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Shattered Legacy : A Dark Bully Romance (Gravestone Elite Book 1)

Page 14

by Caitlyn Dare

  Dining with the Electi in our formalwear wasn’t something I ever anticipated would become a normal event in my life, but here we are.

  The servers make quick work of cleaning away our plates. Bexley still hasn’t touched so much as a bite of his food, earning him a scowl from Cade.

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Easton,” he snarls as the servers wait for the signal to remove Bexley’s plate. After a second, Cade nods and the table is finally clear.

  “Why don’t we move this party into the den. Dessert will be so much better in there.”

  Sasha’s brows furrow, and I try to figure out what’s going on, but then Brandon says, “You should go to your room, Sis.”

  “I’m coming.” Her chin lifts defiantly, and relief floods me. She isn’t going to leave me. Thank God. But a low growl rumbles in Cade’s chest.

  “Brandon is right, Sasha. Unless you want Daddy dearest to find out about your little drug habit, I suggest you go to your room.”

  She pushes from the table, slamming her hands down. “Fuck you. Fuck all of you.” Grabbing her glass, she downs the contents before pinning me with an apologetic look. “I’m sorry,” she mouths before hurrying from the room.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “This doesn’t concern Sasha,” Cade says, as if it’s that simple.

  “But she’s one of you.”

  “Only when it suits,” Channing mutters, and Cade levels him with an icy look.

  “Something you want to say?”

  “Nope.” He glances away, his anger obvious in the tight set of his jaw.

  “Come on.” Cade stands, holding out his hand. Bexley’s eyes burn into the side of my face as I slip my hand into Cade’s and follow him through another set of double doors. This room is smaller, filled with a huge sectional and a selection of huge chairs. There’s a massive fireplace with an electric fire flickering wildly, casting an amber glow around the dimly lit room. Music pumps out of hidden speakers, and there’s something in the air, a scent I can’t quite put my finger on.

  “What is that?” I ask, my voice quivering because nothing about this feels right.

  “Just a little something to help everyone relax. Here,” Cade grabs a champagne flute off a nearby tray and hands it to me, “drink this.”

  I eye the contents suspiciously, and Cade chuckles darkly.

  “Such a fighter. Trust me, you’ll want to drink it for what comes next.”

  “What comes next?” I’m vaguely aware of the others filtering into the room behind me. The icy fingers of fear grip my throat. I’m all alone now, surrounded by five guys I know have illicit morals and two guys I barely know anything about.

  “Initium,” Ashton barks, “take a seat.”

  It’s then I notice the two chairs in the center of the room.

  “Drink it, Mia.” Cade pushes the glass to my lips. “I won’t ask again.”

  I knock the drink back and gulp it down. If it’s anything like the last party, I don’t want to be sober.

  Not this time.

  Ashton and Tim manhandle Alex and Bexley into the chair, securing their hands behind their backs with restraints.

  “Come sit with me, babe.” Cade leads me to the loveseat and pulls me down beside him. His arm slips around my waist, anchoring me into his side. We have a perfect view of Bexley, and Alex to his other side. He doesn’t look at me, just stares straight ahead, ready to take whatever punishment Cade doles out.

  “It might seem like being Electi affords us the opportunity to indulge. But really strength comes from knowing your limits. From being able to abstain.”

  Cade gives Ashton a subtle nod, and he moves over to the far wall and opens a hidden door. A stream of girls file in. They’re the servers from before, except now they’re naked from the waist up, their perfect breasts on display.

  “Ladies. Please, make our new friends feel welcome.” Cade motions to Bexley and Alex.

  Bile rushes up my throat and I go to clutch my neck, but my arm feels heavy. In fact, my entire body feels strange.

  “Cade, what did you do?”

  “Relax.” He whispers against my ear, stroking his hand along the curve of my knee. It feels good.

  It’s not supposed to feel good.

  I don’t want to watch as the girls begin to dance for Bexley and Alex, but I can’t tear my eyes away from them.

