The Sleeping Omega Prince

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The Sleeping Omega Prince Page 11

by Maggie Hemlock

  A second later, the thick head of his cock pressed against my omega hole opening my body to him. A few thrusts later I was full of him. He moved in fast quick strokes working me into a frenzy of tingling nerves and pleasure. I opened my mouth to roar, but his hand clamped hard over it making me swallow the sound. Rhett’s other hand rested on my back for leverage as he pounded into me. I rocked my hips meeting his thrusts and begged for more against the palm of his hand. His need and urgency marked his scent drawing me in and stroking my own urges.

  Reaching under me, Rhett grabbed my cock and squeezed hard. A fresh wave of pleasure washed over me, and I moaned against his palm again. He stroked me hard and fast in time with his thrusts until I was a trembling ball of pleasure trying to keep up with him.

  Friction and pleasure mingled in my belly as the familiar warmth of coming orgasm spread over my body. Rhett squeezed again and I lost control of what little brain power I had. Orgasm shook me and Rhett’s cock twitched inside of me. His thrusts grew frenzied as he sought out his own morning release. His warm sticky seed exploded inside of me, but he didn’t slow down. His teeth bit into my shoulder as if remarking his territory. He didn’t let go until his passion was spent. He rolled off me and climbed out of the bed.

  “Let’s shower,” he held a hand out to me.

  “You just fucked my brains out, Alpha,” I laughed between pants. “I need a minute.”

  “I’ll meet you in the field. I’ll be the one everyone’s looking at,” Rhett winked at me and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I wasn’t surprised to find Brendan asleep when I got out of the shower. He always needed a nap after a good romp. Not that I’d ever tell him, but it left me with a feeling of smug satisfaction. I pulled the blanket over him and kissed his forehead. I turned out the bedside lamp before heading out to meet the group. I wanted to curl back up with him, but duty called.

  “Good morning, class!” I announced my presence around the nervous students.

  As I guessed from the first day of class Matthew Tidmore and Lisa Balt were the forerunners who accumulated the most points with Samantha. She knew the classwork well and had accompanied me on three digs so far. Lisa Balt was only the second omega team leader I ever assigned. The first was Wrynn Heart. He bit off the ear of my last TA for mishandling artifacts. So, as long as she left everyone’s body parts intact, she’d be a winner in my book.

  The class gathered round with their cups of coffee and donuts in hand. The students murmured amongst themselves about my absence from class. A few were surprised I showed up to the dig.

  “To be honest, I’m surprised I’m here too,” I laughed drawing their attention. “The night after our first class I met my true-mate. He’s come along for the dig and I expect you all to respect him the way you’d respect me or Samantha. He’s knowledgeable in the field and his words are my own. Just follow the old advice of not pissing off the mate of the leader and we’ll all get along fine. Now with that out of the way, I’m happy to announce our team leaders for this dig will be Lisa Balt and Matthew Tidmore. No need to argue over which team you’ll work with. You’ve all been assigned to a team already.”

  Lisa beamed down at the ground embarrassed to be the center of attention. Matthew ran his fingers through his hair and smiled smugly. He might do okay in class, but he wouldn’t go far in the field. He didn’t believe in the lore and the lore was half the search.

  “Samantha’s already showed you around. So, it’s time to get to work. Miss Balt, your team will work the north side of the island and your team, Mr. Tidmore, will work the south. Here are your team lists. Meet your team members and gear up. We’ll meet back here in half an hour to get started. No one digs without my say so. One mistake and you’ll find your ass on the boat headed back to the academy.”

  I snagged a couple of the donuts and a few of the paper cups full of coffee and left them inside for when Brendan woke up. With time to spare, I sat down on the edge of the bed and watched him sleep. We hadn’t been together long, but I couldn’t imagine my life without him. I spent years searching for him, but never imagined I’d feel this strongly about him when I finally found him.

  I love you.

  I only thought the words that it was too soon to speak. Some thought it was a given between true-mates, but after our rocky start I didn’t think it was. True-mates would always be drawn together, but it took work to make things mesh. I wanted to run a dig on Moonscale Island, but knew I never would. Brendan wanted to never leave his island but understood one day we probably would. What mattered the most to both of us was staying together.

  Brendan rolled onto his back. The cover fell away from him revealing his naked torso. I searched his stomach for signs of life. We weren’t in a hurry, but if he was pregnant, I wanted to keep him away from the heavy lifting and limit his coffee consumption too. It was a new treat for him, but he drank it like water claiming caffeine didn’t affect dragons the same way as it did other shifters. Eventually, I’d ask a doctor if he was right, but for now I just loved watching his eyes light up whenever he drank it.

  “I love you too, Alpha,” he murmured turning to his side and hugging my pillow close to his chest. “So, quit watching me sleep and go teach those kids how to dig up the past.”

  “There’s coffee in the kitchen,” I said and stole a goodbye kiss before going back outside.

