A La Mode

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A La Mode Page 12

by A. D. Herrick

“Why are you flush?” I gave her a weak smile.

  “It’s just warm in here is all. Perhaps I need another drink?” The look on her face showed me she didn’t believe me. I gave her a pleading look. Finally, she surrendered and followed me to the bar.

  “You know, fellas might start to believe we are lesbians the way we are always hanging on one another.” This statement both shocked and frightened me. Usually, it was Kelly that was hanging all over me and dragging me around and now here she was schooling me about propriety.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know that I was infringing on your freedom and appearance.”

  Kelly swatted the air in front of her. “Oh, don’t be like that. I’m simply saying that perhaps we should mingle some.” I stopped and studied her. She looked away from me, pretending to be interested in the crowd.

  “Just spit it out Kel, Tell me whatever it is.”

  Kelly’s head swiveled back to face me, her eyes misty. “I just want to enjoy the night. Let’s talk about it later. I don’t want to fight. Let’s get a drink and mingle, shall we?” I sucked in a deep breath and schooled myself. She was right about one thing; we would definitely talk about this later.

  I couldn’t understand the sudden change in her. I decided not to dwell on it. I had an appearance to keep up and now was not the time to let emotions get in the way. I had to remind myself that this was a job, nothing more. We placed our orders at the bar. I ordered a glass of red while Kelly ordered her screaming orgasm. Her demeanor had swiftly changed back to her cheery, bubbly disposition once she had her drink in hand.

  An average height man with light brown hair slipped in between me and Kelly. He wrapped one arm around her waist and whispered in her ear. My brows drew together in confusion. I had never seen him before. Kelly whispered back to him and then swiveled on her stool to face me, her face was positively beaming with happiness.

  “Niko, I would like you to meet Tom. Tom this is my best friend and roommate, Niko.” I gave a large smile to the man and reached out my hand to take his.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Tom.” My voiced dripped with sweetness as I spoke. Kelly’s eyes plead with me to be nice. I wasn’t sure what had her panties bound so tight. My guess was Tom was the man she had been going goo-goo over.

  Tom was an attractive man. A little on the plain side, but attractive none the less. He was average height and average weight. His light brown hair was cropped short and he had wide warm brown eyes. When he smiled I could tell it was genuine. He rarely took his eyes off of Kelly and when he did I could tell he was just itching to have a reason to stare at her again. She seemed just as desperate for his attention.

  Sensing their need for some time alone, I politely excused myself. I knew I needed to make the rounds anyway. It was a part of the job. The one part I hated. I was not a big fan of large groups and mingling. I finished my glass of wine and left Kelly and Tom to their sickly sweet stare-fest.

  I had spotted the new hires and had set to make my way over to them and introduce myself when a rather large hand clamped down on mine halting my steps. I turned to find an older portly gentleman with a Cheshire smile. His hair was greased into a side part and his large bushy brows wagged at me. My body wanted to shiver but I reined it in and gave a polite smile. “How are you?” I asked through a terse smile which he mistook and an invite to slither into my personal space.

  He gave me a greasy smile. “So do you wanna play with me little lady?” his voice was gruff and grated on my nerves.

  “I’m so sorry sir, this is a social mixer. Please contact Ms. Hyde for any services you may need.” I gave him a curt smile and attempted to pull my hand away. I made a mental note to exclude him from my player’s card. His grip was firm as he held me in place. I pulled back my shoulders and gave him a meaningful look.

  “Unhand me, sir.”

  He slithered in even closer, his protruding stomach pressed to the front of mine. “I asked you a question, little lady. Do not make me repeat myself.” His voice was low and took on a menacing tone that threatened violence. I shivered, not in fear, but from the spittle that flew out of his mouth as he spoke. My insides cringed.

  With my free hand, I reached between his legs and took his old saggy balls into my hand and gave them a firm squeeze. His eyebrows shot into his hairline and his mouth dropped open with shock and pain.

