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Reality's Plaything 4: Savants Ascendant

Page 39

by Will Greenway

  “Well, I—urk!”

  The big man was interrupted in mid-demurral as the all-mother swallowed him up in a full frontal hug, his body almost lost in folds of green flesh.

  Startled by the move, he kicked and squirmed and complained, but after only a few heartbeats quieted and leaned into it. She set the warrior back, hair and clothing tousled.

  The normally stone-faced fighter colored and rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, uh—I love you too.”

  The green mother looked around. She leaned toward Ziedra. The all-mother glanced toward Cassandra.

  The gold mage frowned.

  Ziedra floated down and Damay came forward and received hugs and kisses from the goddess.

  Gaea turned to Vanidaar, and held out her hands.

  The red-haired mage stepped forward to receive the affections and attention of the all-mother. She waved to Wren’s brother.

  The goddess paused and she turned to focus where Daena stood with Janai. The goddess’ attention made the auburn-haired savant stiffen. Gaea stared at her in silence for a long while.

  The air around them seemed to cool, and the atmosphere grew heavy. Bannor felt a pressure behind his eyes. The group around Gaea fidgeted in nervous anticipation as the silence went on.

  The green mother sniffed and tears welled in her great dark eyes. She put her hands to her face. Her mental voice dropped. Gaea’s brow furrowed, she looked down to Wren and pinched her.

  “Ow!” The blonde savant reeled back a step, grabbing her arm. “Mother!”

  Gaea asked with a scowl.

  “I didn’t have a way to do that!” Wren complained.

  Gaea growled.

  Wren sighed and hung her head. “Yes, Mother.”

  The green mother focused back on Daena, who had flinched at Gaea’s abrupt attack on Wren. She held out her arms.

  Daena hesitated, glowing green eyes wide as she stared up at the all-mother.

  Janai pushed on her. “Go.”

  The girl looked to the second princess, uncertainty on her face. Janai pushed on her again.

  Daena drew a breath and took a few tentative steps forward.

  Gaea smiled for her.

  The youngest savant finally moved within reach and Gaea slowly gathered her close. Daena shuddered in the all-mother’s embrace, and Bannor realized she was crying.

  The goddess stroked Daena’s hair making hushing sounds. Still hugging Daena, Gaea’s head came up and she focused on Janai.

  The second princess of Malan blinked, her amber eyes going wide. She pressed her hands together and bowed.

  The all-mother sniffed as she stared at the Elven lady.

  Janai swallowed and nodded.

  That powerful gaze swung to Sarai. His wife-to-be stiffened. She bowed like Janai had done.

  Sarai’s violet eyes widened. “No,” she answered in a strained voice.


  She shook her head. “No.”

  Gaea’s head tilted.

  Sarai’s voice cracked. “No!”

  The all-mother raised her chin.

  “No!!!” She yelled, then growled in frustration. “I mean, yes!!!”

  The green mother sniffed. The corner of her mouth quirked up in a smile. Her attention swung to him.

  He gritted his teeth.

  Sarai looked up at him. “Nally?”

  “Look, I haven’t been that young for a couple decades, okay?”

  Gaea told him. She looked down to Daena who seemed to be clinging to the all-mother like her life depended on it. Her gaze tracked back to Sarai. She stopped. The all-mother leaned forward, brow furrowing.

  Sarai glanced at Bannor. He took her hand and the two of them approached Gaea.

  Daena was making tiny mewing sounds, face and torso buried in the goddess’ flesh. The all-mother seemed to take no notice of it, but he was starting to feel concerned. From the affect it seemed to have on the others, Gaea’s touch was obviously powerful. Daena was almost completely immersed.

  The all-mother’s chin came down, those dark eyes fixing on Sarai. Her eyebrows rose and a smile spread across her face. Still holding Daena, she reached toward Wren but the blonde savant jumped out of range, avoiding the pinch on her arm.

  Gaea frowned at Wren.

  “Ow!” The savant grabbed her backside as some invisible force seemed to grab her.

  Gaea told her.

  “Mother! You never implied I should come running to you with every little development!”


  Wren rubbed the back of her head. “Yes, Mother.”

  Gaea turned back to Sarai. She frowned down at Daena. She stroked Daena’s long auburn hair. She sighed, and took Daena shoulders and set her back. The green mother captured the girl’s head in her hands and tilted her face up. She kissed her on the forehead. The young woman went limp. she said looking to the second princess.

  Janai who seemed small compared to huge Daena took the girl in her arms, apparently able to lift her with ease.

  Gaea explained. She tilted her head. Her brow furrowed.

  “I—” Sarai started to speak but the words seemed to stick in her throat. He looked to her, her violet eyes were wide as she stared up at Gaea. “We—”

  Bannor squeezed her shoulder. “We don’t know exactly,” he said for her. “I was in my born body, Sarai ate some of Lady Idun’s fruit…” He gestured to Idun who still knelt before the green mother listening to everything going on.

  Gaea followed his gesture, gaze finding Idun.

  The pantheon lady rose and stepped close.

  The green mother reached out and touched Idun’s face.

  Idun captured Gaea’s hand in both of hers and sighed. “Yes Mother, I am very proud of all of them, especially Wren.”


  “I cannot Mother, however, my daughter Euriel and Vanidaar had both eaten that fruit prior to births of Wren and Azir. I can only surmise that a true blood and one under Yggrasil’s influence may somehow cause a true blood.” She shrugged. “I am thinking there will be future opportunities to test the theory.”

  Gaea raised an eyebrow. She looked to Ziedra, Damay, and Azir. She focused back on Sarai. I find this all very fascinating and exciting.> She studied Sarai with those dark eyes.


  “She means magic,” he told his wife-to-be.

