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Saint (Dixie Reapers MC 12)

Page 7

by Harley Wylde

  “The levelheaded, sweet kid we knew grew up,” Venom said. “Now he’s an overprotective dad, and after the shit with Rhianon he’s probably trying to protect himself as well.”

  Rocket looked between the two of them. “He was pissed when he found out Rhianon had kept Delia from him. You two can’t seriously think he won’t adore this kid too. Just because the pregnancy wasn’t planned doesn’t mean --”

  Torch cut him off. “It’s not the baby we’re worried about. I don’t know how he’ll act with Sofia when he finds out. As heartbroken as he was that Rhianon had died, he was also really fucking pissed that she’d kept their kid a secret.”

  “You can’t tell him,” I said. “What if my father comes here? What if I go back to Colombia? It would destroy Saint to know his kid was subjected to that kind of abuse. And I won’t have him running off to save me, not at the risk of Delia losing her dad.”

  “Your father isn’t going to come for you,” Torch said. “Mateo Gomez and his men are dead. I’m not sure yet who the casualties and wounded are from our side yet, so don’t say anything to Luciana. Better for her to have some hope than none. I’ve been trying to call Spider’s cell, as well as Fox’s and a few others, but none of the calls are going through. Might be an issue with a cell tower. The landline at the clubhouse was busy the few times I tried.”

  “Then how do you know about our father?” I asked.

  “Casper VanHorne. He hung up before I could get more details, and now the fucker isn’t answering.”

  “If Mateo Gomez is no longer a threat, then maybe it’s safe for Sofia to tell Saint about the baby,” Rocket said. “His reason for keeping his distance was that he feared Gomez would hurt Delia. That’s not an issue now.”

  “No, it’s not,” Venom agreed. “But the decision is Sofia’s. If she’s not comfortable telling Saint right now, then we’ll find a safe place for her to stay. I’d imagine you’ll be returning home once Luciana is in the clear?”

  “As far as I know,” Rocket said. “Unless Spider shows up before she gets back. He may want her home as soon as possible. Not sure if she’ll be able to travel if she’s having a miscarriage.”

  I placed a hand on my belly and cast a fearful look at Violeta. She’d mentioned she’d miscarried and now it seemed Luciana might as well. What if I did too? No, telling Saint wouldn’t be a good idea, not until I knew for sure that the baby would survive. Maybe there was something genetically wrong with us, or maybe our bodies had been too badly damaged over the years to carry a pregnancy to term. No sense telling him anything if something bad was going to happen. No matter how he felt about me, I didn’t want him to suffer the loss of a child if he didn’t have to.

  “Do you remember Wire?” Torch asked.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “I’m going to have you stay with Wire for a little bit. He lives on the opposite end of the compound from Saint, so if you stay close to the house, you probably won’t see Saint. You’d be comfortable with Wire?” Torch asked. “I can promise that he won’t make any advances.”

  “I think so.”

  He nodded. “Then pack your things and I’ll walk over with you now. I rode my bike and I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be on a motorcycle. If I’d realized we were moving you to a new location, I’d have brought a different vehicle.”

  I didn’t have anything to get. Saint hadn’t packed up my things yet, and I hadn’t been permitted to get anything before moving to this house. Torch stared at me, probably waiting for me to move.

  “I don’t have anything here,” I said.

  “Saint hasn’t sent her stuff over yet,” Rocket said.

  “I’ll handle it,” Venom said. “Just get Sofia to Wire’s place.”

  Torch gently took my arm and led me out of the house. I cast a glance at Violeta over my shoulder and she gave me a little wave. I knew she was in good hands with Rocket, so I didn’t worry about her. Now that our father was dead, we would be safe. Or at least, we’d be safe from him. I still wasn’t so sure I’d be safe from Saint when he found out I was pregnant.

  Maybe one day I’d have my happy-ever-after, the fairy tale that Saint had said I deserved, but it didn’t look like it would be today. He’d said he wasn’t the type of man to give that to me. I had to wonder if I wasn’t the only broken one.

