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Chasing Butterflies (Bad Girls Book 1)

Page 4

by Jennifer Labelle

  “Sawyer?” His chest rose and fell rapidly as they both tried hard to catch their breath. “You sure about this?”

  “What I need is to stop thinking so hard, Jag, and right now, this feels right.” She stood up on her tippy toes and went back in for another taste of his mouth.

  “Just…” She kissed him again between his words until he gripped her hands and began walking her backward towards his desk. Her butt hit the edge of it and she jumped to sit on top, spread her thighs, and wrapped her legs around his middle to bring him flush against her moist center. Her nipples puckered and she was breathing hard with want when he continued to talk. “Hold on a sec. I really like where we’re headed, sugar, but if you’d like to continue, I think we need to take this to a shower.” He grimaced and he moved his hand between them up and down so she could focus on his sweaty body.

  Sawyer grinned and instead of a reply, she showed him what she’d fantasized about doing from the moment she walked into the bar when she hopped off the desk and licked him from his belly button to his earlobe. “Mm, you taste good just the way you are, right here, right now.”

  Jagger shuddered as if he had a chill and groaned. He picked her up so she could wrap her legs around him again and he thrust his hard cock against the spot she needed him most. Sawyer matched his rhythm and dry-humped him right back. With one arm, he cleared the top of his desk and laid her on top of it.

  “Damn!” he said, sounding frustrated. “I need to grab a condom. They’re in the house.”

  “Taken care of already.” Sawyer shook her head and took the protection out of her front pocket. “A girl can never be too prepared.” More like, old habits die hard. She was always prepared when it came to sex. She’d certainly had it often enough. A girl had her needs too and she was always careful.

  “I like a woman who thinks ahead.” He smirked. “Now, where were we?”

  “Pretty sure we were about to get naked.” She licked her lips and whipped her shirt off while he helped her get her shorts and underwear off. Afterward, she admired the view while he tore off his jeans, taking his boxer briefs off along with them. He quickly sheathed himself with the latex rubber and teased her with the tip of his dick against her clit. “Fuck, yes. Don’t stop.” Her nipples puckered. She moved her bra cups aside and played with her breasts.

  “You are so damn sexy. Always have been but now…” He grunted. “Shit, Sawyer, I want to savor you so bad but I’m not sure I can go too slow.”

  “I’m with you, Jag. Fuck me, baby. We’ll do sweet some other time.” She writhed underneath him and gasped as he rubbed her nub harder. She was close.

  “Come for me first. You want my cock? Show me how much and I’ll give it to you.” His teeth clenched, his muscles strained, and he licked his lips like he wanted to devour her. “Now, sugar. Now,” he demanded.

  She obliged his request by exploding in bliss.

  He thrust balls deep inside her pussy while she pulsed against his shaft and he held still until it subsided. He moaned her name and made her feel special because, despite his earlier confession, he started off slowly to give her time to get used to his girth and length until she encouraged him to fuck her faster.

  He was incredible.

  Sawyer knew she was in trouble.

  She thrust her hips in tune with his again to keep up and cried out when his mouth got reacquainted with her breast. “Oh, God, Jagger, you feel so good.”

  His pace picked up and he thrust deeper, pushing out all of the way and slamming back in again. The desk rocked. She was in Heaven and he shuddered through his own release, filling the condom inside of her a moment later. It was just the fast, hard fuck she’d needed. Their slick bodies molded together as Jagger collapsed on top of her to catch his breath.

  Sawyer was rocked to her very core. There was always something special between her and Jagger. Their union tonight solidified it and that scared the crap out of her. To think that she left to start over because of a misunderstanding hurt, but at the same time, it made her the strong woman she was today, so maybe it was for the best. It was all too confusing. One thing was for sure, she could totally fall in love with this man again. Heck, he’d only been back in her life for a very short time and her feelings were strong, so maybe she hadn’t stopped loving him at all. Maybe she just chose to ignore it because she was devastated to lose him, to begin with. To her embarrassment, she became so overwhelmed with emotion, she started to cry.

