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The Crawling Creature by Donald Bayne Hobart

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by OMNICAdmin

  McNally. The attempt to hang him with the McNally leaped up and caught the vine

  vine had convinced him that the Crawling

  in his huge fist just above Ayres’ head. The Creature was actually someone else. There combined weight was too much and the vine was not the slightest doubt of that.

  broke, dropping both men to the ground.

  They reached the clearing in which

  Ayres and Buckly had camped the previous

  AYRES tore at the noose that was still around night without encountering any further

  his neck as he lay there. It came away—and trouble. Ayres lead the big man to the shallow he gasped for breath.

  grave he had dug for Dan Buckly.

  “That was close,” murmured McNally

  “Look!” exclaimed Ayres as they

  as he got to his feet. “Too damn close. If you reached it. “You were right!”

  hadn’t yelled I might not have known what The grave had been dug up and the

  had happened until it was too late!”

  heavy rifle that had been lying beside

  “I know,” said Ayres weakly, rising

  Buckly’s body was missing.

  and picking up his gun. “Did you get him

  “That guy sure moves fast,” said

  when you fired?”

  McNally. “He got here first all right. The gun

  “Afraid not,” said McNally. “What a

  is gone!”

  jump that was.” There was a scowl on his big Ayres was not looking at the grave.

  face as he gazed up at the tree. “I said it His eyes were fixed upon the back of

  wasn’t a native, but I ain’t so sure of it now.

  McNally’s huge hand. There was a black

  That vine trick—is one that a black might streak on it that might have been dried blood.

  think of doing. And if it was a white man—he But that was impossible. McNally

  sure knows how to jump.”

  wasn’t the mysterious killer—that was the individual who had been ghoulish enough to THEY both stood listening. Far off to their left rob Buckly’s grave. To steal the gun of a dead they heard a faint rustling in the jungle. It man.

  gradually faded into the silence.

  “He got away all right,” said McNally.

  THERE was one thing about that gun that

  “Guess I missed him.” He smiled ironically.

  Ayres had not told McNally—the rifle was not

  “Reckon you figure I’m a rotten shot—that’s loaded. Ayres had removed the cartridges and the second time I’ve missed.”

  put them in his own pockets. He had been

  “So did I, once.” remarked Ayres. intending to tell the big man that, but now he

  “Evidently he hasn’t dug up that gun yet—if decided against it. He did not have any

  he really is going to do it at all.”

  particular reason for not doing so—save the

  “How far are we from where you and

  faint improbable suspicion that had just

  Buckly camped last night now?”

  entered his mind.

  Ayres looked around him. “About a

  He realized that his suspecting the

  mile, I guess—maybe less.”

  other man was hardly fair. Lucky McNally

  “Come on then,” said McNally starting

  had rescued him when he had been caught in ahead again. “He’s got a head start. He’ll get the jungle by the vine rope in the hands of there first.”

  someone who obviously intended to hang him.

  They went on. Dix Ayres was very

  If McNally was the real killer he certainly careful to avoid anything along the trail. His would not have done that. At least it did not

  The Crawling Creature


  seem very probable to Ayres.

  over it, but he could not quite remember what

  “Looks kind of bad,” said McNally

  it had been.

  gazing around him anxiously. “If this

  Ayres turned and started into the

  Crawling Creature has the gun—and we know jungle. He might as well do as McNally had he has, then we’re in a tough spot, Ayres.”

  suggested and look for the man who had

  “We are,” said Ayres watching the murdered his partner. He did not think the other man closely. “What are we going to do search would prove particularly fruitful.

  about it?”

  If the Crawling Creature was clever

  “Try and get him first,” said the big

  enough to escape as easily as he had done man. “Listen, I got a hunch that this guy’s from that tree back along the trail he was not somewhere around here. Suppose we separate likely to be found readily if he chose to hide.

  and see if we can’t dig him out, huh?”

  For over half an hour Ayres circled

  “All right,” said Ayres. “That might be

  through the jungle searching for some trace of a good idea.”

  the hidden killer. Once he heard a rustling

  “It’s a swell one,” said McNally. “You

  amid the brush, but discovered that it was go that way,” he pointed into the jungle merely some sort of a small wild animal. He toward the south. “And I’ll go this,” he was not interested in game at the moment. He nodded toward the west. “Circle back here and had more important things on his mind.

  meet me in about an hour—we ought to have some trace of this killer by then.”

  FINALLY he returned to the clearing.

