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By The Assassin's Side (Daggers 0f Desire Book 3)

Page 3

by Katherine Hastings

  “Please, tell me he’s not with the Princess,” Vivian groaned.

  “The who?” Simon said as he continued the climb up the cliff.

  “The Princess! That blonde, snobby, sheltered, horrible little shrew!”

  “I’m not sure who you’re referring to, but she is none of those things. Well, she’s blonde.”

  Oh God, it’s her isn’t it? Her stomach tightened again.

  “She’s sweet and funny. You’ll like her. You’ll see.”

  “I’ll see? I’m to meet her!” Her head spun so hard she nearly tumbled off the makeshift stairs over the edge of the cliff.

  “Of course. We’re almost there. Just a few more steps.”

  Simon reached the top and waited for her to join him. When she stood up, she gasped at the surrounding sight. They were at the opening to a courtyard filled with flowers and shrubs at the base of an incredible castle. She had only seen part of it from the beach, but now it stretched out in every direction around her. Flowers crawled up the stone walls, people laughed and talked as they strolled out into the small village surrounding them. It was like a castle from a fairy tale someone had read to her as a child.

  “Vivian!” The voice stopped her in her tracks. It was a voice she would recognize anywhere. Viktor.

  She spun to the sound of it. He strode toward her from the entry to the castle keep. His black hair blew in the wind, his ivory shirt flapping in the breeze with it. It was Viktor. He hadn’t changed a bit.

  “Viktor!” She tried to keep from running but failed. When she reached him, she flung herself into his arms and clung tight to his neck. The fear that had been haunting her these last two weeks dissipated for the first time in the safety of his returned embrace. “Thank God I found you.”

  “It’s wonderful to see you again, Viv.”

  She pulled back from his encircling arms and looked up into the familiar eyes she’d come to know and trust over the years.

  His attention moved to Simon. “Welcome back.” Viktor clapped him on the back and pulled him in for a brief hug. “Twice in one day.”

  “You lucky bastard,” Simon said.

  “Please, why don’t you all come inside?” Viktor gestured to the castle. “We’ve got wine, liquor, food. Anything you want.”

  “You live here?” Vivian gasped.

  A familiar grin lit up his face. “I do, and it’s a long story I’m happy to tell you over drinks. Please, come in, Viv. I’ve missed you.”

  She shook her head and followed him. Viktor living in a castle. Unbelievable. He led her down long candle-lit corridors to a large sitting room with a rolling fire. Two servers appeared with trays of drinks and a wine. Slipping a glass of brandy from the tray, she settled onto the couch nearest the fire.

  She couldn’t pull her eyes away from Viktor. He looked the same yet so different. Those wild eyes were replaced now with something softer. “You’ve got to tell me what is going on, Viktor. I came to find you at your ship and instead I find this giant claiming to be Captain. He then informs me you’ve retired. And now I find you in a castle? I don’t believe it. What happened?”

  The laugh she adored rolled out of Viktor’s mouth. “It is quite a tale, Viv. It started the night I showed up at your brothel with the woman in tow. To make a long story short, she and I fell in love, I killed her murderous husband, I’m an Earl, this is my castle, and she is now my wife.”

  Wife? The words slapped Vivian across the face. Having a woman was bad enough, having a wife was unimaginable. And having the Princess for a wife was beyond belief.

  Trying to portray an emotion other than horror, she cleared her throat. “I see. Well, congratulations are in order.”

  “Thank you, Vivian. It’s been quite a new adventure here.”

  “An Earl?” That shocker just hit her now that wife had sunk in.

  Viktor leaned back and propped an elbow on the chair’s overstuffed arm. “Yes, this is my family home. I abandoned it when I was in my teens and ran off to be a pirate. After I fell in love with Nora, we returned here to live our lives.”

  “And you’re not bored?” Vivian arched an eyebrow. “The Viktor I knew would be bored senseless preening around a palace.”

  Viktor laughed openly. “You’d think. But honestly, I had become bored with pirating. I’m on a new adventure now. The adventure of a lifetime, actually.”

  “Is that so?” Vivian asked.