  Alex grins as one girl grabs his face and presses it right into her breasts. He audibly groans, shifting on the chair, no doubt trying to get his hands free to touch her.

  Bexley pays the two girls making out for his pleasure little attention. One breaks away, straddling his lap, running her hands up his chest, and unbuttoning his shirt.

  In the corner of the room, Ashton grabs one of the girls around the throat and pushes her up against the wall, kissing her hard.

  Heat floods me.

  “It’s hot in here,” I murmur, pulling at my collar, suddenly remembering Bexley’s bite marks.

  “Just relax.” Cade’s hand slides higher under my dress, finding the soft flesh of my thighs. “Enjoy the show.”

  The girls have rid Bexley and Alex of their shirts completely now, trailing their lipstick-covered mouths up and down their bare chests.

  “Fuck yeah,” Alex grunts, and Cade explodes with laughter.

  “So fucking eager, Rexford. When was the last time you got some good pussy, huh?”

  Tim watches on. He’s relaxed back on the couch, his shirt open and a glass of whisky in his hands. His eyes are black with desire as he watches the show.

  Moans fill the room. Ashton’s hands are under the girl’s skirt. Brandon saunters over to them and grabs her face. “Is she wet for it?”

  “So fucking wet,” he says.

  Channing is over by the window, nursing a drink, staying on the fringe of the party. Not that this is any kind of party I ever wanted to find myself at.

  Yet I can’t help but relax into Cade’s side as he continues stroking my skin. I know I should be repulsed by the moans, the number of half-naked girls in the room… but my thoughts are cloudy. As if I can’t quite reach the edge of my rationality.

  “Fuck, man, let me touch her. Just let me touch her,” Alex begs as the girl grinds up on him, running her hands through his hair and peppering kisses all over his face.

  “What was that, Rexford? I couldn’t quite hear you.”

  The girl with Ashton and Brandon is moaning louder, her cries of pleasure sending shivers down my spine. She’s caged between them, her back to Ashton’s chest and her breasts smushed up against Brandon. I have no idea what they’re doing to her, but it sounds like she’s in the sweetest kind of agony as they make her come.

  A gasp slips from my lips the second she succumbs, and Cade leans in again, kissing the corner of my mouth. “Does that get you wet, baby? Knowing that they both have their fingers deep inside her?”

  “Oh God.” I fight the disgust rolling through me. Disgust tinged with pleasure.

  Why does it feel good?

  It’s not supposed to feel good.

  But everything is hazy, my limbs heavy and detached.

  There’s an orgy going on around us, and still, Bexley doesn’t flinch. His eyes remain fixed on some invisible spot ahead of him as the girl tries to seduce him.

  “Easton, I don’t know whether to be disappointed or impressed. Or maybe there’s another girl in the room you’d prefer.”

  My breath hitches. Surely he doesn’t mean—

  “Molly, switch places with Freya. Let’s see if he prefers brunettes to blondes.”

  The girls switch, Molly approaching Channing over by the window. He waves her off and she shrugs, going to join Ashton, Brandon and the girl currently getting on her knees for them.

  “What do you say, Rexford? Should I let Calia blow you?”

  “Just let me loose, please…” His voice sounds distorted and I notice how blown his eyes are.

  “Channing, cut our friend free and let
him enjoy his prize.”

  “Fuck yeah.”

  Channing produces a switchblade from his pocket and slices through Alex’s restraints. He scoops the girl up and they stumble over to the sectional, falling down in a tangle of limbs and laughter.

  “What did you give him?” I ask Cade.

  “Consider it a present.” He winks, curving his hand around my neck and leaning in to kiss me.

  “Cade… don’t—"

  “No?” His brow arches. “Doesn’t this feel good?” His lips trail down my jaw and along the slope of my neck. “And this…”

  Bexley catches my eye, and I’m caught in his murderous gaze. I realize whatever they’ve taken hasn’t affected him the way it has Alex.

  “Cade.” I run my hands up his chest, pushing gently. “Not in front of your friends,” I say.

