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By The Assassin's Side (Daggers 0f Desire Book 3)

Page 17

by Katherine Hastings

  “There! The river!” she shouted, pointing up ahead.

  A sigh of relief lifted his shoulders when he saw the trickling water ahead.

  “We’re getting closer,” he said, looking over his shoulder. Her face was lit from the inside, excitement radiating off her while she scurried to his side. Together they climbed through the thick ferns and found their way to the river’s edge.

  “Do you think it’s really here, Simon?” she asked, keeping stride behind him.

  “I hope so,” he answered. “We’ll be to the guardians by late afternoon. We’ll make camp for the night and search for the treasure in the morning.”

  “What will you do once we have it?” she asked. He could hear the trepidation in her voice.

  “What will I do? Don’t you mean what will we do?”

  Her face flushed with the sweet smile she couldn’t conceal.

  “I meant what I said, Viv. I’m giving half of my money to my crew. The other half will join yours. Together we can build the dream you have of helping young girls with nowhere to go. Nothing would make me happier... or my mother prouder. Now stop questioning if I’m going to walk out on you. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Good,” she said, smiling.

  “I have a question about this life of ours, though.”

  “What is it?”

  “I’m happy to donate my money and do whatever is necessary to build this home for girls and women in need, but does that mean we need to be there all the time?”

  Her forehead scrunched up. “What do you mean?”

  He hacked a branch out of his way and continued the trudge along the river. “I mean, I’m not opposed to it, but do we have to live in the city and stay at the house all the time? Or do you think perhaps we could hire someone else to run it so you and I can still sail the world and go on adventures such as this one from time to time?”

  He waited for her answer. Any life with Vivian would delight him until the day he died, but a life at sea, with her at his side, was a dream he could hardly imagine.

  “Nothing would make me happier than seeing the world with you. Once we have everything in place, there is no reason you and I can’t leave management to capable hands at home and head off on our next adventure. There will be plenty of funds for staff and for providing ample educational opportunities for any woman looking to change her future. We’ll stop in to check on it from time to time, but our destiny can take us anywhere we want to go.”

  Her answer ignited him from the inside. “Are you sure? You wouldn’t mind traveling with me?”

  “Wouldn’t mind?” She laughed. “I’ve had no greater joy than going on the adventures the Dark Shark has taken me. Seeing new worlds, new cultures, new experiences... it is everything I dared not dream about. To do it with you at my side... that is a dream I hadn’t even entertained. I would love nothing more, Simon. Don’t for a second think life with me means rotting away in a city counting the days until you die. This is the first of many adventures.”

  “This morning I didn’t think it possible to be happier than I was when I awoke. You just proved me wrong.” He beamed.

  “I intend to see you far happier than this,” she said. “Now, go find me this treasure so we can make all our dreams come true.”

  “Follow me,” he said, tossing a smile back toward her.

  They continued their trek until the laurels opened to a gentle valley of lush greens stretched out before them. There in the center, sat five tall rocky formations stretching high above the valley.

  “Look!” He stopped, pointing to the structures. “Those must be the five guardians!” Pulling out the map, he unrolled it and held it up to compare. The shapes matched the drawings on the map in his hands. It meant the treasure was near... the red X was just on the other side of them.

  Vivian threw herself into his arms, planting kisses on his cheeks. “We’re here, Simon! We’re so close!”

  Simon tipped her back and relished in her joyous squeal. Wanting lips found his own and shared in the excitement of their discovery.

  “We should take a rest and make camp for the night. That’s another hour’s hike and I fear we’ll be caught in the dark. Better to camp in the high ground and start fresh tomorrow.”

  She crinkled her nose and scowled at his words. “We’re so close, Simon! We can make it!”

  He set her back on her feet. “I’m sure we can, but we’re on familiar territory here... we’ve been hiking it all day. We have no idea what awaits us in the valley and I would rather not discover it in the dark. We camp here; we search for the treasure tomorrow.”

  Crossed arms and a pout provided her response. He chuckled at the sight of her, the formidable woman transformed into someone resembling an angry child.

  “Fine,” she moaned, releasing her angry stance.

  “Patience, darling. It will still be there in the morning.”

  Simon pulled the bag he carried from his shoulder and took out the blanket. Flipping it in the air he let it settle onto the ground. “Come and sit. I’ll get a fire going. The temperatures will cool off when the sun sets soon.”

  Vivian marched to the blanket and collapsed in a heap. Pulling off her boots, she rubbed her feet.

  “I knew you were ready for a rest,” he said, grinning while he picked up dry leaves and sticks from the surrounding ground.

  “My feet are throbbing a bit,” she said before narrowing her eyes to a glare. “But I was more than capable of making it the rest of the way.”

  Simon chuckled. “I have no doubt you could have. But this is the safest course. The treasure is no good to us if we’re dead.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I suppose you’re right,” she said on a light sigh.

  “I’m always right. Better you figure that out sooner than later.” He winked.

  She snickered at first, and it soon elevated until laughter rolled through her body. “Is that so?” She snorted between laughs.

  “It is,” he said, joining her in chuckles.

