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Reaver of Souls

Page 20

by Stephanie Burke

  “Mace can kiss my ass! What did he say?”

  Sable yelled in frustration as she planted her fists on her hips and glared for all the she was worth.

  “He reminds me I have no place…here.”

  “You have a place,” she yelled, still glaring at Mace. “Tell him I said it is in my bed.”

  Blushing, Torn translated her words to the others and looked down, not wanting to see the laughter in their eyes.

  Who would want to bed a man so full of the taint of others, a monster in a place where monsters were common?

  But instead of laughter, Mace took a deep breath, one of admiration.

  “What did you do to the lady, Torn, to get such devotion out of her? She looks to take us all on in defense of you.”

  Torn raised his head, blinked at the hatred that emanated from Sable. She indeed looked as if she were going to bite Mace’s head off and hand it back to him. That is how much she wanted him; that she would take on the fiercest of warriors for him.

  “I…love her,” Torn explained. “She feels it.”

  “Then what are you waiting for? Go and take her to her bed!” Mace decreed. “We shall wait, and when your father returns, we may be able to take her with you.”

  Although Mace began to loathe this place, its strange water falling from the sky and the weird way they spoke, he had to admire the changes he saw in Torn.

  Although he still seemed untried and youthful, there did seem to be more confidence in him. He still couldn’t believe that Torn, quiet bashful Torn, was in a street brawl. He still couldn’t believe that Torn was the Reaver, but he had seen this phenomenon for himself. And although he was wary of the power the Reaver held, the young man standing before him was just Torn.

  “What did he say?” Sable asked, and Jack and Jill leaned closer to hear.

  “He said to take you to bed.”

  “As if I needed his permission,” Sable sniffed, before she took his hand and pulled him to the back bedroom.

  “Jack, Jill, get them out of here.”

  “With pleasure!” Jill intoned, jumping to his feet and pointing towards the door. “Let’s go, boys!”

  “Go with them, please,” Torn translated as Sable pulled him closer to her bed and their ultimate enjoyment. “Sable doesn’t need witnesses.”

  The other two looked at Mace for guidance, but the man nodded. “Follow the loud one and the larger one,” Mace ordered. “Torn needs his privacy.”

  “But we are to protect him,” Joz said quietly, questioningly.

  “We can’t protect him from his heart,” Del said quietly as he motioned the larger man towards the door. “If he can’t take her with him, he has to deal with the fallout. Love is tricky, Joz. There is no saving you from your emotions. Better you learn that now.”

  Nodding, the trio of men followed Jill and Jack out of the house.

  “Take them to the gym, then?” Jill asked. “Or maybe we should just take them back to our place.”

  “Why not? You already caused a riot at the pub. The apartment would be safe and we won’t have to answer too many questions.”

  “That was not me,” Jill defended. “That was Torn. Who knew he could dance like that?”

  “The whole of Scotland, by now,” Jack sighed as he motioned the men toward the garage.

  “What about them, then?” Jill asked. “Someone is bound to notice us taking these guys into our flat. We do have a lot of curious neighbors.”

  “We’ll tell everyone they are from…Egypt. Yeah, that will explain it! Egyptian friends who have come for an art show or something.”

  “Egypt it is,” Jill agreed, thinking about the eyes that would pop when they walked in with the well-muscled men. “I can see tickets to Africa being snapped up right now.”

  “I’ll take a one-way!” Jase piped in helpfully from the back, and then shrugged as his friends groaned.

  Chapter Thirty

  “You are so filthy,” Sable giggled as she led Torn into the bathroom down the hall from her bedroom.

  “Filthy,” he agreed, staring at the rapidly drying mud that flaked off his body and, he just realized, was starting to itch.

  “We have to clean you up a bit.”

  “Clean.” He nodded. That was reasonable. Cleanliness was good when you were ready to take someone to bed. It saved the bed linens.