  “So shy, baby. We’re going to have to work on that. But first… Molly, enough.” She stops and backs away from Bexley. “It would appear that our new friend has more willpower than I gave him credit for. And since this was a test of abstinence, which Rexford clearly failed…” He motions to Alex who is already fucking the girl on the couch. “The winner is Easton. Congratulations.”

  Bexley scoffs. “Now can I get the fuck out of here?”

  “So soon? But the party is just getting started.” Cade runs his hands up my leg once more. “Besides, you need to receive your prize first.” His eyes flash to mine, and my heart drops.

  “After all,” he smirked, “you do want your reward, don’t you?”



  My heart pounds wildly in my chest as I pull at the ties around my wrists holding me in place. It's not from what the girl was doing, the way she was rubbing and grinding herself against me, but from knowing Mia watched the whole thing.

  There's no way I'd have given in to her with or without having Mia here, but knowing she was watching my little test made it so much worse.

  Cries of pleasure and moans for more fill the room as the scent of sex mixes with whatever that motherfucker has permeated the air with. I knew the second that woman thrust drinks into our hands when we walked in that we were in for a night of it.

  There's a reason I didn't eat that dinner, and it's not just because it looked like dog food. There was no way that Cade wouldn't make use of an opportunity like that and not lace it with something.

  Alex clearly didn't have the same concerns—or if he did, then his fear of not eating and disobeying this cunt was stronger. Based on the fact that he's fucking that whore only a few meters away indicates that he's had a little too much of whatever, because it's not like him to be quite so open to this shit.

  He might be happy to talk about his lack of action and desperation, but this isn't his MO.

  Fucker is strung out on something, I'd put money on it.

  Ignoring whatever the fuck he's doing behind me, I keep my eyes trained on Cade and fight not to look at where his hand has disappeared up my girl's dress.

  His smirk continues to play on his lips as his previous words repeat over and over in my head. "You do want your prize, don’t you?”

  No, I really fucking don't, but I have little choice while I'm tied up here like a fucking animal and at their mercy.

  My breath catches when he lifts Mia and places her on his lap, her back to his front.

  She gasps. "What are you doing?"

  "Giving Easton his reward and reminding him of who’s in charge here."

  She fights him, trying to get away, but his hold on her is too strong, and after a few moments she has no choice but to give in.

  With his arm clamped around her waist, pinning one of her arms down in the process, he hooks his feet around the insides of her legs and spreads them wide.

  I don't look down, refusing to play his game.

  My pulse picks up and my body temperature soars as anger like I've never felt before surges through me.

  I thrash against my bindings, the chair rattling beneath me, but it's no use. All I achieve is for the ties to cut deeper into my skin.

  My eyes narrow on his as delight covers his face.

  He's a sick motherfucker.

  Marcus is right. He needs taking down.

  I just fucking wish I wasn't the one who had to do it, and that Mia wasn't part of this twisted game.

  She's too pure, too innocent.

  "No," she cries when his fingers start trailing up the smooth skin on the inside of her thigh, over my brands. "No, Cade. Please. Don't do this."

  He growls something in her ear that's too low for me to make out, but his movements don't even falter.

  I'm pretty sure nothing could stop him right now.

  "No, please," she whimpers again, thrashing her body about as much as she can, but it's futile. All he's doing is holding her tighter and probably hurting her in the process.

  The second he cups her pussy over the fabric of her panties, I pull at my restraints so hard I feel the thin plastic slice my skin, and a few moments later, the wetness of my blood drips from my fingertips.

  "Leave her out of this," I bark, kicking myself that I'm reacting.

  Maybe I should have just accepted my fate with the girl.

  Anything would have been less painful than this.

  But then I think about him forcing her to watch as I fucked someone else and bile burns up my throat.

  No, I can't do that to her.

  "She's mine to do with as I wish." His voice is low and menacing as he pushes the lace aside, giving me a prime view of what I know is hiding beneath.

  My cock hardens at the thought of her pussy, of how sweet she tasted. I want to smile, I want to tell him that he's too damn late and that I got her first, but I can't. I have no idea how that would end for her.