  “As I was saying, unhand me, sir.” I gave another firm squeeze and he readily released me, cursing me under his breath.

  “Have a good day.” I spun on my heels and headed to the other side of the room, the new hires quickly were forgotten. My skin crawled and I ached for a long hot shower to wash away the feel of his body pressed against mine and the spittle that had landed on my flesh. I felt sure my dress would need to be burned. A shiver ran down my spine in disgust.

  I had nearly made it to a booth in the far corner when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around expecting to find the bushy-browed serpent but was surprised to find Ms. Hyde. I quickly donned a bright warm smile.

  “Ah, Ms. Hyde. How are you this evening?” Her brow quirked in amusement.

  “Cut the shit, Niko. I saw what happened with Mr. Harris.” I sucked my teeth, racking my brain for the right words to say. We were required to ooze sex, not be pawed by slime balls but perhaps squeezing his nuts like a vice had been a bit over the line.

  “Ah, yes, Mr. Harris.” I pretended to think about his name. Ms. Hyde chuckled.

  “He is a dirty old bastard. Next time, kick him where it counts.” I gaffed at her response relieved she was not upset for how I handled the situation.

  “Noted, Ms. Hyde,” She waved her hand in front of her face as though she were trying to rid herself of an offending odor.

  “Niko, I need you to come with me into the office. I have something important to speak to you about. I think you will want to hear this.” I gave her a curt nod and followed her through the club and up the staircase that leads to the upper floor. Her office was at the back of the building.

  Chapter Three

  It had been four years since Rachel died and Erick left me. I sold the house and used my share of the money to move across the country to Miami, Florida. There wasn’t much left after I the mortgage was paid off. A mortgage that had been taken out on the house to help Erick start his own business, I was such a fool back then. My mother had disowned me when she found out Erick and I was getting a divorce. I left everything behind. My whole life or what was left of it. Packing only a small bag I left the state and never looked back.

  I decided from then on to live my life for me and avoid any commitments or relationships of any kind. I took the first Job I saw. It wasn’t a tradition job. But Secrets offered me everything I needed, a way to live freely without any strings, attachments, or obligations.

  Since then I had let Kelly into my life. She was the closest person I had to a friend. She was my best friend in a way. Though she occupied half of the apartment I lived in, I still had not shared everything with her. I gave her the same story I gave everyone. That I was a simple girl and I just wanted a simple life. Only one person knew the real story, the whole truth, Ms. Hyde.

  When I had come across an ad looking for entertainers at a club I had jumped at the chance to get out of my comfort zone and meet new people. I was looking for anything to distract me from my past. Ms. Hyde had called me in for an interview.

  During the interview, I had broken down and told her everything. How my business was over because of Rachel’s unexpected death. How her family had destroyed everything we had built.

  I told her about Erick’s infidelity and how he left me jobless and with his debt. I cried into my hands as I told her how my own mother had turned her back on me because I was not able to make my marriage work.

  Ms. Hyde sat there and listened patiently and let me cry it all out. I cried for the loss of Rachel, the ruin of my relationship and the loss of my former self.

  When I had finished sobbing and hand wiped away my tears
Ms. Hyde gave me a sympathetic smile.

  “Your life is what you make it. People will come and go. Lovers will break your heart. But it is up to you to live your life to the fullest. No one can make you happy but yourself and no one can hurt you if you do not allow them to.

  You are a strong woman. I can see that you have a warm heart and a good head on your shoulders. From this point forward it is up to you to take care of yourself and for you to decide how you will let the actions of others affect you.”

  Her words hit me hard. She was right. I was crying over circumstances which I could not change. However, I gave them power by continuing to let them affect me. I could do nothing about Rachel’s death. But I could cherish the memories I had of her.

  I could do nothing about the sinking of the business but I could rebuild.

  I never truly loved Erick and his deception was hurtful. However, I didn’t have to let his actions continue to hurt me.

