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Cupids Essence

Page 15

by J Thompson

  “I like the sound of that, it means you are mine,” Mike admitted.

  “I like being yours, Mike,” she answered with a blush. “But Mike?”

  “Yeah baby,” Mike mumbled as his lips skipped across her jaw line.

  “What happened to your stutter?” she questioned.

  “Baby, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Mike responded, then fired one back. “Baby, what did Clint mean by the Essence?”

  Belinda grinned and moved so her face was closer to his. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” she repeated, then placed her lips on his. Mike wrapped his arms around his girl and ignored the alarms that kept going off at his side.

  Finally, he thought, she was his. Finally.


  Cupid smiled as his two mortals kissed and got reacquainted. It had been a hard journey for both of them and if Cupid was honest, he had kinda messed things up. But that was what he did well.

  Love wasn’t meant to be easy, maybe that was why he had been created; to remind people that love was hard and you had to work at it. Cupid moved away from the window of the hospital room and moved down the corridor. Although things had been looking dicey, everything had worked out just like he wanted. And the Essence? Well, that was back where it belonged. Hidden away and not to be used ever again. He had been worried that Belinda had really given it to Apollo but he had, as he had always done, underestimated the mortals.

  But it had done its job.

  The mortals had in fact gained their hearts desire.

  Cupid grinned as he walked towards the exit of the hospital ward. He had one last thing to do before he went home, and this couldn’t wait.

  It was time for Cupid to be- well, Cupid.

  Bob and Martha Daniels stood and smiled at each other as Bob reached over and pressed the large, lit button that would signal for the lift. They had spent the entire day shopping, not something Bob usually enjoyed but for his wife’s birthday he would have endured anything. After their late meal out they were both now eager to return to their small third floor apartment to relax and have a warm cup of tea.

  Martha squeezed Bob’s hand gently as the doors to the lift slid open and they stepped inside. The interior was well lit, with a large mirror across the back wall. The signature “ding” was followed by the posh English accent of a woman who confirmed the lift’s current location.

  “Ding- Parking Level.”

  Bob pressed the button on the panel that was lit with a large number three and stepped to the side, pulling his wife with him. He wrapped his free arm around her small shoulders and kissed her head whilst he re-adjusted the grip he had on the multiple carrier bags from the shopping trip.

  The door quietly slid shut and the lift gave a small lurch to signal its ascent. After 25 years of marriage, Bob was still madly in love with Martha and by the way she was smiling at him, it was plain as day she still felt the same.

  Their lives had been filled with love and laughter, as well as the usual trials and tribulations that most couples go through throughout life, but to Bob they had the perfect marriage.

  The lift came to a halt and once again the voice chimed above.

  “Ding- Foyer.”

  A few seconds later the doors slid open to reveal the next person to enter the lift. Both Bob and Martha could do little but stare open-mouthed.


  Cupid had pressed the button for the lift about ten or so times before it had finally opened and allowed him entrance. He swore it did it on purpose, you know; take its sweet damn time. Did it not realise who he was and what he had to do today? No of course not, it was a lift and, well, they didn’t get out much, Cupid thought as he marched into the lift.

  If he didn’t get up to his home soon he would have no control over his actions. Yes, he had seen Psyche the other day but she hadn’t exactly been “approachable” and she had even threatened Pedro.

  Who the fuck does that, threatens a man’s penis, his best friend and toy? It just wasn’t right. But he was drawn to her like the proverbial moth to a flame or, in his terms, sausage to a roll. He snorted at his own joke; he was a funny bastard when he wanted to be. Maybe that would be his new venture- if Psyche would let him have his man card. A comedian, oh yes, but he would have to butter her up first.

  Cupid had that niggling feeling, though, the buttering wouldn’t be as easy as he hoped. Actually, he would bet Zeus’s balls that she wouldn’t be putting out for a while or returning his man card and balls either.

  He had made a teeny, tiny mess… Cupid winced, ok it wasn’t tiny, more like a monumental fuckup of epic proportions…but he had sorted it right. He nodded to himself.

  “Yes, I fucking did.”

  “Excuse me?” the elderly male responded and brought Cupid back from his inner conversation with himself. He had forgotten about the mortals.

  “Sorry,” he said, and then snapped his fingers as he realised the lift hadn’t moved yet and the doors were still open.

  “Ooops,” he said with a grin and reached past both the mortals to press the button for the top floor. The female blushed bright red, as was usual when he was in the presence of a female. So he turned on the charm, winked and grinned more when she blushed even redder, but then turned her head into the shoulder of the male that had his arm protectively around her.

  Cupid sighed, no matter the age they all wanted a piece of him. Not that he could blame them. Damn, even he got a little turned on when he looked at his reflection.