  "Cade, no," she begs, her eyes drilling holes into my face, begging me to look at her, but still I refrain.

  "Look at her. Tell me how pretty her cunt is."

  "You're fucking sick," I spit.

  "Now, now. I don't think you're in any position to start throwing around insults like that."

  "I don't give a fuck, Kingsley. Let her go. Do whatever you want to me, but leave Mia out of this."

  A wicked smile curls at his lips as his hand moves and Mia stiffens in his hold.

  "Oh, don't worry, I will do whatever I like to you. But your reward comes first. Now. Look. At. Her."

  Footsteps come closer until a shadow falls over me.

  Cade nods at Channing, and I glance over briefly to see he's got his back to Kingsley and Mia, thankfully not watching the show, but the glint of his switchblade catches my eye.

  "Do what the fuck he says," he barks, pressing the tip of the knife carefully against the side of my throat. "Everyone will get out of this sooner if you follow orders."

  I swallow harshly, accepting my fate. Although right now, I'd seriously consider death if it would get both Mia and me out of this. Only, I don't think it's going to be that easy.

  She's in that cunt’s clutches, and I won't give in until he's done and she’s safe.

  I drop my eyes back to Cade, my jaw popping as my anger begins to boil over. My fists curl, shooting pain up my arms and forcing my blood over my hands.

  "I’ll fucking kill you if you hurt her."

  "Hurt? No, Easton. You've got this all wrong. It's all about pleasure." At that final word, he spears two fingers inside her. Mia's hips lift at the intrusion and she cries out for him to stop. Which, of course, he totally ignores.

  "You know it feels good, babe. Now be a good girl and let’s show Easton how it's done."

  I lift my eyes from where his fingers are moving against her clit, and they lock on to her dark ones.

  Tears spill down her cheeks as she accepts her fate.

  "I'm sorry," she mouths to me. My jaw tenses so hard I swear I'm about to crack a tooth or two.

  I pull at my restraints once more. I already know they're not going to release me, but I can't not try. Although, I soon stop when Chann
ing presses a little harder on the knife.

  "Do as you’re told, initium."

  Sucking in a deep breath, I continue to hold Mia's eyes, trying to silently tell her that it's okay, that it'll be over quicker if she just complies. Even if it’s all a lie.

  A sob racks her body as she must read my eyes, but she begins to relax and allows Cade to do his worst. It fucking slays me, witnessing her come apart under his touch, but I've got little choice but to watch as he builds her higher.

  Her nails that were clawing at his forearm to make him stop lose their ferocity as she starts to fall and her eyelids begin to drop as she succumbs to the pleasure.

  I force myself back to her dorm room, to when I put that look on her face. I remember exactly how she tastes, exactly how she felt as she came apart against my face, and I distinctly remember the noises that ripped past her lips as she fell.

  He murmurs something in her ear and she violently thrashes her head back and forth, but it's too late, she's too close. Not a second later does her body lock up as he pushes her over the edge.

  "So fucking beautiful. I knew you wanted me, babe." He lifts his hand from her and pushes two fingers into his mouth. "And so fucking sweet. Next time I'm drinking straight from the source."

  "Get the hell off me," she screams. For some reason he must comply, because she jumps from his lap and, without a second glance in my direction, flees from the room, leaving only the echo of the slamming door in her wake.

  "Molly, baby. Get over here and suck my cock."

  "Jesus, fuck," I mutter to myself. "Are you for real?" I ask him.

  He shrugs, as if letting another woman blow you right after your chosen one has run from the room is okay.

  "You're not going to get away with this."

  "Watch. Me." He tears his eyes from me and widens his legs as Molly settles herself between them. She wastes no time in running her hands up his thighs and going for his waistband.

  "Get them fucking out of here. I won't party with initium watching," he spits. Thankfully, Channing removes the knife from my throat and instead uses it against my wrists.

  "Don't do anything fucking stupid," he warns as I pull my aching limbs around to my front and inspect the damage.


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