  Chapter Five


  Three Weeks Later

  I’d thought it was strange when my VP came to get Sofia’s things from my house a few weeks ago. It didn’t seem like the sort of thing he’d handle himself. I hadn’t questioned it, and just packed up her shit and handed it over. But now that I was staring at the home where she’d been taken, or so I’d thought, I was left even more confused. It was clearly vacant now that Spider had come for Luciana and the Hades Abyss crew was back in Missouri. So where the fuck was Sofia? Had she decided to go with them? No one had said a damn word about it to me. They’d been gone nearly two weeks now, and I’d thought Sofia would have come home. I waited, giving her time. Now I was wishing I hadn’t.

  I’d asked Darian and Bull to watch Delia for me, but I hadn’t explained why. Just said I had an errand to run. If Delia had heard I was looking for Sofia, she’d have begged to come with me. I loved that Delia wanted Sofia in our home as much as I did, but I needed a moment alone with her first. Needed to convince her to come home, where she belonged.

  “Problem?” Flicker asked.

  I turned to face him. “Where the fuck did you come from?”

  He pointed in the direction of the clubhouse. “I was walking home. Had to leave the bike at the house earlier because Pepper insisted it needed to be washed.”

  I wasn’t even going to mention how that woman had pussy whipped Flicker in no time. Honestly, he didn’t seem to mind. Anyone could see he adored her, and considering how long he’d waited to find the right woman, I couldn’t blame him. Besides, now wasn’t the time to give him shit over the fact he fell in love with a woman who loved bikes as much if not more than he did. No surprise her nesting during pregnancy included washing the damn motorcycles.

  “Sofia was supposed to be here.”

  “They all cleared out,” Flicker said.

  No fucking shit. The big empty ass house had been my first damn clue. “So I see, but where’s Sofia? Why didn’t she come back once it was safe?” I asked.

  “Are you really that fucking stupid? You pushed her away, told her that her presence put Delia in jeopardy. You think she’d come running back to you when her life wasn’t in danger anymore? Maybe she wised up and found someone man enough to claim her. You think I backed down when Pepper had the fucking mob after her? Hell no. Did Tank run when Emmie was up on that auction site? Nope. But you? Saint, I’m starting to think you don’t have balls anymore. Should I go buy you a dress?”

  What. The. Fuck.

  “Is that what everyone thinks? That I’m a dickless guy who won’t go after what he wants?”

  Flicker shrugged. “Well, you haven’t exactly proven otherwise. We all adore Delia, you know that, and while it’s important to keep her safe, you have to make a life for both of you and not just her. But what happens when she grows up and starts her own family?”

  I ground my teeth together. Not only because he was right about me playing it too damn safe, but I also didn’t like the idea of my little girl growing up and meeting some asshole who would take her away from me. Dickhead better treat her right or I’d bury him.

  But first, I needed to find my woman and bring her home. Never should have made her leave. I’d been a complete shit. No, whatever was worse than that, that’s what I’d been. I’d had my reasons, and it wasn’t just to protect Delia, but I needed to explain that to her. I hoped she could forgive me, give me a second chance. My life had been shit without her. I couldn’t sleep, and every time I closed my eyes, I could see her face as she’d come, begging me for more. “Who claimed Sofia? Where is she?”

  Flicker rubbed a hand down his beard. I co
uld tell from the look in his eyes that the fucker wasn’t going to tell me a damn thing. My hands clenched at my sides and I fought the urge to put my fist through his jaw. Punching an officer of the club wasn’t my brightest idea, no matter how tempting.

  “Here’s the thing. Pepper is rather fond of Sofia. So are the other wives. If I tell you where Sofia is, then my sweet Pepper is going to make my life hell. With her due any day now, I’m not going to piss her off. Sorry, kid. You’re on your own.”

  Great. I stared at the house again. The only clue I had right now was that she was somewhere inside the compound. There was no way she’d gotten close to the Reaper ladies if she’d left. During her stay at my home, she’d seldom left or spoken to anyone, and her sisters had barely been here a week. Short of going door to door, and pissing off all my brothers, I wasn’t sure where to go from here.