  A small boy ran into the room, tottering on wobbly feet. A black mop of hair tumbled from his head and bounced with every clumsy step. His amber colored eyes met hers as he ran past. Vivian’s breath held fast as he ran into Viktor’s open arms. He was like a tiny version of Viktor.

  “Vivian, meet my son, Charles.”

  “Oh my.” Vivian clutched her chest. “Viktor. He’s beautiful. He looks just like you.”

  “Doesn’t he?” Viktor bounced him on his knee, pride beaming from his smile. “This is my new adventure, Vivian. And it’s a wonderful one.”

  “See, I told you I didn’t steal his Captaincy.” Simon grinned. “Come over here, Charles! Come say hello to Uncle Simon. I haven’t seen you in a year! Look how big you are!”

  Charles hopped off Viktor’s knee and climbed up onto Simon’s lap. Simon tousled his curls and lifted him high above his head. Little bursts of laughter shook his body as Simon tossed him up and down in the air.

  “Careful with him, Uncle Simon.” A woman’s voice behind her raised the hair on her neck. She had only heard the voice for one day but she knew it instantly. “Hello, Vivian.”

  “Hello, Princess,” Vivian drawled, turning to see the blonde beauty who took up in her brothel one night two years ago.

  “Nora.” Viktor corrected with a smile. “Her name is Nora.”

  “Forgive me, you never told me her name. Hello, Nora.” Vivian forced the words out.

  “I suppose we didn’t. We were keeping her identity a secret while she was in hiding and all.” Viktor chuckled at the memory. “Well, Vivian, please meet my wife, Nora.”

  “Pleased to meet you officially, Nora.” Vivian could barely look at her in the doorway, the mere sight of the hateful woman turning her stomach. This was not the loving reunion she’d imagined.

  “So, what brings you here, Vivian? I’m told it’s a matter of life and death?” Viktor asked, attempting to break the awkward encounter.

  “Yes,” Vivian said straightening back up. “It is. I need your help. I’m in trouble.”

  “With who?” Viktor asked, his muscles twitching at the ready.

  “I stole something I shouldn’t have from a client. It’s a map. A treasure map. I need you to come with me, collect the treasure and dispose of the man. The odious creature has been hunting me all over England.”

  Simon’s eyes grew wide and matched the look on Viktor’s face. The two exchanged a look before turning back to her. “You what?” They asked in unison.

  “I stole a treasure map.” Vivian smiled.

  “And what makes you think there is really treasure there?” Simon set Charles down and leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees.

  “Well, if he wasn’t trying to kill me, I might think it a ruse. But he certainly thinks there is treasure and I trust only Viktor to come with me to get it.”

  “Vivian,” Viktor soothed. “I can’t go with you. I’m so sorry.”

  “Why not?” She tried to hide the irritation in her voice. “It won’t be for that long and you can come back to your family straight away. Please, Viktor. I don’t trust anyone else.”

  “Viv, Nora is pregnant and due any day now. I won’t leave her. I don’t want to miss the birth of my child. I’m so sorry, Viv.”

  Vivian turned around, irritated Viktor just forced her to look at the woman who’d unwittingly blown her world sky high. There she stood, her stomach bulging beneath the shawl wrapped around her body. Even heavy with child, her obvious beauty hadn’t faded even a bit.

  “Oh,” Vivian responded, turning away. �
��I’m so sorry. I didn’t see that. You have my apologies. I’m sorry to have wasted your time. I’ll be going now.”

  Vivian pushed off from her chair and hurried toward the door. The pain from Viktor’s dismissal cut straight through her, nearly tearing her apart.

  “Vivian, wait,” Viktor called after her, pushing up from his chair.

  Nora caught her by the arm as she passed by. “Vivian, please. Stay. There is no need to run off. Let us help you figure this out.”

  Vivian was taken aback by the kindness in Nora’s eyes, as her newfound competition pleaded with her to stay. It was no secret they had a rivalry last they met, but she seemed entirely sincere in her words. Could she trust this woman?

  “Vivian, let us help you. Please.” Nora guided her back into the room. “He may not be able to escort you, but there is one other person I can think of who’s just as trustworthy and skilled as Viktor. I think he might be just the right man.”

