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Still The One: A Small Town Friends to Lovers Romance (The Heartbreak Brothers Book 2)

Page 6

by Carrie Elks

  Tanner stood. “Don’t you have the details online?” he asked, walking over to where Regan was inhaling sharply. Gently, he touched her arm. “Let me help you up, you can’t stay down there.”

  “Our land files aren’t online yet,” she huffed out. “Most of our clients want the paper copies. Plus the owners don’t always like people knowing their business, if you know what I mean.” She let Tanner carefully help her stand, then blew out another mouthful of air. “You’d think it would get easier by the fourth time,” she joked. “But I swear this one’s as heavy as a bowling ball.”

  Shooting Johnny a glance, Tanner knelt in front of the cabinet and pulled out the files that Regan pointed at. “You should sit down,” he told her, inclining his head at the chair he’d vacated. “Take the weight off your feet.”

  “Ah, Regan’s okay. Aren’t you, honey?” Johnny said, pressing his lips together. “If she didn’t want more kids she would have kept her legs closed, right Regan?” He winked at her. “Nothing will knock her down. Can you find the one off Main Road?”

  What. The. Hell? Tanner glanced at Regan to see if she was as insulted as he was, yet she looked as serene as ever. “Here it is,” she said, pulling a brochure from the bottom file he was holding. “This is a good one. Plenty of space to build on if you get the right zoning permission.”

  He glanced down at the particulars, opening his mouth to remind them that he wasn’t interested in building his own place. But then he saw the overgrown grass and the falling-down white wooden fence surrounding the lot.

  “They’re selling the drive-in?” he asked. Just looking at the overgrown field on the paper in front of him was enough to bring back all the memories. Van sitting in the payment booth while he hung around with her until the movie started. The two of them climbing to the roof and watching whatever was playing that week, making jokes with each other and laughing like crazy.

  His stomach pulled tightly.

  “It’s been empty for years. I finally managed to persuade Arthur Chaplin to put it on the market. I’ve no idea why he’s sat on it for so long. It’s not as though he was ever going to reopen it.” Johnny shrugged. “He doesn’t even live in town anymore. Moved to Charlston to live with his daughter. Damn place is an eyesore.” He looked up at Tanner. “Of course, it wouldn’t take a lot to make it beautiful,” he added, his smooth salesman pitch taking over from his distaste at the state of the lot. “It’ll get snapped up once I send it out to my list of interested developers. If you’re interested, I can give you the first refusal, though.”

  Tanner looked at the thumbed piece of paper. Though it wasn’t dated, he really doubted the land was fresh on the market. “Why developers?” he asked. “Wouldn’t somebody want to reopen the drive-in? It was always busy when I was a kid.”

  Johnny shrugged. “Times change. Kids are too busy watching Youtube and Netflix now. And then there’s all those damn environmental campaigners. They’d probably shit a brick at all the exhaust fumes coming out of those cars.”

  “Oh, I used to love the drive-in,” Regan said, her eyes crinkling as she smiled. “So many good times there. I wish somebody would buy it to open it again.”

  “Thank you, Regan,” Johnny said sharply. “That will be all.”

  She blinked. “Oh, of course.”

  “And can you bring coffee in for me and Mr. Hartson, please?”

  “Not for me.” Tanner shook his head. “I need to go. I have another appointment.”

  “But what about the drive-in?” Johnny asked him. “Are you interested?”

  Tanner glanced at the brochure again, idly flicking to the second page. It showed a longer-distance view of the field, with the pay booth next to the barred entrance. How many times had he sat with Van in that booth, the two of them talking shit about every car that drove beneath the sparkling sign? While Van counted the takings, he’d amble to the refreshments booth and buy them buttered popcorn. Then they’d climb onto the roof and watch whatever movie was being projected onto the screen that week.

  The memories were like tiny flashes of electricity in his brain. He slowly ran his tongue over his lip, blinking hard. All that money he had. And all that time. Could this be what he was looking for?

  “Yeah,” he said, slowly lifting his gaze to Johnny’s. “I’m interested.