  I heard Flicker walk off, and I turned to face the road that wound through the compound. I hesitated. Instead of going home, I got on my bike and drove to Torch’s house. If anyone here would tell me how I could find Sofia, it would be Isabella. We’d gotten close over the years. If I had to pick a best friend among the Dixie Reapers and their old ladies, it would be her. I’d do anything for Isabella, and she knew it. I only hoped she felt the same in return.

  Coming to a stop in the driveway, I put down the kickstand and killed the engine. I swung my leg over the seat, but before I could approach the door, it flew open and Lyssa barreled down the steps, launching herself at me. I laughed as I caught her, spinning her in a circle before setting her down. “How’s my girl?” I asked.

  “You haven’t been over in forever,” she complained.

  “I’m sorry, Lyssa. I’ll do better. You’ve gotten a chance to play with Delia, though, and I know how much you love that.”

  She nodded. “Momma’s inside making cookies.”

  “Um.” I glanced back at my bike.

  “Saint, don’t you dare ride off,” Isabella yelled from inside the house. “Get in here!”

  I sighed and followed Lyssa into the house. The smell of burning cookies filled the air. I loved Isabella like a sister, but damn. The woman hadn’t been able to make a decent cookie since she’d gotten pregnant with Hadrian. It was like her baking skills just vanished overnight. I almost felt sorry for Torch.

  “You were going to leave without coming to say hi,” Isabella accused as I pulled out a kitchen chair and sat.


  “I told him you were making cookies,” Lyssa said.

  Isabella groaned and rolled her eyes. “I swear. I’ve heard of baby brain before, but this is ridiculous. Even if I set the damn timer, I still burn them. Every. Single. Time.”

  “Where is Hadrian anyway?” I asked, looking around. Usually she’d have him nearby, but I didn’t even see the baby monitor.

  “Torch has him.” She tossed the burnt cookies in the trash and set the baking sheet aside. “He’s been fussy all night and all morning. I was reaching my breaking point, so I handed him to his daddy and pointed to the door.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. Isabella’s kids were adorable, but I could see where she’d want a break. I only had Delia and there had been plenty of times I wanted to pull out my hair. With three, I think I’d have been committed by now. Thankfully, she had Torch to help her out, and I knew the other old ladies took turns with the kids too.

  “Since I know you didn’t stop by for my stellar baking skills, why are you here?” she asked.

  “I need some help.”

  She crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow, something she’d picked up from Torch and perfected over the years. Not that she looked the least bit intimidating with her tiny stature. Even with the baby weight, I could probably still lift her with one arm.

  “With what?” she asked.

  “I need to find Sofia.”

  She shook her head. “Nope. Not happening.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Because she’s suffered enough, Saint. Do you have any idea what you did to her? She was completely shattered when you sent her away. You might as well have ripped her heart right out of her chest and stomped it into the ground. I don’t know what the hell has been going on, but I can’t let you anywhere near Sofia. Especially not now.”

  Not now. Right. Because she was shacked up with someone else, someone who apparently wasn’t as stupid as I was and had decided to hold onto her. I was a fucking moron, and I could admit it, but I wouldn’t give up. Sofia was mine and she belonged in my home, in my bed, and riding my cock. I shifted in my seat and tried to think of anything other than Sofia, naked and spread across my bed. Damn. My hand hadn’t been enough, not after being inside her -- bare. It broke my heart that we’d never have kids together, not the conventional way. We could always adopt, if she were willing. Even when she’d thought I was ignoring her, I’d watched as she played with Delia, and she was a natural at being a mom.

  “I fucked up,” I said. “I’m sorry, but I need to tell Sofia that and not you. I can’t apologize if I don’t know where she is.”

  “She’s safe and she’s being cared for. I think that’s all you need to know.”

  “Damn it, Isabella! Now isn’t the time to be stubborn.”

  “Did you just cuss at my woman?” asked a gravelly voice from behind me. I winced and turned to face Torch.

  “You know I adore Isabella, and your kids, but I really need her help and she’s refusing.”

