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By The Assassin's Side (Daggers 0f Desire Book 3)

Page 19

by Katherine Hastings

  “We need to move, Vivian. We need to hide and then get back to the ship. The treasure isn’t worth our lives.”

  “You’re right. Just get me out of here,” she whispered. “All I need is you.”

  He responded with a smile and a nod. “Here, take these.” He pushed the second spear and shield into her hands. “Just in case. Now come on!”

  Simon dove deeper into the forest, the high cliffs forcing him straight ahead. They needed to get farther down and then swing around, doubling back toward his ship. Even though the sounds of the waning battle were now out of range, he pushed them on harder, tearing up the ground while he searched for a way out.

  “Simon!” Vivian pulled his attention back. “What’s that?”

  Her finger pointed to a tiny, dark crack in the wall of vines that dangled from the cliff. Squinting his eyes, he moved toward it though it was most likely a shadow. Only once he was on top of it did it become clear this was no shadow. It was a crevice in the solid stone wall. Simon readied his spear and investigated it more closely.

  “Can we hide in there?” she asked, stepping up behind him.

  “We’re better off if we keep moving.”

  “What if they catch us, Simon? We have nowhere to go and we have no idea how long these cliffs go on for.”

  She was right. He didn’t know how close behind them Cyrus and his men were, and this crack was almost invisible. Men rushing after them would never see it. Simon pushed the vines aside and peered inside, spear readied. Only darkness met his eyes.

  He squeezed between the cool stones. They scraped his skin as he pressed through them, the crack widening with each step. Total darkness overtook him, but he pressed on, Vivian clinging tightly to his hand. A flicker of sunlight up ahead caught his eye, a sharp contrast to the blackness that surrounded them. Simon moved toward it.

  They turned a corner and stepped out into a vast cave, cracks in the towering ceiling letting in rays of sunlight that glimmered across piles of shiny gold and jewels.

  “Oh my God,” Vivian whispered, tightening her grip on his hand.

  The treasure.

  “Simon, the treasure.”

  Piles of gold spilled out of chests and lay heaped in mounds along the walls of the giant cave. His breath trapped in his chest while he scanned the incredible sight before him. They had done it. They had found Avery’s treasure. Even after splitting his half with his men, there was enough here to see all her dreams come true.

  Water pooled on the cave floor, drops sliding down the stalactites that jutted down from the rock ceiling. Simon stepped forward over the tiny stream that rippled beneath their feet and slid from sight into the cracks in the side of the cave. They walked hand in hand to the far side where the piles of treasure glistened in the rays of sun.

  He knelt down and pulled a handful of gold coins from the chest, letting them fall between his fingers. The sounds of metal clanking echoed through the walls of the cave.

  “We found it, Vivian.” He smiled, looking up at her. Her face was radiant, filled with hope and love.

  “Bravo! Once again I have you to thank for finding the treasure,” Cyrus’ voice echoed through the cave.

  Simon leapt up, pushing Vivian behind him, backing her up against the wall. He raised his spear and shield, his eyes finding Cyrus standing at the entrance to the cavern.

  How did he find us? How is he already here? He had underestimated Cyrus... again. It was a mistake he wouldn’t make a third time.

  Cyrus stepped through the crack and into the cave, his men squeezing in behind him. Only ten appeared, at least forty light of the number he saw on the hill.

  “Although, this time you didn’t do all the work. Those natives put up a hell of a fight.” Cyrus wiped the back of his hand across his face, leaving a streak of blood in its path. “Had I realized you were captured and only moments from death, I certainly would have held off my assault.”

  “I suppose when you’re scared of facing me, leaving my death to the hands of a crowd is a much more appealing option.”

  Cyrus’ laugh bounced around the cave. “I suppose it is.”

  “How did you find us?” Vivian asked.

  Cyrus let his eyes wander to where Vivian peeked from behind him. Simon broadened his shoulders to keep her safely behind him.