  “Who?” Vivian asked.

  Nora smiled. Both she and Viktor let their eyes drift to Simon. Vivian’s followed.

  “Him?” she gasped.


  “ME?” SIMON ASKED AS all three sets of eyes stared at him. Vivian looked as shocked as he felt.

  “Yes, Simon. You.” Nora smiled.

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” Simon chuckled and sat back.

  “Why not?” Viktor asked.

  “Because she’s evil and she hates me.” Simon shrugged and tossed an accusatory glance over at Vivian. “Why would I want to spend time with her?”

  Viktor laughed. “She hates everyone she first meets, don’t you, Viv?”

  Vivian shot them both a look. “I’m not evil. And I don’t hate everyone I first meet.”

  “So you don’t hate me then?” Simon asked, a smile daring to reveal itself.

  “That remains to be determined,” Vivian responded. “Stop acting like an arrogant arse and I’ll stop hating you.”

  “See, I told you,” Simon spat out. “She hates me, and I definitely think she’s evil.”

  “All right, enough.” Nora’s new motherly role became apparent when she interrupted them. “You don’t hate him, and you don’t think she’s evil. You just had a rocky start. Now, let’s hear what’s going on so we can figure this out. Go on, Vivian, tell us what happened.”

  Simon looked to Vivian. The arrogance she wore like a proud badge dissipated as she started in on her story and fear crept in to replace it. Real fear.

  “I was with a client a few weeks ago. I don’t normally take clients anymore, but this one insisted, and he had the money to tempt me, so I agreed. He was deep in his cups, and after we finished, he wouldn’t shut up about being on some big mission. Liquor loosened his tongue and soon he confessed of a treasure map. He had half of it and it was in his bag just on the opposite side of my room. The other half, he said, is located in Liverpool. He was on his way to get it. Once put together, the two pieces give you the location to some pirate’s treasure. Someone named Henry Avery.”

  “Henry Avery?” Both Simon and Viktor sat forward.

  “Yes, Henry Avery. It’s only part of his treasure, but it’s still valued at £100,000.”

  Simon whistled at the substantial amount. “That’s a lot of money.”

  “My thoughts exactly. Hence, why I stole it.”

  Viktor’s eyes remained wide. “Didn’t I tell you about Avery when you sailed with me?”

  Vivian shook her head. “I suppose I heard the name tossed about a few times but I don’t know the full story.”

  “The rumors are that Captain Avery hid his treasure from the Ganj-i-Sawai raid in places all over the world,” Viktor said. “He made off with enough money that £100,000 hidden somewhere could easily be forgotten.”

  “Who can forget £100,000?” Nora asked.

  “Twenty-five years ago, Captain Avery went on a raid of the Ganj-i-Sawai and left with over £600,000,” Simon answered. “He disappeared after the raid. The rumors about where he went all contradict each other, so no one really knows what happened to him. Some say he died gambling away every last dollar. Some say he fell in love and married a princess, others say he started his own kingdom somewhere. Most people assume he started the rumors himself to keep the Royal Navy off his tail. He’s the Arch Pirate, the King of all pirates. Every pirate wanted to be him and every beautiful woman wanted to be with him. No matter what story you listen to, though, they all say his treasure is buried throughout the world. He could live twenty lifetimes like a King on half the money he had. There is a strong possibility that £100,000 is real and buried somewhere.”

  “Did he say where in Liverpool the other half of the map was?” Viktor asked.

  Vivian shook her head. “No. Just that some guy in Liverpool has it. He passed out shortly after. I went in his bag and found the map. It was just as he said it was.”

  “Then what happened, Vivian?” Nora asked.

  “Then I took off with the map. I told the girls I was running out. I put Alice in charge in my absence and I left to find Viktor. I figured he would help me find the treasure and we could all retire rich.” Vivian looked around at the exquisite room. “However, I didn’t realize you already were rich and retired.”

  Viktor chuckled. “Go on. Then what happened?”

  “Well, after asking around, I found out the Dark Shark was docked in Scarborough. I headed that way hoping to catch you before you set sail. That night I realized I was being followed. I saw him, the man I stole the map from. He was traveling with a dozen other men and they were threatening everyone they passed as they looked for me. I heard someone say I had just been through, so I took off. He didn’t see me, at least I don’t think so.”

