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Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2

Page 4

by Layna Snow

  The woman was unusually silent during the trip.

  He was sure that she would be complaining by now, maybe whining. He knew many girls who would be, and many who have. But she just stayed quiet as he pulled her down one tunnel only to turn down another.

  He knew this path off by heart. He could do it with his eyes closed, of course that wouldn’t do shit, since it was already dark as fuck down here.

  But he could do it in his sleep. He made sure of it. He wouldn’t get caught unaware.

  Sin kept his senses open, trying to determine if anything else was out there. He trusted his sixth sense— instinct—as much as he trusted the other five. He would be ready if something were to attack.

  Keeping on guard constantly left him feeling a little anxious. But it was a good feeling. It showed him that he was always prepared. It left him confident in his own abilities.

  By the time that they got to another rock they had traveled for about twenty minutes.

  Adrian was really glad that Thanatos had decided to hunt in an area closer to the New Mexico Hellgate. If not, they would have been in a world of trouble.

  Well, the girl would have been anyways.

  He was happy to be back now, though.

  He didn’t even tell the woman, just dropped her hand and pulled the rock door open. Once inside, he quickly deactivated the alarm, as crude as it was. And unhooked the axe from the top of the opening.

  It would suck to kill the lady after spending so long keeping her alive. Kind of like losing your life on a video game just before you kill the boss. Or when your phone died just as you were holding the plug.

  Yeah, the exact same thing.

  After disabling the traps, he let the girl in and shut the rock before turning on a light. It took a lot of batteries to light the fucking cave—and a lot of messing around to make the actual lights work!—but hell, it was home.

  Actually Hell was home. And it was great!

  He looked around the main space, trying to see it from her point of view. There was a living room of sorts. It mostly consisted of a couch along the wall opposite the door, and a small table in front of it. The space was big enough, but it was mostly dominated with the abundance of technology and weapons.

  Adrian loved to work on computers and devices.

  He couldn’t do much in Hell but he could figure out how to make them work better here. He couldn’t go without any modern conveniences.

  He wasn’t old enough to have gone without yet. Only 60 or so.

  Things didn’t age in Hell, and so he didn’t look a day over 30, if that really. He didn’t really compare to Thanatos’s two thousand and some-odd years. The fucker was ancient.

  There were other rooms off this one. Bedroom, a play room, a bathroom—that he luckily figured out how to put in—a kitchen and a pantry.

  None of those could really be seen from this room, but he watched as the woman entered, to see how she felt about the space. Not that he cared or anything. He just was curious. Yepp, that is all!

  He then realized that this was the first time that he could really study her.

  And fuck, he liked what he saw!

  Some women were too skinny. They were all bones and angles. It was uncomfortable to fuck.

  Sure, he screwed a few, but he preferred the softer ones. The ones that were built for a hard, long, rough, ride.

  The girl’s tits were big, too. They were nicely formed, and he bet they would be so soft in his hands—real, no doubt. He couldn’t see much of her body because her ugly clothes hid it, but he saw a dip in her waist and round hips.

  Her hair was long, the color of mahogany and curled around her breasts. Her eyes were dark brown, almost black, passionate and he knew that they would look even darker when she was turned on. Even her lips were plump and exciting. They’d be like a pillow to kiss, or feel delectable wrapped around his cock.

  Yeah, this Latina was a real looker and he couldn’t wait to get her out of those bloody clothes.

  And onto his aching cock.


  Sophie had never imagined that she would be in this situation.

  Actually when she set off on this expedition, she expected to get into a corporate like enterprise and just ask to see the boss. She even tape recorded some things from the internet so that people could understand her. But now, she was helpless.

  She didn’t have her tape recorder, her gun, or her paper.

  What did she have? A bloody knife. Well, it looked more like a cut-off sickle.

  She didn’t understand what had happened. One moment the creepiest creatures ever were attacking, and the next they were screaming.

  She hadn’t even thought her actions through, simply grabbed a weapon from this guy’s back and prepared to fight for her life. This wasn’t her first life or death situation. And she didn’t think it would be the last.

  The last time her life was threatened had been by a Human. With a gun pointed at her chest, Sophie had acted, trying to save both her and Melody’s life.

  That was the second time in her life that she almost died.

  Until she had woken up in that hospital after surgery a few months ago, she hadn’t even realized how much she enjoyed living.

  She took too much for granted.

  This time, her actions weren’t impulsive, but they were just as desperate.

  She needed to stay alive, and she knew that after the creepy little Demons got through with her protector, that it would come after her too. And so she did the only thing she could do. She had closed her eyes and swung the blade.

  It was heavier than she had thought, and instead of hitting it in the head, she had gotten its neck. And oh gosh! The blood was horrendous.

  Soph didn’t even really remember what happened after that. She did get a faint impression of a big, hulking thing. Was it a God? Was that what her rescuer said? If so, she hoped to never be on its bad side. It looked so calm as it killed.

  It was really terrifying.

  And then there was blackness for a while.

  And of course she noticed the being with her holding her hand. His was nicely calloused, rough, and strong. But that was about all she remembered.