  I pulled my shoulders back and took a deep breath. She was right. It was time for me to take control of my life.

  That was over three years ago. Now here I was walking back into the office of a woman who had been more of a mother to me than my own mother had been. Her office was a drastic change from the dark interior of the club. Behind the solid wood door laid a room that looked like it had walked off the cover of a Contemporary home magazine.

  The walls were a bright white with matching sleek white furnishings. The floors were a white marble with a thick white rug that resembled a polar bear hide. Contemporary art was hung on the walls. White canvases with splashes of gold framed with gold trim.

  The trimmings and décor were done in a gold finish. Her desk was made from the same marble as the floor. It sat empty with the exception of a white Mac book on the corner and a simple white notebook in the center. The office was elegant and classy.

  “Sit down, Niko.” I took a seat across from her in front of her desk. I crossed my legs and placed my hands in my lap, my eyes trained on my lap. I felt like a scolded child that had been called into the principal’s office.

  “As I was saying during the meeting, a few of our clients have asked for extended time periods and have asked to have sessions outside of the club.” My eyes shot up to meet hers. I remembered her saying that she would talk to each employee individually if they had been requested. Surely I had not been requested.

  “What does this have to do with me?” My eyes wide with shock. Ms. Hyde gave me a terse smile.

  “My dear, how many clients do you suppose you have had in all your time here?” My brows furrowed with confusion. With my requirements, it was hard to tell. I gave a confused shrug of the shoulders.

  “I honestly have no clue. You know my circumstances.” Her smile spread.

  “Precisely, however, I do know.” My heart beat rapidly in my chest. I was afraid to know the answer. Knowing the answer made it real and making it really ruined the illusion I had created for myself.

  “Two.” The words that came out of her mouth puzzled me. I started at her in disbelief.

  “Two?” That made absolutely no sense. I knew it had to have been more than two. I worked nearly seven days a week and often had two or more men at a time. How could I only have had two clients?

  “That doesn’t make any sense.” I objected. Ms. Hyde’s smile was placating. She folded her hands and placed them in front of her on her desk. I knew this move. The gloves were coming off. I swallowed hard.

  “Nicole,” Oh shit, we went to first name basis. “I know for a fact that you have only had two clients. If you think on it I’m sure you can figure out how that is possible. That being said, your two clients have decided to make a deal. They would like to have you for three months. That is a full three months. Every single hour of every single day for ninety days. They have asked to take you to an undisclosed location. I do not know all of the particulars. However, they have ensured your safety and are willing to pay whatever the price may be.”

  I started at her completely dumbfounded. “So, two guys want me to leave for three months with them and they won’t say where? Am I hearing this right?” my voice had raised and become shrill as her words sunk in.

  “Settle down, Nicole. Yes, they will be taking you away but have promised that you would be completely safe. You have had these same men for over three years. Tell me, have they once hurt you? Have you once felt uncomfortable?” my mouth was dry causing my words to come out croaked.

  “no,” My eyes pleaded with her for this to be a mistake.

  “But what about my rules? How will that work?” Ms. Hyde’s face blanched. She had forgotten about my rules.

  “I am sure we can figure out something. The men know your rules. I am quite sure they understand that the same rules apply. I promise you that I will talk to them.” I chewed on my lip nervously.

  I was torn. I always had mind blowing sex with one of the men. I wasn’t sure which one it had been or even if it had been both of them. Until this point, I had no clue that I had only been having two men.

  The other men involved must have been players. I knew that the women involved had been players so it only makes sense. I never felt unsafe during any of my sessions. I was worried about my rules. I had no idea how they would play into the equation. My rules were a hard line for me and I would not waiver.

  Kelly and I had made a deal, three more months and then we were out. This one session could be enough to ensure my plan was secure. I needed to speak with Kelly.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I will need some time to think about it. How long before you need an answer?”

