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Captured by Two Alphas [The Alpha Legend 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 15

by Tara Rose

  Nevada moved next to her and placed an arm around her shoulder, but even that protective gesture did little to stop the revulsion and fear from spreading through her. She’d had no idea. Is that what they would do to Nevada and Mancie? Is that what they would do to her?

  “I’m sorry, Saffron.” She gazed into Nevada’s beautiful eyes, unable to stop the image of him in his cougar form, skinned and helpless, from appearing. “I really thought you knew what they did to their victims.”

  All she could do was shake her head again as he cut his gaze toward Drake. “Her maternal grandmother, Topaz, sheltered her from many things in her efforts to protect her while living in her uncle’s house.”

  “I see. What happened to your parents, Saffron?”

  She swallowed hard, suddenly not sure she wanted to know the truth, even if Drake did know or could find out. “They were killed by a jaguar tribe that lives east of our village when I was five. I don’t know the specifics. I wasn’t told much.”

  Drake’s frown increased. “I’m sorry to hear that. I can find out more for you, if you’d like to know.”

  “All right. Thank you.” She didn’t want to appear rude, but she hoped he’d forget all about his offer.

  Landon stroked her back gently, and the gesture helped a bit. “I think Saffron probably needs something to drink and to get out of the sun for a while.” She would have turned around and kissed him if she was certain none of the men would find it inappropriate. That was exactly what she wanted at that moment.

  “I’ll show you to the home that will be yours to use for as long as you’re here with us. It’s where Nevada and his mother stay whenever they are visiting us.” Drake led them away from the center of the village and down a quiet street with only a few homes on it. As they passed a very pretty two-story home with a picket fence around the front yard, Drake gestured toward it. “This is my home, and you’ll be right next door.”

  The house he pointed out looked like something out of a fairy tale to Saffron’s eyes. It was smaller than Drake’s, but not nearly as tiny as the cabin they’d been in all night. It, too, had a fence around the yard, and flowers as well as bushes planted around it. It had a large front porch, complete with a swing, and pretty lace curtains in the windows. She could see herself living here with Nevada and Landon for the rest of her life, and being perfectly content.

  “Since we have frequent guests, the home is stocked with everything you should need, but if there’s something missing, just let me or my mate know. We’ll find it for you.” As if on cue, a stunning woman came walking down the front steps of Drake’s home, a kind smile on her face. Her eyes were green, and they shone with warmth and light, but it was the necklace she wore that caught Saffron’s attention. It looked like it was made of chain mail, and encrusted with what Saffron swore were real diamonds. It glittered in the sunlight.

  “This is Emme,” said Drake, his voice full of pride and love. “I’m sure you remember Nevada. And this is Landon Sterling, his blood brother, and Saffron Estampado. Saffron is the black leopard we’re going to be hiding until all this unpleasantness is over.”

  “I’m so pleased to meet you both.” Emme shook hands with Landon and Saffron, and then she touched Nevada’s arm. “And it’s so good to see you again, Nevada. When your father called, we didn’t hesitate to offer our help. Thank you for placing such trust in us.”

  “The thanks goes to you and Drake, as well as to your entire town. I understand several of you are on your way to our village as we speak.”

  “That’s right,” said Drake. “We dispatched them as soon as I got off the phone with your father. Emme, would you like to show them inside the home? If you’ll all excuse me, I have business to attend to.”

  Drake left, and then Emme led them up the front steps of the house and opened the door. “I’m afraid we’re a bit lax here about locking our homes, but I do have a key to this door if that would make you more comfortable.”

  “We’re fine without it,” said Nevada. “This town is well-protected, as Landon and Saffron saw back on the road.”

  She smiled. “Yes, it certainly is.”

  “May I see your necklace? It’s stunning. Are the gems real?”

  Emme smiled warmly at Saffron. “Yes, they are. It’s my collar. I’m not only Drake’s mate. I’m his submissive. Do you know what that is?” She cut her gaze toward Nevada and Landon briefly before looking into Saffron’s eyes again.

