that are inside me, and it really hurts. His cock seems to be pulling on the clamps, and I am not sure it they are being pulled away or being pushed into me. It really starts to burn again, really burn, and even the feeling of being stuffed with his excessive meat fades into the background now, the burn making its way to the front, vying for all my attention.

  My cunt seems to be dry, too dry, and the tool inside it really starts to hurt me now. I try to will myself wet, try to lubricate my pussy with my mind. Nothing works though, not a single thing. I am just being fucked with this thick long tool, excessive in length and girth, too excessive, and I am having my walls pulled down even more. As he keeps on fucking me I really start to feel like he is starting a fire in my pussy, the combustion, the friction really working on me with every intention to set me alight. And still now lubrication.

  I realize that it is not that I am not lubricated though, but rather that the dick inside me is so thick that it renders the lubrication inside me useless. I wish that Axel at least added a little bit of lube, spit even to his cock before he went for my pussy. It is too late now though, and about two thirds of his cock is moving hard inside me. He is struggling too, trying to create the space needed inside my tight tiny cunt for his cock to move a little more freely. But this is a real fight, one that he is determined to win.

  Axel pulls his cock out of me completely now, and then as quickly goes back inside me. Again he pulls his dick out of me, only to replace it inside me seconds later. He pulls his cock out of me again, and replaces it a moment later, over and over again. He is really trying to stretch my cunt, to make it a little more accommodating. But it seems he is not succeeding, because every time he pulls it from me it is as hard as it was the first time to get back inside me.

  Then he keeps his cock inside me, just the two thirds, and he moves his part of him inside me. He fucks me hard, and as deep as he can go. Still there is no more space inside me for him to move, and eventually Axel just pulls his cock from me in sheer frustration. He calls me names, some of them I cannot remember, some of them I don’t recognize, but all along the lines of tiny cunt. I cannot help it, I think to myself, and I certainly didn’t expect that things wo

uld play out this way.

  Chapter 4

  He brings the torch up against me again, and I feel the flames dancing over my skin almost immediately. This time though they heat the clamps on my breasts and my pussy, so that I really know what it is to burn now. This is a different heat, not the coldness of the steel that burned into my flesh from before, but the fire from the flames of the torch that work at heating the steel of the clamps, transferring this heat to the flesh that the clamps are attached to.

  The flames play around my pussy for the longest time now, Axel really taking his time around my cunt. My snatch really starts to feel like it is ablaze now, really enflamed. I scream again, scream for him to stop, to just give me a break. He doesn’t though, determined to really light me up. He holds the flame against my cunt a little too long, and then he removes it. Then again he holds the flame between my legs, lingering, letting it sit there for a moment, before moving it away.

  He really seems to enjoy the sound of my screaming now, because it is real, from the depths of my stomach. He must really know what he is doing though, because no sooner has he removed the flame from my thighs, and the burning starts to subside. I know that he isn’t burning me, well not really anyway, but the threat of it is all too much for me. I cannot take much more of this, but there is nothing that I can do about it. I have to take his punishment until he is done with me. Then he will let me go, and I will have my story.

  “Remember why you’re doing this, Adrianna,” I tell myself, although I have also forgotten this reason for the most part. All I can think of now is the flame between my legs, occasionally moving to me breasts, dancing on my belly now and then. I let out another scream as the flame kisses my thighs again, and just in time Axel moves it away, dropping it to the ground now, at last. I am relieved, so relieved that I think I say thank god too loud. This amuses Axel, who laughs another menacing laugh, and then turns me around in the machine until I am face down.

  He runs his fingers over my ass, and then onto my back. Then he returns the blade to me, running it all the way up and down my back. Then the tip of the knife makes contact with my ass, and dances in the signature figures of eight. When he parts my asshole with the tip of the knife I squirm, and I bite my lip. There is nothing that I can do to stop him from slipping the knife into me now even if I tried, so I just have to hope that he will not do this.

  Axel doesn’t, teasing me with the tip of this blade. Then he turns the knife over and forces the handle into me, quickly. I thought I couldn’t handle it around my pussy, but my ass is worse. The last time a man attempted to fuck me in my ass didn’t end too well, and so now this handle is really more than I can handle. Without any lube too, it makes matters increasingly worse. To say that I scream now is a gross understatement. I literally start to shriek and shrill.

  He likes this a lot, because he starts to fuck me harder with the handle, so hard that it is lodged all the way inside me and seems to stay there. I know that he is moving it in and out of me, I know that it is not stationary in my ass. But the feeling is just one long insistent burn. The feeling is not even one of slight discomfort which is what the last time I was fucked in my ass felt like. It is one of incredible pain, and I really cannot take it, not anymore. Axel is determined that I will though.

  He fucks me so hard with the handle that my ass goes numb, sort of. The feeling of pain becomes my normal, my constant, and so it is not that there is no feeling there, but rather that the same feeling is constantly present. I stop moaning, stop shrilling, stop groaning. All that escapes me is a low grunting sound, one that Axel draws from me with every twist of the handle that is now so far up my but it may as well be all the way inside me, blade and all.