  Cupid snorted and received another open-mouthed stare. Maybe he shouldn’t have put Psyche’s gift on before he got to the apartment, oh well.

  Cupid leaned back on the wall at the back of the lift and folded his arms over his massive chest as he felt the lift move. Finally, he thought and let his mind continue his self-conversation. He found he could always make some sort of sense when he spoke to himself, and his jokes just cracked him up.

  So the mess he had made, he had managed to clean up, with the encouragement of his wife and possibly the smallest bit of assistance from his…well, what do you call the woman that technically gave up a part of her power to create you but didn’t actually give birth? Cupid tilted his head- auntie, let’s call her his auntie, he thought and grinned. She would fucking hate that. He laughed and ignored the mortals as the lift stopped and they practically exited at speed. Shit, he wasn’t scary was he? That wasn’t the impression he was going for with the outfit.

  Dammit, he wanted Psyche to flock to his side and beg to be bent over and…well, yeah, he thought. He knew where that little internal porn show was going. Pedro twitched in response to the fantasy.

  “Soon my friend, soon.” He patted his bulge and turned to face the mirror, his previous thoughts completely forgotten, as usual, and he looked over his current appearance.

  He was pleased, no, scrap that, he was sodding ecstatic and it had taken him ages to find an outfit that fit. Most of the ones he had tried on had been for men not as well endowed as him, and there was no way on this earth he would subject Pedro to that sort of confinement. He didn’t want anything to hinder his performance, and having the man berries strangled would most certainly mess with it. Although, he could play the sympathy vote with that one. Maybe next time.

  As was the norm with Cupid, he was bare-chested and had even brushed his chest hair, making sure it was silky smooth and appealing. Along with the sparkly tinted moisturiser he had used, he believed it gave a brilliant effect. Instead of his grey joggers, Cupid now sported what most people would call an adult nappy, but was more loin cloth in design. That topped with some small wings on his back, a tiny quiver and a bow with an arrow topped with a love heart, it would take the dumbest asshat to not understand what he wanted to achieve with his outfit.

  Cupid was dressed as Cupid. What woman would be able to resist?

  “Ding- Top floor.”

  Cupid fluffed his hair and ran his hands seductively down his chest before he cupped his bulge and adjusted.

/>   “Alright you sexy bastard, let’s go.”

  He turned from the mirror and walked out into the hallway and toward the non-descript grey door of his and Psyche’s home. Without knocking, he flung the door wide open.

  “Snuggle bug, I’m home! I hope your clunge is moist as my sausage wants in its roll.”

  A high pitched female voice called out in response as the door slowly slid shut.

  “What the fucking hell are you wearing Cupid? And did you really just say clu…”

  Cupid and his wife were together once again and all was right in the world of the gods…or was it.

  * * *

  The End

  Pysche looked at the small white stick in her hand and back up to her reflection. She looked unusually pale for a goddess, but that’s what you get when you team a nice bout of sickness with finding out you are pregnant. That and the fact the father is one of the most absent-minded gods to ever exist along with being a grade A fruitloop.

  That didn’t mean she didn’t love him. Hell, she adored the idiot. But the whole idea of having a baby with him, of having a mini Cupid, actually sent shivers up her spine. She could honestly say she struggled with Cupid, but add a child into the mix would no doubt send her batshit crazy.

  She again looked down at the white plastic pregnancy test in her hand and glared at the two red lines that bisected the small window. Amazing how two simple red lines could fuck up your day. Well, that and Cupid’s “Super sperm”.

  Pysche turned away from the large gilded mirror and sat on the toilet seat. She ignored the splendour that was the bathroom, she ignored the running water from the tap, she even ignored the light tapping that had started at the bathroom door from a certain god who she would blame for the whole thing.

  Pysche may be a goddess but she was no way equipped to deal with being pregnant. That thought alone sent her memories spiralling backwards, recalling those days as a mortal and her first meeting with Cupid. She had been pregnant then, but that had ended in a completely different manner. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back on the cool tile and became lost in the memories.

  Memories of being pursued by a god. Memories of Cupid’s Beginning.

  So Cupid is finished and what can I say? Considering this book started off as a one line idea I am so happy with the outcome. Cupid has been both a pain in the arse and an absolute joy to write. He is a complete idiot but I love him.

  * * *

  So to answer the question that I am sure is flying around your head right now-YES, Cupid will have his very own book.

  * * *

  Well, as long as he behaves himself.

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  Thank you once again for the love and support, it means the world to me. Every review, every like on my page makes me smile.

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  Thank you




  * * *

  SoulKiss(Book 1 Soulmate Series)

  SoulFate(Book 2 Soulmate Series)

  SoulDeath (Book 3 Soulmate Series-March 2017)

  Exercise in Love (Stand alone)




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