  “Great.” Johnny beamed. “Make an appointment with Regan and we can talk specifics. I’ve got a feeling we’re going to do beautiful business together.”

  Chapter Eight

  Chairs took place every Friday night in Hartson’s Creek while the weather was nice. In practice that usually meant from April, when the risk of snow had gone and the sun was finally winning her battle against the clouds, until October, when sweaters were no longer enough to shield the older folk from the bitter chill as fall turned into winter. It was a simple enough concept. Everybody was invited, all you had to do was bring a chair and some refreshments to put on the communal tables. In reality, since it took place on the wealthy side of town, where proud brownstone Victorian houses gave way to lawns that bordered the water’s edge, it was dominated by the richer townfolk.

  Zoe was buzzing like a firefly next to Van as they unloaded the trunk of Van’s car. Two fold up chairs she’d bought from the local hardware store, a pitcher of lemonade that definitely wasn’t made at home, and an assortment of cakes from the bakery, because Van was no culinary expert. She could probably burn water if she tried hard enough.

  “There are my friends,” Zoe said, her face lighting up as she pointed at the group of kids playing on the far side of the lawns. “Can I go join them?”

  “Sure. Put the pitcher on the table.” Van nodded, watching as Zoe skipped happily over to the large group of tables nestled together in the middle of everything. They were overflowing with food and drink. Van followed behind, and busied herself arranging the cakes she’d bought, because it was so much easier than walking over to a group and asking if she could sit with them.

  “You came. I didn’t think you would.” Becca Hartson smiled shyly at Van from the other side of the heaving tables. “I’m so pleased you did, though. Not least because Tanner owes me ten dollars.”

  “He bet that I wouldn’t come?” Van asked, ignoring the stupid way her heart sped up at his name.

  Becca smiled. “He said you refused to show your face at Chairs again after the time you sprinkled laxatives on Mrs. Olsen’s brownies, and Tanner forced one into your mouth.”

  Van grimaced. “I’d completely forgotten about that.” She looked at the cakes she’d beautifully arranged and grinned at Becca. “I promise I haven’t spiked these ones.”

  “That’s a shame.” Becca’s eyes twinkled. “It would have livened things up.” She glanced over her shoulder. “You want to come and sit with us?”

  “I’d love to.” Van followed Becca to a group of ten chairs clustered beside the creek. As she sat down, she could hear a loud voice from a group of old ladies call out.

  “Is that the Butler girl?”

  “I think so.”

  “I didn’t know she was back. She sure looks like her mom.”

  Van straightened her spine, and made sure she smiled over in their direction.

  “Yeah, I hear her husband left her for another woman.”

  “The Butler girl?”

  “No, her mom, silly. Anyway, probably want to avoid the brownies tonight. Just in case she’s up to her old tricks.”

  A few of them laughed. Van sighed and turned her back on them.

  “So this is Maddie. You might remember her?” Becca said, pointing at a pretty brunette sitting in the chair next to hers.

  Van didn’t, but she remembered what Regan had told her in the café. Maddie was Ashleigh Clark’s sister. She remembered Ashleigh from when she was dating Gray, back when he was in high school. Van had never really liked her. Tanner hadn’t either. The girl had had a mean streak that could cut like a knife.

  “Hi, Maddie,” Van said, reaching forward to shake
her hand.

  Maddie grinned happily at her. “You probably don’t remember me. But I remember you. I loved hearing about your and Tanner’s escapades when I was little.”

  Van felt herself relax. “I guess my reputation precedes me.”

  Maddie laughed. “Ah, I wanted to be just like you when I grew up. Except I was too scared of getting in trouble.”

  “You wouldn’t believe how freeing it is to not give a damn,” Van told her. “You should try it.”

  “I can’t wait to tell Gray I met you,” Maddie told her. “He told me about the time you restrung his guitar right before his first concert at Murphy’s.”

  “Oh no.” Van covered her face with her hands. “That one was all Tanner’s idea.”

  “Oh, he knows that. He’ll still be happy to hear I’ve met you. I think he has a soft spot for you.”

