A La Mode

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A La Mode Page 13

by A. D. Herrick

  “Oh, that’s fantastic. I’m truly happy for you.” Drink.

  “So what was it that you and Hyde were speaking about?” I tried to keep my mask of happiness plastered on.

  “Oh, it was nothing. A Dealer tried to get fresh and I put him in his place. She just wanted to ask me about it.” Her lips formed an ‘oh’.

  “Girl, what did he do?” she asked eager to hear the details.

  “Eh, he just grabbed me and asked for some time.” Her brows knit together in confusion.

  “And that is why you had to go up to the office?” I smirked and took another sip of my wine.

  “It could be that he wouldn’t release me so I gave his jewels a little squeeze until he complied.”

  Kelly busted out laughing and grabbed my shoulder to hold herself up. “You didn’t?” I arched a brow challenging that statement.

  “Niko, you are so bad.” She admonished. I shrugged my shoulder nonchalantly.

  “Eh, the man deserved it.”

  “So what did Hyde say?” I gave a small shake of the head and smiled.

  “She told me to give him a swift kick next time.” This caused Kelly to laugh even harder. Her laughter was light and twinkling and just forced you to laugh along with her.

  Tom chose that moment to join us. His arm went around Kelly’s waist and she leaned in against his chest. They truly looked like a couple in love. I hopped nothing but the best for them both. Tom promised me he would take great care of her and assured me that her happiness was all that mattered to him.

  I could tell that he was sincere. The way he looked at her spoke volumes. Kelly was eager to get home and pack a few things. The movers were expected first thing in the morning to pack and move the rest of her belongings. I gave them both a brief hug and wished them well.

  It was late and I was ready to go home but decided on one last drink before I made the lone drive. It also provided me time away from the house. I just couldn’t bring myself to watch Kelly pack up to leave. I was still in shock at the whole turn of events.

  “They looked like a happy couple.” The man standing beside spoke as he stared straight ahead. His voice was a warm deep baritone. I closed my eyes and let the sound of his voice wrap around my body.

  “Yeah, I think they will be,” I replied with a sad smile. I opened my eyes and focused on the drink in my hand. I wasn’t up for conversation but I had a duty to at least be nice and his voice felt so good on my skin. After all, it wasn’t his fault my best friend lost her mind and decided to marry a practical stranger and I was still reeling from the proposition from Ms. Hyde.

  “You don’t appear to be excited for her.” I gave a weak smile into my drink.

  “I am happy if she is happy. I’m just surprised is all.”

  “Have they known each other long?” I gave a quick shrug.

  “No clue. This is the first time I have heard of him.” That was somewhat of a lie. Kelly had spoken about a handsome dealer but that could have been anyone.

  I finished my drink and pushed the glass away. I left the bar and walked across the crowded room and found a quiet booth in the corner. I needed to think. I collapsed my hands together and rested my elbows on the table in front of me.

  What to do? I could easily afford the apartment that Kelly and I shared. I even had enough money to walk away now and start over. I never had the nerve to tell Kelly, but I enjoyed what I did. I didn’t think of it as work. I really didn’t want to quit my job. Where else would I be able to have my needs met and get paid to do it?

  I loved the way my body was worked over. I loved when my limits were pushed and I absolutely loved the thrill of not knowing who my lovers were. It helped me to not get attached or to form any bonds. That’s why my rules were so important.

  My requirements were a blindfold, so I couldn’t see them. A gag so I wouldn’t be required to speak. Wrist bindings so I wouldn’t have to touch them. It was the only way I knew how to keep myself shielded from developing any emotional attachments.

  This whole deal with Hyde telling me I had only had two dealers, it really bothered me. I didn’t want to hear that there had been hundreds but I also didn’t want to know that there were only two men out there that knew how to work my body over to perfection.

  What would happen if I got someone new? Would they know what to do? All this time I had assumed that my sexual experience had been because of my rules. Now I wasn’t so sure. What if no other man could do what they had done to me?

  I could feel a headache brewing just behind my eyes. I needed to stop thinking about it. It was a job. That was all that mattered. I couldn’t take the three-month deal. That would bring me too close to the men. I needed to know if what I felt was only because of them or if someone else could bring me the same pleasure.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” I looked up. My eyes met the most brilliant set of jade green eyes I had ever seen. They were warm and inviting. I felt the temperature in the room rise as I studied his face. He had a strong jaw and high chiseled cheekbones. His lips were thick and inviting. A knowing smile crept across his face as my eyes drank their fill. I bit my lower lip in want as I watched his tongue dart out to swipe across his lower lip. I caught myself leaning in toward him. He turned his head and gave a soft chuckle shoving his hands in his front pockets.

  I recognized him as the dealer I had seen when I was headed to the bar with Kelly. He was wearing a fitted white dress shirt that was tucked into his black slacks. His simple black tie hung open around his neck. He was drop dead gorgeous. I felt the saliva begin to pool in my mouth. I quickly straightened and shook away the naughty thoughts that threatened to take over my mind.

