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Vampire Kingdom 1: The Trade

Page 12

by Leigh Walker

  I sank gratefully into my chair in the very back, where no one could see me.

  Professor Talbot beamed once we were all seated. “We have a guest today—an esteemed one.”

  Oh crap. My cheeks heated as everyone turned to stare at me. So much for the anonymity of the last row.

  “Lady Victoria, can you please come forward?”

  Of course! And thanks so much for waiting for me to sit down all the way back here! But I said nothing. Coward that I was, I climbed to my feet and reluctantly headed back toward the front. “Yes, ma’am,” I mumbled. Those two words were shaping up to be my personal slogan of the day.

  “Behold, the prince’s betrothed, Lady Victoria from Margate.” The professor didn’t sound impressed. “She hasn’t been at the castle for long and does not yet know our ways. Today, sacrifices, we are going to show Lady Victoria how a real woman treats her vampire.”

  Excited whispers broke out through the crowd.

  “Shall we begin?” She turned to face me, and I noticed her lipstick, a bright poppy. “Are you ready to learn, my dear?”

  “Of course, Professor Talbot. Ready when you are.” But I wanted to run, screaming, in the other direction. How real women treat their vampires? Get me out of here! And why is it only women? Come to think of it, why aren’t there any hot male sacrifices? I swallowed hard as I stared out at the audience. They stared back. As Anthony had predicted, they looked as though they wanted to scratch my eyes out.

  The sacrifices ranged in age, from mine all the way up to their fifties. Some of the women had lived inside the grounds for a long time. I could barely fathom how they’d coped with being bitten all these years.

  “Alexandra, please join us.” The professor snapped her fingers, and a stunning girl with ebony skin, her dark hair piled high into a regal bun, made her way to the front. She wore a pale-pink gown with a fitted bodice, which showcased her enviable curves. The gown’s tulle bottom floated around her, making her look like a fairytale princess. She moved gracefully, like a ballet dancer, and it was impossible to pull my gaze away. Alexandra was one of those girls, impossibly beautiful, fit, and curvy—the trifecta of making me want to run away again, screaming even louder. The fact that she lived so close to the prince made me feel a bit sick.

  I stared, mesmerized, until her gaze met mine. She scowled in distaste. I scowled back.

  “Now, Alexandra can teach us a thing or two about keeping the royal family satisfied. With her great beauty, pristine physique, and flawless manners, it’s no secret that she’s a favorite of both the king and the queen. In fact, there are rumors that the prince himself has tasted her, although Alexandra will neither confirm nor deny it.”

  The girl shrugged prettily as the other sacrifices clapped and wolf-whistled. My cheeks heated as I considered yanking the tulle right off of her dress.

  “What pointers can you pass on to Lady Victoria, Alexandra? Be specific, please.” The professor crossed her arms against her chest. “I’m sure she needs all the help she can get.”

  Alexandra smirked at Professor Talbot’s tone. She turned to me, her sparkly makeup tastefully glinting in the sunlight that streamed through the high windows. “I understand congratulations are in order? Sacrifices, please join me in welcoming Lady Victoria, the betrothed of His Highness, Prince Dominic Allard.”

  The rest of the women clapped politely, but I could tell it was forced.

  “Now, I wonder.” Alexandra stepped closer to me, and I was confronted by her pore-free skin, fantastic bone structure, and perfectly glossed lips. “What does His Highness see in you that he didn’t see in the rest of us?”

  I raised myself to my full height—my one physical advantage over Alexandra—and frowned down at her. “This is the year he comes of age. He chose me because of the timing.”

  “That must have been it.” Alexandra sniffed.

  As obnoxious as she seemed, I didn’t want to hurt her or the other sacrifices’ feelings. “It was nothing against the rest of you.”