  Ms. Hyde’s face was void of emotion. “Five million, Nicole, Five million is what they are offering to pay. Are your rules really that important? You have until tomorrow to decide.” Ms. Hyde stood ending the meeting.

  I stood and walked out of the office. My mind was in a state of shock. Five million dollars to spend three months with two men I did not know. With my share of the cut, I would receive half of that. That was more than enough to start my new life. When I looked up I was shocked to see that I had made my way down the stairs and across the club to the bar without even realizing it.

  I ordered a glass of red from the bartender. I sat there staring into the glass, hoping that the answers would come to me. A tall man with long dark brown hair walked up to the bar and stood beside me. Out of instinct, my eyes began to travel up his tall broad frame. He was wearing a pair of black slacks that molded to his ass displaying the perfect globes. His Dark green dress shirt was tucked in and emphasized his broad shoulders. His face was turned away from me but that didn’t stop me from staring.

  “Hey, there you are,” Kelly’s excited voice pulled me away from the man beside me. “I have been looking all over for you. Where were you?” Kelly’s eyes were sparkling with excitement.

  “I was called up to see Hyde. What’s up?” Kelly’s eyes grew wide with my news.

  “Oh my gosh, why?” I shrugged the question off.

  “I’ll tell you about it later. What’s got you so excited?” I could tell she was excited about something. I was dying to know what had happened during my absence that caused her to become so enthusiastic.

  “You won’t believe it but,” Kelly thrust her left hand out at me her palm facing down. On her hand sat the largest diamond I had ever laid my eyes on. It was at least four carets. My jaw dropped as my eyes bounced between the rock on her hand and her eyes.

  “Oh my gosh, are you serious?” I couldn’t believe it. I had only been gone a short while and in that time Kelly went from single to engaged?

  “Are you seriously engaged?” Words escaped me. I just could not believe it. Kelly had been adamant about staying single as much as I had been.

  “Tom proposed.” She gushed and brought her hand to her chest, cradling it against her heart. She looked down at the large rock on her finger and smiles.

  “I told him yes.” I stood there slack-jawed staring at my best friends.

“Say something,” She begged nervously, her hand still cradled against her chest.

  “Let me see that again.” I snatched her hand away from her chest and brought it up to my face for closer examination.

  “I cannot believe it Kel. Marriage? What're next, children?” Kelly’s eyes lit up at the mention of children.

  “Yes, Please be happy for me Niko.”

  I grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into a tight embrace. “I’m happy if you are Kel. You know that I will support you always.” Her arms wrapped around me and held me close. I gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek. I pulled her back to study her. She was positively glowing.

  “You know, Niko, you can have this too, one day.” I gave her a tight smile. I felt the squeeze in my heart. The pain wasn’t as bad as it was three years ago. Kelly didn’t know that I was married once before. She didn’t know that I would never have children.

  She didn’t even know that my name was Nicole and not Niko. I felt like a bad friend for keeping so much away from her. Who I was in the past was exactly that. I wanted to keep it there. I inhaled and plastered a bright smile on my face.

  “You’re right Sweetheart. One day I will settle down.” Kelly beamed at me.

  “Oh, I just know it will happen for you, babes.”

  “So when is the big day?” Kelly’s bright whites flashed and her eyes twinkled.

  “We plan to have a quick wedding. He has asked me to move in with him. Niko, I’ll be moving out tonight.” She gave me an apologetic smile. I grabbed my glass and took a long swallow. I set my glass on the bar and signaled for the bartender for a refill.

  “Kel, I’m so happy for you. That truly sounds fantastic.” I gave her my best reassuring smile. Inside my heart ached. I knew that we would not always have one another. I had just hoped for a little bit more time with her. Despite it all, I truly was glad that she was getting everything she ever wanted.

  “I spoke with Hyde, she gave us her blessing. Can you believe it?” I could actually. Ms. Hyde had always been supportive of any of us that found happiness on or off the job. I think deep down she was a hopeless romantic.


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