  “You don’t think that once I had my hands on the map I didn’t make another copy?” He laughed. “I’ll admit, it took you leaving for us to realize we were on the wrong island. Once we turned that map upside down we knew exactly where you were heading.”

  “And my ship?” Simon held his breath waiting for the answer. His men would never have let Cyrus pass... if they were alive.

  “Don’t worry. We knew the best entrance was from the south, so that was where you’d be. We came down from the north. No sense losing lives in the extra battle when what we’re here for is right here in this cave.”

  Simon let out a breath. His ship was safe. Now he needed to keep him and Vivian that way.

  Cyrus took a step toward him. “I’ll admit, I don’t know that I would have seen it if we hadn’t seen you slip inside.”

  “I’m glad we could be of some assistance,” Simon responded, his fingers tightening their grip on his spear. “Is this all that’s left of your men?”

  “As I said, the natives put up a hell of a fight. Not to worry, though, I still have plenty of men on the ship that I have sent for. They’ll be here in no time to help me carry off this treasure and take care of the last of the tribe that ran for cover. With their unique coloring, they’ll all fetch an attractive price as slaves.”

  Simon’s teeth clenched tightly together. Though they had held his life in their hands, they were only doing what was necessary to protect the survival of their tribe. He didn’t wish to see any of those proud people carted off in chains.

  “Now, if you’ll kindly step aside, we’d like to look at our treasure. If you don’t put up a fight, I promise I’ll let her live. I’m a man of my word, as you can see from the fact she still draws breath from the last time I held her.”

  Vivian tucked in closer behind him. This man would never lay a hand on her again.

  “Although this time, I can’t promise I’ll leave her with her fingers,” Cyrus said, stroking the remnants of her strike still scratched into his cheek, “or her teeth.” His eyes narrowed.

  Vivian gasped behind him.

  Rage bubbled up inside Simon, seeping into every inch of his body. No one would harm his Vivian. His muscles twitched at the ready.

  “I see you aren’t going to lay down so easily this time? Very well. Take him!” Cyrus shouted to his guards.

  Simon lowered his body and growled as the men charged. With an enraged shout he surged toward them. Two arrived at the same time, their swords swung in unison, each gliding over his head when he ducked. He drove his shoulder into the tall one’s armor, sending him flying back against the wall. Pain ripped through the fresh bullet hole, but he pushed it deep into the depths of his resolve.

  The shorter of the two swung again, but Simon caught it with his wooden shield. A wide swing with his spear collided with the man’s head, blood exploding from the wound that burst open, dropping him lifeless to his knees.

  “Seize them!” Cyrus shouted to the eight remaining men.

  Simon glanced back at Vivian. Two guards descended on her.

  “Vivian!” he shouted, spinning to race to her side.

  Her spear spun wildly as she ducked and dodged, and in only moments both men dropped lifeless at her feet. She looked to him, satisfaction and rage filling her emerald eyes. Simon gave her a proud nod, turning to deflect another incoming blow.

  He caught the sword with his shield, pushing back against it and sending the man sailing through the air. The attacker crashed backward, his body knocking down several men behind him. Simon was on them in seconds, tearing through their skin with his spear, blood flying around him as he loosed unchecked rage into their flesh.

nbsp; He rose above the pile of bodies, heaving while his eyes turned toward Cyrus. Only one man stood between them now. Simon stormed toward him, a halo of rage pulsing off him. The sizeable man stood readied, his long sword clutched tight in his hands. The solider raised his sword, holding it high above his head, ready to drop it when Simon came within range. Simon drew back his spear. A rumble ripped from his lungs when he sent it flying through the air. It plunged deep into the man’s chest. Frozen with his sword above his head, the large man’s eyes went dark before his body went limp. His sword dropped to the ground, his body crumpling on top of it.

  Simon narrowed his eyes and lifted them from the body at Cyrus’ feet. It was just the two of them now. A flicker of fear raced through Cyrus’ eyes but was quickly replaced with a bold stare.

  “So it’s just you and me, Captain Blackmore.”

