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MENAGE - Bound,gagged,stuffed DOMINATED (1st time Gang,MFM, MFMM, MFMMM ,DP,TP,White Female Shared Hard,Fast without Protection)-Volume 2 -10 Short Story Book Boxed Set Anthology

Page 16

by Nicola Diaz

  Chapter 5

  He licks the side of my neck as he works his cock deeper and deeper into me. His tongue is rough, and thick, and very, very wet. Then he pulls my head back further and finds my lips with his. He sends his tongue into my mouth and then pulls it out, spitting on the side of my face before licking this spit off my face and sending it into my mouth with his tongue again. Then he bites my lip and draws blood. He sucks this blood off me and then spits it on the ground, not skipping a beat on my ass.

  Harrison pulls his dick from my ass now, and rubs it between my ass-cheeks aggressively. I cannot believe that he has not cum yet, but he is enjoying this game far too much. I feel his cock throbbing hard, pulsating at the touch, and again my cunt aches for it. Soon enough he is feeding it into my pussy again, going deep into me and settling so far into my quivering cunt that I feel like a barge-poll has been inserted into me. He starts to ram his cock against the back of my pussy now.

  He pulls another orgasm from me, rather quickly, and my pussy lets go completely now. He doesn’t stop fucking my pussy though, my ponytail still in his grip, his tongue flicking up and down the sides of my neck, then my face, and then back onto my neck again. When I cum again he pulls his cock from me, and leaves me suspended there, thinking that it is over now, at last. He finds his shorts, and brings it to my face. He runs it against my nose and then against my eyes, before blindfolding me with his shorts.

  My eyes hurt a little, so tight is this make-shift blindfold. I try to shake it off my face, but this is impossible. Harrison holds my head in his hands now, and again he is spitting on my face, a lot more than before. He laughs loudly, almost in my ear but not, and I hate the sound of him suddenly. He has won this fucking fight, so why pursue this torture? Why must he further humiliate me this way? He obviously wants to cum, before he lets the cage be open, before he raises his hands, and his cock, in victory.

  I hear him walk away from me again, hear him circling me. Then suddenly he is back, and he is armed with a torch again. I feel like I am being set on fire now, really being lighted up, probably because I cannot see the flames, probably because I have no idea where they dance on my skin’s surface. He moves the torch around all over my body, especially around my breasts, and I really start to feel the heat. There are fewer situations in my life that I can remember where I felt so little control.

  The flames lick my nipples now, too close for comfort, but I have no way of getting away from it. I move my head back now, eyes closed, even though the blindfold is doing a pretty good job of keeping them shut. My head moves this way, and that, trying to avoid the flames. They linger over my breasts a little longer and then they are gone. Then he moves to my back and the flames dance up and down the skin covering my back, and I arch, really arch. The flames tickle my ass cheeks and then linger, briefly, between my thighs.

  I hear the torch fall to the floor, and I don’t move. I am afraid that I might step on it, before it has gone out, and burn my feet. I feel his hands on my back, and then parting my ass cheeks again. I know what is coming, I know what he is going to do to me. Still it catches me by surprise, and when his cock enters my asshole I scream. It seems to have grown in length, and significantly in girth. He pushes it all the way inside me and then pauses for just the briefest of moments.

  When he starts thrusting into me it is more furiously that even before. He really seems determined now to pull as much of a reaction from me as is possible. He succeeds too, every single upward and inward stroke pulling a scream from me. I cannot help it. I am past caring too now, and I just let the sounds escape my mouth. Over and over, he rams his cock into my asshole, and he lifts me off the ground repeatedly with his cock. I just go with it, not able to do much else.

  Then he holds my hips down hard, and he slows down his strokes. The slow strokes are the worst though, ending so deep in my ass that my belly feels like it is being punctured. He pulls out in long, drawn out strokes too, pulling the inside of my ass out with it on the exit. Again he is pushing this feeling back into me, deeper, harder. I cannot take it, but mostly because I cannot touch my cunt. My pussy itches deep inside it again, again wanting to be touched. The frustration literally threatens to kill me, or at the very least, drive me absolutely fucking mad.

  He starts thrusting faster again, and I am almost relieved. At least this offers me a distraction from my pussy. He goes faster and faster still, and I seem to be blissfully aware of his pending orgasm. Still it pends though, and I cannot imagine how he can hold out for so long. Faster and faster he drives his cock into me, holding me harder at the hips, so hard that my skin seems to be giving way to his fingers. He squeezes so hard that this pain suddenly overwhelms me, more so than the deep burning all over and inside my asshole.

  Harrison seems to be lost to the process of fucking me now. He grunts loudly, and I know that this is different. Finally I realize that he is close, and imagine that his eyes must be closed. I imagine a lot of things, but all of them end with his cock deep inside me, so deep that I almost feel like I am going to split in two. He goes faster still, and then faster. Then he pauses for a moment, only a moment, before he resumes his hard, rough and rigorous fucking.