  Then he pulls the handle from me completely, right before dipping it into me again. To say that he is dipping it is also a gross understatement, because he is digging it into me, really digging. Then he rams it back and forth and moves it around and around, stretching my asshole with every movement, every twist, and every insertion of the handle. I start to sweat again, thinking that if this is going to get any more pleasant, that now would be a fucking good time. There is only so much that I can physically take, really.

  When he pulls it out of me completely for the last time, I am relieved, but not for long. He replaces it with his cock before I can even think about what is happening to me. He goes all the way inside me, all the way, so that I feel his balls on the bottom of my ass cheeks. I cannot believe that all of his cock fitted inside me, I cannot believe it. I try to scream, but because I cannot breathe now, nothing comes out of my mouth. Then he pulls it out of me, all the way out of me, and I gasp. Axel claps his hands, as does the crowd watching, and I know that this is his piece de resistance.

  Axel plants his cock in my ass again, splitting my asshole in every direction. He pushes it all the way inside me again, and settles balls-deep inside my tight space. I gasp now, really gasp, speedily, in short shallow breaths. I anticipate that he will remove it from me soon, but he doesn’t. He sinks it deep into me, and then makes the necessary adjustments for his tool. Still with no lubrication, it hurts like fucking hell. I give up trying to fight it though, and just let it happen.

  When he pulls from me, he doesn’t pull it all out of me, sending his dick right back into me, all the way. He still struggles to get a hold on my ass though, but this doesn’t deter him. All he does is fuck me painfully slowly with his love muscle, stretching my asshole on the way in and out. My ass doesn’t give way though either, resisting him at every turn. When he pushes his cock into me, my muscles all contract, and when he pulls it out of me, they release him so that he also knows that my ass just wants him out of there.

  Axel is determined though, and he keeps on going. He fucks me a little bit faster, a little bit harder, when my ass gives way a little. He goes deeper and deeper into me with every concession of my asshole, letting out a groan with each gain. Then he settles into a real rhythm, and he is fucking me with the excitement of a man who has just been granted an all access pass to a concert that he has been trying to get tickets to for the longest of times.

  Still he fucks me harder, and I give a little more. His balls may as well be inside my asshole too now, so deep is he inside me. He holds my hips, pulling me back on his rock hard cock, and then pushing me off it a little. Backwards and forwards, he keeps on pushing and pulling me, until he really establishes his hold on me. Then he lets me go, and just digs into me with his cock, no help from his hands.

  He goes from side to side, and then all the way in, back and forward. Then he fucks me in small circles, increasing them in width and circumference as he pulls it out of me. Then he pushes it down into me deeply, pulling it out of me in circles again. My ass gives a little more, and as it does, the pain gives way to discomfort, which soon gives way to the slightest of pleasure. The pleasure increases fast though, and soon I am yelping again, from delight now, and not the pain that was just moments earlier permeating through my entire body.

  I wish that I could move my ass a little too, to draw him into me a little more. But I can’t, just hanging there like a chicken on a spit. Actually I’m hanging more like a sheet on a clothing line, but just with legs wide open and a huge cock up my ass. The dick starts to burn though, really burn, and the pleasure once again gives way to pain. And it is not a good pain too, just really fucking sore. Still he digs into me, not really caring about how I am feeling right now.

  Axel suddenly pulls his cock from me completely, and waits, just a moment. Then he sends his cock back into me, hard and fast. I know that he is probably holding himself back from cumming, but when he is fucking me like mad again, like a fucking bunny rabbit, I think that he might cum at any moment. He doesn’t though, shoving his thickness deeper and harder into me, faster too. He fucks me fast for the longest time, the elasticity in my asshole really giving way now, and he takes me on a trip to the threshold of what I am capable of taking, before bringing me back by again snapping his cock from me.

>   Over and over he does this, teasing me with the possibility of his own orgasm, knowing that there is no way for me to have one, not now, not without any attention to my cunt. He brings himself close and then pulls out of me. Then again he is inserting his cock into me and fucking me fast again. Suddenly he is fucking me slow though, and I am confused, sweating, wet and cold, not knowing how much more of this I can take. I am really starting to feel the toll of this session, in every part of my body.

  When he fucks me again, harder than before, I know that he is close. I know from the sounds coming from him too that there is no turning back for him now. He fucks me furiously and then he blows, a massive load, epic in every sense. It warms the inside of my ass so much that my belly warms too, and then my cunt, a little. He keeps fucking me though, although a lot slower, and then eventually he pulls his cock out of me.

  I am relieved, relieved that he has cum and also that he has now left me alone. I look around the room, even with the blindfold on, and try to imagine the audience. Then I drop my head low, and cannot hold it up anymore. I am really tired, really very tired. I let every part of myself go now, and then my joints start to ache. I really wish that the restraints could be removed from me now, and I just want to get out of here. There is still one thing that they have in store for me though.


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