  He must have felt her tears fall on him. “Hey,” he whispered with concern, “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No,” She croaked as she covered her face with her hands. “Please let me up.”

  He scrambled to get off her and helped her to stand. “What’s the matter?”

  She needed a minute while she got dressed to compose herself, so he gave it to her. She watched him put on his own clothes and appreciated his patience. “It was a little too good.” She said and laughed at her own silliness. “I’m sorry, Jag. I’m just a little messed up right now and no good for you. Thank you for tonight because I needed to be loved, if only for a short time, but I gotta go.”

  “Sawyer, wait. Please don’t go.” He reached for her, but it was too late because she ran…yet again.

  Damn it!

  Chapter Four


  “Corbin and Carter Dean! Stop fighting and step away from your daddy’s stand before you break something!” Lena warned just as Jagger approached his sister’s table. He couldn’t help but chuckle. They were at the art fair and those little hellions had their momma wrapped around their little fingers and they both knew it. Lena was such a sweet soul, but his nephews were also a handful when they wanted to be.

  Her face softened the instant the boys apologized and did as they were told.

  “We’re bored.” Corbin pouted and his brother-in-law Alex laughed alongside Jagger and shook his head.

  “I am one lucky man,” Alex exclaimed.

  Jagger felt a pang of envy for a second but brushed it off.

  “That you are,” he replied. “Hey, Lena. Do you remember Sawyer Maddox at the table over there?” Jagger inclined his head toward the woman of his dreams across the lot. “I hear she’s doing portraits, if you want to take the boys over.”

  Her face lit up, she grabbed the twin’s hands, and walked their way. “You don’t say?” She smirked. “She any good?”

  “You betchya,” Jagger answered. He hadn’t seen Sawyer’s work yet but he had no doubt she’d be amazing at anything she chose to do. It didn’t hurt that he’d noticed she had a steady flow of occupants over there either.

  She nodded, “Good enough for me. I’m gonna just take the boys for a walk, go say hi, and try and tire them out.” She winked at him and a second later, Alex had her in his arms to kiss before she went anywhere. They were so crazy in love and one day Jagger hoped he’d be so lucky with his own woman someday.

  “Hey, man. Thanks for dropping the trailer off yesterday. It looks great.” Darrel Wyatt walked up to them and clapped Jagger on the shoulder while he watched his sister approach Sawyer’s table.

  “No problem.” Jagger looked at the man quickly and shrugged. He’d become instantly distracted by the beautiful brunette Lena was currently talking to. Hell, Sawyer had been the source of his thoughts day and night especially since she seemed to be back for good this time. That was, if her opening a tattoo shop meant anything. It had been two days since their romp in his workspace; forty-eight long ass hours of waiting for her to come around.

  Alex noticed his pre-occupation and smiled widely. “She looks a little familiar but I’m not sure from where.”

  “Yeah,” Jagger grunted. “Used to be local, then she left.” He sighed and lifted his hat to drag his fingers through his hair before he put it back on. “She kept to herself mostly back then though and tried to stay invisible to everyone except me.”

  “Hm,” Darrel said, rubbing his chin. “Name?”

  “Sawyer Maddox.�

  Darrel nodded. “That explains it. Knew Carley a little, a long time ago. Messed up hand they were dealt with their folks.” He shook his head. “Heard about what happened in the news last month too. It’s a damn shame.”

  Jagger’s curiosity was peaked. “What happened last month?” He hadn’t heard anything from the news about Sawyer, so he wasn’t sure what Darrel was talking about. It was the first time he’d taken his eyes off Sawyer since he’d arrived at the Kerrville art fair.

  “Big fire out in Minnesota. It was the tattoo place from that popular show, what’s it called?” Darrel thought for a minute and snapped his fingers when it came to him. “Blank Canvas with Toby James! Anyway, the place was a total write off.” He shook his head, looking somber. “Carley died in that fire, Jag. You didn’t hear?”


