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Fallen Into Hell: Fallen: Book 2

Page 8

by Layna Snow

  And as tired as she was, she wasn’t going to question herself right now. Maybe tomorrow, but now she needed sleep.

  She didn’t even want to think about where he’d sleep. The couch was out, although he could share Adrian’s bed. That vision was enough to make her snort in laughter. However, it didn’t really matter to her.

  Sophie nodded to Thane and then crawled into his bed. It wasn’t as luxurious as Adrian’s but it was comfortable, and smelled like him.

  It was a dark, spicy scent that pleased her, comforted her. She wanted to nuzzle into the pillow, but she knew they watched her so instead, she just closed her eyes. She tried to keep herself alert, tried to pay attention as the men moved around the room but it didn’t take long for her to fall into a deep sleep.


  “Sir. I got another correspondence on that secure line for Timothy.” The voice said coming through the small box on the desk.

  The man in the room smiled, his teeth sharp, white, and unfriendly. “Timothy who?” He asked, as if he didn’t have better things to focus his mind on then a random person! Especially one with so common of a first name!

  “Phillips, Sir. He was being recruited for the Israel lab.”

  For a moment, the man tried to remember, but it wasn’t a section that he dealt with personally.

  He didn’t deal with that part of the business, although he kept an eye on it. That was Kiter’s job.

  “Why are you coming to me with this?” He demanded. But only silence followed. “Well?”

  “I, thought that you should know. My superior isn’t answering, and this might be urgent. Mr. Phillips is dead, Master. This message is from someone else. A woman. It appears that he was working with someone. This person requests a meeting.”

  If anyone else was in the room, they’d have seen the unholy flash in the man’s eyes, changing slightly in his otherwise average face. But no one was there. “Do you have information on her?” He asked, his voice, although grim, was not overly high or low. It was mellow, forgettable.

  There was a sound on the other end, as if someone was clearing their throat. “No, Sir. She didn’t identify herself, and it was made from the same IP address that Timothy had sent his through. We have researched further, but are unable to identify her.”

  A growl lit through the room, causing the person on the other end to gasp. “Put a team on it then!” he said, pushing his hands through his short, neat brown hair.

  “Ye- yess S-ir!” The voice stuttered.

  As the intercom turned off, the man looked around the room. The office looked like any other CEO’s office. The desk was real wood, and was shined to a beautiful finish. His chair alone cost more than he was paying that idiot who dared to give him missing information. The computer he was looking at was state-of-the-art, with enough firewalls and protection to keep out the government. Any government.

  He was more powerful than the president, and the dumb little Human bothered him with this insignificant detail? He had men who worked on that stuff. But now that it was brought to his attention, it had to be dealt with.

  And his overwhelming need to control demanded that he focus on this himself. Everything was running smoothly.

  He didn’t like not knowing who he was dealing with. He liked even less that the man they tried to recruit had revealed their business to anyone. He could not let her live with that knowledge. She had to be controlled.

  Pulling up the file on his computer he read it over quickly.

  They had heard that Timothy had tried to kill four people, all of which were Human—he knew because he had the blood tests. There were no Angels in Cold Wood, Ontario.

  Or were there?

  Did this person have information that Phillips didn’t?

  Pushing the speed dial button on his phone, he waited until a voice answered. “Run a background check on Phillips, find who he contacted and set up a meeting.”


  It was loud. Too loud. The music was trying to compete with the voices around them, or was it the other way around?

  Even the laughter rose to an uncomfortable level, mixing with arguments and moans. People mingled, pushed, kissed and groped each other in the hot air.

  The house was too warm, smothering her, pushing smoke into her lungs. No matter where Sophie went, she couldn’t escape the crush of bodies. But where was Annie, she needed to find her, needed to leave!

