Book Read Free


Page 2

by Jennifer Kacey

  I shook my head, realizing that if a quick roll in the sack was all they wanted, I couldn’t do it. I might regret it for the rest of my life if I said no but my heart would cave in if they used me as a piece of available ass then brushed me off.

  I yanked away from Chris and ducked under Jared’s arm to run to the table, grab my purse and leave before I, or they, did something we’d regret in the morning. I ached for them down to the tiniest molecules in my body but I couldn’t survive if I lost them because I couldn’t keep my pussy to myself.

  A snarl from behind me was my only warning. Jared whirled me around, up and into his arms. I yelped, instinctively hooking my ankles behind him. I clutched his shoulders, digging into his shirt with my nails.

  Gone was the lighthearted buddy I’d known my whole life. In his place stood a dominant man who wouldn’t be denied and my nipples pebbled and scraped against my thin tank top.

  “Do you actually think so little of us to believe we would use you like that?” He stroked up my spine with the powerful edge I craved.

  “I don’t have a clue what to think tonight, Jared. Where is all this coming from? I don’t know how to act or what to say. I’m lost.” I lowered my lashes to hide my uncertainty and laid my forehead to his.

  I unwrapped my legs and slid along his rigid body. Another shiver raced over my flesh as his cock dug into my belly. For an instant the world stopped. He held me close and I thought he wanted to kiss me. But he grasped my shoulders and forced me to face away. Emotion clogged my throat. Why wasn’t I good enough?

  But then Chris vaulted over the bar. He planted his heaving chest in front of me, stopping my heart, trapping me between them.

  His power and intensity came off him in waves. I would have retreated but Jared ground his cock into my backside, wrenching a sharp gasp free that echoed all around us. Chris grabbed my waist and jerked me to him. His power sank inside my soul. He roughly moved lower to cup the cheeks of my ass. Kneading. Enticing. He strayed along the seam of my rear, almost to my pussy, before sweeping sideways then all the way up to hold my shoulders.

  I couldn’t breathe.

  With other women, he’d always been physically present but separated emotionally. I’d feared he would treat me no differently but I was wrong. The connection we shared created a link I never wanted to sever.

  As he ground his equally impressive cock into my abdomen, I shuddered and then Jared moved against me, pushing me farther toward his brother until only several layers of clothing separated us from what I needed so badly. The ache for these two men…how could I leave?

  “Does this feel like something I’d have for a sister?” Chris growled. I panted for all I was worth. So wet, I was on the verge of begging them to take me right in the middle of the bar. Such desire from Chris shocked me. He was harder to read than Jared, more subdued. Had been since high school. But now? He’d never worn an expression of pure longing before.

  “Dammit. I don’t want to be one of your one-night stands and I don’t want to lose you over something as simple as sex.”

  Chris continued to stare and clenched his jaw. “How long have you known us? Do you think we could take you then actually walk away?”

  “I saw exactly how many women have come and gone. None lasted longer than a few days. None of them—”

  “None of them mattered,” Chris barked out. I could tell he wanted to say more but he remained silent.

  “I want you, Cyn,” Jared said behind me. “I’ve wanted you for years but didn’t think you were ready. Hell,” he groaned next to my ear. “I still don’t think you’re ready but patience be damned at this point. We can’t wait any longer.”

  “Why? Why now? What changed?” My head fell against Jared’s shoulder because Chris’ towered above me.

  “Hearing you the past few nights. Hearing you come on a vibrator right next door. When we’ve wanted to fuck you for so long. It was torture. I’ve wanted to take you slow and easy. Rough and deep. To command your pleasure all night long until you scream for us. I can’t hold out any longer. I need you.”

  My thin pants rode low, allowing Jared access to the soft skin of my stomach. He dipped below the edge of my waistband but I had to concentrate. This was too important. “What about tomorrow?

  “What about it, sweetheart?” Jared asked as he nibbled my earlobe.

  “What happens tomorrow? If I fuck you both tonight, what happens tomorrow?”