  “Well, I’ll keep that in mind.” Her laughter petered off, only a few snickers snuck out before she sighed and fell backward onto the blanket. “Sully said he packed food?”

  “Here, look in the bag.” Simon pulled out the tinderbox from the bag and tossed it to her before squatting down to dig a small hole with his hands. He piled the sticks he gathered into the hole. Holding the flint and char cloth in one hand, he slid his fingers through the striker and struck it on the side of the flint. A tiny ember lit up the corner of his char cloth. Moving quickly, he stuck it in the jute, watching the flames erupt and engulf the little ball in moments. He slid it beneath the sticks and sat back, watching his fire grow.

  “Impressive!” Vivian cheered from her reclined position on the blanket.

  “It’s always nice to have the proper tools. Rare... but nice.” He smiled at his accomplishment.

  “Come, sit by me.” Vivian patted the blanket and scooted to the side.

  There was no need to tell him twice. At her side was the only place he wanted to be. Tossing a few more sticks on his fire, he walked over to the blanket she lay sprawled upon. He lowered himself down and pulled her into his arms. She sat propped back against his chest, her head settling on the bulging muscles like a pillow made just for her.

  Together they stared out over the valley below. The sun dipped below the horizon, causing the sky to burst into flames that flicked out beneath wisps of clouds. Oranges and pinks swirled together in a dance that left them both speechless. The five guardians stood but as silhouettes now that cast shadows over the valley they protected below. The birds erupted with chirping in the trees like an audience applauding nature’s most spectacular show.

  “Yes, adventures. You and me and many, many adventures,” she sighed and pressed deeper into his arms. “I want to chase the sun and compare as many sunsets as our time on this earth will allow.”

  “Nothing would bring me greater joy.” He kissed the top of her head and folded his
arms around her. Together they sat silently until the last colors of the sky disappeared into a sea of black speckled with more stars than one could count in their lifetime.

  “You should eat,” she finally said, breaking their contented silence. She pulled a chunk of bread from the bag.

  He smiled and tore off a bite, Vivian ripping off one herself.

  “I don’t suppose Sully packed wine?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “No, I already checked.” She laughed.

  “Next time we’ll see to it he remembers to send us off with wine.”

  “This will have to do.” She smiled and took a sip of water before passing it up to him.

  A long, slow sip refreshed his parched throat, but it didn’t quench a different desire that had been building with each step of the day.

  “Bread was good, water was needed, but there is something else I would very much like to taste tonight.” He swept her hair from her shoulder and lowered his lips to the back of her neck.

  A moan was her response when his tongue traced down her spine. He relished the salt on her skin, the remnants from a long day of hiking, while he worked his way around her neck.

  Reaching around, his fingers found her face. Tipping her head back, he looked down into eyes mirroring his own desires. He glided his hand down her face and touched her lips with his own, sliding his tongue into the warmth of her mouth. She met it with her own, and a dance of seduction began. Tiny moans passed between them, each of the sounds captured in their mouths.

  Vivian pulled her head away, his lips still burning for her touch. She rolled onto her knees and knelt in front of him. Lust-filled eyes bore down into his own. With a lick of her lips she placed her hand on his chest and pushed. Simon offered no resistance and tumbled backward, landing on his back. With breath held fast, he watched her climb into position, straddling his body. He gasped when she brushed against his throbbing member. She settled down onto it, their leather pants sliding against one another.

  He reached up to touch her, but she brushed his hand aside, shaking her head.

  “Don’t touch,” she whispered, moving her hands to the laces holding her in. One by one she pulled on the laces, each tug tightening the knot in his stomach. Every inch of him burned to touch her, but he lay motionless below. Finally, the last lace slid free and her corset fell loose around her waist. Moonlight kissed the soft curves of her shoulders and illuminated the breasts begging to be freed from the sheer material enveloping them. One by one she slid the soft ruffles from her shoulders, letting the material slide down, her full breasts emerging one inch at a time.

  He gasped when they came into full view. Pert nipples hard from the cool night air begged his mouth to devour them. He tried to sit up, but a firm hand pushed him back down. She shook her head, a smile tugging one side of her luscious red lips.

  Rising to her feet she stood above him. Her hands pushed down her shirt and when they moved to the front of her pants, the agonizing slowness while she unfastened them threatened to cause his body to explode. As she inched them down, he watched as her long legs and the sweet spot between them came into view. The sight of her standing naked with dark tendrils of her hair cascading down her body, pushed him over the edge.

  “Vivian,” he begged, reaching out to touch her.

  She smiled and stepped from his reach. The firelight licked her skin, his own tongue wishing it could do the same. She lowered herself above him, long fingers reaching for his pants. He moaned when her fingers traced down the lines carving his stomach and found their way to the clasp of his pants. A tug released the tension on him when his pants fell open. Another tug pulled them down his legs. He moaned with sweet release as his manhood sprang free, the night air helping to cool the unbearable heat.

  She rose to straddle him again. He could feel the heat radiating from between her legs while she hovered just inches above his shaft.

  “Please, Vivian,” he moaned, lifting his hips to touch the spot he craved most.