  Smiling at the man who gently took her commands, Sable pulled him into the bathroom and snapped on the lights.

  Torn watched her, amused, as she bustled about, pulling towels out of a closet, shifting through an impressive collection of what he assumed were bathing soaps in oddly shaped bottles, and finally turning the shower on so that the hot water steamed up the air around them.

  “Come on,” she smiled as she pulled him towards the shower as she jerked back the curtain, gesturing for him to enter.

  Showers were one of Torn’s favorite things on this realm. If water was going to fall from the sky, it should fall warm and be controllable, he thought.

  But he stepped forward and stepped into the tub, sighing as the steam warmed his body and the hot water sluiced down his skin, beginning the relaxation process.

  He closed his eyes and stepped deeper into the shower, letting the water wash over his face and soak his hair.

  But when he felt a naked body press against his back, his eyes jerked open in surprise.

  “Sable!” She was getting in with him?

  “Torn,” she giggled, smiling at the confusion in his face.

  He was confused. He thought he would get clean and then go and service his chosen. It was a job he would enjoy, but he never thought that she would become this intimate, this involved.

  “Someone has to wash your back, baby,” she purred as she held up the bottle in her hand.

  But his eyes were not on the bottle or anything else she brought into the shower for that matter.

  Sable was… Sable was… Naked! Beautifully, gloriously, wonderfully naked!

  His violet eyes darkened to a smoky gray as he stared hungrily at the rounded curves, highlighted perfectly by the shiny coating of water.

  Oh, the water! It flowed along her body, soaking her skin, giving her a sensual, sultry look even as it glistened on the thin curly hair covering her mound.

  His eyes lovingly traced every droplet as he ran his finger from the tip of a hardening nipple down to where it slid over the tight curve of her calf.

  He shuddered in the water as he felt his body tense and harden.

  His cock began to tingle and rise as blood rushed downward. He felt a thump against his stomach and looked down to see the head of his cock hitting his abs just over his navel. His skin began to tingle from more than the hot water and he had to bite his lip to hold in a low hungry growl.

  He wanted her! He wanted to push her against the hard shiny-squared wall and thrust his cock deep inside her cunt. He wanted to hear her scream as he drove himself in as deep as possible, feel her nails scratch and claw at his back as he pounded into her flesh, forcing her surrender.

  He wanted her bad.

  Then he forced his eyes up.

  Her face was a study in confidence and curiosity, a burning look in her eyes, her full lips slightly parted as her breath rasped, merging with the sounds of the falling water.

  She looked hot and horny as hell!

  Then he started, eyes widening in shock as he realized that she was staring right at him!

  He drew this reaction from a woman? His small body? His less than perfect physique?

  Damn, she was hot and horny, and over him, maybe as hot as he was over her!

  Creator, when did his luck change?

  “Back?” he finally replied, forcing his brain to function even though he felt like an animal in heat.

  “But I would really like to scrub something lower, and in the front,” she purred as she flipped her thumb over the cap and popped it open.

  The smell of passion, vanilla in this language, filled the humid air, making h
is nose twitch as he recognized the smell that she often wore.

  Then she was squeezing a foamy white substance in her palm, much different than the usual bar soap he used.

  Wait! Something lower and in the front?

  His eyes dropped down to his throbbing and neglected cock, and a slow smile filled his face. She could go lower than that, but it wouldn’t be much fun.

  He looked back up at her face only to see her drop the bottle and rub her palms together, creating a thick, rich foam that he could only imagine encasing his cock.

  “May I?” she asked as she licked her lips, staring at his straining erection and trying hard to be polite and not scare the man.

  It had been years for her, and she was feeling distinctively…hungry.

  Mute, all he could do was nod as she stepped closer and closer, the water plastering her cropped hair to her delicately shaped skull. She looked so small and dainty, but there was such…passion flowing through her. Even without using his abilities, he could read desire pouring off of her.

  He held his breath, his eyes dropping to her hands, and they moved closer and closer to their prize.