  She knew what it meant. Shock. She had gone through it when she was in the accident that took her voice, six years ago. She remembered the symptoms well.

  And so she just let him guide her. It’s not like she could get her brain to work anyways.

  Now she was… wait, where was she?

  Sophie looked around, her eyes catching on certain details. The walls were still made of rock, but this rock was red. The floor was stone as well. There were a few furnishings, but it was mostly weapons and computer-ish stuff.

  Obviously a man cave, in the literal sense.

  Was it this guy’s? Had he brought her to his home? And why did he have a home in Hell? What was he?

  But she couldn’t ask the questions. She didn’t have anything to write on. She didn’t have anything at the moment, because she had forgotten to take her bag.

  Shoot! If she wasn’t covered in blood—which she found absolutely gross—she would have slapped her forehead with her hand.

  Sophie looked over at him, only to find his eyes on her.

  His blue eyes should have looked cold, but instead they burned like the hottest fires. They didn’t stay focused on her eyes, instead they roamed her body, stopping at certain parts in between.

  She could feel his gaze like a physical caress. It paused on her breasts, making them tingle and her nipples harden. And then it moved to the juncture of her thighs.

  She could feel herself get wet, an ache forming somewhere around her clit. Then there was the pleasurable feeling in her stomach, well, slightly lower than that.

  Oh gosh! How could she be getting this turned on by just a look?

  She wanted him closer, wanted to touch him. And she really wanted to see what he hid under that torso armor. Was he jacked like that God fellow? Was he lean?

  “Oh, I
like that look, baby. Like you’re about to devour me. Too bad you have this all wrong. I’m the one who’s going to eat you up. Not the other way around!” he said, his voice low, raw. It made her shiver, made her belly quiver.

  Darn, he was hot!

  Soph couldn’t help but stare at him, her mouth agape. He really thought that she was attractive? The sensation was heady.

  She hadn’t felt like this, ever.

  She just wasn’t the attractive one. She knew that she had good qualities, but her looks just weren’t one of them. This man, however, looked like he considered doing her against the wall. She wondered how that would even work.

  “I’ll take that,” he told her, relieving her of her weapon and sheathing it along his back.

  And holy cow! Was he stripping?

  She gasped as he unhooked his armor, unbuckling it somehow, at the sides. He then pulled it over his head. The act was impressive, and totally male. The muscles in his arms moving as he stretched to pull it over his shoulders.

  And the flesh being revealed was magnificent. It was taut, clinging to the sinewy muscles underneath. And revealed the twin lines that formed a V past his dark, low slung jeans.

  And then she saw his chest, which wasn’t muscle packed but had enough to make her drool. Oh shoot! She hoped that she wasn’t actually drooling. That would be embarrassing!

  His skin was hairless, showing every dip in his tight abs, every tense set of valleys and hills that drew her eye downward. She never liked hairy men. Reminded her of a bear or something. But this guy looked sexy.

  Even his shoulders awed her. They were broad, and fit. The man didn’t have one ounce of extra fat on him. She doubted he had any. Wasn’t that impossible? Heck, she didn’t know but she was going to enjoy the view!

  He had cuts on him, scars that ran along his body, creating a weird pattern that seemed deliberate. Did he choose to have that happen? No, why would he?

  And the answer didn’t matter as he dropped the armor to the ground and stalked towards her.

  Stalked was the only appropriate word. He was like a jungle cat.

  No. He looked more like a wolf. And she had the distinct feeling that she was to be his prey.

  Sophie backed up, putting her spine to the rock door. As hot as he was, she didn’t know what he was, and she didn’t really want to put herself in an intimate situation with a Demon. He looked Human enough but she didn’t know about what lay under his pants. Not to mention, she had no idea what side effects there would be.

  He could be an Incubus for all she knew, and she’d slowly lose her life.

  But the feeling in her body, the burning and tingling were short-circuiting her brain. They were taking over and a tiny part urged her to continue. To explore.

  Never felt like this. Need to feel more.

  The man didn’t stop in front of her. He seemed to want to share her space.

  Instead, he walked right into her, pressing her back against the cool brown stone, which contrasted nicely against his warm body. Soph couldn’t even breathe as his body pushed against hers, and his face lowered until it was just inches from his.

  She wanted him to kiss her, wanted it so badly that she almost leaned up and pressed her lips against his, but she couldn’t do that. No, if he kissed her, it wouldn’t be her fault. But if she did the kissing then she would be doing something bad.


  It turned out that she didn’t need to wait long.

  The man quickly grabbed her wrists, bringing them over her head, and then dominated her lips.

  That was the only way to describe it. He took possession of her, pressing his tongue inside her ready mouth. He didn’t tease or taste, but pushed past all her defenses leaving her weak and needy.

  He didn’t explore, he just thrust it along hers, mimicking the act of sex. And oh gosh did he ever taste good, like mint and male.

  She wanted to moan, but contented herself with pressing her body against his. As if she could get any closer with her clothes on.

  When she rubbed her nipples against his chest, needing the contact, he groaned.

  He transferred her hands into one of his, freeing his other hand to do God knew what.

  But she didn’t need to wonder, because he didn’t leave her guessing.