  “Hey, who you lookin’ for, sweet’art? Wanna… you know… look together? If you know what I mean?” Sophie turned to find a strange man standing behind her, pressing into her space. Well, standing wasn’t the right word. He was swaying, holding onto the wall as if it would keep him up. His eyes were glazed as they concentrated on her. Even the air he breathed was gross, smelled of pizza and the sharp tang of alcohol. He was a mess, but she couldn’t say that! He’d probably take offence.

  Already, she was feeling panicked, and this just raised that up a notch.

  She wanted to get out, wanted to be ignored!

  She didn’t want anything, didn’t like people touching her! Why couldn’t she just leave?

  “I’m sorry,” she said to the man, but even as she said the words, she realized that she couldn’t hear herself, “I’m not interested,” she tried again.

  And then the scene changed, she was no longer in the body heat and hard music, instead she found herself standing on the front lawn. She knew that Brooklyn was too drunk to drive. Her young face split into a sloppy grin.

  She kept offering, but didn’t really want to leave the house party.

  YES! That’s what this was. It was a party of one of Brook’s friends, and she had invited them.

  Almost like a flashback, Soph remembered Annie pleading to go. And even though they were underage, only 18, she knew that she could never say no to her sister. They hadn’t had the opportunity to be teenagers yet.

  They couldn’t rebel, or try new things.

  The town was too small, everyone would know. But this time was different. This party was in Barrie, and Brooke would be with them. They even took their friend Emily, who was excited.

  However she didn’t stay with them. Soph could only remember fleeting glimpses of her, like the time was one big kaleidoscope. Sophie kept seeing Annie begging, and then people everywhere, and then she was on the lawn again.

  Soph knew they had to get home, but Soph had some punch, which tasted weird. She felt fine, not how she expected drunk to feel. She wasn’t sloppy or falling, but she was starting to feel airy, and when she scratched her nose, she could barely feel it.

  But Annie looked fine, if not a little happier, as she talked about meeting a boy. And even though she missed part of that conversation—were they talking about sex?—she knew that she’d hear about it later. They never kept secrets from each other!

  “I can drive, Soph.” Annie’s voice said, along with something else that Sophie didn’t quite catch.

  Did Annie say something? Did Soph respond? It didn’t seem to make sense, but she was now in the car, as it drove, and she knew something was wrong.

  Annie kept closing her eyes! Was she that tired? Shouldn’t she pull over?

  But even as she asked that—or had she?—Annie just kept going, laughing at how silly she was being.

  Every car that passed them on the road brought a new wave of fear to Sophia. She couldn’t let this happen. She should have argued more! She knew something bad would happen, how she knew, it didn’t matter.

  She begged, but as Annie turned her head to reassure her, something happened. What, it didn’t matter. But they started to skid, the scenery spinning as they went, pushing both girls towards the right. For endless time, there was just the horrible screeching noise, followed by a crunch that sounded like a million tin cans being squished. The car kept moving, sliding forward this time, pushing Soph into the seatbelt, her head into the dash. For a horrible moment, up was really down, and she hung there, terrified to think. And then something happened.

t took a moment for her to open her eyes. Everything felt so wrong, so heavy. She was dizzy and felt like she was going to be sick. A crash. But where was Annie? Oh God! Was she dead?

  She was dead, Dead, DEAD!

  She could help her. Couldn’t she help her?

  Why couldn’t she help her?

  But her body wouldn’t move, she couldn’t even breathe!

  Oh God, she couldn’t even scream! She tried, but nothing came out but blood!

  She was dying, Annie was dying and she couldn’t move or breathe.

  She’d drown in her blood. She’d never escape. Oh God! She tried again to scream, something, anything! But there was nothing left!


  Why couldn’t she scream? Why couldn’t she get any air at all?

  “Phie, wake up.”

  And now she was trapped. She couldn’t move. It was like a brand over her body. So hot. Was the car on fire? Oh no, that wasn’t right. Wasn’t right at all.

  A thump sounded, somewhere close. Was the car falling? Was that Annie?

  “Sophia, wake now!”

  Sophie opened her eyes, unable to deny that raw command, and found herself looking into a face filled with intensity.