  Saffron shook her head, wondering if the unfamiliar terms had to do with the bondage and other things Nevada and Landon had mentioned in connection with Indulgence.

  “We’ll explain it to her,” said Nevada.

  “Very well. I’ll leave you to get settled, then. Let me know if you need anything.”

  After Emme left, Nevada told them he was going to get his truck so that he could park it next to the house. Saffron walked into the house with Landon. “So what did she mean by that? What’s a submissive?”

  “It’s part of the BDSM lifestyle, but Nevada knows more about it than I do, to be honest.”

  Saffron let it go for now because she wanted to explore the house. The inside smelled faintly of vanilla and lavender, and whoever had decorated it favored traditional furniture and soft, billowy curtains.

  As they walked through the rooms, Saffron opened several widows to let in the breeze, and the effect was to create an environment that made her want to curl up with book or just hold Landon and Nevada close while each man made slow, sweet love to her for hours. She would enjoy staying here, even under these circumstances.

  On the main level was a fully stocked pantry and refrigerator, a large kitchen, and several other rooms. Upstairs, there were more hair and personal products in the two bathrooms than all three of them could use in a month, and two cozy bedrooms. One boasted a large bed, and overlooked the back of the house which gave a majestic view of the forest beyond and the mountains in the background.

  Saffron sat on the bed and hugged her knees. “I could stay here forever.”

  Landon sat next to her. “If not for my job and the Ruiz family, so could I.”

  She glanced at him, thinking about what each man had left behind. Working for Notus was Landon’s livelihood. What if he couldn’t return to it? What would he do? What if Nevada couldn’t return? As if sensing her thoughts, Landon pulled her close and just held her. His warmth helped a little, but Saffron was more afraid now than she’d been yesterday morning when he and Nevada had chained her up inside the cabin.

  This was real. The League was real. And until Drake had mentioned the animal pelts, Saffron had never truly understood the depravity and danger they represented. When she thought of all the times they’d been in her uncle’s house, she felt nauseous all over again. How many times had she been that close to becoming a sacrifice herself?

  Landon straightened up. “I promised to get you something to drink. I nearly forgot.”

  “I’ll come with you.” She didn’t want to be alone right now, not even in this charming house, in a town protected by fierce-looking jaguars.

  After she drank an entire bottle of water, they explored the other rooms downstairs, including one with a desk and computer. “Did you have one of these at home?” asked Landon, sitting down at the desk and turning on the machine.

  “My uncle did, but I hardly ever used it.”

  Landon was typing things into the machine and brought up Google. “I can’t imagine not being online. This is fast. I wonder what kind of connection they have?”

  Saffron smiled and sat on the floor at his feet, content to simply be with him while he surfed. Once in a while, he’d tell her what he found on secret or ancient societies, but the words meant little to her. She merely wanted to hear his voice. It grounded her, and made her feel secure.

  When Nevada returned the house, he found them and held out his hands. Saffron stood, and he pulled her into a tight embrace. “Are you okay? That was quite a shock to hear. Again, I’m sorry. I thought you kne

  “I’m better now. I just wish I knew what was going to happen. What if you can’t go home? What if Landon can’t? What if they can’t find the League members or my uncle?”

  Nevada drew away so he could look into her eyes. “Saffron, all we can do at this point is wait. My family and the village are protected, and we’re safe here.”

  “And don’t worry about my job,” said Landon. “They have a lot of line techs, and I’ve worked for them a long time. If I have to take a few weeks of unpaid leave I’ll do so, and I don’t think they’ll fire me for it. In the grand scheme of things, that’s not important. What’s important is that we stop these people now that we know where to find them.”

  “But they’re not the only ones. Nevada said they’re all over the country. Even if they do find the members from my village and kill them all, will this even make a dent? Won’t others simply take their place?”

  “One step at a time,” said Nevada. “Now they know where this contingent is and they didn’t before. This is what they do, Saffron. They hunt the League members.”

