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Reality's Plaything 4: Savants Ascendant

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by Will Greenway

  Reality’s Plaything Series Book 4: Savants Ascendant

  By Will Greenway

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  Writers Exchange E-Publishing

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  Reality’s Plaything Series Book 4: Savants Ascendant

  Copyright 2008 Will Greenway

  Writers Exchange E-Publishing

  PO Box 372



  Cover design by: Will Greenway

  Published Online by Writers Exchange E-Publishing

  ISBN 9781921314537

  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation to anyone bearing the same name or names. Any resemblance to individuals known or unknown to the author are purely coincidental.

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  Table of Contents


  A Word (or two) About Mythology

  Other books in the chronicles of the Ring Realms

  What Has Gone Before

  Chapter One Playing Tag

  Chapter Two Void Trek

  Chapter Three Power Play

  Chapter Four Approach

  Chapter Five Armed Tactical Negotiations

  Chapter Six Mecha

  Chapter Seven Savage

  Chapter Eight Juggernauts

  Chapter Nine Waiting For Ascension

  Chapter Ten Ascendants

  Chapter Eleven Dread

  Chapter Twelve Coup

  Chapter Thirteen Subterfuge

  Chapter Fourteen Deadly Gamble

  Chapter Fifteen Internal Conflict

  Chapter Sixteen Heavily Armed Refugees

  Chapter Seventeen The Meaning of Life

  Chapter Eighteen A Favor Abhorred

  Chapter Nineteen Revelations Whilst Reclined

  Chapter Twenty Kriar Confession

  Chapter Twenty-One Incarnations

  Chapter Twenty-Two Strategic Withdrawal

  Chapter Twenty-Three Beguiled

  Chapter Twenty-Four Leaky Paladins and Accidental Mindscans

  Chapter Twenty-Five Blessings of the All-Mother

  Chapter Twenty-Six Assurances

  Chapter Twenty-Seven The Avatar Plan

  Chapter Twenty-Eight Starholme Prime

  Preview of Gaea’s Legacy: Infinity Annihilator

  Making a Goddess

  Glossary of Terms

  About The Author

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  This one is dedicated to writers who live in fear of deux ex machina. I say bah! For those who wanted to see the alpha and omega of savants, first ones, and the ultimate aspects of the Ring Realms universe… here ya go. Don’t say I didn’t warn you… because I didn’t. It was high time that the savants of the Ring Realms started kicking tail instead of being beat down. We’ve got it here. There’s a number of firsts in this book for me. It’s my hope that those unique hurdles translate to something memorable and enjoyable for you the reader. May you find what comes after diverting and pleasurable…

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  A Word (or two) About Mythology

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  Welcome to the Ring Realms universe, a cosmology populated by magic, technology, gods, goddesses, and multi-verses. Comic fans will feel right at home, but fandom is not necessary to be drawn into the world’s magic and heroism. Those learned in mythology may see a name (or a score of them) that they recognize. Intentional. In fact, I’ve taken heat for not creating my own gods and goddesses. Key to the point is they ARE my gods and goddesses, and you the reader’s as well. I wanted something familiar to the readership rather than add EVEN MORE bizarre names to the milieu—something that is one of the all-too-common pitfalls of fantasy writing. If you see a name you recognize, rejoice in that knowledge because where possible I have tried to keep to the spirit of those myths whilst incorporating them into a much larger cosmology. Notice, I say ‘spirit of’—please don’t flagellate me (however much I might enjoy it) for not adhering more closely to the source myths. Liberal dramatic license has been taken in order to heighten and enrich the story… Enjoy.

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  Other books in the chronicles of the Ring Realms

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  Reality’s Plaything Series—Tales following the adventures of Bannor Starfist.

  Reality’s Plaything

  Neath Odin’s Eye

  Gaea’s Legacy: Eternal’s Agenda

  Gaea’s Legacy: Savants Ascendant

  Gaea’s Legacy: Infinity Annihilator

  Savant’s Blood Series—Tales following the adventures of Wren Kergatha.