  Dark eyes burned into her, holding her captive. Thane? What was Thane doing in her car? Could he help her sister? She tried to beg him, but no sound came out. No sound?

  And then he was kissing her. Why was he kissing her?

  But his lips were so soft, so drugging, pulling her from her mind and overwhelming her with him. They were full and decadent. And he used them so well. Everything about him was intoxicating. His scent, his essence, his intensity.

  He didn’t give extra, just kissed with precise movements that showed what he wanted. He didn’t tease.

  She was simply helpless but to respond as he opened her lips and used his tongue to explore. He tasted like pure, hot male, and she wanted to kiss him deeper. Wanted more.

  Thane responded quickly enough, groaning into her mouth, a sound that turned her on almost as much as the kiss itself. And then he lowered his weight onto her.

  He was warm, the obvious cause of body heat she had felt before, and he felt delicious pressing her into the mattress. He didn’t crush her, but molded his body to hers as much as he could.

  Thane pressed a knee between hers, forcing her legs open to cradle his body. As if she would object! She couldn’t think of anything. Anything at all, well except how amazing the ridges of his penis felt as it pressed against her cleft. But she needed more!

  So she pushed her hips up to rub against him. And it felt soooooo good.

  She didn’t care about his growl. She didn’t really care about anything. And when he lifted his lips from hers, she grabbed his head to pull it back down. She loved the skin against her hand, smooth and buttery, but it didn’t do any good. He was too strong.


  No? She grabbed his shoulders—his massive, strong, shoulders—and pulled herself to him. Sure, it was difficult, and her biceps weren’t too happy, but she needed more kisses!

  But Thane didn’t give it to her. He held himself up with one hand, and used the other to remove her grip from him.

  “Did our little girl try to dominate again? Oh, we have a lot to teach her, eh? At least it will be fun.” The voice came from Adrian, who stood beside the bed, holding his own elbow. “And that hurt, Thane. No more pushing me off the bed. I deserve to be there too, you know!”

  Oh gosh. Adrian wasn’t wearing pants!

  And he looked glorious! His dick was hard, standing at attention. And boy did he ever get attention. He was quite big, and drool-worthy.

  Wait, that wasn’t what she should be focused on, she should be asking why he had been in her bed naked in the first place.

  And what did he mean, teach her? What were they planning on teaching? She had sex before, lackluster, boring sex, but she knew how to do it. Besides, she read books! She had this.

  Sophie shook her head. She didn’t need teaching.

  “But you do need to be trained, hot-stuff. You don’t know what we like.” What could they like? Besides the normal stuff, and this double team stuff, of course. Did they like something weird? Maybe she should rethink this.

  As if she made a conscious decision in the first place. It seemed her horny body was easily taking over.

  Thane seemed to sense her hesitation, because he got up.

  “But you’ll like it too, they always do. And we get to train you from scratch! That’ll be great. We can teach you exactly what we want.” Adrian didn’t seem to sense her growing anxiety. He just kept on talking. “And how could you say no to me? I’m pretty hot. Not gonna lie…”


  At the command from Thane, Sin shut up. He finally looked at her, really looked at her.

  “Oh… you don’t look turned on.”

  Thane grunted and Adrian seemed to perk up a little again.

  Okay, so he never deflated, but she wasn’t talking about that part of his body! “We’ll go slow for now, baby. Don’t worry, I’m not planning on jumping you…right now. Besides, Mr. Morality here will have a coronary if you don’t fully understand what you’re agreeing to. And he’ll kill me if I don’t get you to agree before continuing.”

  At least someone was on her side! And that someone was only wearing boxers. Oh, jeeze, this was going to be a long day. And it was only going to be a day because she was going to leave tonight. She just needed to plead with them to help her.

  That should be easy, right?

  “Okay, so the first thing… what was the first thing again? Oh, yeah, trust. I guess that means we’ll talk. I really wanted to get to sexy-party-time, but I guess that will have to wait. For now.”