  The girl eyed me up and down. “I’ll say.” She turned back to face the audience. “First and foremost, Lady Victoria needs to understand that vampires are very tactile, and they are driven primarily by their senses. It’s important to keep the merchandise, so to speak, in top form.” Alexandra motioned to her body. “We keep ourselves very physically fit. In addition to keeping our bodies toned, a strong heartbeat and a clear head are attractive to our masters. In order to please them, we must take excellent care of ourselves.” She eyed me. “You might want to start with a brisk walk. Baby steps until you can actually jog. We have a gym here, but I don’t know if you’d be comfortable. It’s for people who actually know what they’re doing.”

  I cleared my throat. “Thank you?”

  “No need.” Her frown deepened, which I appreciated because it made her slightly less attractive. “But start with walking, like I said. And also consider cutting out the carbohydrates, as they make you puffy.”

  Hurting her feelings suddenly seemed like a pretty good idea.

  Her gaze raked down me again. “You need to look the part. Right now you look like a pale puff pastry on legs.”

  The other women laughed as my cheeks heated. “I beg your pardon?”

  “You can do better than this.” She pointed at me. “Your attitude needs improvement too. You might not deserve him, but you will keep the sacrifices’ good reputation intact.”

  Her tone pushed me over the edge. “I’m sorry, but what good reputation?”

  “Excuse me?” She put her hands on her hips.

  I never took my eyes from Alexandra, but I could feel the crowd leaning in, eager for a fight.

  I took a step forward, jabbing my finger, a towering, pissed-off puff pastry. “I mean, I’m not really sure what you’re crowing about. You ladies are a collective walking blood bank. The fancy gowns can’t hide that you’re actually meals in heels.”

  “You’re one of us,” she hissed. “You might think you’re better because you’ll be his wife, but you’re nothing more than boneless chuck, only good enough for a stew, mismarked as filet mignon.”

  My hands curled into fists. “Well you could use a good steak and some carbohydrates, from what I can see! You’re a bony little wishbone, picked over by the vultures.” They were all staring at me. Oh crap.

  Alexandra arched an eyebrow as a storm gathered behind her eyes. “Really? Well His Highness doesn’t feel that way. He likes me just as I am. He told me as much the other night when he called me to his chambers to service him.”

  “He did not.”

  “Did so.”

  “Did not.” The four-year-old in me had clearly taken over and was calling the shots. “It doesn’t matter. Because he’s marrying me.”

  “You must’ve cursed him. You must be a witch.” Alexandra pursed her lips. “It’s the only explanation that makes sense.”

  “I’m no witch.” I took another step closer. “Maybe he just likes his sacrifices with a few carbohydrates on them, eh? Or without the scowl, at least!”

  “I’ve got the best-looking scowl in the kingdom—much nicer than yours. Mark my words: he’ll tire of you.” Alexandra turned on her heel and hustled from the room.

  I wanted to fist pump, but I stopped myself. When did I turn into a jealous, spiteful cow? Why did I say such ugly things to her? I’d helped no one, least of all myself.

  My attachment to His Highness was going to get me into trouble. It was already happening. I stared out at the sea of angry faces, knowing that I’d brought it on myself. I needed to be more careful—not only with my words but also with my heart. What good could come of any of this?

  Professor Talbot cleared her throat, breaking my reverie. “Lady Victoria? As you know, being chosen as a sacrifice is a great honor. If you’re like the others here, you entered the Trade because you love the crown and the kingdom. All of the sacrifices share your values and your station. I’m not really sure where this air of superiority is coming from,
but it will not be tolerated.”

  “She started it,” I mumbled, still sore.

  “What was that?” The professor’s tone was sharp.


  One of the girls raised her hand, and I recognized her brown curls and perfect, bronzed skin—it was the dreaded Elise. She was wearing a black frock with a plunging neckline, all the better to look like vampire bait. “Ooh, I have something to say!”

  The professor nodded. “Go on, then.”

  Elise stood. “I was with Lady Victoria last night at dinner. She didn’t do a thing. She didn’t sit on His Highness’s lap, she didn’t dance for him—she was useless. He didn’t even sniff her, although he had his hands all over me.”

  My hands curled into fists again, but I vowed to keep my mouth shut.

  Elise kept her wide, fake-innocent eyes on Professor Talbot. “If Alexandra is too emotionally involved to assist, perhaps I could jump in? I certainly have some advice!”