  Savant’s Blood: Shadows of the Avatar

  Savant’s Blood: Hecate’s Bounty

  Aesir’s Blood

  Gaea’s Blood

  Shaladen Chronicles Series—Tales following the adventures of Corim Vale.

  Shaladen Chronicles: A Knot In Time

  Shaladen Chronicles: Anvil of Sorrow

  Shaladen Chronicles: Who Mourns the Creator

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  What Has Gone Before

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  For Bannor, what starts as simple inquiry into Janai and Daena’s dealings in another kingdom becomes an interview with Advocate Eternal Koass. The ancient creature is looking for ‘subject matter specialists’ and Bannor, Wren, and Daena are persuaded to assist the Protectorate in dealing with a little problem—an army of a million warriors running rampant through the Ring Realms.

  The group accepts and are introduced to several new allies including: Aarlen Frielos, Beia Targallae, Wren’s old friend Ziedra, Dulcere the Kriar, Corim, and Senalloy. The group travels to a place in the void simply called a way-point. There Bannor uncovers evidence of a bloody battle and the last stand of a handful of Dulcere’s kinsmen. During the investigation, the group encounters Quasar, a rogue commander of the Kriar military. After some initial friction, Quasar is allowed to observe the investigation. Things proceed but despite all his efforts, it seems Bannor might be unable to find a thread of Eternity to lead him to culprits.

  As things begin to wind down and Bannor is about to give up, he realizes that some of the perpetrators of the massacre may still be at the way-point. He shortly learns, much to everyone’s dismay, that he’s right. The discovery immediately turns into a fracas that the group barely survives—they do however get two prisoners and a lead. Mission accomplished.

  Bannor, Wren, Daena and Janai return to Malan accompanied by Ziedra, her husband Radian, Dulcere, Senalloy, and Corim who will all be guests of Janai. With his mission over, Bannor turns his attention back to his wedding plans with Sarai and learning everything he must for the ceremony.

  Unfortunately, matters at home get upset as well. Assassins have attacked the citadel and the Queen begins an investigation by rounding up all the outsiders. Concerned for her parents’ safety Sarai persuades the group to covertly conduct their own investigation. It is during this investigation that Bannor and others are attacked by a new enemy—Kell.

  This new entity is amazingly strong and easily defeats them all and at the crux of the encounter, makes yet another change to Daena. The young savant turned First one has now become a true second generation daughter of Gaea.

  Not being complicated enough, while on a walk Bannor and Sarai witness a covert meeting between Queen Kalindinai’s brother Bertrand Valharesh and one of the King’s elite guards. They come to the conclusion that Bertrand may in some way be tied to assassins. It is shortly after th
at Sarai collapses due to complications in her pregnancy. It appears the baby immortal developing in her womb has special needs that will result in both their deaths if not treated. Wren’s ties to family Felspar are called upon and Cassandra Kel’Ishtauri is asked to consult on the problem.

  Despite all the excitement, the wheels of the wedding plans continue to grind forward, Bannor’s struggles not withstanding. It is during a discussion of his troubles that Dulcere and Corim come up with a proposal to enlist Bannor in the ongoing Protectorate investigation in return for teaching him the various things he needs to satisfy the T’Evagduran’s ceremony. This the Queen and Sarai agree to, and through a painful process of Kriar “mind magic” Bannor learns several things, including how to speak Elvish and how to better control savant energies.

  At a party where Bannor is supposed to demonstrate one of his new “wedding skills” the menace of the Baronians comes to Malan. The King, Queen, family Felspar and all their allies are assaulted by a small army of intruders. The many friends band together and fight back with vicious efficiency and defeat the enemy. As Wren and her brother Azir are preparing to capture and question the commander of the Baronian forces, they are kidnapped by the rogue Kriar Quasar and taken to a far off world…

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  Chapter One

  Playing Tag

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  After untold millennia of life, it is not often I am shaken. After knowing me but a handful of kilorevs, the child reached out, grabbed my heart and showed it to me. I will never underestimate him again.