  “Ung, Sable!” he gasped, almost going up on his toes as her hands gently reached out and drew his erection down from his stomach.

  Her hands encircled and stroked carefully, twisting on the upstroke and tightening on the downstroke, tempting him to lose all control.

  “You are so big,” she gasped, her eyes growing fever-bright and her breathing increasing as she held that magnificent piece of meat in her hands. “So thick and strong!”

  His hands went to her shoulders then he gasped in wonder at the soft feel of her skin.

  Lubricated by the water, his hands flowed up and down her arms, feeling the muscles work as she caressed him in turn. But he wanted to touch more, to feel more, to experience more.

  “Sable, may…I…” He didn’t have the words.

  But he was not at a loss for action.

  His hand dropped down and gently cupped one breast, hefting its slight weight in his hand and drawing a cry from her lips as his thumb rubbed across the tip of her nipple.

  Sable groaned and leaned into his touch, encouraging him more.

  “Yes, Torn. Just like that.”

  Then her other breast was taken into hand and given the same sensual treatment.

  “Anything you want, “ she urged as one hand left his thick cock and slid around his small waist, dropping down to grip one firm ass cheek.

  That was it! Her words gave him the freedom to do what he wished. And he did so want to do a lot to the body that drew him from the first time he laid eyes on her.

  Pulling her tight against his chest, he dropped his head and took that tempting full bottom lip in his teeth, carefully nipping with his fangs, sending sharp pleasure-pain to her nerves, before he used his tongue to enter the sweet heaven of her mouth.

  His hands were given free rein as they spread across her back, pressing her closer as one dropped to her thigh, bringing that leg up so that he trembled with the feel of her pressed even closer than before.

  “Oh yes,” she gasped as she released him and wrapped both hands around his neck, opening her body to his possession, to her pleasure, to their mutual satisfaction.

  Her hips began a slow grinding motion, desperate to get closer to his cock, now all soaped and slippery and ready for her.

  But Torn was not done playing.

  Sliding his hands under her arms, he used a little strength to lift her up, holding her breasts right at mouth level so he could easily…

  “Ohh! I love that!” Sable moaned. “Suck my nipples, Torn.”

  Grinning, he sucked in the tender fruit, pulling it deep within the cavern of his mouth and lathing it with his tongue.

  Her body squirmed, sliding against the water and the soap that now liberally covered the front of him. But, God, did it feel wonderful.

  Growling, Torn switched nipples, giving the second the same attention as the first, easily holding her in place.

  “More! Please, Torn, more!” she panted, her hands leaving his shoulders and tangling in his thick hair, tugging it as she urged him onward.

  Soon, that was not enough for him. Not nearly enough to ease the hunger that had grown over the days as he watched her parade around in that perfect body and aggressive attitude and fought his natural urges.

  No more.

  “Torn take…now!” he growled as he released her nipple with a pop. “Now, Sable!”

  “Yes, Torn! Now!” Sable breathed, clinging to him as he shifted both of their weight and lifted her even closer.

  “Guide,” he breathed into her neck, his tongue lapping at the water that still flowed over them both. “Guide Torn.”

  Frantically, she reached one hand behind her, reaching for him, arching backwards to get his cock where she wanted it.

  The base of his thick member in hand, she tentatively lifted her other leg, grinning when he moved to assist, and wrapped it around his waist. Now she was riding his body, not the part she wanted to be riding on, but pretty damn close.

  Her eyes closed as a full-body tremor racked her, her senses spiked, her juices flowed down to become mist in the water, creating a hot, wet environment any thrusting cock would enjoy.

  Then he was positioned at the mouth of her cunt, hot, hard, and throbbing, silky smooth and a wonderfully soft texture that no human had ever been able to recreate.

  He was almost there.

  “Now, please!”

  Torn gritted his teeth and he felt his muscles bulge as he fought to maintain his hold on his woman and keep enough control as to not go thrusting inside like a rabid beast.