  His head swung back over in my direction and he shot me a devilish wink. “How about I grab you a drink and you tell me about those sinful thoughts that I saw flash across that pretty little face of yours?” I shot him a flirty wink and played coy.

  “I have no idea what you are talking about, sir. Though, a drink would be nice. Make it a glass of red and I’ll give you a moment of my time.” He gave a quick bob of his head left for the bar.

  “What’s a beauty like you doing all alone in the corner?” I looked up expecting to find the gorgeous man in the white shirt only to find an identical version of him in a dark green dress shirt standing at the head of the table. He wore a similar black tie that was also undone around his neck and hung loosely across his chest. Upon closer inspection, I realized he was the same man that was standing beside me at the bar. The two men had to have been brothers, if not twins. His voice rolled around me and caused my skin to prickle in goosebumps.

  “Fancy meeting you in a place like this,” I motioned at the place around me and out toward the club and shot him a flirty wink. He gave a soft chuckle that rumbled up from his chest. If his voice felt like a caress his laughter was like a warm blanket.

  “May I have a seat?” He motioned toward the empty booth in front of me. I opened my mouth to speak when a second voice interrupted.

  “Brother, I see you decided to join the party.” I looked up to find the man in the white dress shirt standing beside him. In his hands was a glass of red and what looked like a tumbler of whiskey.

  “Please. Both of you have a seat.” The words stumbled out of my mouth. The sight of these two men standing before me caused me to shift my crossed legs to relieve the tension that had begun to pool between them. They were identical twins and double the visual stimulation to my nether region.

  They both slid into the booth in front of me. I watched as they looked at each other and seemed to be communicating without words. I cleared my throat, calling their attention to me. “You know it’s rude to have a private conversation when there is a third party at the table.” I arched a brow for effect. Honestly, they could have just sat there all night and let me drool over them but I knew that wasn’t how this game was played.

  I was on a mission and these two gorgeous men in front of me were to be my pray. I had a theory to test. I needed to k
now if there were only two men that were able to drive my body mad with desire and who were able to make me cum so quickly and readily.

  Perhaps these two gentlemen would be the ones that could either prove or dispel my theory. If they could work me over just as easily as the two men that I have had sessions with over the last three years then I knew it was my rules that brought me pleasure. If these two men could not, then I knew I needed to take the three-month session.

  “What’s your name, beautiful?” The man in the green shirt asked. I gave him a seductive smile as stroked the stem of my wine glass suggestively. “Niko,” I held out my hand to him, palm down. He took my hand in his and hissed my knuckles sending shivers down my spine. “Blake,” his lips whispered across the tender flesh of my knuckles.

  “Quit slobbering on the woman, Blake.” The man in the white shirt glared at his brother. “And what might your name be, handsome?” I bat my eyes at him sweetly. “Hunter, and I must say. Flattery will get you everywhere.” He wagged his eyebrows at me and winked. I couldn’t help the heat that crept up my neck and spread across my face.

  I withdrew my hand from Blake’s grasp and sipped my wine, hoping for liquid courage. I would need it to ask these men for what I wanted. I knew they were dealers. But I had never approached a man for a date let alone to ask for what I wanted sexually.

  “When I came up you appeared to be in deep thought, care to share them? I hear we are pretty good listeners.” Hunter offered. I gave him a polite smile. “I had just received some shocking news. I was just mulling it over. Hoping to come to better terms with the whole situation.” Hunter’s eyes lit up with intrigue.

  “And what was this shocking news?” He seemed genuinely interested so I gave in and told him. I knew that Blake had overheard most of it.

  “My best friend just told me she is getting married and moving out tonight. It was quite a shock.” I saw disappointment flash across his face briefly. He quickly covered it with a thoughtful look. “I take it you were close?”

  I cocked my head in thought. “Yes, as close as one can be in such affairs. It was just so sudden. I didn’t even know she was interested in a serious relationship, let alone love.”

  “Do you not believe in relationships and love?” Hunter’s question caught me off guard. “I… I suppose it is possible. I haven’t given it much thought.” Lie. I gave a sad smile then waved my hand in the air clearing the air of any sad thoughts. “Enough with the pity party on my part.” I saw Blake’s lip twitch as though he were amused. “What is so amusing, Blake?” I shot him a questioning look.

  “I was just thinking about your bout with Mr. Harris.” My mouth dropped in shock. “You knew about that?” He chuckled; the sound reverberated through his chest and caused heat to flood my core.

  “I was just about to intervene when you aptly handled it yourself.” His face lit up with a bright smile that caused my heart to pitter patter. I couldn’t fight the smile that blossomed across my lips. I gave a cocky smirk and shrugged one of my shoulders as though it were nothing.

  “You are such a gentleman, aren’t you?” I joshed him.