  —Quasar Lathaan Diliaysus,

  Prime Tarkath, 1st Sabre Legion

  The devastation of the party chamber looked and felt familiar to Bannor. Friends bleeding and broken, the air tainted with the smell of burned flesh and hair, the drained feeling of fear unraveling in his stomach. The conflict had followed him to Malan. Only now, the opponents were bigger, more vicious, and more organized. The only thing that saved them was that hugely powerful allies had been on hand to fend off the assault.

  The multi-tiered hall with its beautiful stone, crystal and glasswork had become a blood-splashed scene of carnage. Smoke still rose from corpses, and bits of cloth and tapestry smoldered from contact with battle magic. The hard granite floor was scored, pitted, and blackened from powerful hits and the crushing strength of those who had done battle. Despite the grisly display, even the youngest of the four to five score party-goers were reacting more with agitation than horror. The Felspar and Frielos families did not like having their fun disturbed.

  Bannor pulled at his perspiration-slick silk tunic and scrubbed his hands through his hair. What a mess. The King and Queen, along with Baron and Baroness looked like they had run through a briar patch, cut, scratched, and bruised with their fine clothes in tatters. Few of Loric’s family, or the many friends that had been with them escaped injury.

  “I am terribly sorry, Ri,” Loric said to Wren’s mother. The gray-haired warrior looked a wreck, his scratched muscular torso showing through rips in his fine silk tunic. “That fellow was taking everything I had to just to tie him up. Li just jumped in there—” He shook his head. “I couldn’t pull my strike.”

  Bannor held up a hand. “She’s okay. I can feel her. Her life is strong.”

  Ziedra floated down from where she was surveying the room. The dark-haired savant of magic was one of the few that showed little effects of the battle, though her shiny dress was dotted with enemy blood. “If Wren was enhanced the way I was,” Ziedra added. “It would take a lot to seriously hurt her.”

  Loric let out a breath slowly. “I was striking to slay an elder…”

  “Did it occur to you that we needed that commander for questioning?” Aarlen said with a scowl.

  Loric rubbed the back of his head. “Protectorate business wasn’t exactly at the forefront of my thinking at that moment. I was trying to avoid getting killed.”

  “I—want—my children back,” Euriel said stomping her foot hard enough to rattle the floor. “Bannor, you said you could track them… can you or can’t you?”

  “They’re really far away,” he answered. He narrowed his eyes, casting his nola power toward that distant location through his link to Eternity. “It is someplace—” He frowned. “Strange. A place of metal. So huge…”

  “I know where they are,” Eclipse said, rubbing the white crescent tattoo on his gold face. “She took them back to her estate on Homeworld.”

  Dulcere asked.

  Eclipse sighed. Bannor could feel the male Kriar’s discomfort. “We were mates for fifty millennia.” He touched the jewel glowing near his collarbone. “She does not hide herself from me.”

  “And you can sense them there?” Dulcere said to Bannor.

  He looked around and shrugged. “I sense that maybe she didn’t want to cut them off.” He probed that far away place. “There is great energy in that place, I sense she could have sealed it, but chose not to.”

  “Bait,” Aarlen murmured. “It’s not us she wants to follow. The Baronians…”

  One of the other Kriar, a slender elfin-looking female with floor-length hair frowned. Gown swishing around her body she shifted forward and touched Dulcere on the arm. It was then that Bannor recognized the similarity between the two females. That must be Dulcere’s mother. She spoke in clear concise common language. “Can she really mean to do that Varkath Shargris?” she asked. “Lead enemy combatants back to Homeworld?”

