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MENAGE - Bound,gagged,stuffed DOMINATED (1st time Gang,MFM, MFMM, MFMMM ,DP,TP,White Female Shared Hard,Fast without Protection)-Volume 2 -10 Short Story Book Boxed Set Anthology

Page 22

by Nicola Diaz

  One of the other officers threw my jeans at me. “Put these back on, but leave your tits out. They’ll like that.” He smiled facetiously and then walked up to platform, meeting me underneath the crane. I looked up and gulped.

  Three large, brass hooks jutted out from the tip of the crane. I knew that they planned on suspending me from this device, and I wasn’t looking forward to it.

  “What do you plan on doing to me?” I wondered if they could sense the worry in my voice, but chose not to become preoccupied with their assumptions.

  “Stand on the stool.” Jeb motioned toward a tree stump that was about ten inches high.

  I bent my knee and started to climb on it, then turned around to make sure that I was proceeding correctly. Jeb nodded and waved me on. I climbed up top and then stood motionless. I could feel hundreds of eyes on me, and for once I actually wished that I could have my blindfold on.

  “Ladies and gentlemen. The Task Force of Utopios would like to warm you that what we will be showing you in the next hour is neither pleasant nor attractive. We have purposely decided to allow viewing of this punishment procedure so that you might think twice about any crimes you think of committing. We do not take this lightly, and we feel that as citizens of Utopios, you are worthy of understanding the severity of our specific consequences.” Jeb spoke into a microphone and the crowd stood silently, their hands up at their faces and their expressions both curious and stern.

  I thought back to my earlier literature reading of the Scarlet Letter, and although not an adulteress, I could relate to the plight of Hester Prynne, as she stood before a crowd wearing her scarlet “A” emblazoned on her chest.

  “What did she do?” A man called out from the crowd and I felt my face flush. I wasn’t embarrassed of my burglaries, per se, but I was uncomfortable with the fact that nobody in the crowd would ever understand what drove me to steal. They would only see me as a petty thief, as one who stole from her own community in an attempt to monopolize on an underestimated source of wealth right outside our back door. I looked at the ominous clips and then lowered my head as one of the Task Force officers led me to the crane.

  He shackled my hands, and then my feet. I grew nervous with the decreased mobility, and then I decided that this is what I had wanted. I had known about the punishments all along, and I had still decided to rob. It was something in my blood that I couldn’t rectify. Nor did I want to. I waited patiently for what would happen next. Jeb circled me on the stool and strapped a leather harness around my waist. He cinched it tight and I cried out.

  “Your responsibility is to accept the punishments.” He spoke to me with authority and I tried to pretend that I wasn’t intimidated.

  I wished that I could see everyone’s expressions in the crowd, but instead all I could do was imagine. One of the Task Force officers turned a crank and I was lifted off the stool and ten feet into the air. I hung like wet rag, suspended in the air with both my hands and my feet tied close to my body. It was a petrifying experience and I re-thought my decisions to accept the punishment with such a carefree attitude.

  I could hear hushed voices in the crowd, and it felt like an added element of torture by not being able to see their faces.

  “Coin-thief!” I heard a woman’s voice shriek from below, and then felt someone try to grab my crotch.

  They all wanted to touch me, wanted to sexually humiliate me. I jumped back, and in doing so, the suspension careened further toward the crowd, and they all yelled out, anticipating my body landing on their heads.

  “She’s a robber! Torture her in the name of the new Utopios!” I heard a man’s voice yell, and it made me cringe to think that everyone viewed me with such contempt.

  I lowered my head and then waited for what was next. One of the other Task Force officers noted that it was now getting dark, and that they would use a spotlight for viewing purposes. It was also growing cold, and a damp chill lingered in the air.

  The suspension wheel was cranked and I felt myself being pulled up higher into the air. My bare breasts hung down and I could tell that my nipples were rock hard because the temperature was dipping so low. My body felt exhausted from the long and tiring day, and I wanted to just close y eyes and pretend I could fall asleep, but that was only a fantasy. The jeering from the crowd and the loud cranking sound of the wheel made it impossible for me to focus on anything except my public humiliation.

  I could hear Jeb laughing from a distance, and I tried to kick my legs forward in an attempt to maintain an iota of control over the submissive atmosphere. It was no use, for it seemed that the harder I kicked, the higher Jeb pulled the crank. I could tell that I was at least twenty feet off the ground now, and it was a jarring sensation to have the earth removed from under my feet. All I could do was accept my punishment, hang my head and allow the public of Utopios to see me for what I was- a ruthless serial burglar with an appetite for adventure.

  “Tell her to play with her tits!” A man’s voice rang out from the crowd and I wondered what the Task Force would do in response.

  I heard heavy footsteps on the platform, and guessed that they were Jeb’s. I felt a yank on my feet, and I cried out in pain. He yanked again and tightened his grip so that the suspension pulled me up, while his hands attempted to pull me down.