  When he finally blows he screams loud, releasing my hips and then holding them again. When he releases my hips I can see him raise his hands in my mind, and then he holds me again, pushing his cock a little deeper inside me. He empties his cock out in my ass completely and then leaves it there, still screaming, although each scream seems to be on a lower octave now. He starts to move his cock out of me slowly, and then sends it all the way back inside me. Then a little more out, and all the way in again.

  Soon he is fucking me with just his head again, and then he pulls his cock out of me completely and my asshole still gapes for a moment before folding closed gently. Then he squeezes my ass cheeks together and then spreads them apart, letting some of the semen escape my ass now. His cock is still hard though, I know this because he is fucking my pussy hard now. He must really just want one for the road, not believing that he will have half a chance with me outside of this ring. I appreciate it though, because by the time he is done with my pussy the itch that was just there is now gone completely.

  He kisses me on my mouth, sending his thick tongue into my mouth. Then he plants his softening cock back into my ass, resurrecting his erection, proving to me and the whole world that he is in fact the man. He has proven, with every stroke of his lethal weapon that he is the undisputed MMA champion of the fucking world. I will have my revenge though, I will have my day in the ring with this bastard. But that day will certainly not be today.

  Harrison really performs now, now that he has cum, now that he has no need to empty his cock. MMA is really a whole new ballgame, but I knew what I was signing up for when I started the sport. The cock in my ass could belong to anybody now, I really don’t care. All I know is that the burn has become an intense pain, laced ever so subtly with pleasure, just enough for me to enjoy this resurrected rock solid rod impaling me…




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  Conquer Me!

  (Breaking Her Will, Blindfold, Suspension, Bondage, Submissive Woman)

  A Dark Fantasy

  Chapter 1

  Instinct tells me to pull the blindfold off, to see where we are going. But curiosity overpowers instinct, especially now, knowing that I want to experience the reversal of roles for once. There has been a long desire, a secret desire to feel what my submissive clients feel, knowing that I am a dominatrix of great rapport. Now though, at the hands of Kane, another Dom, I will eventually see what it is like from the other side. I pull on my tight top, and my mini skirt, thinking that perhaps I am not really dressed for what is about to happen to m


  My cunt beats furiously against my panties though, the thrill of this escapade settling over me in waves. I am really very nervous, but strangely excited and more than a little inquisitive. Am I really going to go through with this though, I ask myself. This isn’t you, Elise, I tell myself, knowing that I am usually the dominant. That is what I get paid to do, why I have such a great reputation. But nonetheless, I really want to know once and for all what it feels like to be a submissive.

  I cannot see a thing through the blindfold, knowing only that Kane is my driver, and the dominant whose services I sought. Like me, he has a reputation, bad for all the right reasons. He is hard, and cruel, and extremely creative in his tortures and punishments. It has been rumored that he has huge dick and an abundance of easy pussy that is why he is so creative in finding ways to inflict pain and pleasure to both women and men.

  Trying to listen for a sign, a hint of our location, this isn’t possible. The only sound I hear is the engine, the turning wheels. The sound of the leaves in the trees too is loud now, so that I know that we have entered the forest. I listen for any other signs of life, anything, but there really is nothing else in this baron forest, except myself, Kane, and the promise of delicious torture. My stomach growls now too, loudly, like I am hungry, or nervous. I know what it is though, and this anxiety really starts to fill me completely. The car travels on, and I still cannot see anything, the blindfold so tight around my eyes and head.

  When the car finally stops I can almost not bear the anxiety. There is nothing that I can do though, to feel a little more comfortable with this situation. Kane pulls me from the car, and leaves me standing in what must be stark darkness, alone, with nothing but my thoughts. Again I am tempted to take off the blindfold, but I remember what I paid Kane for, and what I instructed him to do. Nothing but the safe word will stop him now, or should stop him. It really feels strange to me though, being submissive, and he hasn’t even started yet.

  Kane places a hand on my thigh and squeezes hard. He moves it up and down my leg, and then holds firmly on my knee. Then he works his fingers back up my leg, and takes a firm hold of my panties. He pulls them down, and away from my body quickly. His fingers feel hard and rough against my skin, and I am not sure how I feel about it. I am not sure how I feel about this situation in its entirety, and so I start to tug at the blindfold.

  Quickly he pulls my hands away from my face, and lifts my top as quickly. My breasts are suddenly exposed to the wind, my nipples hard almost instantly. Then he pulls me by my hair into what must be a cabin, because I hear the door creak open, and then close. I wish that I could see it, see what is around me, and what might be done to me, but I know that a part of the appeal of Kane is this feeling and not seeing, this total surrender of every part of oneself.

  My top is suddenly free of my shoulders, and soon after that my skirt is pulled away from my ass. I am suddenly so exposed that it feels like I am standing outside again, with the wind hitting me from every direction. I cover my cunt with my hands, and then my breasts, and then my pussy again. Kane moves my hands each time the attempt to cover me, and I know that he can see me. There must be a light in the room somewhere. There must be, or else I cannot imagine that Kane will see what he intends to do to me, with me.