  Eclipse bowed his head. “I cannot say her intentions, Vatraena. We have been—separated—since the timequake incident. For a while, she thought me dead…”

  “As did we all,” the Vatraena interrupted. The female moved forward to stand beside Dulcere. She dipped her head to the group, glowing blue eyes heavy lidded. “Apologies to those who do not know me. I am Marna Solaris, Kriar Vatraena and,” She put a hand on Dulcere’s shoulder. “Dulcere’s dam.” She looked around. “If Quasar is on Homeworld, and I believe Eclipse, you will need my assistance.”

  “Homeworld?” Euriel frowned, looking up at Marna. “What is this Homeworld?”

  “Remember the place we showed you in Sarai’s quarters?” Ziedra asked.

  Euriel nodded. She shifted and put an arm around her husband. The red-haired man pulled her close.

  “It is like that place,” Ziedra said. “Only much bigger, big enough that all the people of Titaan could each stand a league apart and still fit into some of the larger chambers.”

  Euriel’s eyes widened. King T’Evagduran and Kalindinai also expressed shock with open mouths.

  “You must be exaggerating,” Sarai piped up by Bannor’s side. “That would take something…”

  “Her simile is well composed,” Marna said with a hand held to her breast. “Working together my race spent tens of millions of season-cycles building it. Just the estates of some the elder families would seem like a world to your folk.”

  “Tens of millions?” Daena breathed. She looked to Bannor. “An entire people building something for that long…”

  “Building with the magic we saw on the way-point,” Bannor said. “That’s…” He swallowed. He had an active imagination, but simply couldn’t grasp it.

  “Look,” Tal said. “This is no problem. Counsel Solaris, just give me permission we’ll go in and retrieve them.”

  The Kriar woman frowned. “Lord Falor, on Homeworld the Shael Dal are guests.” She emphasized the word. “No Protectorate law has been broken, so you have no authority there.”

  “Lady Solaris,” Euriel gritted in a forced voice. “If this Quasar is luring those Baronian monsters to her, I do not want my children in the middle of that!”

  The Vatraena held up a hand. “Apologies again, I simply had to make clear to Commander Falor that he will not go storming aboard Homeworld to swing his sword wherever he may. We have laws, and military people of our own.”

  “Isn’t Quasar like one of your military leaders?” Bannor asked.

  “Indeed,” M
arna said. “Which is why more care must be taken. Nowhere is Quasar more powerful than on Homeworld in her own demesnes.”

  “So, what do you propose we do?” Aarlen asked. The woman stroked her throat. “I must admit, I admire her strategy. The Baronians won’t lightly approach Homeworld, but they cannot ignore the capture of a high-ranking officer. If the Baronians attack Homeworld, the council must react, they can no longer hide their heads in the sand.”

  Lady Solaris frowned. “Yes, this is obviously a well-considered design on Quasar’s part, she was simply awaiting the proper opportunity.” She drew a breath and focused on Eclipse. “Varkath Shargris, do you still serve the interests of the Kriar?”

  The tall gold warrior nodded. “I do, Vatraena.”

  “Will you act again as an agent in service to the council and myself?”

  “I will,” he answered.

  “Commander Falor, commander Frielos, I will give you warrants to conduct operations on Homeworld. However, you operate solely at the discretion of my daughter and Varkath Shargris.” She cast her gaze to Dulcere and then raised her eyes to Eclipse. “I want Wren and Azir Kergatha back unharmed if possible. If it can be managed, I want to avoid a Kriar/Baronian war, failing that I want the scope of the conflict minimized and controlled. You have white seal authority in this matter, do you understand?”

  Eclipse crossed his wrists over his chest and bowed his head. “Yes, Vatraena.”

  Dulcere duplicated the gesture.

  “What about the rest of us?” Bannor asked. “They are our friends and family.”

  “We will not exclude you.” She glanced around the chamber. “Quasar wants to be found, but she will not make it easy.”


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