  Ayres stood watching as the big man

  McNally had not as yet returned. Ayres went moved across the clearing and entered the to Buckly’s grave. He stood frowning as he brush. He stood with his eyes fixed upon

  gazed at it. It had been filled in again—and McNally’s back until the latter disappeared.

  upon the soft dirt that covered it had been Then suddenly Ayres turned and drawn two large X’s. The mark of the started running toward a big tree. He ducked Crawling Creature.

  behind it swiftly, and remained hidden from Ayres swung around as he heard the

  view. His move was instinctive—and he did roar of a heavy rifle and a bullet thudded into not quite know why he had done it, but he felt a tree trunk just above his head. There was a there was some reason.

  crashing back in the brush and then a second McNally’s having brought him all the

  report of a gun. This time the bullet did not way back to this camping spot did not seem as appear to be aimed in Ayres’ direction. It logical as it had at first. Yet it had seemed would not have hit him anyway, for an instant sensible—this effort to keep Buckly’s gun after the first shot had struck he had ducked from the Crawling Creature. Was it though?

  behind the tree.

  Ayres wasn’t so sure of that now.

  In a moment Lucky McNally came

  He realized that it was not, knowing as

  running out of the jungle. Ayres had him

  he did that the gun was empty. But he had not covered from behind the tree. He was taking told Lucky McNally that. Lucky McNally—

  no chances with anyone. Either McNally or dimly Ayres tried to remember something that the other man had fired those two shots, nearly he had heard about the name.

  got him with the first one—and as far as Ayres knew the hidden killer’s gun was not loaded.

  THERE had been some ironical reason for

  “Ayres!” called McNally. “Where are

  McNally having been given the nickname. He you?”

  had heard men who knew McNally well laugh

  “Right here,” said Ayres from behind

  Thrilling Adventures


  the tree. “And I’ve got you covered,

  “Oh, no he isn’t,” said McNally. “He’s


  just smart, that’s all. He know
s those marks

  “Covered!” exclaimed the big man as

  are gonna worry us—and he is right.”

  he came closer. “What in hell for?”

  “I don’t agree with you,” stated Ayres.

  “Just playing safe,” said Ayres. “You

  “Tricks like that are merely childish—that’s better stay right where you are!”

  all—the products of a demented mind. I tell

  “Of all the fool idiots,” exclaimed you the man is a homicidal maniac!”

  McNally, “you’re it. Here this Crawling

  “That’s what you think,” McNally

  Creature takes a shot at you. I fire back at glared at him. “But I got a hunch you’re all him—and instead of being thankful, like you wrong.”

  should be that I’m protecting you, you cover

  “All right,” said Ayres. “We won’t

  me with your gun. Are you nuts or something, argue about it.”


  It was growing late in the afternoon.

  “Buckly’s gun wasn’t loaded,” said Ayres dreaded another night in the jungle. It Ayres. “I forgot to tell you that.”

  had been dark when the Crawling Creature

  McNally stared at him for a moment

  had murdered Buckly and when the sun

  and then threw back his big head and laughed disappeared he might strike again.


  “I’m going to take one more look

  “What of it?” he demanded finally.

  around,” said McNally suddenly. “You stay

  “Didn’t Buckly have a lot of cartridges in his here.”

  pocket—like we all carry them at times. I got Ayres glanced at the big man as the

  a hunch he did!”

  latter spoke. McNally was scowling and he Ayres began to feel rather foolish. The

  seemed to have something on his mind. He

  big man was right. Buckly ought to have had a walked away hurriedly and disappeared into handful of cartridges in his coat pocket. Ayres the jungle.

  remembered that was possible.

  Ayres seated himself at the base of a

  “You sure are dumb,” said McNally

  big tree. He could watch all sides of the with a shake of his head. “Do you think this clearing save in back of him from where he Crawling Creature would go to all the trouble sat. He had not been there long when he began of digging up a grave in order to get a gun and to have the uncanny sensation that someone then not make sure it was loaded? You know was watching him. He looked around

  damn well he wouldn’t.”

  anxiously, peering into the undergrowth that

  “I guess you’re right,” said Ayres as he

  surrounded the clearing, but he could see no stepped out from behind the tree, the rifle one.

  lowered. “My error, McNally.”

  The fact proved nothing. He still felt

  “Forget it,” said the big man. “I think I that someone was gazing at him. He was sure winged the killer but I ain’t sure.”

  that the hidden watcher expected him to do something, was observing him for that reason.

  McNALLY glanced around, and then stood

  But what was expected of him?

  staring as he saw the filled grave.

  Ayres suddenly remembered

  “What the—” he exclaimed striding

  something that he had been trying to recall for closer. “Who done this?”

  the past half hour. As he did so a number of

  “The Crawling Creature,” said Ayres.

  things that had puzzled him began to grow

  “At least those X’s seem to be his mark. The clearer in his mind.

  man is insane, there’s no doubt about it.”

