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Page 11

by Jennifer Kacey

  “I love you both.” I glanced first to Chris then to Jared, who watched with a wide grin. “But you guys already knew that, didn’t you?”

  “We read it in your diary,” Jared admitted. “But hearing you say it…I mean, say it like you mean it, damn. It’s different.”

  “And I mean it. I love you and I want this to work. All of this.”

  “We want to make them come true. Your fantasies.” Jared kissed me. “I’ve loved you for years. And not as just a friend,” he added when I raised an eyebrow. “We’ve known you for forever but it feels like we just met you for the first time.”

  Chris remained quiet, fully under control.

  My pussy clenched and I remembered the smack to my clit earlier. “I feel like I’ve been on a diet my entire life and today I’m standing in front of the world’s biggest buffet. I can’t stop craving you.” I moved closer and bit Chris on the part of his pectoral exposed by the V of the robe.

  He lifted my chin until I was level with his mouth. “Say it again.”

  “I want you.”

  He towered over me. “Not that.” He searched my eyes for something…

  “I love you.”

  His shoulders vibrated with tension. It arced into me and for an instant I held my breath, waiting for him to kiss me. To take me. Without him saying anything, I decided he had to stop holding back.

  I wanted to tell him it was okay. That I was his to command. But he moved away, closed his eyes briefly and wrestled his emotions back under the façade he always wore.

  He was hiding from me and it hurt. His withdrawal felt more like a rejection than him not telling me he loved me. Whether he meant it or not, it was a slap in the face. It tarnished what could develop among the three of us.

  Maybe I was thinking too much. Or wanted his love so badly I was seeing things tonight that weren’t truly there. For both our sakes, I’d drop it but I wouldn’t completely let either of them off the hook.

  “Umm…can I ask something?”

  Chris ran his thumb across my kiss-swollen bottom lip. “Anything.”

  “Why didn’t you restrain me? Scott and Kyle holding me…it was intense but I never forgot I was safe—because you were there. I’m not…comfortable being tied up. Being completely helpless. But with you two… Maybe I could try. How did you know not to push?”

  His jaw flexed. Maybe he wasn’t under control as much as he wanted me to believe. “From what we read in your diary, especially after the missing pages, tying you up would be a mistake tonight. You’d also written about wanting to be watched. And having a library with hundreds of books in it has been one of your dreams for years.”

  “Nick told Chris, before he left, that you have a fear of restraints. He confirmed what we’d already suspected and that told us how much to push.” Jared kissed my neck. “But we do want to tie you up, baby. Not tonight but sooner than you think. I’ll have you chained to a cross, begging us to fuck you.”

  I kept quiet as he kissed me again…but Chris watched me. Somehow he was putting the pieces together. I gave my attention to Jared.

  “I sent Jackson out to get your overnight bag and to take it upstairs.”

  “So are we staying here instead of going home?”

  “Yes. Many nights to come, I hope. I’m not done with you tonight. Not by a long shot,” Chris answered, unhooking my cuffs.

  Jared gathered my clothes and shoes and placed them on the table with the cuffs. He held my hand and squeezed it.

  I glanced over to the couch one last time before we left. Both men stared at me. Their sinful smiles should have come with a warning label. Thank you, I mouthed.

  Scott nodded while Kyle continued to smile. You could spot their happiness from a mile away.

  The bare floor was cold against my feet as we stepped into the hall. Someone disappeared around a corner.

  “We’ve got people watching every inch of this place,” Jared stated. “We want the members to feel safe and secure as they indulge in their wildest fantasies. We have some off-duty cops who are members and some on payroll in various positions. Bartenders, bouncers, etcetera.”

  My mind was sluggish as we rode the elevator and it dawned on me that the people we passed didn’t gawk or whisper. They acknowledged us in a friendly manner I hadn’t expected. Nick nodded in our direction. I was going to need some rest and a protein bar before I could tackle that grouchy man again.

  We stepped onto their private floor. In no time, they unlocked the door to their suite.