  “I’m being stretched!” I yelled out and Jeb stopped pulling down on my cuffed feet, just in time for me to realize that my pussy was damp from excitement.

  The odd combination of fear, humiliation, and anxiety must have stirred in me some kind of sexual release, because I was beginning to play into the crowd. I decided to go with their demands, and I held my cuffed hands up to my breasts, and tried to fondle my nipples through the metal cuffs. The crowd got noisy and I heard a few men comment about jerking off. That’s when Jeb cranked my suspension up even higher.

  “Crank her up!” I heard another call from the boisterous crowd, and Jeb did as requested.

  As my body was pulled up higher in the suspension, I tried to recall what I had read in the newspaper. I knew that the crime I committed was punishable with public torture, but I had no idea that I would be hoisted above a jeering crowd, yanked by constraints and left to dangle above a massive platform. It was both exciting and humiliating. I didn’t know what I wanted by the time the crowd went wild. All I knew was that my body felt tired, and my mind felt challenged.

  “I’m only a coin thief!” In a rare instance of spontaneity, I called out and waited for the crowd’s reply.

  Something in me was finally compelled to let them in on some of my story. After all, I wasn’t a murderer, and I didn’t want them to think that I was a dangerous person. I wished that the Task Force would give me a break, like they did when we were in the vehicle. I had to go to the bathroom again, and I was so hungry at this point that my stomach made loud, gurgling noises. Yet they seemed to have no intentions of letting me down.

  “Giselle, fondle yourself again. The crowd wants to see you play with yourself!” Someone else yelled out and I wondered if I should comply.

  I had never done much public masturbation, but I decided to give it a try. I took my cuffed hands and started to rub them up and down over my crotch. It was difficult to get good access to my pussy because my hands were bound, but I tried, and surprised myself by realizing how good it felt to have some pleasurable sensations while I was in the torturous contraption. I rubbed harder, then harder still, and the crowd got louder.

  “We love it, you thief! Keep going. Do what we say!” Another man’s voice called out and so I rubbed myself harder, almost to the point of an orgasm.

  Yet as soon as I cried out with pleasure, I felt a jerk on the clips, and my body was hoisted up even higher in the suspension device.

  The crowd yelled out again. “Shove a rod up her pussy! Torture her!” One of the men screamed and then another yelled out, as well. I could hear one of the Task Force officers laughing on the right side of the platform.

  “She’s only one of many wh
o will be hoisted and tortured in the city of Utopios!” Another Task Force officer’s voice boomed over a megaphone.

  “It is our duty to the law-abiding citizens to ensure their right to a clean and safe community. We won’t tolerate anyone who decides to break our rules!” He yelled out and the crowd broke out in a round of applause.

  I wondered if there was anyone in the crowd who had also committed a crime, but had just not been caught yet. It would have made me feel less alone to know that I was not the only one.

  “Utopios is in the midst of a massive transformation. We need to separate the so-called wheat from the chaff, and make sure that we are only allowing the most truthful and industrious citizens into our fold.” Jeb spoke up and then one of the other Task Force officers chimed in after him.

  “We have a place for those who don’t want to live by our rules!” His voice bellowed and I waited for the roar of the crowd.

  “And it’s called the Unix Society!” The crowd erupted with their response and then they led a man up to the stage. He held a rod and he reached up tot my vagina, then he smacked it three times. “Take that!”

  He then turned around and walked away. I wanted to sleep, but the cold air and the wild crowd made it impossible for me to receive even a second’s rest. I hung my head and then tried to kick out my legs but the shackles constricted my movements. I was wearing down and I wanted to scream out.

  Jeb cranked me up higher in the suspension and I could feel the clips cinch my body in tighter. The leather contraption that was wrapped around my waist was hot and restrictive. I tried to guess how high up I was, and figured that by now I was at least thirty feet above the ground. I could still hear the voices from the crowd, but they were growing more and more distant. In a sense, it felt better to be more removed from the harsh resonance below. Yet I still worried that someone would climb a ladder and try to attack me from the other side of the platform, regardless of how high up I was.

  I imagined that it was well beyond midnight now, and the air was cold and damp. I was chilled, and I wanted food. The depths of the Task Force’s punishment ran deep, and I could tell that there was no easy way to get myself out of the situation. I heard some of the man below comment about my breasts, and I wondered how much detail they could see from where I was positioned. In a moment of torturous rage, I yelled out.

  “One day, some of you will be in the same position. You will find out that you are human, just like me, and that you will have to endure the same cruel punishments as me.” I hoped that my voice could be heard above all of their conversations and jeering.

  I wanted them to understand that I was a person and that I had flaws just like all of them. I imagined that even some of the Task Force officers had their own faults that were simply not disclosed as public information.

  “We’re going to keep her up for another fifteen minutes, and then take her down.” Jeb made an announcement and I waited to hear the crowd’s response.