  The professor motioned for her to join us. “Of course, Elise. Come forward. We certainly need the help.”

  “Smashing.” Elise looked at me and winked, sending shivers down my spine. “It will be my pleasure, if not the lady’s.”


  No Friend Of Mine

  Elise somehow managed to walk to the front of the room in that slinky mermaid dress. I had no idea why she was wearing such a frock in the morning, but it became clear pretty quickly. All eyes were on her, and I could tell that was exactly what she wanted.

  She needn’t have tried so hard. With her beautiful skin, her sparkling eyes, and a body that wouldn’t quit, she could wear a burlap sack and still turn heads. I frowned as she got closer. She didn’t have any pores, either. What is with these girls?

  Elise curtsied to the audience. “It’s my pleasure to talk about pleasing our masters. As you know, I’m a bit of an expert.” She tossed her hair.

  “Like poor Alexandra was saying, it’s of the utmost importance to take care of ourselves and stay in shape.” She shot me a nasty smile. “Get in shape, I mean.”

  The professor cleared her throat. “I would like you to show the lady proper feeding etiquette. That was very important to the queen. Can you do that, Elise?”

  “Absolutely.” Elise perked up. “Should I give a demonstration?”

  “Naturally.” Professor Talbot smiled.

  “Right. Lady Victoria, please come here.” Elise held out her hand for me.

  “Um.” I looked at her then the professor. “Why?”

  Elise narrowed her eyes. “I’m going to show you what His Highness likes when he feeds.”

  My hackles rose. “I don’t think I need any help, thanks.”

  “He looked quite bored sitting next to you, if you want to know the truth. I can’t recall the last time I saw his expression that flat—he looked as though he might fall asleep, which as we all know isn’t possible.” Elise shrugged. “So, not for nothing, you might want to learn a few tricks.”

  I preferred to show Elise a few tricks of my own—like yanking her hair, pinching her, or perhaps giving her a good smack. But judging from the look on the professor’s face, I didn’t dare. Any more bad behavior, and I would surely be reported to the queen. I went to Elise, annoyed to discover that she smelled as good as she looked.

  “Excellent—I’m glad to see you can at least follow simple instructions. Now, when he calls for you, you must first let him smell you. They love that.” She leaned closer and tossed her hair again. “I use a scented oil in my hair that the royals adore. When I move, they can smell me.”

  I scowled but kept my mouth shut. Good for them.

  “His Highness, in particular, is fond of a long neck.” She leaned back and extended hers, running her fingers down it. “He prefers to eat from the left side so that he may keep a hand over your heart.” She put her hand on her heart, strategically making her breasts swell.

  “How would you know what he likes?” My brow furrowed. “He doesn’t drink from you.”

  “Says you.” She gave me a sly look and tittered.

  “No—says His Highness.” My cheeks heated. “He told me he’s never drunk from a slave.”

  The room went absolutely silent as they waited for Elise to respond. I wondered if she’d lied to the other sacrifices about the prince and his feeding habits.

  She arched an eyebrow. “He just proposed to you—he probably wants you to believe he’s been saving himself for marriage. But I can tell you, from very personal experience, His Highness likes to have a taste now and then.”

  “Ah, Elise.” Suddenly the prince himself was in the doorway, the sun shining behind him, making him look as if he glowed from within. “I heard you were assisting this morning. Good to see you’re keeping things lively.”

  “Your Highness.” Professor Talbot dropped into a bow. “I wasn’t expecting you.” She didn’t sound thrilled at the intrusion.

  Elise and the others curtsied deeply, but I just stared as Dominic came into the room. He looked impossibly tall and handsome in his dark tunic, but he also looked a bit pissed off.

  “Lady Victoria.” He smiled at me formally. “How are your instructions?”

  I cleared my throat. “Great.”

  “That’s not what Alexandra said. She mentioned you were being a bit…sensitive.”

  “Actually, I was being a bit aggressive, if you want the truth.” I frowned. “There was some button pushing.”