  Torch stared at his wife, and I saw her shake her head from the corner of my eye. Torch sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Hadrian lay in the crook of his other arm.

  “The boy deserves to decide for himself,” Torch told her. “I’m not sure we’re actually protecting her. What if we’re just making things worse?”

  Worse? Protecting her? What the fuck was going on?

  “Fine.” Isabella huffed, and I knew she didn’t really agree with him. “She’s at Wire’s place.”

  Wire? I shot out of the chair and ran from the house. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Wire with Sofia, but… yeah, I didn’t trust the fucker. All the ladies loved Wire. They thought he was harmless since he spent so much time behind a computer screen, but he was probably one of the scariest motherfuckers in the club. With a few keystrokes, he could wipe out your entire existence. Well, maybe more than a few, but he could make it happen just the same and never have to leave the comfort of his home.

  I revved the engine on my bike, and my tires spit gravel as I took off down the road. When I reached Wire’s house, he was on the front porch, hands in his pockets, and looking in my direction. Had he been waiting for me? I wouldn’t put it past Isabella or Torch to have called him. I only hoped I wouldn’t have to hit the fucker just to get to Sofia. If she cared for him even a little, that wouldn’t win me any points.

  “Need to have a word before you go in there,” Wire said.

  “You claiming her?” I asked.

  He snorted. “No. She’s a sweetheart and I’d do just about anything for her. But not that. She’s not my type.”

  “Then what do you want to tell me?”

  He rubbed the back of his neck, looked over his shoulder, then lowered his voice. “She’s had a hard time of it. Not just you kicking her out, but she misses her sisters, and… she hasn’t been well. She’s losing too much weight. Doc Myron is worried about her.”

  My stomach dropped. “She’s sick?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Then what the fuck?”

  He nodded toward the door. “Go on in. She’s probably in her room. First bedroom on the right. Try not to startle her. Doc Myron said to keep her calm.”

  My heart was racing as I entered the house and slowly made my way to the back. The first bedroom door wasn’t completely closed and I tried to peek inside without opening the door. I could see Sofia on the bed, curled up with her back toward me. The way her body jerked, I realized she was crying, and I felt like shit. Were the tears because of me? Or was i
t due to whatever illness she had? No, not illness. Wire had said she wasn’t exactly sick, but something was obviously going on.

  I pressed the door open and went inside. “Sofia.”

  She tensed and I heard her suck in a breath.

  “I’m so damn sorry, Sofia. I should have never made you leave.”

  She didn’t turn to face me, didn’t even acknowledge my presence. It hurt, but I deserved it. No, I deserved worse. I hadn’t meant to make her feel like I didn’t want her. I’d pushed her away not just for Delia’s sake but for her own as well. If her father’s men had managed to get inside the compound, made it inside my house, I would have been split trying to keep them both safe, and I could have failed one or both of them. And if her father had used kids against her before, he could have done the same with Delia, forcing Sofia to go with him to spare my daughter. I couldn’t let that happen, not when they both meant so much to me.

  “I fucked up, Sofia. I never meant for you to feel that you weren’t wanted. I didn’t have a choice but to push you away.”

  “For Delia,” she said softly. “I understood.”

  “No, not just for Delia. I did it for both of you.”

  She turned to face me, her eyes red and swollen from crying. It felt like someone had punched me in the gut. I didn’t like seeing her so upset, and then I remembered Wire’s words. Calm. I needed to make her calm down. I didn’t understand why, but if the doctor had said she didn’t need to be stressed, then I needed to find a way to fix this fast. I motioned toward her. “May I come closer?”

  She didn’t say yes, but she didn’t say no either. I crept a little farther into the room and kept going until I was able to sit on the bed, I stretched out my legs and reached for her, tugging her against my side. Sofia clung to me, her hand fisting my shirt. For a moment, I thought maybe everything would be fine. Had she missed me as much as I’d missed her?

  “I never meant to hurt you, sweetheart,” I murmured as I stroked her hair. “I’m so fucking sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing, for both you and Delia.”


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