  “I had no idea all this was going on. I feel like I’ve lived my life in a bubble. I know nothing.”

  “That’s not true. You simply have yet to discover all your gifts. Landon and I will help you as much as we can.”

  “None of this would have happened if I hadn’t stopped to watch Landon.”

  “Saffron, we’ve already told you we don’t regret that. Do you doubt that we mean it?”

  “I don’t know. No. I don’t doubt you. I’m just confused. And I’m afraid.”

  Landon rose and embraced her as well. She clung to the men, wanting to believe that this would all turn out for the best, but a terrible feeling of dread had begun to descend on her, and she couldn’t shake it off.

  Chapter Twenty

  Saffron had never cooked meat on a grill outside. They’d eaten meat every day, but her uncle had cooked it over a fire pit, not a metal grill that you’d have to buy at a home improvement store. Landon had used one before, and Nevada said he’d seen one, but he’d never used one, so he was content to let Landon do the grilling.

  They’d decided to eat lunch outdoors on the deck, because although the day was cool, the sky was clear and it was simply too pretty to stay indoors. Landon showed them what all the dials and gauges on the grill were for, and then they both watched as he cooked three steaks to perfection on the strange contraption.

  They’d also cut up onions and peppers, and now, as the steaks were nearly done, the air was filled with the delicious aroma of roasting vegetables and meat. Saffron mixed salad greens, tomatoes, celery, and cucumbers with oil and vinegar as she watched Nevada and Landon discussing the steaks as though their color and texture were of vital importance. Is this what human men did, too? And did their wives and girlfriends stand around watching them?

  She was suddenly lonely for the few friends she’d had back home. She was the only one of them who hadn’t yet been mated, and many of her friends already had children. Over the past few years she and a lot of her friends had grown apart because they were too busy with their mates and children. But Saffron still remembered how much fun it was to have girlfriends to talk to and giggle with over silly things.

  She’d become accustomed to spending time on her own either reading or taking long walks in the woods by her house. Sometimes Topaz would come with her on the walks, but when she did they only went on short walks so Topaz didn’t become too fatigued. So she was surprised that it felt so natural to be here with Landon and Nevada. If it wasn’t for the fact that they were hiding and in grave danger, she could almost pretend they were her mates and she lived here with them, just as Emme lived next door with Drake.

  “Micah and Stephen invited us over later to play cards,” said Nevada.

  “Who are they?” she asked.

  “Drake’s two youngest sons. Micah is my age and Stephen is one year younger, but they aren’t mated yet.”

  Saffron placed the salad tongs in the bowl and walked toward the grill to check on their progress. “Why aren’t they mated? I’m only asking because until I met you two, I thought I was the only shifter under thirty who wasn’t.”

  Nevada smiled. “There are plenty who aren’t. Some never are.”

  “I don’t understand that. Topaz told me we all have mates.”

  Nevada smiled. “Well, what happens if a shifter simply doesn’t find his or her mate?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. I can’t explain that.”

  “Micah and Stephen once told me they don’t believe that we’ll each know our mates when we see them.”

  “Really? I’ve never heard anyone say something like that.”

  “They’re different. And I think they’re looking for a mate that might not exist.”

  “What are they looking for?”

  He gave her a sideways glance, as if unsure how much to tell her. “The answer to that has to do with bondage and foreplay. Are you sure you want to hear it?”

  Saffron grinned at Landon. “That’s right. You said Nevada would explain all this to me.” She told Nevada what Emme had said about her necklace when Saffron had asked earlier.

  Landon chuckled as he lifted one of the steaks off the grill and placed it on a plate. “Dude, I sort of dumped that on you, didn’t I? Here.” He handed Nevada the plate. “You’re in charge of getting the veggies off the grill.”

  Nevada gave Landon a droll look and scooped some of the vegetables onto the plate. “All right. I’ll do my best, but I’m no expert. The entire Jargonian family lives a BDSM lifestyle. Micah and Stephen are looking for a mate to share not only the lifestyle, but both of them as their mate.”