  “Are you asking about how we act tomorrow? If we’re still buddy-buddy or if it changes?”

  I bit my lip and nodded sharply.

  “We want it to change.”

  “We want to be with you,” Chris added. “Separate and together. It’s not going to be easy but we deserve a chance.”

  We stood together, on the verge of something amazing, for an eternity. Our harsh breathing punctuated the stillness and I tried to figure out what I wanted. What I could live with. When they started to retreat, I grabbed Jared’s neck to hold him in place and dragged Chris closer by his shirt.

  “Don’t stop.” Desire shot through my veins, sharp, urgent. I’d worry about tomorrow then. But tonight? Tonight was mine.

  Jared dipped his head and ran his teeth up the column of my neck. His lips trailed across my shoulder as he pushed his hand beneath the stretchy fabric at my waist. The warmth from his arm heated my right side. He discovered my drenched folds waiting for him and groaned into my neck. “Fuck, you’re so wet—and naked under here. If I’d known that I wouldn’t have been able to form a coherent thought if my life depended on it.”

  A gush of wetness coated the slick digits at the top of my thighs and he plunged two inside my core. I’d had years of anticipation and a soul-deep moan of pleasure escaped from somewhere deep inside that no one had ever reached before. Jared eased out and used the moisture to rub over my engorged clit peeking out from its protective little hood. Chris caressed my bare skin and slowly trailed between the cheeks of my rear, hovering over the entrance to my ass. My knees went weak and I almost melted.

  Chris spoke against my temple. “I want to take you.” To emphasize his point, he gently swirled and pressed against my tiny puckered hole. His warmth blanketed the left side of my body, mirroring his brother on the opposite side. “Are you going to let me do that? Let us take you together and fill you so completely you don’t know where you stop and we begin?”

  My eyelids fluttered closed and my needy whimper filled the space all around us. “Yes.”

  Chris moved away to stare into my eyes and waited.

  Haltingly, I swallowed to buy myself some time, to smother my need to drown myself in these men. “I need you inside me. Both of you.”

  Jared punched two fingers in and out of my pussy in a steady rhythm but withdrew when Chris sought the river they had created. He groaned and pushed inside, stretching me until I gasped and cried out.

  “Too much, sweetheart?” Chris asked. I don’t know how he meant it but it came out as a challenge.

  “Not enough,” I answered and squeezed the muscles in my juicy cunt when he tried to pull free. He growled and fought his way through my tight muscles, in and out, steadily over and over, as Jared stroked my clit. Fanning the flames that were burning me up, threatening to consume me.

  “You’re dangerous to my control. My sanity.” Chris moved moisture to my ass a little at a time, taunting me with the possibility of what was to come. Jared separated my pussy lips, exposing my clit and stretching flesh swollen with lust.

  I strained up on my tiptoes and gasped for all I was worth, wanting nothing more than to draw out the pleasure.

  When Jared slipped free, Chris plunged in. Forceful. Sharp. Need I wasn’t sure was legal rushed through my body. It couldn’t get any better. Jared dragged his palm across my clit again. My pussy was hot and desperate to be filled completely, with something more.

  As Chris teased the puckered rosette of my ass, I jerked closer to his hand.

  “God, those noises, Cyn,” Jared
whispered in my ear. “We’ve heard you whimper as you were about to come and we weren’t there to enjoy it. We’re here now, baby. I want you to come for us. Hard. Scream for me. Then I’m going to take you until the feel of us, the taste of us lives inside you every day.”

  My breath hitched, my nipples tightened to sharp beads and I hovered so close to an orgasm my body was already pitching over the edge. I jerked my head to the side and caught a glimpse of the table where J and I had been sitting.

  “St-stop,” I stammered. “Stop!”

  After pushing them away, I stumbled to the side and caught myself on a chair.

  My entire body went cold, sweat gathered along my hairline and a sob stuck in my throat.

  What have I done?