  “All my brothers loved Van,” Becca said, grinning. “She took the heat off them, and that’s saying something.”

  Van smiled at the memories of the Hartson brothers, all around the kitchen table, bickering as they shoveled food into their mouths. Gray who was either humming a song or arguing with his dad. Cam who would run home from football practice and eat everything in sight. Logan who had the best way of talking to you, so you ended up spilling your guts to him without even noticing.

  And then there was Tanner. Her best friend. He’d start a sentence and she’d end it, then they’d both collapse into laughter.

  “Don’t believe her,” Van told Maddie. “They were all much worse than me.”

  “Savannah,” a voice called out, making Van turn in her seat. “Johnny told me you were back in town.”

  Van looked up to see Nora Fairfax standing over her, a strange smile on her lips.

  “Hello, Mrs. Fairfax.” Van smiled back, determined to be civil. “How are you?”

  “I’m very well. More importantly, how’s your mother? I heard her husband left her.”

  “She’s doing just fine, thank you.” Van would have said that no matter what. Nora and Johnny had always looked down on them, ever since her mom had been fired from her job at Fairfax Realty. Pointed remarks, insincere words, all aimed at making Van and her mom look small in front of other people. They had a longer memory than an elephant.

  Nora’s smile didn’t waver. “It must be hard for her. Getting older and losing her looks. I know how much she depended on them.” She gave a little laugh. “I guess that’s a warning to us all. To make sure we are all more than a pretty face.” She looked Van up and down. “You look very much like her.”

  “Thank you.” Van was determined not to let Nora get to her. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “I’ll have to let Chrissie know you’re back,” Nora said, her eyes still staring right at Van’s. “Just in case you’re thinking of hitting her again.”

  And there it was. Nora Fairfax’s final jab. Van took it like a pro. During their junior year, Chrissie had said something about Van’s mom. She could barely remember what it was now. But Van had been furious, enough to punch Chrissie in the jaw. Nora had stalked to the school and made sure Van had been suspended as a result.

  “My boxing days are over,” Van said, keeping her voice light. “Unless I’m really riled up. And how is Chrissie? Is she married now?”

  Nora’s smile faltered a little. “No. She’s choosy. It’ll take a strong man to make her give up her independence.”

  “That’s a shame. I’m sure you’re desperate for grandkids.”

  Nora blinked. “Well, yes. It would be nice one day.”

  “Well, I hope she settles down before she gets too old and loses her looks.” Van smiled at her. “For your sake.”

  Becca coughed out a laugh. Nora blinked, as though she couldn’t quite work out whether that was a compliment or an insult.

  “Oh, and Regan invited me to her splash next Saturday. I’m looking forward to it.” Van smiled.

  “It’s a sprinkle,” Nora said quickly, a frown pulling at her painted lips.

  “Of course it is.” Van nodded. “Though I don’t know what’s wrong with a good old fashioned baby shower. These young people, they keep changing the rules.” She winked at Nora, who was still blinking. “So I guess I’ll see you there.”

  Nora’s smile dissolved. “Yes, I expect you will.” She looked over Van’s shoulder, her eyes moving like they were seeking something. “Well, I must go. Please give your mom my condolences. Maybe one day she’ll keep hold of a man.”

  With that she was gone, leaving her insult behind her. Van wrinkled her nose, and turned back to her friends, smiling as they exchanged stories from their week. She was determined not to let people like Nora Fairfax spoil her evening.

  If they wanted to snap at her, she’d bite back. She was big enough and bad enough to sink her teeth in deep.

  “I don’t get it,” Gray said, leaning on the counter of the Moonlight Bar as Sam poured them both a pint of beer. “I thought you and Van fell out years ago.”

  “We did,” Tanner said, then shook his head. “Or we had. I don’t know. Does it matter?”

  “Not really,” Gray admitted, taking the glass that Sam slid across the bar and lifting it to his lips. “I’m just trying to work out why Becca called Maddie squealing because she saw you running with some girl you used to be best friends with.”