  “Just you and me,” Simon growled.

  “I suppose we should get this over with. The sooner you fall, the sooner I can tame that wildcat of yours. She’ll be much more amiable when she’s been declawed.” Cyrus smirked.

  Cyrus lunged forward without warning. Simon rolled out of the way, picking up a sword from a fallen man as he sprang to his feet. Cyrus was already on him, the sounds of metal clanking echoing through the cave with each devastating blow Cyrus rained down on him. Tales of his skill had not been unwarranted.

  Sparks flew as the swords collided, each man outmaneuvering the other. Blow after blow, they remained locked in battle. One wrong move would tip the scales. Simon spun around deflecting another crushing blow, Vivian catching his eye. Glimpses of her horrific future, should he fall, flashed through his mind.

  I will not be defeated!

  “Simon!” she screamed. He spun his head to where her wide eyes stared behind him. Alive, breathing and just as deadly as before, the large man swung his sharp sword right at Simon’s head.

  “Shite!” Simon yelled, a quick move with his sword deflected the blow away, but too off center, he couldn’t dodge the elbow to the face. It sent him stumbling backward, his ears ringing and drowning out the sounds of Vivian’s screams. Before he could regain his equilibrium, a searing pain ripped through his back. He felt the sword tear through his flesh, slicing across the width of his back. He roared in pain and anger, spinning to see Cyrus grinning with blood dripping from the tip of his sword.

  Simon clutched his sword and stumbled two steps toward Cyrus, but the large man leapt upon his body. Another blow to the back of his head left his senses swirling around, and he could taste the coppery tang of blood in his mouth. Speckled vision caught the outline of Cyrus charging toward him.

  “No!” He heard Vivian’s commanding shout a second before she leapt in front of him. Her spear stopped Cyrus’ sword before it could finish its descent and end this battle for good.

  Blinking rapidly to regain his senses, he watched Vivian in a whirlwind of fury, slashing and stabbing at Cyrus while she evaded the evil man’s furious attempts to end her. Seeing her in danger ignited his resolve, and with a shake of his head he straightened up and charged toward Cyrus. The large man stepped in his way, and Simon met him head on. His size put him at eye-level, and they locked in a tenacious stare. Both men swung, and the swords vibrated on impact.

  Simon felt the crackle of power seep back into his body while he remained locked in battle; with each blow his resolve and his strength returned. A glance out of the corner of his eye found Vivian dodging another swing and slicing at Cyrus, but his quick reflexes skirted him out of the way. Turning his attention back to his own foe, Simon lunged forward and crashed his sword down on the unyielding metal and deflected the return blow.

  A pained yelp from Vivian snapped his attention back. He saw the back of Cyrus’ hand finishing its blow to her face, and her body slammed into the wall. She crumpled onto the floor in a heap in front of him.

  “Vivian!” Simon yelled, just as another swing flew at his own head. The sight of her on the ground sent rage boiling through his body and it radiated out through his arm. He smashed away the blow and lunged forward, ramming his shoulder into his adversary. The giant man stumbled backward and slammed into the wall behind him. Simon launched forward and drove his blade deep into his throat, holding his eyes while the life slipped out of them.

  With no time to waste, he ripped his sword from the flesh and spun to see Cyrus standing over Vivian, his sword primed to fall. Her eyes shot to his, terror swelling behind them.

  “Cyrus!” Simon bellowed and rushed toward him.

  Cyrus reeled around, irritation and anger twisting his face into an evil sneer. He charged forward toward Simon with rage-filled eyes, his sword held high above his head. Simon leaned back and kicked out a long leg, the powerful blow landing square in his chest.

  Fear flashed in Cyrus’ wide eyes as he sailed backward through the air. He collided with the rocky ground, skidding along from the force of the blow. Simon lunged forward, a roar ripping through the cave as he launched high into the air. With his arm drawn back when he reached full height, he locked eyes with Cyrus. He came crashing down, the full force of his weight rippling through his arm. His sword plunged through Cyrus’ chest, only stopping when it hit the stone floor below. Simon finished his rumble and stood towering above Cyrus, his hand still gripping the hilt of the sword that remained buried in his flesh.