  Harsh exhalations permeated the space I created. I’m sure their chests heaved, their fists clenched over and over, aching to take action and entrap me again. But I didn’t look. Couldn’t see anything but the small lavender book sitting on the table.

  I stumbled over to it and picked it up, clutching it to me. It was my diary. The one I kept in my nightstand and wrote everything in. My fears, my fantasies, my deepest desires that they didn’t know about. Desires I’d shared with only one other person and it had ruined everything. The self-respect I had worked so long for, after that awful night, slowly dissolved.

  “Let me explain,” Jared said from only a few steps away. “I’ve had it tucked in the back of my pants all night. You walked to the bar so I set it on the table. I wanted to explain when you got back.”

  “How could you?” I grabbed my purse from the floor and swung it over my shoulder, still clutching the book. “I thought I could trust you. What was all of this about tonight, really? Was I gonna be some pity fuck?”

  Hot tears threatened to overflow but I would have fallen on a bed of rusty nails before showing them how badly they’d hurt me.

  Jared stood in my path and held my shoulders so I couldn’t sidestep him. I glared up at him and willed the tears to stay in place. “I used my spare key and went into your apartment yesterday to borrow the book you told me about. You said it was in your nightstand so I grabbed it. I didn’t know I grabbed your diary with it until I got home late last night.”

  He had the decency to act at least a little chagrined but I rolled my eyes at his excuse. That at least explained how they knew what color my rabbit was since it was in the same fucking drawer.

  “The book you wanted was in the nightstand in the guest room you crash in, where I always put them for you. You’re going to try and tell me you didn’t read my diary, right? You were perfect angels, I’m sure. You realized what you had, closed it and brought it here tonight to return it to me.”

  He hesitated and I knew. Oh God, I was going to be sick. How could I ever speak to them again? I shoved out of Jared’s embrace only to be caught a few steps away by Chris. He held me close, my feet barely touching the floor and his erection pressing against my ass.

  “We read it. I’m not going to lie. But what we read showed us you’re ready for this. That you want us to take you. Claim you like we’ve wanted to. Needed to…”

  “Put. Me. Down,” I bit out through gritted teeth. To my surprise, he did. I turned and they stood shoulder to shoulder, staring at me as if I were a tall drink of water and they were in the driest desert. My anger was about to explode; I clenched my teeth and stayed silent.

  “When I said I’ve wanted you for years, it was nothing short of the truth. We’ve been dying to take you, to bury ourselves in your body and taste the honey sliding along your thighs.”

  Something flashed across Jared’s face as Chris spoke. Never taking his focus from me, he slowly raised his hand to his nose and inhaled the scent of my sex.

  My body flared to life with unfulfilled lust. He licked the proof of my desire from one of his fingers, sucking it into the hot cavern of his mouth. I’d wanted them for so long that I almost gave in. I almost threw my purse and diary aside, along with the last vestiges of my pride, and gave in to them.

  But they hadn’t wanted me for years, no matter what they said. I hadn’t made it this far on my own to roll over and beg for their attention. Not if pity fueled it. Especially if all they wanted was willing pussy and they thought I was okay with being cast aside like the other women they’d slept with.

  “Your diary is the reason we’re both here tonight. We wanted to talk to you together. Earning your trust is the first step…”

  “Trust? You’ve got to be kidding me.” I hugged the book close again, blinking furiously. “I’m so stupid.”

  “You are not stupid.”

  “Well, what do you call it, Jared? I was practically begging you to fuck me not twenty feet from where you stand and all because you felt sorry for me because I wasn’t getting any. Well, at least not getting anything good,” I muttered under my breath as I swiped angrily at a lone tear.

  “We saw the real Cyn when we had you caged between us.” Chris cursed and I had to fight my automatic response to flee. I kept my gaze on him and my feet firmly planted when all I wanted to do was disappear.

  “You don’t know who we are, and after reading your journal, we see you’re more suited to us than we could have wished for.”

  “What do you mean ‘suited’ to you? You need someone desperate to fuck you, is that it?”