  She lifted her own and dodged his touch. It caused a pained groan to push out from deep in his gut. His eyes flashed to hers, a teasing glance meeting him before she lowered her mouth to his chest. Hot kisses worked their way down his skin, each broken by traces of her tongue. Inch by inch she grew closer to the place that threatened to explode waiting for her touch. When her tongue touched the tip of it, he groaned. His whole body convulsed and tightened, a pleasure he never imagined.

  “Oh God,” he sighed. Her tongue traced the length of him, coming back to circle the tip. A gentle hand took a firm hold, sliding up the shaft to meet her eager mouth. Together they devoured him, his senses stolen while she worked him over in pleasures he hadn’t imagined in his wildest dreams. As she brought him to passion’s edge, his stomach tightened and his eyes clenched shut.

  Her touch disappeared just before his release and his eyes snapped open. A sinister smile played on her lips. “Not. Yet,” she breathed.

  His eyes rolled back in his head, his words to her last night tormenting him this time. “You devil,” he whimpered, his need to release himself at epic heights.

  A finger brushed up against him and caused a moan to follow. Her body moved above him, the wetness between her legs brushing along the length of him while she slid up to hover above him. The velvet softness of her hot skin sent shivers coursing through his body. When he opened his eyes, her face hovered just above his. A curtain of dark hair closed them off to the world. Her green eyes glowed in the fire while she lowered her lips to his.

  As their lips touched, she lowered herself and slid the tip of his member inside her. He moaned into her mouth, tipping his hips to go deeper. She held him fast, pushing her tongue inside while she slid down the length of him. Ecstasy overwhelmed him when he felt her reach the bottom. Buried in the depths of her, he groaned when she moved her hips, sliding up the length of him again.

  “Vivian,” he moaned into her mouth.

  Her movements quickened, her hips circling as she worked her body above him. Reaching out, he cupped her breasts in his hands, catching her own gasp in his mouth. His fingers worked her nipples in rhythm while she rode his swollen cock. Quick breaths matched his own as she writhed above him. He slipped a hand from her breast and moved it between her legs, finding the bundle of ecstasy swelling for his touch. She cried out when he touched it, sitting up tall. He watched her ride him while he worked the soft skin between her legs.

  Her face twisted in pleasure as his own ecstasy reached unimaginable heights. Like riding a wave in a storm, he felt his body swell to the top before crashing down and tumbling over the edge. She screamed out, throwing her head back while she shuddered above him. The moonlight caused the drops of sweat to glisten as they slipped down between her breasts and raced to the place he treasured most.

  She collapsed into his arms, panting as their sweaty skin pressed together.

  “I love you, Vivian,” he whispered, the words out of his control.

  “I love you, too,” she whispered back before snuggling deeper into his arms.

  Simon smiled and wrapped his arms tight around her and let the weight of her admission sink into his soul.


  BIRDS SCREECHING OVERHEAD roused her awake. Simon’s arms were wrapped tightly around her, his rhythmic breathing lifting the chest her head lay upon. She smiled, pressing into his skin, the safety of his embrace sending warm waves down the length of her body.

  I love you.

  The memory of the words snapped her eyes open wide, and she sat up, pulling from his grip. Had she really said that? She cringed when the memory replayed again. She had said that. It caused fear to flutter inside her like a bird desperate to break free from his cage. Closing her eyes, she tried to still the fear building inside.

  You do love him.

  The words were true... and they mirrored his own. They’d felt so natural when they’d slipped out last night, yet the weight of them in the morning light pressed down heavy on her. Wha
t if he hadn’t meant it? What if he had only said it in the heat of such an explosive moment?

  Hoping to lessen her feeling of exposure, she quietly slipped on her clothes. She finished, pulling the last lace of her corset snug.

  “Good morning, my love,” he whispered, snapping her from her spiraling thoughts.

  My love. He had meant it. The thought soothed her nerves.

  “You’re up there panicking because we said, ‘I love you’, last night, aren’t you?” He smiled, peeling his eyes open.

  “What?” she shot back, surprised by the accuracy of his accusation. By how well he seemed to see inside her soul after so short a time.

  “I know you, Viv. You’re panicking. Stop. I love you. You love me. It’s simple. Perhaps the simplest thing on the planet. Now stop panicking and come back into the arms of the man you love.”

  With mouth agape, she looked down to see his smiling face. He opened his arms and taunted her with his knowing look. A slow smile softened her face and she shook her head. Once again he calmed her fears. She looked deep into his eyes and knelt beside him, lowering herself for a kiss. With the touch of his lips the last of her fears fluttered away.

  “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” he teased, giving her one last peck while he tugged up his pants.

  “Harder than you know,” she responded and curled back up against his chest.

  He wrapped his arms around her, and a tight squeeze sent a happy moan from her parted lips.

  “Are we really doing this, Simon? You and me? The treasure? The traveling? The home for girls in need? Is this real?”

  He chuckled, his chest moving beneath her face.

  “Unless you panic and run off on me, then yes... we are doing this. And just so you know, if you run, I will catch you. I’ll keep catching you until I can convince you that I love you and that I’m not going anywhere and you can stop being afraid.”


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