  “You will never touch her again,” Simon snarled. Cyrus shuddered beneath him, a trail of blood rolled out between his parted lips. Simon held his eyes, relishing the moment when the life in them flickered and faded. His last breath chased the blood out of his mouth and silenced the man forever. His body shivered and went limp.

  Simon closed his eyes and let the blissful sensation of victory wash over him. This victory meant Vivian’s safety.

  Her life.

  Her future.

  Vivian. He turned to see her standing again, a spear readied in her hand. A quivering lip tipped with blood parted and fell open and his name breathed out from between them.


  She dropped her spear and raced forward. Simon released his grip on the sword and turned, catching her in his arms. Soft kisses rained down over his face until their lips finally collided. Gripping her face, he pulled back, staring deep into her eyes.

  “He can’t hurt you again, Vivian. You’re safe.”

  “Thank you, Simon. Thank you.” She leaned up and pressed her lips to his. His hands slid through her silky hair and pulled her in deeper. He savored the taste of her lips, the feel of her fingers along his neck, and the love that pulsed off her in dizzying waves. Everything he had done, everything he had been, lived within him only for this moment. All lighting the way so he could find his way to her.

  Letting their lips drift apart, Simon pulled her tight into his arms. “I am never letting you go. You know that, don’t you? I won’t lose you.”

  He could feel her nod against his chest.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Simon. Ever. It’s you and me. Always. I love you.”

  Her words crumbled the world around him until only the two of them remained.

  “And I love you.”

  “Don’t I know it,” she smiled, pulling her head back to look up at him before glancing at the carnage his love for her had created. “The proof is splattered on the walls.”

  Simon chuckled and kissed her forehead. “I would slaughter an army to keep you at my side. Although, it seems with your newfound skills, I may not have to. It will be you slaughtering an army to save me.”

  “I did pretty good, didn’t I?” She smiled, her chest puffing up with pride.

  “You were incredible. Aren’t you glad I had the foresight to train you so you could save my arse?”

  “I am. It’s a nice one... would be a shame for anything to happen to it.” She quirked an eyebrow and peeked behind him.

  Simon threw his head back and laughed. “I suppose it is. You know, with a little more training when we go on our next adventure, I’ll be drinking
wine, kicking back, and letting you handle all the fighting.”

  “Well, with any luck you and I will have a much different adventure now. One filled with excitement, but perhaps a little less life and death?”

  “Just a little... I don’t want to go getting soft now. Don’t you trust that I’ll keep you safe no matter what?” He raised an eyebrow.

  She tipped her head, her lips pulling into a contemplative smile. “Of course I trust you.”

  He grinned and took her face in his hands. “Good. Now, let’s go get my crew, get this treasure off the island and start the next journey of our adventure. One with only a little life and death.”

  “And no more sharks. I hate sharks,” she added.

  “No more sharks,” he said, leaning down to capture her lips.

  She sank into him, her body melting into his while they sealed their fate with a kiss full of promise for their future. She would forever remain by his side, and he would forever be there to protect her.

  Not ready for the adventure to end? Go on a journey with Captain Henry Avery, and find out the story behind the treasure that brought Simon and Vivian together... and the love story that changed his fate!



  Part fact. Part Fiction. All romance.

  A roguish pirate searches for treasure and finds something other than gold... the beautiful Lady Aleida. But danger, duty, and destiny threaten to tear them apart.

  Based on the actual events of real-life pirate Captain Henry Avery, The Arch Pirate twists and twirls blending fact with fiction in an adventure-filled 17th century pirate romance.

  While Captain Avery and his crew make for Madagascar to start off their new life of piracy, they capture a Dutch ship along the way. It isn't gold Avery finds in one of the chests they brought on board, but it's treasure none-the-less... an exquisite woman unlike any he's ever seen.


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