  The Crawling Creature


  THE solution to the mystery of the Crawling never gone wrong on one of my hunches yet,”

  Creature was beginning to take shape in his he looked at Ayres. “Know what I think?”

  brain. It seemed impossibly fantastic—and yet

  “No,” Ayres shook his head. “What?”

  the more he thought about it the more logical

  “That this Crawling Creature is

  it seemed.

  watching us for some reason.”

  He got to his feet slowly, looked about

  “So do I,” said Ayres.

  him as though he half feared that he might be

  “Huh?” McNally looked at him in

  watched. He knew that he was actually being surprise. “Why do you think so?”

  observed closely, but he was playing a part

  “The same reason you do. At least I


  believe it is. Might be more sure if I knew Again he glanced around. He appeared

  your reason exactly.”

  to be satisfied that he was quite alone in the

  “I ain’t telling you that yet,” said

  clearing. He went to the tree where he had just McNally. He yawned and dropped down on

  been sitting, leaned over as if he were about to the ground a short distance from Ayres. “Want pick up something.

  to see if you can figure it out yourself.”

  “Don’t, you fool!” whispered a voice

  “I see you carry an automatic,” said

  from the shadows of the jungle nearby. Ayres casually. “What is it, a .45 caliber?”

  “That’s what he’s waiting for—to find out

  “Yes,” McNally nodded.

  where you’ve hidden it.”

  “Wonder how the killer ever got the

  “That’s what I thought,” said Ayres

  name of the Crawling Creature?” remarked


  Ayres. “It sounds weird.”

  He stood up quickly. Shook his head

  “Well, I’ve heard the natives talk about

  as though puzzled about something, and then him,” said McNally. “And they say he kinda moved to another tree and leaned down as he creeps up on his man, and busts his head in.”

  had done before. Again he did not appear

  “That’s what he did to poor Buckly all

  satisfied. He went to a third tree.

  right,” said Ayres bitterly. “I wish we could Then suddenly swung around, the get him. I owe that to Dan.”

  heavy rifle in his hands half raised. He looked all about him anxiously, then shook his head SO did I,” remarked McNally. “I told you that and seated himself again against the trunk of a before. Told you I was good friends with

  tree, the rifle across his knees.

  Buckly down in Mexico ten years ago.”

  “Yes, I know,” Ayres nodded. “Only

  FIFTEEN minutes later he was still sitting you said five years ago the last time. Not that there as Lucky McNally appeared out of the it matters.”

  brush. Ayres was idly tossing small objects

  “Naw, I forgets dates easily,” McNally

  into the brush at his left. As he finished doing glanced about him. “It’s getting dark.” A so he heard a very faint rustling coming from thought struck him. “Say, didn’t you and

  that direction and smiled faintly.

  Buckly have any camping stuff?”

  “Not a trace of that guy,” said

  “Of course,” said Ayres. “I hid it in the McNally as he reached Ayres. “I’m still brush when I broke camp this morning. Didn’t figuring that he’s somewhere around here want to be bothered with it. I was after the though.”

  Crawling Creature and I wanted to travel

  “Got one of those hunches of yours


  about it?” asked Ayres casually.

  “That’s a good one!” McNally

  “Yes,” the big man nodded. “And I’ve

  laughed. “When I first seen you you was

  Thrilling Adventures

  10 />
  beating it away from this part of the jungle Again the rifle boomed. McNally

  like all hell was after you.”

  threw his hands above his head, stumbled, and

  “I told you that was because I hoped

  then rolled over to remain there limp and the killer might follow me.”


  “Sure you did, but I’ve got a hunch

  “Looks like we got him,” said a voice,

  you were wrong—that you were lying!” and a tall well built man walked into the McNally’s tone changed suddenly. “I’ve been clearing, a heavy rifle in his hand. “That’s the playing with you long enough, Ayres. Where Crawling Creature! Otherwise known as Bull is it?”

  Dill, the craziest killer that was ever let

  “Where’s what?” asked Ayres loose.”

  apparently unconsciously turning so that the muzzle of the rifle across his knees covered I KNOW,” said Ayres. “And you’re Lucky

  the big man. “I don’t understand?”


  “Oh, yes you do,” the big man’s voice




  McNally looked at

  was heard. “I mean the other five thousand him in surprise. “But how did you figure that bucks. You hid it somewhere. I want to know out.”


  “I had heard about you,” said Ayres.

  “So that’s it!” exclaimed Ayres.

  “Finally remembered that they had called you McNally moved with lightning speed.


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