  Chris led me through their living room, which was filled with more brown-leather furniture. A wall made entirely of windows viewed the front grounds. The bathroom was fit for a queen, with a shower big enough for three. Which was good because Chris threw off my robe and they both got naked and ushered me inside. The water came out of jets in the wall and ceiling at the push of a button. My body heated as we showered together.

  Fantasies. I couldn’t stop thinking of the fantasies I’d experienced in the last day. My former life felt like a dash. A pregnant pause leading up to something great.

  These men. They were my great. Always had been. I wanted to be everything to them but what if they didn’t want exclusivity with me?

  Oh God…

  What if they wanted to have sex with other women in the club?

  “Did you ever hire someone for whatever position you were interviewing for? You know, all the hoochies?” I asked.

  “We were hoping to give one more interview, so we haven’t hired anyone yet,” Chris answered as they fished me out of the shower way too quickly. “We’ve been holding out for the person we really want.”

  I wanted to explore their bodies but I couldn’t shake the feeling my past still hung over my head like a dark cloud. Remembering what happened in my ex-boyfriend’s apartment filled me with dread and I wanted to climb back in the shower to get clean.

  They dried me off and wrapped me in a towel. I tried to act normal. “What’s the job?” I asked. Why my past had chosen now to rear its ugly head, I had no idea, but I didn’t want to jeopardize tonight and everything we’d shared. I tried to get it under control.

  “A CPA, but we also need someone discreet and preferably someone with a vested interest in this place. Perhaps a member, someone who believes in what we’re doing and can help Jenna as well.”

  “I’m sure there are lots of people who could do a good job for you. I could ask a few friends.”

  They led me into a sizeable suite with black-metal furniture and dark-gray carpet like in the other sections of the apartment. Jared pulled the now-damp towel from my body and helped me onto the king-size bed that dominated the room. Chris climbed on and when the pillows shifted I noticed restraints attached to rings in the bed frame.

  My stomach heaved.

  “We don’t want anyone but you,” Chris confessed.

  His admission grabbed me and allowed me to shove my fear into a far corner of my mind. He tucked my body beneath his in the center of the bed. I grabbed for him but he flipped me onto my stomach. I tried to push myself up but he laced his fingers with mine and held them above my head. He pushed my legs open, crowded in close and sank inside. The protest over position died on my tongue.

  He couldn’t be any closer physically. He pumped inside my slick channel but somehow he kept me at arm’s length. I wrapped the tops of my feet over his calves and clutched his fingers tightly with my own.

  Jared lay on the bed next to me, watching me, stroking his dick as it stiffened.

  This time I spoke to both of them. “I’ve been waiting for you. And I don’t ever want to say goodbye.”

  Chapter Six

  “Do you see what time it is?” Jenna mumbled on the other end of the phone.

  “Umm…eight thirty?” I must have woken her on my way to work.

  “In the morning?” She groaned. “I’ve only had a few hours of sleep. You’d better have some out-of-this-world,” she yawned, “juicy stories for me.”

  I tr
aced the collar at my neck as my body tingled in all the right places.

  “Oh, do tell,” she added with a sleepy chuckle. “That sigh seemed full of details and I want every last one of them. Start at the beginning and speak slow…and sexy. Plus, if the guys are with you, all the better.”

  Excitement bubbled through me from waking up next to not one but both my best friends. It overwhelmed me, spilling over into all my thoughts. I didn’t have a lot of girlfriends growing up, mostly because I was embarrassed by my family. It amazed me I had someone to share it with now.

  “They had to go to the bar early this morning. It was a good thing—I needed all the rest I could get because they were…insatiable. Hours of pleasure that no fantasy could come close to matching. Do you know the best part?”

  “Well, let’s see. Two cocks, one long night with nothing to do but come—on, around and with both those cocks inside you. I can only imagine. I’m sure you resembled bunnies.”

  I smiled, remembering all the ways they took me in the early morning hours. “It was the bed we slept in.”