  “No. We want someone to submit to us.”

  All the air got sucked from the bar. Submit. I’d heard the word and read about it for years. Had experimented once a couple years before with my then-boyfriend Matt. Remembering that final night with Matt and his friend made me head for the door. Chris crowded into my space to stop me but Jared held him back. I wanted something I had already failed at miserably and wasn’t willing to try again. Not with them. They were too important.

  “We want you, Cyn. I want to see where this can go. All we’re asking for is a chance. I’m sorry I read your journal without your permission but if I hadn’t, would you have told us you wanted us? Would you have flat-out said you wanted me to fuck you? To fill you so completely you can’t think about anything the next day except what it was like to come so hard you lost consciousness?”

  I stopped. Something in his voice made me turn. He was right. I never would have said a word. Their rejection…it would have been too much to bear so I’d remained silent. Happy to be their friend but always on the outside peeking in.

  “Would you have told Chris you wanted to fuck him? Well, would you?” he shouted.

  “No,” I yelled and stomped toward them.

  “Why?” Chris asked.

  Would they leave me with nothing? “Because…I could never choose. You’ve both been my everything since my parents bolted. If something happened to change how you felt about me and I lost you…either of you? It’s not something I could live with. You are my best friends and I…need you. How could I approach one of you? By throwing the other one away? You mean too much for that.”

  “We’re not asking you to choose. I don’t want you to think you have to.” Chris spoke the words I needed to hear but could I believe them?

  I stared at them as they moved closer to me. Jared spoke. “I think we should start over.” Chris nodded once in agreement.

  “What do you suggest?” I asked as they finally stood next to me again. “And spare me your misplaced charity. I already hate it that you stay in the townhouse next door, knowing full well you can afford to buy your own place.”

  They glanced at each other and then over at me.

  “What was that look for?” I snapped.

  “We already own our own house.” Complete silence was my only companion. Chris must have switched the music off at some point. It’s amazing what you miss when you’re being stripped bare.

  “What do you mean your own house? You can’t buy the townhouse. I asked a year or so ago.”

  “Not the townhouse. A twelve-thousand-square-foot house on the edge of town.”

  “Twelve thousand… And you still stay in the town
house? Why? Because I’m so pathetic you don’t think I can take care of myself? Dammit, you two.” I tried to walk out but Chris held me in place.

  “You know all the women you’ve seen leaving with us from the bar?”

  Oh yeah, sure did. The only thing that kept those women breathing was the guys never brought them over to the townhouse. They got in one of the guys’ vehicles with them and they left. “This truly isn’t the time to talk about all your recent conquests, Chris. I will absolutely knee you in the—”

  “We haven’t been dating them, we’ve been interviewing them.”

  “For what? Don’t tell me. A topless cleaning service? Maybe a dog walker? No, wait, you don’t have a goddamn dog.”

  “An office manager.”

  “What? You need somebody to help here at the bar? Super. But what does that have to do with you guys buying a house and never telling me a word about it? Or why you couldn’t interview those women here at the bar? You’ve obviously kept me in the dark but I’m supposed to lay my dirty laundry at your feet to trample over? Not bloody likely.”

  They wrenched their wallets free, each pulling out a card and handing them to me. I shoved my diary under my arm and grabbed the cards, not understanding what I held.

  “The club we run out of the house is private. No one gets access to the property unless they’re an approved member. None of the applicants could get through the gate without us so they had to meet us somewhere first. The bar is the easiest place to meet since we could be going on a date.”

  As I stared at the cards, Jared added, “And we don’t want the club advertised out in the open so that means the bar is off limits for anything other than bar business.”

  “These are library cards,” I whispered as I tried to process what I was staring at. But each card was in a rich black color on a slightly rough paper that reminded me of leather. “The Library” and their respective names were embossed on the front. I rubbed the raised letters but the spacing was slightly off. There was too much space above their names. “But you guys are forever borrowing books from me. I don’t understand why you go to the library so often anyways. And these aren’t Arcadia library cards.”


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