  Talking was good. She would talk to them, and then she could convince them to help her. Or at least get her supplies. Besides, she couldn’t really think with them touching her!

  Sophie nodded, and moved back on the bed, only to get picked up. Thane cradled her before sitting on the bed, putting her body between his legs. And she had to admit, it was nice to be surrounded by warm muscle.


  It felt awesome to be pressed up against Thane’s chest, her body between his legs. She liked his arms around her. It made her feel safe, but she wasn’t really safe, was she?

  “Alright then. I guess I’ll go get the tablet so that you can write. Wouldn’t want to disturb King Thanatos.” Adrian grumbled and got off the bed. If she could, she’d tell him to put on some clothes while he was at it.

  As much as she liked looking at his hot body, it could get a little distracting.

  While he was gone, Sophie focused on the muscles at her back. They were bunching as Thane moved, tightening as he leaned forward, his breath feather-light against her hair. Was he smelling her? That was a little weird. And, really, she hoped she smelled good. It wasn’t like she brushed her teeth or anything yet.

  Oh gosh, how embarrassing. But she liked the fact that it was quiet. So many people tried to fill the air around her with talking, as if worried that taking a break would remind her that she couldn’t fill it. But Thanatos didn’t feel the need.

  And it was almost comforting. Too comforting.

  She was kind of glad when Adrian came back, still buck-naked, but carrying the one thing that allowed her to communicate.

  “Here you go, now, start talking…er writing I guess. What was that nightmare about?”

  It was about the worst night of her life. The night she lost the ability to talk, and Annie lost the ability to exist in the normal world.

  Six years ago, I was in a car accident. It’s why I can’t talk. The accident caused metal to cut into my throat and ruined my vocal cords. It also put my sister in a coma.

  Thane, reading over her shoulder just wrapped his arms around her tighter, while Adrian, who she showed, just sat there for a moment.

  “Well, I’ll be damned. I thought it’d be something worse. Huh. That’s not so horrible
.” What? How could he say that? If only she could go over there and kill him! It’d be too easy of an ending.

  “Adrian.” The name was a warning, one that Sin seemed to take seriously, because he held out his hands.

  “What? So she can’t talk. She’s still alive. She still has all her parts. That’s good isn’t it? And no one died. Her sister is in a coma, but those don’t last too long, right?”

  Oh, well Soph felt a little better. Maybe not kill him, maybe she’d just cut him up a little.

  She’s still in a coma. But she’s getting worse. Her body is shutting down. That’s why I need to talk to the Devil. I heard that people make deals with him. Is that true?

  She could see the desire to lie in Adrian’s eyes. But, he just sighed and sat close to her. Too close if her desire to touch him was anything to go by. “Okay, so yeah. People make deals with him, but it’s not advised. He’s a complete ass. He makes Death here look like a pussy cat. I like pain but even I wouldn’t fuck with him. He’d eat you alive, for breakfast, my dear. And not the way I would, either!”

  If she could get past that new image in her mind, Soph was sure that she could make a coherent comment. Maybe she would write something scathing on the tablet. Maybe drop a few f-bombs. But, no… she could only picture herself laying on the table while the guys took turns licking… Nope! Not going there right now!

  Please. She’s my twin. I can’t let her die. She’s everything to me. I’d be left half a person! I need to do something!

  This time, Adrian’s silence, his gaze, wasn’t focused on her. Soph watched as he looked over her head, most likely at Thane, and had some sort of silent communication. It was apparently one that he lost.

  “Fine, I’ll make you a deal. You stay for three weeks. Three full weeks from today, and we will help you help your sister. Got it?”

  Sophie really didn’t know what her other alternative was. Were they willing to let her go if she declined? Or was this a willing-or-not-but-we’d-rather-you’re-willing scenario?

  And really, what did she have to lose?

  She could be walking around lost in Hell for the weeks anyways. Or she might die and never get to make her deal. At least this way she could relax, shore up her strength, and then get their help. They surely knew where the Devil was. And they could protect her.


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