  “What did that matter?”

  “It was the first time either of them had slept in it, and obviously me too.”

  “No other woman has ever been in there, Cyn,” Jenna corrected.

  “Surely that’s not right.” Thinking she must still be asleep, I barely resisted the urge to gawk at the phone.

  “Nope. Not an ounce of estrogen has entered that space until you. All the workers were male. Decorators, cleaning service.”

  I remained silent, unable to fight my grin. If my face stuck like that, it wouldn’t be such a bad thing. “I had a typed note tucked under my windshield wiper with plans for tonight. I’m supposed to meet the guys in the Kennedy Playroom at nine p.m. and I kind of need your help.”

  “If it’s anything to do with kink and dress-up, I’m in. The typed part is funny. I was giving them a hard time about their chicken scratch yesterday. Guess I finally got through to them. Hallelujah. Did they tell you what they wanted other than time and place?”

  “Hold on, I’m almost to work. Let me park and I’ll read you the rest. I’ve got to say, I figured they’d ask for something like this but I’m surprised they asked for it so quick.”

  I parked in my usual spot in front of the gym, grabbing the note out of my purse. “It says, ‘Do you trust us? We want you bound to the wall when we arrive. No more secrets tonight’.”

  “It’s amazing how fast things change after they get a collar around your neck. But just remember who you’re dealing with. These guys care about you. They wouldn’t push you unless they thought you were ready.”

  “You’re right and they deserve the whole truth. I already decided I’d tell them everything tonight. Almost two years too late but it’s time to come clean. You don’t have a clue what I’m talking about and I’m rambling but I’ll tell you more tonight, if that’s okay. Sorry for waking you but I really appreciate everything you’ve done.”

  “No prob at all. Love seeing the guys so happy and possessive; it’s pretty cute, in a leather-and-handcuffs kind of way. Toodles.”

  I closed the phone and tossed it into my purse before climbing from the car. I walked inside, beaming from ear to ear. My body ached in the best of ways and I couldn’t wait to get back to my men and work the kinks out.

  * * * * *

  When the clock struck nine, I seriously doubted my sanity.

  “How ya doin?” Jenna strapped my other ankle to a spreader bar.

  “Okay so far. Getting nervous about the guys seeing me like this for the first time but I think it’s the good kind of nervous?” It came out a question and I hated it.

  On the bottom floor of The Library, where the private spaces were, the air was several degrees colder. The way it crept under my skin as I stood there, bare breasted, reminded me I was in a dungeon, even more so than the shackles and equipment that lined the flat-black walls. My wrists were bound to the wall with stiff leather manacles and raised slightly above my head.

  I stood in nothing but tiny white panties and the collar surrounding my neck and was thankful the guys had thought to heat the concrete floors. I’d stepped out of my slippers onto the bronze-stained surface, expecting to shiver but surprised to find it warm under my bare feet.

  “A little nervous is okay, especially considering what you’ve been through.” While Jenna had helped me get ready, I’d told her some of what happened with my ex-boyfriend’s buddy. It was a distraction and I wanted to share it with someone before I told the guys.

  For months, I’d convinced myself to keep it a secret because I was an adult and could take care of my own problems. But it was because I was embarrassed beyond reason and didn’t want them to know I had made such a huge mistake and compromised my safety at the same time. Thankfully, I was older and wiser and had roped Jenna into helping make sure everything went well tonight.

  She stood. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Well, no, but I want to be okay with everything that happened before. I don’t want to be afraid of trying something new with Jared and Chris because of some asshole wannabe who got off on hurting me. I’m not going to let him win anymore.”

  “I’m so envious of you.” Jenna went to the closet and grabbed something small off a hook beside the door.

  My new slippers and black robe hung beside her, taunting me. “Good lord, why? Because I’m neurotic and have the fashion sense of a gnat?”

  She laughed and came close again. “No, though your fashion sense will greatly improve the longer you hang out with me. You have two men who want you and will go to any lengths to please you.”