  Some of them responded with cheers, and a few others called out, requesting that I remain suspended for another day. I wished again that I had the option of removing the blindfold, but realized that there was no way to have Jeb, or any of the other Task Force officers, change their minds.

  After what felt like an eternity, I was hoisted up, yet higher. That must have been the apex of their punishment procedure, because at that point, they careened me out with a lever into the main fray of the crowd. I was still suspended several feet in the air, so that they couldn’t touch me, but if I should have fallen out for any reason,

  I would have landed directly on their heads as opposed to the platform floor. I dangled above them, my body weak, and my breasts swinging to and fro. My feet were numb from the metal shackles, and my hands were rubbed raw from being yanked through the cuffs toward the metal chains.

  There was a moment of silence, and I figured that the Task Force officers must have given some sort of a cue to the crowd to lower their voices. The air was now significantly colder, and I had pains in my stomach from being deprived for food for so many hours. I thought back to the moment that I slid under the barbed wire fence at the Unix Society’s border. I wondered what happened to the stolen coins, and to the boy who had come for them. As I lowered my head in exhaustion, I felt a slight release around my body harness.

  The Task Force was initiating my descent. I tried to remain calm, for fear that I would get my hopes up only to be hoisted back up and above the crowd. I was excited at the thought of finally being released, but at the same time I worried that they might have another devious idea planned for me, or that my journey to the platform floor would be interrupted by some odd twist of fate. Before I could give it much more thought, I realized that I was, indeed, on my way to the ground.

  The crowd went wild. First, a man came to the platform and asked to squeeze my clitoris. Jeb allowed him, and I wanted to scream. It was sexually humiliating, and I wanted it to end. I had no way to avoid it, so I simply sat back as he squeezed each part of my clit in his contribution to the humiliation. Jeb tried to get the crowd to settle down, but they were unruly and lascivious, pawing at the platform gates, trying top touch my breasts and my face. I could only hope that once I got to bottom of the platform that the Task Force officers would do something to get me out of harm’s way.

  “I think we should hoist her back up.” Jeb made an announcement when he realized that the crowd had grown too large to control.

  Surely, they wouldn’t do anything to make the Task Force officers angry, or they would be faced with a punishment, themselves. However, I still had the unfortunate experience of having to wait while someone else made a decision on my behalf. After some deliberation, Jeb apparently changed his mind about raising me back up, and instead continued to lower me to the ground.

  As soon as my feet touched the bottom, I cried out with relief. I had never been so thankful for touching solid ground as I was at that particular moment. I still couldn’t move much since my feet were cuffed, but that was not a concern. I tried to use my senses to detect where the Task Force officers were standing, but had little way to tell where they were positioned. Then I heard Jeb with the megaphone, trying to get the crowd to back up ten feet away from the platform.

  He must not have gotten the response that he wanted, because he had to make another announcement before they did as he asked. Within the next few minutes, the crowd was backed up far enough to the Task Force’s approval. I waited with patience, hoping that someone would unshackle either my hands or my feet. Yet nobody did anything. Instead Jeb made another announcement.

  “We’ll let one person from the crowd come up and rub her breasts, but you have to leave us a donation.” He chuckled and then a man’s voice rose from the crowd.

  “As long as the donation goes to the betterment of Utopios, I’ll do it.” He clamored up to the platform, and I could smell the alcohol on his breath before he even got near me.

  It was a chilling sensation, to be bound by both my hands and my feet, in front of an angry crowd, unsure of who was standing right before my face. He must have been a big guy, because he had a husky voice, and the weight of his body made the platform creak when he moved. I took a deep breath and then waited for him to fondle my bare tits.

  His hands were calloused and rough. He squeezed both of my breasts at the same time, and then pinched the nipples on each, laughing as he did so.

  “Can I give you a titty twister?” He chuckled as he pinched a nipple with each hand, and then twisted them in a circular motion until I cried out for him to stop.

  “Maybe next time you’ll think twice before trying to steal an innocent old lady’s cats.” He spit on the floor and then thumped off the platform stage.

  Jeb stood before the crowd and then hushed everyone’s voice again.

  “Ladies and gentlemen. Thank-you for coming out tonight. We will now begin our procession through the town with the prisoner. Please clear the way.” He sat down the megaphone and unshackled my hands and
my feet.

  I wanted to cry, but told myself to remain strong. The cold, damp air hit my chafed skin once the cuffs were removed and I breathed a sigh of relief.

  Then I hung my head low, swallowed once to comfort my parched throat, and walked wearily forward as they dragged me off the platform, and into the night.




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  Ambush Me!

  Ambush Me! (A BDSM Dark Fantasy Story)


  “Laura McAlister, you are hereby charged with treason. You will have to come with us!” The guard spoke in a deep monotone, and I don’t even look back. I try instead to muster up a look of fear, so that are not privy to my motives. Then I turn around and face the six men who have come to take me away.


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