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Cupids Essence

Page 9

by J Thompson

  He was stunned as shit. Since when did his legend and legacy dictate he be a small sodding cherub that flew around and shot arrows into people's backsides?

  If he wanted to poke someone in the arse it would be his wife, and it wouldn't be a fucking arrow at that.

  Cupid slumped into a nearby chair, is that why no one believed anymore? Because of this? He pushed away the book and reached for another.

  Page after page that stated the legend of Cupid all had images of the same thing and with each one Cupid felt more and more enraged.

  He was not a fucking cherub.

  Watching the mortal was forgotten as Cupid ripped his way through multiple books.

  It was safe to say Cupid was not a happy little bunny.


  Belinda watched the last guy that had bugged her from her work leave, his head bowed. He seemed upset, why, she had no idea. All she had said was that she wasn’t interested in his number and if he wasn’t in the library for any other reason than looking up a book then it would be best if he left.

  She couldn’t help being a snarky cow, she had seriously had enough of the random men that would walk in and assume she would be interested. She wasn’t so desperate that she would just take any guy up on his offer. It was so strange how, all of a sudden, men were going out of their way to talk to her or accost her.

  At first she had been flattered; she had been over the moon that her wish had finally come true. Belinda had hoped that soon she wouldn’t be labelled as the ‘Virgin of the street’ and maybe the trio would leave her alone and remove that profile from EHarmony.

  She sighed, not that anyone had responded to that, but she had yet to look at said profile. Belinda didn’t dare, she dreaded what they had written about her. Knowing those women it would say something like Librarian beauty needs man in her life, 28 and not getting any younger. Respond quickly before she starts to sag.

  Belinda snorted and grinned, those women would do anything to help out, even if it did make her look a little stupid and desperate. She wasn’t desperate she was just lonely; she wanted to snuggle up with someone at night. As long as they complied with her routine, that was, and didn’t mess up her house. She shook her head and sighed, Belinda needed someone that would tolerate her issues and not get annoyed when she freaked out at what most people would call stupid stuff.

  And that right there brought her focus back to Mike and the balls up she had performed the night before. What woman seriously brings up a random thing just after the guy she has fancied for ages finally locks lips with her? Oh yeah, that would be her.

  Belinda shook her head then placed it on her arms on the desk. Today had just been brutal and she didn’t think she could take much more. If one more bloke walked in and started asking random questions about love and romance books, all the while hinting for her number, she would snap.

  A slam had her lifting her head, it sounded like a book had fallen but she couldn’t see anything from where she was sat. She shrugged and then placed her head back onto her arms.

  Mike… shit, she thought back to the night before again. After she had blurted out some crap about looking at the letter for her, he had made an excuse about needing to get home and had left quickly. So not only was she gifted at organisation, but she now could add running a guy out of her house in less than 10 minutes to her list of gifts and accomplishments.

  His lips had felt amazing against her own and when he had laid her down she had finally managed to forget her anxiety about someone being in her house, or about tidying up. She had lost all train of thought and she had loved every second. She could recall, in perfect detail if she closed her eyes, the satisfaction on his face when he had pulled back to smile at her. His own eyes had blazed with need and that look had caused her butterflies to erupt into a flock of birds readying for take-off. She loved the fact his voice had dropped in tone and in that single moment, he hadn’t stuttered. That alone meant he was just as lost as she was. That was until she had ballsed it up and opened her trap.

  “Fucking idiot Belinda, that’s what you are...An idiot.”

  Lifting her head, she picked up the letter, along with the small diary in the hopes she could make sense of both. The letter Mike had looked over, the night before, he had done more than google had but she still had the diary to read and after her putting her foot in it she didn’t want to ask him to help her again. To be honest, even with the translation the contents of the letter were slightly confusing. 'Do not think lightly of this magical item'. What the hell was she supposed to do with that?

  * * *

  Please be warned

  Cupid’s Essence is not what you think.

  I warn you now, do not think lightly of this magical item. I happened upon it by chance.

  Cupid created this, please believe me. It was made with the sole purpose to help find love.

  It has done that, I agree, but it does so much more. But please be on your guard.

  Choose wisely, for it has a mind of its own and it is not afraid to meddle, and it surely will.

  Use it lightly I beg, the god means well but...

  I must go...I pray love finds you.

  Be well

  Lady Marcella Rousseau

  * * *

  What the hell was she supposed to do with that? Cupid’s Essence was just a perfume. How could it be anything else? But, then again, some things had happened since she had taken possession of the Essence that even she couldn’t explain.

  Belinda pulled the small diary towards her and opened it up to the first page. Because the diary was so small the entries were short, but still unreadable to her, until she attempted to translate it.

  * * *

  Dear Diary

  Today I came upon a new perfume, it had been named Cupid’s Essence and smelled of rainy summer nights. I purchased it on the spot; I could not resist the scent.

  It called to me and I was helpless.

  Strange though, the gentleman that sold it to me told me to be careful what I wish for. Why should I be careful? I just wish for what any girl wants.

  A dashing man

  Well, that and rich.