  “But I didn’t think they…saw me, you know? And if they’re my future, it is high fucking time I bury the past and move on.”

  “Sometimes jumping in with both feet is the only way to do it, so let’s get this party started, shall we?”

  She mashed what seemed like a solid cinderblock panel beside me, but it gave way. A door that matched the rest of the wall popped open. She inserted a key then twisted it. The chain attached to my hands tightened, jerking me to attention. The cuffs dug into my wrists, lifting me nearly off the floor. Jenna extracted the key and closed the panel.

  “I’m actually doing this, huh?” I asked, trying to make light of the situation.

  “And doing it in style. Ready to rock and roll?” she asked.

  “As I’ll ever be.” I added with a nervous laugh, “Ready for my close up, Ms. DeMille.”

  “Now don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” With a parting wink, she let the door close behind her.

  My insides trembled. My thundering heart reminded me of a flag blowing in the wind, whipping violently with the threat of tearing apart.

  I tried to calm my breathing and distract myself. Panic and sweat dampened my palms despite the cold. Seeing a whipping bench in one corner and a St. Andrew’s cross on the opposite wall didn’t help me find my happy place so I closed my eyes, concentrating on keeping my dinner going firmly in the right direction.

  I pictured Chris and Jared with me, next to me, holding me. Whispering to calm me down. It helped for a few minutes but fear made time pass differently. Every second felt like hours. Every minute like days.

  The tang of earth hung in the air. I tasted it, choked on it.

  Where were the guys?

  I prayed they hurried and hadn’t been held up somewhere. Worried that I would need a nice white coat in a padded cell if they didn’t make an appearance soon.

  “Jenna will surely check on me,” I whispered, shifting my weight from foot to foot, trying to alleviate some of the pressure in my shoulders. She knew how rough this was and they would certainly call and let her know if they were going to be late, right?

  Air stuck in my throat, my heart hammering as the door snicked open. A leather-clad leg came into view, along with an arm that snaked out, hitting the light switch, plunging the entire room into darkness.

  The light from the
open doorway highlighted his silhouette when he cleared the threshold. I should have reveled in the anticipation after waiting so long but pure terror eclipsed everything else.

  “Chris? Jared? This wasn’t such a good idea. I can’t handle this.” A panic attack hammered at my frontal lobe.

  He clicked on a small penlight, cutting a path across the open floor.

  “I don’t know why I agreed to do this. I have too many issues about the last time. Let me go,” I demanded weakly, dread seeping into my voice. Why aren’t you talking to me?

  The light tracked to my foot and I tried to move away when it flickered onto my skin. He highlighted my legs, up to the tops of my thighs, stomach, breasts. He stalked closer until the warmth from his light bled across the inch that separated us. Ice settled in my veins.

  “Chris?” His name slithered out of my throat. Fear locked my vocal cords, cutting off everything else.

  He crowded me. His nose, bare inches from mine, came into view. His sneer filled my nightmares. My heart dropped into my stomach at the pure malice chiseled across his face. All the terror I’d tried to control swelled to the forefront. I was going to be sick after all.

  “You got my note.”

  I didn’t speak. I couldn’t. All the synapses in my head ground to a halt.

  After a bit he added, “What? Don’t remember me, Cyn? We keep running into each other when you’re all tied up.”

  “Oh God…”

  “I prefer Master but I guess God will do.”

  I screamed. Bryce. It was the same asshole friend of Matt’s who’d gotten away with hurting me. I tried to scream again but he shoved my chin up, cutting off the sound.

  “Shh, shh, shhhh.” For such a gentle noise, it pounded in my head like a jackhammer.

  I wrenched my jaw to the side, dislodging his palm, and swallowed rapidly, trying not to heave. He latched on to my breast. The flesh on my chest crawled away from him. I accidentally slammed the back of my skull against the concrete behind me in my attempt to dislodge him. A sense of claustrophobic helplessness surrounded me. The restraints on my wrists dug in. I tried in vain to pull away.


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