  But the feel of her, dripping down and coating his cock was too much.

  “Sable,” he breathed one last time, then surged upwards.

  “Yes!” Sable’s ecstatic cry echoed around the stall as she felt Torn’s hardness part her, demanding entrance and begin to burrow out a place for itself.

  His sigh was more a groan as he felt her folds part and grant him entrance.

  He was home! Nothing had ever felt this good. That other woman, she was nothing compared to what he felt just by being with his Sable. And now that they were fully connected, he vowed that no other would usurp his place here, with her, inside of her, being one with her.

  He leaned back against the wall and just basked in the glory of being deep within her.

  But the grunts and wiggles she was making were growing too hard to ignore.

  Her legs tightened around his waist, the heels of her feet digging into his ass, urging him to move.

  She wiggled and began to grind on his cock, the muscles gripping his base, the internal walls massaging and clenching around his cock.

  “Damn it! Move you big oversized… Oh! Yes! You great big oversized god! Yes!”

  Torn tightened his grip on her waist, lifting her up an inch or so, then slammed her down, hard!

  “You can be my god!” she shrieked as he repeated this move, much to her delight.

  Her toes curled as her thighs trembled. Fire shot through her cunt as the soft hairs at his base rubbed her clit the right way. Torn may not know squat about her world, but the man knew how to fuck!

  “Again!” she pleaded, her head dropping back as she began to ride the magnificent beast she had found for herself. “Harder! Harder!”

  Smiling outright now, Torn began to thrust in earnest, angling his cockhead to strike her most sensitive spots.

  He noted her reaction and tried to strike that spot over and over again, arching his hips to get more of himself inside.

  “Torn!” she bellowed as her nails broke the skin on his shoulders.

  He grunted at the pleasure-pain and added a bounce to his movements.

  “Ah! Ah! Ah!”

  Sable could not think! Her mind was lost in a haze. Her body was taut, swimming in the erotic sensations that were flowing through her! He was too good to be true! This kind of loving only took plac
e between the pages of a romance novel, maybe an erotic novel, but stuff like this didn’t happen in real life.

  Yet there she was, crying out, screaming and groaning and screeching, sounding like a cat in heat while the sexiest man that she had ever come in contact with was driving his cock hard, deep and fast within her body.


  Suddenly, stillness took over her as her body stiffened. She knew, one more thrust, one more bounce, one more jiggle, and she would explode.

  “Please!” she managed as her head rolled on her shoulders. “Please, make me come!”

  The lustful surrender he saw in her eyes was his breaking point.

  “Sable!” he bellowed as he jerked her to his chest, bent his knees, and thrust upwards with everything that he had in him!


  Then she was flying, her body jerking as unbelievable waves of climatic delight tore through her body.

  She panted, her eyes flying wide open as his hands clenched around her hips and he gave in to his own pleasure.

  It was the most erotic thing she had ever seen.

  Without another word, his face went lax, his breathing almost nonexistent, and the muscles in his jaws stood out in stark relief. He shouted once, tossing his head to the side, then he rapidly thrust hard, three times, slamming even deeper than before. His hands clenched, his eyes shot open, she felt his cock swell even bigger.

  Then a glowing white light flared up around them both, blinding and yet filled with emotion.


  Her name was ripped from his throat as his whole body began to shake as spurt after spurt of his white-hot seed filled her to overflowing.

  As the tension in his body eased, so did the light, which left Torn a devastated, shaking mass of muscle, leaning against the wall for support, trying to hold her even closer than she was now.

  “Torn…love…Sable,” he panted, one word with each breath.

  “Torn,” she breathed. “You are my world.”

  She lowered shaky legs to the floor of the stall, legs that refused to support her weight, so Torn kept a tight grip on her waist.

  “The water is going to be cold soon,” she added, her voice trembling like her knees. Funny, she had not noticed the drop in temperature before.


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