  “This might be your last dig as a professor. Enjoy it,” my wolf yawned, “but give me some coffee in the meantime. It’s too early to deal with all these damn people. Maybe some of that dragon whisky too.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I woke up well after lunchtime. The muffled voices of students carried through the cabin. I caught odd words and phrases.

  “So much dirt.”

  “Thought we’d find something by now.”

  “My back’s already hurting.”

  “Where did my brush go?”

  “Did you take my little shovel thing?”

  “Are they the finest minds the world has to offer?” My dragon chuckled. “You took my shovel! Get out of my sandbox! They’re acting like children at the playground instead of adults studying the past.”

  Cut them some slack. It’s their first time. If Alpha picked them to come out here, I’m sure they’re worth the effort.

  “What happened to us not approving of this nonsense of digging up people’s lives and graves?”

  Those dragon scales happened. Sure, they shouldn’t have left them in totes, but if Rhett didn’t do his job, they would still be scattered around the island waiting for anyone to find them and use them for whatever they wanted. Better for them to be in totes than in a dark wizard’s potion.



  “I think I know how Corden fooled him,” he sat up inside my chest.

  Our carrier?

  “Yes, our carrier! Who else would I be talking about?” He snapped.

  What about any of the other dragons he fooled too?

  “You only have to fool the leader of the flight! The rest follows!”

  But I didn’t?

  “That’s because you were of two flights! The Moonscales and the Starscales. He couldn’t fool you, because he hadn’t tricked both. You saw through his guise. No, we saw through his guise, because of Father’s blood.”

  My blood ran cold. Anger twisted my stomach. I wanted to rip apart the pillow in my arms but stopped short. If life grew in my belly anger wouldn’t aid the baby’s development. I was so angry at Dad for not seeing who Corden really was, but if he was cursed, he couldn’t! I should have gone to find the rest of the Starscales.

  “That’s impossible. They left the planet before we were born. Father only stayed because he found his mate.”

  For once, I was the one who ended our internal monologue with silence. My dragon settled in the middle of my stomach and curled up with his head on his tail. We both had a lo
t to think about. One epiphany rewrote our past. Perhaps, Clarence and the other Moonscales were too busy to come and sort through the scales of the fallen, but maybe it wasn’t that simple. Maybe they left them here at an island classroom, because no one would think to look here. No one would think a classroom hid great power.

  The coffee Rhett left me was already cold, but I didn’t care. The cold made the sugar twice as sweet and the sugary flavors were my favorite part of coffee. The doughnuts were a little hard, but not stale yet. As I ate, I considered what my next move should be. I needed to move the scales somewhere no one knew about. I trusted Rhett, but the students were wild cards. Wizards, magi, and other powerful magic users were few and far between. Dark wizards were even rarer.

  “Better safe than sorry,” my dragon chimed in without lifting his head.

  I took a quick shower and headed outside. Rhett was speaking with Samantha. He smiled and nodded in my direction. I waved and smiled hoping to hide the anxiety the realization about my parents left in my stomach. Rhett looked me over from head to toe and then returned to his conversation.

  Before I moved the scales, I need to know where everyone was. The best strategy was the one no one knew of. I started south to check the flight path leaving the island. Dragons were too big for a stealthy take off in most situations. A team of sweaty students bent over a single spot on the grid. One woman, an omega rabbit, was laying out their plan to cover each square of the grid together. She looked up when she felt me staring at the group.

  “Hey! Come on over! You must be Professor Warren’s mate! I’m Lisa Bolt southside team leader,” she held out her hand. “The professor says you have some experience in this area. Any advice? Between you and me, I’d love to wipe the smirk off Matthew’s face. He spent the flight here hitting on everyone and not really taking the hint that no one’s interested.”

  “I’ll talk to Rhett, I mean Professor Warren, about it,” I shook her hand.

  “Please don’t,” she shook her head fast. “He’ll just deny it. I mean, not even Samantha has told him. The Tidmores donate a lot of money to the academy.”

  “I told you I’d take care of it,” a gruff voiced bear beta spoke up. “He might think he’s big and bad, but he’s just a sack of crap on legs.”

  Lisa tried and failed to swallow a laugh.

  “Thanks, Barney, but we have it under control. I’m not letting him ruin this dig for me. I’ve dreamt about this day since I was a little girl. On that note, any advice, Professor? I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”

  “I didn’t say,” I laughed. “Brendan Moonscale,” I introduced myself to the group.

  “Oh! No wonder you know so much about this stuff! Moonscales keep such great family trees! Have you seen the official tree in the scribe’s office?” Lisa bounced on her heels.

  “Not yet,” I shook my head and made a note to ask Rhett about it later. “And I’m not a professor either.”

  “Sorry,” Lisa blushed.

  “Don’t be. It’s an easy mistake to make. I’m here working on a side project. If you find any scales can you bring them to the cabin after you record them?” I asked.

  “Of course! We’re happy to be of service! Professor Warren said your words were his own. Are you looking for anything in particular?”

  “Any dragon scales,” I said again. “Even broken bits and pieces.”

  “Alright, you heard him team! Any scales go to Mr. Moonscale at the professor’s cabin!”