  “Naw.” He gulped. That explained so much. His heart broke for her. Jagger cleared his throat to dislodge the lump that had formed. “I appreciate the information, though.”

  Darrel nodded and walked away. “Sorry man.”

  “Damn.” His brother-in-law sighed and flagged over the events coordinator, Becca. “Hey, Bec, can you watch my table for a few minutes? I’ve got to see Lena and Jag needs to go see his woman.”

  “Sure.” Becca breezed past them to take her place behind Alex’s table.

  “Be back in ten, okay?” Alex assured her.

  They headed toward Sawyer’s table.

  “She’s not my…” Jagger didn’t finish because she was his woman, damn it. Always had been. Sure, he’d dated some, but no one ever compared. Now all he had to do was continue to show her how much she meant to him and let her know that’s the way it was going to be. He smiled and Alex snickered.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he said. It hadn’t taken but another minute to get there.

  The boys were smitten and Lena seemed amused. “I swear, I can’t remember the last time they sat this long. It’s going on ten minutes.”

  “Uh oh, Jag. Looks like you might have some competition,” Alex teased as he watched his boys blush and squirm in their seats.

  Sawyer looked cute while she worked her magic drawing their portraits.

  Lena giggled, Alex wrapped his arms around her, and Jagger winked at Sawyer. “I see that.”

  “Almost finished. You guys are doing great,” Sawyer said. He knew she was biting her lip to keep from laughing. “There.”

  She ripped the large piece of paper off her art pad and turned it around to show them the finished product. It was remarkable. The shading and hand-drawn details made the boys pop from the page. It was like looking at a black and white replica of Corbin and Carter in the flesh. It was incredible.

  “Wow.” Lena gasped. “Would you look at that, Alex?”

  “I see.” His brother-in-law gushed. “If the tattooing thing doesn’t work out, I may know a few people with galleries who might be interested in your work.” He said. Jagger knew he was being serious too.

  “Let me see.”

  “No. I wanna see,” The boys said, so she showed it to them too.

  “Cool!” They said in unison. A cart filled with candy apples passed by and that caught their attention. “Can we have one of those?”

  “Not before dinner,” Alex answered sternly, and Corbin and Carter whined.

  “Aw, no fair.”

  Lena tipped Sawyer handsomely. “This is being framed before we leave here today. Thank you. It was so good to see you again.”

  “Anytime.” Sawyer smiled and ruffled the kids’ hair. “You all take it easy on your parents, you hear?”

  “Oh, they will,” Alex said. “Won’t you, boys?”

  “Yes, daddy.”

  “Good,” Alex replied, extending his hand to shake hers. “Welcome back, Sawyer. It’s good to see you again, and my condolences to you on your sister’s passing. Carley was a good woman.” She could only nod before he turned to address Jagger. “Jag, we will see you around, most definitely.” He nodded and guided his family away to give them space. The minute Alex had mentioned her sister, Sawyer had gasped as if shocked that they had found out what happened and with wide eyes, she looked in his direction before she masked her reaction.

  The cat was out of the bag now, baby, and he was for damn sure not going to let her go through it alone. She’d see soon enough.



  Becca had done an amazing job of organizing the art fair. The Kerrville Arts Centre was packed and Sawyer was in awe of the participation for such an event. There were locals all over the place. Although the Arts Centre was open to the public, the tables were mostly set up outside of the beautiful historical building and she appreciated that. It was such a beautiful day.

  “Welcome to the KAC. So what do you think?” Becca asked as she gestured to the space around them.

  “I think I don’t know how you find the time.” Sawyer smiled. “It’s great, Becca. Thank you for including me in this.”

  Becca Everett was a busy woman and clearly remarkable when it came to managing her time. She owned several commercial properties, was very active in the community, which included being on the board of directors for the KAC, and to top it off, had to take care of and raise her younger brother when their parents died in a car crash. Sawyer was exhausted just thinking of it.