  “Gentleman is a word I am not often called. Isn’t that right, Hunter?” He bumped Hunter with his elbow. Hunter simply smiled as he studied my face. It was a bit unnerving but I didn’t let it bother me. I knew I had been subjecting them both to my intense eye fucking.

  “No, I do not believe we have ever been accused of such.” I playfully rolled my eyes at them both.

  “Niko, I see you have met both Hunter and Blake.” Ms. Hyde’s voice drew my eyes away from the twin wet dreams. I gave her a bright smile.

  “Indeed, I have.” She gave an uneasy smile.

  “Niko, if I could please speak to you in private.” Something had clearly upset her. I wasted no time excusing myself and leaving my seat. I followed her back up to her office.

  She took her seat at her desk and motioned for me to do the same.

  “Nicole,” My stomach filled with dread. “I am sorry to tell you, but I need your answer now.” I opened my mouth to protest. Ms. Hyde raised her hand to silence me. “I know I told you I would give you a little bit of time. However, I was informed that an answer was needed tonight.” Her face was set firmly garnering no argument.

  “Do they even know who I am?” It was a question that had been eating at me. I had no clue who they were, did they even know who I was.

  Ms. Hyde looked as though the question caught her off guard. “What kind of establishment do you think I run here, Nicole?” I opened my mouth to answer but was swiftly cut off. “The place is called Secrets for a reason. I do not give out any personal information regardless of the price offered. The men know you by a number and a card. Any additional information they know would be information you would have given them. I can honestly tell you that they have no ideas as to who you are.” A knowing smirk appeared across her face.

  “What?” I asked frustrated by the whole situation.

  “Nothing, my dear. I just find it somewhat amusing that they are out there right now trying to locate you and gain knowledge of you. All the while you are in here hoping I will disclose who they are.” She had me pegged. I was hoping she would tell me who they were.

  “Okay, say I do this. Then what?” I had finally resolved myself to the fact that this is what I needed to do. Kelly would no longer be a part of my life. I know she promised that nothing would change. But I knew the truth. Everything would change. She would be a kept woman while I sold my body for money. She would be living in a large grand house while I went home every night to a cold lonely apartment. The two things that had bonded us had disappeared at the same time.

  Ms. Hyde ran her tongue across her teeth before answering. “I have a letter right here disclosing all of the information you will need regarding the matter. I have a few simple releases that I will need you to sign and that will be it.” I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded for her to retrieve the papers.

  I scratched my name along all of the lines marked with a bright red ‘x’. My heart hammered in my chest the entire time. I made a silent promise to myself that this would be the last session. No matter what happens, this was the last one.

  I folded up the envelope that Ms. Hyde gave me and shoved it in my clutch. Giving her a reassuring smile I excused myself and headed back down to the club. I hoped to secure a place in the bed of the delicious twins before the sun came up.

  When I got down to the table I found both men in deep conversation. “She isn’t the one.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Trust me, on this.”

  I cleared my throat to announce my arrival. I was met with confused stares. Feeling slightly uneasy I gave them a weak smile. “Mind if I join you?” Hunter smiled and motioned to the seat across from them.

  “Please, have a seat.” I gave him a small smile.

  “Did you get in trouble again?” Blake asked and winked. I chuckled lightly and shook my head.

  “I always seem to stay in trouble.”

  Blake’s brows rose with intrigue. “Please, do tell.” I shook my head but told him anyway.

  “I was summoned about some business we had discussed earlier.” The guys shared a look, silently communicating between one another. Hunter gave me a broad smile.

  “Oh yeah? What business might that be?” he looked eager to hear my gossip.

  I settled in my seat and leaned forward, giving them a great view of my breast. I crooked my finger at them urging them closer as I licked my lips seductively.

  “Mr. Harris from earlier requested some alone time with me, I politely declined.“ I gave them a wink knowing full well that was not what they were anticipating hearing. Though, in part it was true. Ms. Hyde had informed me that he requested a session and I flatly declined.

  Both men fell back against their seat in defeat groaning. Their heads turned toward one another and they again had a silent conversation. I was just about to suggest that we go somewhere a bit mor
e private when Hunter spoke up. “My beautiful, Niko, I am afraid we are going to call it a night. Can we walk you to your car?” I gave a tight smile. That was nothing close to how I was envisioning the night ending. I took a deep breath and relented.

  “Yes, that would be nice. It is late and I have loads to do tomorrow.” I slid from my seat and allowed each man to take an arm as they lead me out of the club. I looked up to the terrace and saw Ms. Hyde standing there with an odd expression on her face. It was almost as though she were trying to hide a smile.

  Other Titles by A. D. Herrick

  Rock On: A Heavy Metal Romance

  Rock Harder: A Heavy Metal Romance

  Rocking Away: A Heavy Metal Romance


  Break Down


  About the Author

  A. D. Herrick was born and raised in Southern California though currently resides in Birmingham, Alabama with her husband, 3 children, 2 dogs and 3 cats. Though she was born and raised in the big city, she is a country girl at heart with a taste for smoldering hot men.




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