  She shook her head. “It—it was designed by a Kriar physician.”

  Gaea said. She looked to Marna. The goddess drew a breath.

  Sarai turned to Megan and then back to Gaea. “I don’t know. Until, the threat we’re facing is over.”

  Gaea said with a nod.

  Sarai instinctively shielded her abdomen. “It’s not going to hurt her is it?”

  Gaea shook her head.

  “Sooo,” she drew the word out. “That’s—good?”

  Gaea said.

  “Great Mother, you know Koass can’t tell you no.”

  Gaea smiled. She looked around the group.

  Everyone began situating themselves around Gaea. As he turned to go sit with Sarai, Gaea took hold of his shoulder. He looked back.



  She focused past to him.

  He looked back to Sarai who stared up at them. His wife-to-be pushed back to her feet. Her gaze tracked to her parents and sisters and then back to Gaea.

  The all-mother gestured her forward.

  Swallowing, Sarai came and stood with him. She was trembling.

  Together they stared up into Gaea’s great dark eyes as she held her arms out to them. He knew this creature meant neither of them harm. The fact that she was his mother could not be more implicit. Still, it remained daunting, Gaea was nothing less than the most powerful being in the cosmos—the creator-force.

  Bannor relaxed and stepped forward, drawing Sarai with him into the waiting embrace of Gaea. The green mother pulled them close. For him, it was as if he were submerged in layers of warm velvet. A rich smoky sweet scent pervaded his senses, and the strains of some stirring harmony hummed in his ears. He had felt the power of Eternity flow through him and compared to this it was a cold and hollow thing. Gaea’s essence surged into his body, pure life—pure love.

  The all-mother hummed.

  Next to him, Sarai murmured and twisted, arms spread and clinging to the goddess side, face nuzzling her flesh. As his wife-to-be admitted, she loved magic. Though she didn’t say it, he knew it was the feel of magic she thirsted for, not the power itself. Now, inundated in magick’s pure undiluted source, her face wore a rapturous expression.

  Clutched to Gaea’s bosom, drinking in her love, he understood why Daena had not wanted to let go. It was hard to imagine being cherished more or accepted nearly so completely. Here there was no pain, no ugly truth, no war or conflict. It was peace without end.

  It was hard, but he pushed back as she let go. His legs wouldn’t hold him up and he stumbled backward.

  Gaea pulled a trembling Sarai from her side, leaning forward and placing her in Bannor’s arms. His wife-to-be threw her arms around him, pressing her face into the curve of his neck. “So—beautiful…” she moaned.

  Gaea said in a serious voice.

  The goddess clapped her hands together, and looked around.

  It was clear that Gaea truly was in no hurry. She took time with each of her visitors, expressing interest, answering questions and offering insight. Bannor glanced to Janai. Daena lay with her head in the princess’ lap, arms wrapped around her middle. How would that experience have changed her?

  He nuzzled his wife-to-be, sniffing her hair, feeling and enjoying the warmth of her body. He stroked her silky soft tresses. She sighed and wriggled against him. If Sarai would no longer crave magic, it would be a profound adjustment in some of the forces that motivated and drove her.

  Over Sarai’s head he noticed Kalindinai watching him. The Queen had her head on the King’s shoulder. He remembered how that powerful lady had practically terrified him the first time they met; so assertive, so confident, a driven leader with a powerful love for her children. He had nothing but admiration for Kalindinai’s bravery, her integrity and spirit. Those qualities were reflected in her beautiful, brilliant, headstrong oh-so-passionate daughter. How could he not adore her?

  He felt a touch on his arm. He looked over to meet Ryelle’s eyes. The first princess had a concerned look. “She will be okay, right?” she asked in a whisper. “I didn’t follow what Gaea meant.”

  He nodded. “She’ll be fine,” he answered, keeping his voice low so as not to interrupt Gaea’s audience. “She’s just tired out. It’s hard to explain. You get and give a lifetime of emotion. It wears you out.”

  Ryelle tilted her head and rubbed Sarai’s back. “She makes me crazy.”

  He chuckled. “Think how it is for me.”

  Gaea said. Bannor saw Quasar who had been reclining against Eclipse sit up. The ancient female’s glowing eyes were wide. Gaea continued.

  The gold warrior stared up at all-mother. “How can you know me?”


  The elder Kriar frowned. Concern written in her jeweled features, she stared up at Gaea. “How could that be? I don’t remember…”

  She sighed.

  Tears welled in the jeweled Kriar’s eyes. Her normally stony face twisted in a mask of remembered torment. She shot to her feet. “That was you?”

  Gaea said with a nod. ar the little despairing animal that had crawled in my ear? She wanted so much for the pain to end. How could I not console her grief?>

  Quasar was aghast now. “I thought—”

  Gaea provided.

  Quasar looked to Eclipse who now had a very grave expression. The Kriar male rubbed the white tattoo on his face. “The eruptions at the boresite, I had nowhere—”

  Gaea said.

  “We were lost for megarevs,” Eclipse said, a look of dawning comprehension on his face.

  Gaea shrugged.

  “Mother, I had no idea you were such a busybody,” Wren said with a grin.

  Gaea looked at the blonde savant with one eye closed.

  Eclipse and Quasar were staring at one another. Obviously, neither had any inkling of how profoundly Gaea had affected their lives. Bannor was certain there was more to the story, and whoever the Lokori were.

  “Mother,” Wren asked. “I know time doesn’t pass for you, and you speak of eons. Does it seem long to you? I mean do you feel lonely?”

  Her thought voice trailed off. For a profound instant, Bannor saw a great sadness in the all-mother’s eyes, and it made him cold inside. She brushed a hand through Wren’s hair.


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