  “I’ve always been a sucker for art.” Becca winked. “I even paint in my spare time. Not that I’d be courageous enough to show anyone.” She picked up one of Mad Ink’s business cards and pocketed it. “Glad you could make it, though. We’ve got clay pottery, bronze sculptures, portraits, paintings, handmade jewelry, author tables, and the exhibits inside to check out…you name it. So, have fun when you get the chance and if you need anything, I’ll be around.”

  “Okay, now, this I’ve got to see. You paint? That’s awesome. Maybe I’ll have to get you to make me something for the shop.” Sawyer was being serious, but Becca brushed it off.

  “If you say so. Look, I’ve got to get back to it but if you need anything, like I said I won’t be too far away.”

  “Sure, see ya.” Sawyer waved as Becca departed and after she finished setting up, she sat down to sketch while she waited. The Mad Ink banner was up, her portfolios were out, her cards were available for anyone to help themselves, and the sketch pad was in her hands. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she was in her element again.

  A few hours into it and several portraits later, the hair on the back of her neck stood up. But it wasn’t a cool breeze that had caused this reaction. It was the man himself. This happened to her every single time and it was better than she remembered.


  Anytime he was within reach, she could tell. The energy around her seemed to change and she could feel the magnetism between the two of them sizzle like electricity. She bit her lip and admired him from afar. He was standing at one of the tables with one of his older sisters. If her memory served correctly, it was Lena. He stood with whom she assumed was his brother-in-law and both men laughed at the two kids’ shenanigans, which made Sawyer smile too. They were adorable. She was pretty sure Alex and Lena were high school sweethearts too, a few years older, and had known Carley better than they’d known Sawyer.

  Just then, a young couple stopped by her table and began to browse her portfolio, so she put a stop to her thoughts and approached them. “Hey, there. Are you thinking of getting some work done?”

  “Yeah. We’re getting married and we were thinking of getting something on our fingers instead of the traditional rings, so we’re looking around,” The man said.

  “Well, you’ve stopped by the right place. Mad Ink opens up the week after next.” Sawyer handed them her business card and smiled again. “Feel free to keep on browsing, and when you’re ready, give us a call and we’ll make you an appointment.”

  “Thanks!” The man pocketed it and she left them alone.

  “You started it.”

  “No, you did.” The
two adorable boys began to shove each other until their mother stepped in.

  “You boys better behave, or so help me, you will not be going horseback riding with Gramps later. You’ll also have to go to bed early and you won’t be going on that campout with your friend Travis next week, either. You hear?”

  “Yes, momma.” The boys stilled and the woman’s stern facial expression melted like butter. She winked at Sawyer and introduced herself.

  “Hey, there. I’m not sure if you remember me. I’m Lena Dean, formerly Hale, and these are my sons Corbin and Carter. Jagger pointed you out and I was wondering if you could draw the boys, if they’ll sit still long enough. I’ve always wanted something unique to put on top of the mantle.”

  “Absolutely.” Sawyer giggled at the two miniature Deans’ pouting expressions and extended her hand. “My name is Sawyer. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” After shaking Lena’s hand, she bent to address the boys. “Sure looks like you both have a lot to look forward to, from what I heard. Horseback riding and a campout? What very lucky boys you are. Now, if I promise to be as quick as I can with your momma’s request, do you think you can handle sitting down to pose for me?”

  They eyed her skeptically as she led them to a chair behind her table. She whispered, “We good?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She’d been drawing for so long, it felt like she could do this in her sleep. Lena’s boys were angels and it took her maybe ten or fifteen minutes to finish their drawings. In the meantime, Jagger and Alex swaggered over and her heart pounded double time.

  Sawyer did her best to keep focus on the task at hand while Lena, Alex, and Jagger bantered with one another. She sighed with longing as it made her think of her own sister and how much she was dearly missed. It also reminded Sawyer of how utterly lonely she was most of the time.


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