  “Ah. My apologies—I know how you are with your buttons.” Dom held out his arm for me then focused on the professor. “If you will excuse the lady, I am in need of her assistance.”

  Professor Talbot started to say something, but Dominic ignored her and turned to Elise. “But she is not in need of yours.”

  Elise’s face pinched. “I was only trying to help, Your Highness.”

  “Did you ‘help’ by mentioning the truth—that I’ve never fed from you? Lying is considered treason in the kingdom.” He took a step toward her. “I thought you knew the rules.”

  The other sacrifices gasped as Elise went pale. “Your Highness, please. Everything I do is in your honor. We all want you to be treated properly and with respect. I was merely trying to assist her—Lady Victoria does not yet know our ways.”

  “Your ways have nothing to do with the lady. How my bride will treat me is none of your business, and your ‘assistance’ is not necessary or welcome. Intimidating her with lies is not the actions of a loyal citizen.” His nostrils flared. “It is the act of a traitor.”

  Elise shrank back before him, and I put my hand on his arm. “Dominic.” I kept my voice low. “Please. There was no harm done.”

  He didn’t say anything for a minute, and I could tell that he was restraining himself. Elise cowered before us, not daring to raise her gaze. Finally, the prince curtly nodded at Professor Talbot. “Class is dismissed.”

  “Your Highness, I’m sorry, but that’s impossible.” The professor squared her shoulders. “Your mother asked me to have the other sacrifices show her—”

  “Did I ask you for an explanation?” His voice was icy.

  She frowned. “No, Your Highness.”

  “Then please, excuse us. Ladies.”

  He bowed to the women in the audience, and they curtsied. A few of them shot each other furtive, worried glances. Elise’s face was still pale, but she had two flaming spots of color in her cheeks. I gave her one last glance as the prince led me outside. She still didn’t dare look up at us.

  I waited until we were some distance from the building to speak. “Your Highness.”

  He stared straight ahead. “Yes?”

  “I would thank you for rescuing me, as Elise is unpleasant, and Alexandra is too attractive to speak to. I certainly didn’t handle either one of them well. But even I have to admit—you were a bit harsh back there.”

  The muscle in the prince’s square jaw tightened. “Alexandra came into the palace, boo-hooing about you. Then I found Elise thrusting her chest
out and bullying you with lies. I cannot tolerate it. The sacrifices have nothing to do with you. I don’t want you near them.”

  I slowed to a stop. “I don’t think your mother will respond well to you canceling her class. She wanted me to learn to please you.”

  “I won’t have her throwing you to the wolves like that.” He stopped as well, and his face softened a fraction. “And you already please me, for the record.”

  “T-Thank you.” I cleared my throat. “But I’m confused. You seem to speak out of both sides of your mouth, Your Highness. On the one hand, you want me invisible to your mother. On the other, you cannot tolerate her meddling and do not keep up the appearance of being a dutiful son.”

  “Both positions are coming from the same side—our side.” He leaned over me, his jaw still tense.

  “Aren’t I supposed to be fitting in?” I looked up at him, aware that although we were having a conversation, he was positioned rather well to kiss me.

  “You’re fitting in fine. I will explain to the queen that the sacrifices were acting out. She finds them puerile, so she will accept this.”

  “But will she?” My brow furrowed. “Anthony told me what happened with her the last time I was here.”

  He cursed and briefly closed his eyes. “He had no business telling you about that.”

  “Don’t get mad—I made him.” I hesitated. “He said that your mother asked you to turn me.”

  Dominic exhaled deeply. “That’s right.”

  “But that you wouldn’t do it.”

  “Also correct.”

  “Why not?” I asked.

  “Why not?” He scoffed. “There are a million reasons, including wanting to protect you as you are. Not to mention the fact that I don’t know what would happen to me if I drank that much of your blood.”

  “So why didn’t you let the queen do it? It seems like that would’ve solved a multitude of problems.”

  He shook his head. “Killing her is one thing. Having her drain you is quite another.”

  “You’re talking out of both sides again.” My head swam. “Explain yourself, please.”


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