  “But does he know you were looking for the Dark Shark?” Simon asked, irritation thick in his voice.

  Vivian shrunk an inch. “Possibly.”

  “So my crew is in danger and you don’t even bother to tell me?” Simon growled.

  “I don’t know that for sure,” Vivian defended.

  “But we can assume.” Simon shot a look to Viktor who tipped his head in agreement. “Damn it, woman!”

  “I’m sorry! I just needed some help!”

  Viktor spoke up. “It’s too late to worry about that now. The Dark Shark is more than capable of defending herself. We need to find out the man’s identity.”

  “His name was Captain Jacob Cyrus. He told me.”

  “What?” Viktor and Simon chimed in unison. “Captain Cyrus?”

  “I’m not sure. I didn’t ask for his life story before I tupped him. Sorry.”

  “From the Riptide,” Simon said. “I’ve been hunting his ship. He’s our next target. He’s been missing, but if he’s traveling on land, that would explain it.”

  “What’s his prize?” Viktor asked, his former love of raiding ships rearing its head.

  “Since you left, and the missions went quiet, we’ve made a new kind of piracy on the Dark Shark.”

  “Oh yeah? What is that?” Viktor asked.

  “We hunt ships who trade in slaves. We take the slaves and the loot then disable the ships.”

  “You sell slaves?” Nora glared.

  “I knew I didn’t like you.” Vivian agreed. “I will not travel with a slave trader.”

  “I don’t sell the slaves. I free them,” Simon said.

  “Oh,” both women mirrored.

  Simon took a swig of his drink. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought he saw a flash of admiration in Vivian’s cold, calculating eyes.

  “It’s a winning situation. We help the slaves, we stop the traders, and we don’t need to feel guilty stealing their loot.”

  “Brilliant, Simon.” Viktor grinned. “You found the loophole in piracy we were looking for.”

  “I try,” Simon beamed. “It really is quite gratifying. Once Nora here pops, you must join us on a raid sometime. We transport the slaves to Nassau where they can stay safely. Once we get enou
gh together from a country, we transport the whole group home. The money we made from the loot keeps us well fed and the whores we visit well paid.”

  Nora cringed. Vivian smiled. “We thank you for sharing the wealth,” she said.

  “Once the little one is safely in the world I would love to come out with you,” Viktor said. “Tearing apart some slave traders sounds like the perfect little outing to make sure I don’t lose my skills.”

  “Then it’s a date,” Simon agreed.

  “So, back to my problem,” Vivian cut in. “What do we do?”

  “I’ll help you,” Simon said.

  “You will?” Vivian raised an eyebrow. “Are you capable?”

  He scoffed. “Am I capable? Of course I’m capable.”

  Vivian furrowed her brow. “I understand that you’re a pirate and everything, but I wanted Viktor for a very specific set of skills I know he possesses.”

  Nora’s eyebrows rose.

  “Not those skills. His skills with his sword and daggers. Viktor has more than just the ship to transport us. He has the skills to protect me.”

  Simon smirked. “And I don’t?”

  Vivian shook her head. “No. Viktor has a different set of skills. He is a–” She stopped herself, practically biting her tongue before she gave away his secret.

  Simon held her gaze. “A Liberta Assassin. Yes, I know. I am, too.”

  “You are?” Vivian’s eyes bulged.

  “You told her? I thought you only told me.” Nora glared at Viktor.

  “She figured it out, love. It’s a long story.” Viktor tried to soothe the tension. “Back to your problem, Vivian.” Viktor shrunk beneath Nora’s stare.

  “Yes, Vivian. I am also an assassin. Every skill Viktor has, I have as well. You will be safe by my side.” Simon waited for her answer. Cautious eyes inspected him while she pondered her decision.

  “Viktor, do you vouch for him?”

  “There is no other person I have more faith in to take care of you. You can trust him. He’s smart, he’s skilled, and he can crush a man’s head with his hands. He’ll find you your treasure and keep you safe in the process. I promise.”


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