  She could feel his strong fingers stroking her side, moving closer and closer to where she wanted him.

  And then, she felt the brand of his hand cupping her left breast. It was hot through her bra, his fingers massaging the flesh, plumping it. A sharp desire shot down her spine, traveling right to her clit as if a line connected the two places.

  And then he tweaked the nipple, the pleasure mixing with pain, causing her to buck into him.

  She needed him to touch her other places, mainly the slickening place between her legs.

  Her boobs and nipples had never been sensitive. She needed more than that to orgasm. And gee, did she ever want to orgasm!

  As if he understood that she needed more, the guy let go of her hands to wrap both arms around her. She was surprised that he could get between her and the door, but she wasn’t about to complain.

  He moved one hand up to her head, holding her in place as he continued to pillage her mouth.

  Her lips burned where he pressed against them, her nerves sung. Everything in her body came alive at once and begged for more.

  Wow, had kissing ever been so good before? Had she ever been so turned on by just kissing?

  Soph could feel liquid pool low in her stomach, setting her body ablaze.

  She felt something press into the back of her knees and realized that she had been walking, when she stopped. Eyes closed, she stumbled under the pressure, and fell back against the table.

  Sophie felt a moment of panic.

  What if the table didn’t hold her? But it did.

  It held his weight too, when he followed her down, kissing her like he couldn’t get enough of her. Like he wanted to eat her alive.

  And she felt devoured, consumed. No longer who she was, but a new needy woman who felt lust like a burning tidal wave.

  His body weight on her felt amazing. His hips pressed to hers, angling his hardness against the juncture of her thighs.

  Rubbing, but not enough.

  When he broke the kiss, she reached up to pull him back.

  With a chuckle, he intercepted, pulling her hands up above her head. He seemed to really like that position. And she had to admit, that she did too.

  Her heart beat too fast in her chest, and she couldn’t catch her breath but Sophie didn’t care as long as she could keep feeling this way. As long as he could make it better.

  “Keep them there,” he demanded before moving down her body, pressing open mouthed kisses along her neck, only stopping to nip the skin at her pulse point.

  It should hurt, and it did a little, but it also caused a fresh wave of moisture to her nether regions. The sting like a live wire beneath her skin.

  “I wonder what that scar is from. Such a thin white line. Hmm?” he asked, as if she would be able to answer him.

  At her silence, he looked down. “Shirts in the way. But I can take care of that.” He grinned, the look hungry, predatory, full of promise of sensual delight.

  But she couldn’t let him take her shirt off! She had scars from the bullet, and from the surgery to remove that offending piece of metal and saved her life. They were pink, puckered and healing. They were gross and ugly.

  Panic washed away her desire. Like a tsunami, overwhelming her, it stole her breath, and killed any other emotion.

  Soph shook her head, moving her hands to push his away. He couldn’t take it off. He just couldn’t.

  In his eyes, for some weird reason, she was beautiful and if she had to see that look turn to pity or disgust then it would kill her.

  Surely, it would be too much to handle.

  “What’s the matter now? Cat got your tongue? I know that I told you to be quiet before but you don’t have to be silent now.”
When he continued to try to push up her top, she grabbed his hands again and shook her head. “Fine. It will be a challenge. I’ll let you keep your top, but I will make you scream. I’ll consider it my mission.”

  It was one thing he would never get her to do. But she had to admit that she’d get the benefit of all his hard work!

  Need to replace this fear with pleasure again.

  So she didn’t stop him this time when he leaned forward.

  He pressed an open mouth kiss on her right nipple before taking it right into his mouth. He sucked on the hardening bud right through her shirt and her thin bra.

  The sensation was beautiful, wondrous, life changing. When he rubbed his tongue against her, she arched into him, wanting more.

  Her flesh puckered, begging for him in ways that she couldn’t.

  He chuckled and moved down, placing small kisses against her clothed stomach.

  She was sure that he felt the slight roundness of her tummy, but he didn’t seem to mind, and she wouldn’t either.

  She was too out of her mind with pleasure. Heck, he didn’t even seem to notice the blood that streaked her shirt.

  Or maybe he did and didn’t care.

  It didn’t take long for him to unbutton and unzip her pants. She knew that she should stop him, but she didn’t have the will.

  Never had she been drowning in lust as she was at that moment.

  Of course, she had never had such an attractive male trying to get in her pants. Who was she kidding? He was already in her pants.

  His hand at least.

  He hadn’t bothered to remove her jeans, well, not all the way. He simply tugged them a little, peeling her white cotton panties with them, and reached between her trapped thighs.

  She knew that he felt how slick she was. She was soaked. And his fingers slid through her folds easily.

  He even closed in on her clit, but stopped just before touching it. “I won’t continue until you put your hands back over your head.” He said, his voice was low and deep. She hadn’t realized that her hands were gripping his smooth, hard shoulders.

  She didn’t want to remove them, preferring to grip his muscles. But she didn’t want him to stop!

  So Sophie reluctantly moved her hands until they were over her head again, hanging over the other side of the coffee table. “Good girl,” he said, and yanked her pants the rest of the way off.


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