  * * *

  “Excuse me.” A deep voice pulled Belinda’s attention from the computer screen to that of a man stood at the desk. He looked hopeful and slightly cute. She just looked and then raised an eyebrow. She didn’t talk, but instead waited for what was to come. Would he ask for books on romance or was he the brave type that would ask if the Karma Sutra was stocked?

  Belinda watched as he calmly took some deep breaths and swallowed. He surprised her by asking directly for her number and not eating around the proverbial bush and asking for books he had no interest in.

  “So, can I have your number?” He started out so well and Belinda actually considered handing her number over, until he let his mouth lose and ruined the moment.

  “I’ve always wanted to date a librarian; it’s always the quiet ones, eh?” he said, and grinned as he leaned on the counter and looked her up and down.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Oh come on sweetie, you don’t need to play sweet and innocent with me, we both know what’s really beneath that innocent act.”

  Belinda bristled, then pushed her chair back to stand up. “Are you here for a book, sir?” she asked calmly, determined to remain professional. His attitude would have grated on her nerves anyway, but his arrogant assumption just pushed her full over the edge and into the shittiest mood ever. She folded her own arms and waited for an answer.

  “Well?” she pushed when he didn’t answer her straight away, only to realise she had stretched her blouse by folding her arms and she was currently giving him a special glimpse at her cleavage. Immediately she let her arms drop and placed her hands on her hips. She wasn’t going to bring attention to his ogling, she would ignore it completely.

  “Err yeah, I’m here for a book and the names Clint by the way.” He grinned and she dreaded his next words. “
I’m here to check out the book of love.”

  He really said it. She wanted to bang her head on the desk but instead, she raised her hand and pointed towards the door.

  “GET OUT!” she said, with enough force it echoed. She had said she couldn’t take any more and this had been the last straw.

  “What? You can’t do that,” he argued. “I’m here to get a book, you have to help me,” he continued on.

  Belinda walked around the desk until she was stood in front of him. Through clenched teeth she pressed out, “If you do not leave now, I will have you removed by force.”

  She became more irate as he folded his arms and leaned back against the counter. Shit, Belinda thought, how the fuck would she get him to leave now?

  “You can’t make me leave unless you give me your number and agree to a date with me.” He grinned again, assuming he had won. “Besides, you won’t make me leave.”

  Belinda was about to argue, she wasn’t sure how, but before she could take the breath in, another voice cut in and both had her excited and completely flummoxed at the same time.

  “She won’t make you leave, but I will.” It was a voice she recognised, only, it was missing the stutter.

  Belinda turned slightly to see Mike, looking like he had walked off the page of a Playgirl calendar, walk towards them. Dressed in his overalls, the top half had been tied around his waist and all he had covering his upper body was a black vest. The material clung to his chest muscles and with his arms free, she was able to see the bulging biceps. With each movement they flexed and caused an answering clench in her stomach. Belinda just stared.


  Mike had spent the entire day watching men walk in and out of the library. It shouldn’t have bothered him like it did, but each time he saw a bloke walk up to the doors he felt another knot in his shoulders tighten. He’d tried to roll them and loosen the muscles but it didn’t help, he doubted even his physio could shift them. The only person that could help and loosen those knots was housed in that damn library and had been playing his feelings like a bloody harp.

  He had finally plucked up the courage to go round to her house. He had made the move and had, for a brief moment in time, had her in his arms and responding to his kisses. When he had pressed her back on that sofa, all thought, except drowning himself in her taste, had eluded him. She had felt utterly perfect and fitted him like they had come from the same mould.

  Yes, he had been turned on. Shit, what guy wouldn’t be with her curvy body pressed up against his, her breasts pushing against his chest, and he could have sworn he had felt her nipples hard and erect. That thought alone had him thinking what she had been wearing under that blouse; there had definitely been no padding present.

  Most of the day he had been glued to watching the window and had counted each man that had gone in, and then out. A part of him had been over the moon that each one had left looking dejected and forlorn. They could have been simply going in for a book, like most people would. But why would only guys go in? He had yet to see one woman walk in.

  After the night before, he now felt a touch more possessive- or maybe just jealous- over Belinda. He knew after the abrupt ending to the evening that she would probably not want to see him again. But he could hope that she had been just as nervous as he was and had reacted in a way that wasn’t positive to the situation. A situation that he hoped he would get another go at.

  So here he was, stood in his overalls in the middle of the library staring down Clint, who he knew from the pub and who didn’t seem to get the hint that he should leave. His gut instinct had told him to walk over to the library to talk to Belinda, and it was lucky he had. There was a fine line when it came to being forceful, especially with a woman, and he didn’t doubt that Clint would cross it. For all Mike knew, Belinda could most likely look after herself, but Mike had been brought up to protect the fairer sex and he damn well would, especially one he more than just liked.

  Clint just stood and stared at him. Mike knew he looked intimidating, he just hoped his little stutter issue would sod off whilst he sorted this. There was nothing like having his big hard man reputation ruined because he couldn’t hold a sentence together in front of Belinda. He felt almost like Raj from The Big Bang Theory, unable to talk to women unless he was drunk, or in his case, horizontal on a sofa touching tongues.