  Nevada handed Saffron the plate and she put it on the picnic table near the grill. Landon then took the second steak off the grill, passing the plate to Nevada so he could add vegetables.

  “They’re Doms,” said Nevada. “They have a dungeon in that home next door. Most of this town is into the BDSM lifestyle.”

  Saffron took the second plate from Nevada, and then once all the plates had a steak and vegetables on it, the three sat down to eat. “So, are we really going next door to play cards or to do something else?”

  Nevada grinned. “Something else, Saffron? What do you mean?”

  She felt head rise up her neck and face. “Stop teasing me. You know what I mean.”

  Landon gave her a look filled with lust. “Would you do something else instead of play cards?”

  Saffron laughed. “Well, yes, but not with anyone except you two.”

  Nevada chuckled. “As if we’d let another man near you. We’re going to play cards, but I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if you asked them questions. I’ve asked questions every time my mother and I came here, ever since they first told me about BDSM when I was nineteen. They might even show us the dungeon, if you ask nicely.”

  They ate in silence for a few moments, although Saffron found it difficult to concentrate on her food. Her mind raced with questions and images of what she might find in the dungeon. And, instead of a tiny cabin, she, Nevada and Landon now had an entire house to play in. The possibilities were endless.

  When Landon asked her how the steak was, she snapped back to the present. “It’s really good. You did a great job.”

  He beamed as if she’d just told him he was the world’s greatest cook.

  “Of course, a fire pit works the same way, you know.”

  He tossed a slice of cucumber at her. “Watch it, leopard, or I’ll ask Stephen and Micah if I can borrow a good, hard paddle to use on your lovely ass.”

  Saffron squirmed in her seat. Had he read her thoughts again? How did they both do it? They were in another state, hiding, unsure what would happen, and yet with a grin and a few simple sentences, they each made her pussy wet and her clit throb. She was still sore all over, but just as ready for them now as she’d been last night.

  Was this real? It must be. She certainly wasn’t dreaming. Two d
ays ago, no one—not even Topaz—would have been able to convince her that she’d soon experience all the things she’d done in the past day and a half. She still hated the fact that Nevada and Landon had to stay away from their homes and normal lives for an unknown amount of time, but she couldn’t help but be grateful that she was with them now, in this protected town. What new adventures might this coming night bring?

  After they’d eaten and cleaned up, Saffron asked if they minded if she took a shower before they went next door. She still felt grimy from all her traveling and from having to wash her hair in the bathtub the morning before. Landon gave her a long look and then said he didn’t mind, but that he was joining her if she did. When Nevada said the same thing, she melted like butter in the hot sun. How could she say no to anything these two asked?

  “What about the card game?” she asked, shedding her clothes in the bathroom while they both watched, lust shining out of their eyes.

  “It’s early yet,” said Nevada. “We’ll go over there when we’re done.”

  “Maybe,” said Landon. “Maybe we’ll just stay here all night.”

  “I’ll be right back,” said Nevada, leaving the room.

  “Where’s he going?”

  Landon pulled her into a rough embrace and nuzzled her neck. “Don’t worry about every little thing so much. Now get in there and turn on the water before I changed my mind about fucking you silly this afternoon.”

  He released her and began to undress. Saffron giggled as she reached into the shower to turn on the water. It was a walk-in, with enough room for all of them and then some. She’d never seen such an elaborate bathroom. She stepped inside, closing her eyes as the warm water cascaded over her hair and body. Shivers ran up and down her spine as the cares melted away, replaced by lust. It consumed her very being.

  Landon stepped inside, and she opened her eyes to let her gaze roam over his beautiful body. She smiled as he took the bar of soap and worked up a lather in his hands. He turned her around and grabbed her breasts from behind, massaging them with his soapy hands, teasing her nipples into taut peaks. She cried out as his dick rubbed her ass crack.


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