  Then he pulls my hand away from my body and holds it up. I feel his eyes on me, all over me, and almost through me. The wrist of the hand that he holds up is suddenly restrained, and I pull it away from whatever is holding it up. The other hand too is raised, and restrained, so too are my ankles. I get the feeling that I am being caught in a delicious trap, much like the suspension devices I use with my own clients. I cannot help but think that this must be one of Kane’s lairs, a regular place where he brings his own subs, and has incredible amounts of fun torturing them. The place feels very secluded, and the sounds of the forest are now so loud, so intrusive, that it sounds almost as though the crickets are playing a symphony in my ear. Briefly I try to shake this sound from my head, but soon enough I accept the impossibility of it all.

  Spread eagle, I hear the wheels that control the contraption turn. I start to move, in the device, until I am face down. My head hangs low, and I don’t even try to raise it anymore. Naked, and very cold, I wait in anticipation for him to start his tortures. But he seems so linger, to wait, to watch me, and enjoy this waiting game that he is playing with me. This waiting is torture enough though, and I hate it. I hate the total feeling of disconnect that I am feeling with the world in this moment, and he seems to like it. He giggles, a sly giggle that I almost hate. There is no turning back now though, because even the safe word has escaped me.

  I listen for his footsteps as he walks around the contraption, listening for anything that will give away where he intends to begin with this. Then he cracks a whip several times against the wooden floor, and the sound reverberates through me, into me, and sends pulses into me that I cannot escape. Never have I experienced this before, and it feels strange, new, exciting, as well as remarkably disconcerting. I breathe deeply, and exhale slowly, feeling the sweat developing all over my body quickly, so fast that it is almost as though my body were a huge faucet.

  The whip cracks on either side of my head now, so that I know that he must be standing in front of me. When it lands on my back though, for the first time, I am taken by complete surprise. Again it lands on my back and I feel as though it is making its way into me. The strands that make up the whip seem to be many, and I feel each one. Every lash and lick of this whip sends a renewed burn into me, and I struggle against the restraints now, really wanting to be out of them.

  When it lands on my ass the burning in my back is temporarily forgotten. My ass is firm, but no less sensitive to this assault. I feel this new burn into my pussy, warming it considerably. I like this feeling, this beating, and this soft, urgent thumping deep inside myself. The accompanying lashes though are far from pleasant, and I know that this is only the beginning of this session, if I am unable still to remember the safe word. I don’t think I want to remember it either, not yet anyway, and so I surrender myself to this flogging.

  I raise my head now, because my neck has started to ache, but also because I once again need to see what is going on. Remembering the blindfold though, I let my head fall again. The whip comes down on my back and buttocks a few more times and then it stops. Again there is nothing happening to me, nothing going on around me, and again I am terribly frustrated. The cracking resounds around my head again, but only briefly, and then everything goes quiet.

  Suddenly I feel Kane between my legs, not sure when or even how he got there. My pussy is pushed on hard, with the palm of his hand, and I breathe in deeply. I anticipate entry, waiting for at least his finger, or a few of his fingers to enter me. Nothing though, just the surface of his rough palm on the entire surface of my cunt. He rubs my clit hard, and almost pulls on it with his palm, making me feel like he is going to rub it off me completely.

  Then he pinches my clit between his fingers, and presses hard. He squeezes so hard that I let out a scream, much against my own instincts. I am usually the one who inflicts pain of others, and this is all very new, very different. I really don’t like it, and wonder what it was about being a submissive that so consumed me. Why did I have such a curiosity towards it that I have now enlisted the services of the most badass male Dom in the city? I don’t know, and I try to remember what the safe word is again.

  Instead of saying it though, I let out another scream, and then another still. I hate that I am screaming too, and I hate the total lack of control that I have in this situation. He presses harder against my clit, pushing on it, and pulling on it almost at the same time. I bite into my lip hard, and then grit my teeth, trying to make the sounds coming out of me a little less obvious. But still I sound like a scared little girl, and I hate it. I also really like it. There is something that turns me on incredibly, suddenly, and I know that I will not be able to hide my arousal for long.

  With just the ti
ps of his fingers he sends an incredible burn into me cunt, through my clit. It lingers long, and it really goes deep, right into my belly. Then he leaves me, alone suddenly, and taps my cunt a few times with the palm of his hand again, before leaving me completely alone. Alone, suspended, I start to think of what I would do, if the roles were reversed. I try to imagine that Kane was the submissive, and me the Dom, and I try to think of all the ball busting, cock and ball torture, caning, and face-sitting that I would do to him. I think that I would probably piss on his neck, perhaps in his mouth too.

  But the tables have well and truly turned, and I am on the receiving end of whatever he has planned for me. From the rumors that abound about him too, I know that it is going to be one hell of a session, and that I will either want more at the end of it, or know, once and for all, that this is really not for me…

  Chapter 2

  I cannot imagine what the next level of this torture is going to be. I have been a dominatrix for a long time, but my clients have all been men. I don’t really know what is done to a woman, never having explored this side of the industry that I find myself in. But now I know that I am going to experience this first hand, and then some. I am already sore though, especially around my wrists. I think that there are some things about the sexual experience that I don’t know, and I am about to be introduced to all of these elements.


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