  Tanner took a sip of his own beer, closing his eyes for a moment as the cool liquid coated his tongue. The Moonlight Bar was one of the few places in town Gray felt comfortable meeting up with his younger brothers. Sam kept a tight ship and threw out anybody who took photos or asked for autographs. Since he’d moved back to Hartson’s Creek and built a home with Maddie Clark, Gray might have had a lower profile than when he was filling stadiums around the world, but he was still famous. And that fame caused him problems almost wherever he went.

  “I went running,” Tanner said, putting his beer on the counter. “And I saw her out running so we ran together. That’s it. You don’t have to buy yourself a suit for our wedding or start naming our babies.”

  Gray laughed. “I’ll leave that for Becca. She already thinks you’re looking for a house to buy because of Van.” He looked at Tanner over the rim of his glass. “You probably want to talk to her at some point. She’s a meddler. You and I both know she’ll be talking to Van about you.”

  Tanner shook his head. It made him feel uncomfortable, and yet somehow warm too. At least that meant Van would be thinking about him. “She knows that’s all ancient history. There’s nothing between Van Butler and me.”

  “Which is weird,” Gray mused. “Because you two were inseparable for years. When was it you met? First day of Kindergarten?”

  “Something like that.” Tanner sighed. “You want to play a game of pool?” he asked, hoping Gray would get the hint. He didn’t want to talk about Van, and he definitely didn’t want to spend his evening with his brother talking about all the mistakes he’d made in life. And he was almost certain that Becca would give him the third degree as soon as he let her pin him down.

  “Sure.” Gray shrugged and the two of them walked across the room to the far side, where an old, battered pool table barely stood upright. He grabbed a cue and passed it to Tanner, then pulled another one from the rack for himself. “You rack them up, I’ll take first shot.”

  “Best of three?”

  “As long as I win.” Gray winked. “So how’s the house hunt going?”

  “It’s not. There’s nothing suitable on the market.” Tanner loaded the balls into the triangle, then slid it across the baize.

  “Damn. So what are you gonna do? Stay with Dad and Aunt Gina?”

  “I might look at renting somewhere for a while.” Tanner lifted the triangle away, storing it beneath the table. “I guess I’ll go see Fairfax again.”

  “Maybe you should build somewhere. It’s a hassle, but you’ll get exactly what you want.”

  “Maybe,” Tanner echoed, taking a sip of his beer, his mind turning t
o the drive-in theater. The brochure had been sitting in his dresser drawer all week. The land was going for a song. Even if he didn’t build on it, it was an investment.

  Who was he kidding? There was no way he was building on that place. It held too many memories. Of her, smiling at him as they watched yet another movie together. Quoting him all the words to Twilight just because she knew how much he hated those damn vampires. He could remember how excited she was to get a new release at the drive-in when most of their movies were at least a decade old.

  God, he missed those days.

  Ten years later, and he still thought of her every time he smelled sweet buttery popcorn. Or when a black and white movie came on the television, because they were always her favorites. She loved Cary Grant and Doris Day, laughed like crazy at Katharine Hepburn. Then there was the summer of Tom Cruise, when they’d shown his old, retro movies, and she’d fallen for Maverick in a big way.

  He’d been fifteen when he first noticed how she was changing. It had been almost imperceptible at first. Things like her lips becoming fuller, her eyes looking wider. Then her body followed suit, blooming like a flower. She wasn’t Van, his best friend anymore. She’d become Savannah. The girl who drew guys’ stares. The one they whispered about in the locker room after practice.

  It had just about killed him not to say anything to his teammates as they talked about her tits.

  “You playing or what?” Gray asked.

  Tanner looked up. “Huh?”

  “I just missed the first ball. Man, you’re distracted. Come on, let’s get it over with so I can win.”

  Tanner pushed the memories away. “Shut up. I beat your ass every time.”

  Gray shook his head. “You realize we’d always let you win when you were a kid? We got so sick of hearing your bitching, we just let you think you were good.”

  “Nice try.” Tanner potted a yellow stripe ball in the middle pocket. “But I always knew you cheated.” He lifted his cue up and surveyed the table. “I mean, you weren’t as bad as Cam, but who is. That guy’s a sore loser.”


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