  But he had taken a chance, he had stupidly purchased a tonic from a gypsy after the rugby game last weekend, after she had told him that it would cure his pain in the ass stutter, now was the test to see if it truly did work, or if he had been ripped off by £50.

  “Baby? You alright? You nearly ready to go?” he asked, and flicked his eyes to Belinda and felt a surge of triumph burst through him. She looked relieved and her answering smile, if anything else, would be payment enough.

  “Yes, I’m just finishing up.” She smiled more. “Let me just turn my computer off and fetch my bag,” she blurted out, then turned to head towards her desk. Mike felt confident that Clint would take the hint and leave, instead, he reached out and grabbed Belinda’s arm.

  “Now wait just one second sweetheart, you haven’t introduced us.”

  Mike wanted to growl at the sight of his hands on Belinda and he stepped forward. His voice was deep and husky as he said. “You want to remove your hand from my girl?”

  His hands were now by his side and flexed as he felt anger start to simmer in his stomach. There had been only one other time in his life when he had let anger get the best of him. Since then he had kept a tight lid on it, but now… now he wanted to release it.

  Mike kept his gaze locked on Clint as he repeated his request.

  “I suggest you remove your hand.” His voice was low and hard. Mike didn’t dare take his gaze from Clint to look at Belinda. He didn’t want to see her face, see the fear that this bell-end had caused or else his tight restrain would be broken.

  The grip that Clint had on Belinda’s arm, he could tell, was hurting her and he didn’t doubt that it would leave a dark bruise, and that right there sent his pissed off level to the max. Clint’s hand tightened ever so slightly and in turn, caused Belinda to let out a slight whimper of pain. As soon as she had made the sound he released her and held up his hands.

  “Hey, no need to get angry mate.”

  “You are not my mate,” Mike grated out as he watched Clint wink at Belinda who was rubbing her arm.

  Clint then leaned back against the high desk.

  Mike turned his focus back to Belinda, her eyes were wide with fear and she had now wrapped both arms around her waist, but otherwise she didn’t move.

  “Baby,” he called out, and waited for her to turn her big blue-brown eyes his way. He smiled slightly as she finally turned towards him. “You want to go wait for me by the car, baby? I won’t be long.”

  Mike waited, not sure if she would move at all until finally she turned and picked up her handbag from the counter, along with a large key. She made a great show of ignoring Clint as she walked past, head held high, only stopping slightly by Mike’s side and placing a key within his palm.

  With a lingering look, she walked out of the library quickly, almost a run, but still dignified. Mike watched until she had left the building and the door had closed behind her before he turned his focus back to his new friend.

  Mike had seen Clint quite a few times, he had been the guy who sat in the corner and watched the world go by with his solo pint of bitter. Here and now he looked completely different, but Mike couldn’t quite put his finger on why. From what Gary had said, he was an insurance broker at one of the companies in town, and from his description, he would never say boo to a puppy, never mind have the balls to confront and grab a woman, or stand up to a guy Mike’s size.

  Something had changed, drastically. It was almost as if he had gained an inner confidence or had been somewhat possessed. If you looked into his eyes, you could see a quick intelligence that sent the hairs on the back of his neck to stand straight up.

/>   Something was wrong and Mike didn’t like the atmosphere at all, it was charged with testosterone and he felt like he was in a face-off with a guy that previously had shown no interest in Belinda before. Hell, everyone at the pub thought he was gay. This change in character was something that felt out of place and completely strange.

  Not only that, but Mike was dealing with a sudden change to his own actions and that set him a little on edge. He had an overwhelming need and drive to protect Belinda, but also along with that, was an intense jealousy that was so foreign to Mike he was having a hard time controlling it. It was like all of his emotions, the good and the bad were intensified tenfold and there was little he could do to stop it.

  Finally Clint moved away from the desk and approached Mike, who still had his hands fisted at his side concerned that the moment Clint came within reach he would have him by the throat. The smirk he had on his face was pushing Mike closer to the edge.

  “Wow, the calm and collected Mike is all flustered over a bit of arse, which will definitely be something to share at the pub.”

  Clint patted Mike on the shoulder as he walked past. It took every bit of control Mike had to stop himself from laying him out flat on the floor. He kept himself still, determined to not let the twat rile him up.

  “Don’t worry, she’s yours…Well, for now,” Clint called out as he headed for the exit.

  Mike kept his gaze locked straight forward until the echo of Clint’s footsteps had faded into silence. With deep calm breaths, Mike closed his eyes and waited, waited for the need to hurt and maim to pass and he felt more himself. He turned to leave, remembering to lock up with the key Belinda had given him. Maybe she had left straight away and headed home, but he hoped she had decided to wait.

  He was both surprised and pleased to find Belinda not waiting by her car, but hidden on the driver’s side to his truck. She was leant against the door, her head bowed and she was twisting a piece of tissue into shreds. Mike couldn’t miss the intense shaking that seemed to overtake her body that accompanied intense sobs.


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