  “Please, call me Brendan,” I smiled. “I’m going to take another look around. I’ll catch up with you guys later. Good luck with your dig!”

  Lisa shook my hand again before I left. I walked down to the shore. Nothing blocked the path to the beach. Flying might draw some attention, but I’d tell Rhett I was going home for lunch. I could take some of the scales home in our lunch cooler every day and hide them on the island.

  “The gold vaults. We’re the only one left alive who can get inside.”

  I nodded to myself and walked along the shore. Warm waves washed over my feet and sand squished between my toes. My fingers longed to entwine with Rhett’s and share this experience with him. We hadn’t been farther than an island’s length away from each other since we met. If my new planned worked, we be on different islands. Not too far apart, but far enough that if the island moved while he wasn’t there, I’d have one hell of a flight back to him. I shook off the fear and started to the storage building. There were less scales there and storage was less secure than the cabin. Moving them would be a test run. That way if anything went wrong, I didn’t lose scales of my family. I didn’t plan on losing anyone’s scales, but I still had to weigh the risks.

  “David, you’re a fucking moron! Don’t you know how to do anything?” An angry smelling wolf Alpha growled.

  “I think we hear Matthew,” my dragon rolled his eyes and let out a puff of smoke that burnt my nose.

  “I didn’t mean to drop the coffee on the grid! You bumped into me and knocked it out of my hand!” Another man said.

  I sprinted silently until the men were in sight. Matthew towered over the small skittish David. My fingers curled into fists, but I didn’t move. I needed to know what he’d do next. If I waited and let him mess up bad enough, Rhett would kick him off the island.

  “You’re a clumsy moron! I can’t believe Professor Warren let you anywhere near a dig site! He’ll probably send your ass home when he finds out you ruined the grid!”

  “Matthew cut it out!” A bear Alpha stepped up. “You bumped into him. It’s some coffee in a grid that’s been dug by at least ten classes before us. He didn’t hurt anything.”

  “You wanna go, Frankie?” Matthew growled turning to face the bear.

  “You don’t want to fight me, Matthew. I trained for the Nightshade Militia.”

  “Then what the hell are you doing here?” Matthew laughed. “You flunk out?”

  “No, actually, I did well enough that they paid for my education abroad. I’m majoring in mixed European combats. I’m here, because I was the only student to apply with any military education. I’m a guard. A warrior. One of the few things standing between you and any angry dragon we might wake up. So, you don’t want to piss me off wolf boy. My elven ancestors ate scum like you for a midnight snack.”

  “An elf in a bear army? Are you guys hearing this stupid fucker?” Matthew laughed. “And here I thought, you were the dumbest shit here, David. I was wrong, buddy. I’m sorry. You fucked up the grid, but this guy thinks he’s a fucking mythical fairy man.”

  David sniffed and turned to the tree line. He sprinted but tripped over a stump not two foot from where he started.

  “Can’t even run!” Matthew laughed.

  I stepped out of the shadows and met the wolf’s eyes. My own shifted showing him a bit of the beast within. Frankie grinned and waved. Elves and dragons had a long history of love and hate relationships. We loved. We fought. We ate some of them. They killed some of us and used our scales as shields. It was complex, but it was what it was. Matthew took a few steps back and bumped into Frankie who pushed him away.

  “There will be no harassing people on my family’s property,” I said keeping my tone even.

  I was a dragon. Unlike the pup, I didn’t need to throw a tantrum to make my point.

  “Who are you?” Matthew said gathering what courage he hadn’t used to not piss himself upon meeting a dragon.

  “Brendan Moonscale.”

  “Ha. Ha. Fucking ha. Funny. You’re the man from the lore.” He rolled his eyes.

  “I’m Professor Warren’s mate. He’s rather fond of me from what I gather. Don’t cross me and don’t harass your classmates. Do your job. Lead your little team. Get your grade and stay out of my way. If you don’t, Frankie and I might have to play a game of wolf ball.”

  Frankie laughed, but no one else said anything. I looked around for David, but he wasn’t there. Frankie jerked his head towards the trees.

  “Frankie, if th
ere’s any more problems find me. I’ll be around,” I said and headed into the forest to look for David.

  There weren’t many places for a full-grown man to hide. He was a shifter. I wasn’t sure which kind, but his scent didn’t light up a memory for me.

  “David?” I called out softly.

  A series of high-pitched squeaks came from beneath a bush. I dropped to my belly on the ground and looked under the foliage to find a gray mouse.

  “David?” I asked.

  I didn’t want to be the crazy dragon giving a mouse a pep talk, while the real David hid behind a tree trying to figure out if I was just plain crazy or the dangerous sort of crazy. The mouse nodded and I flashed him a sad smile. Growing up, most of the Alphas I knew were decent people. They bumped heads and sometimes said careless things, but until Corden I never knew that life off my island was so rough.

  “Are you okay? I’m sorry Matthew’s an asshat. He’s just insecure and trying to make himself look better by making other people look bad. It’s not going to work, though. Rhett, I mean, Professor Warren is too smart not to see through it. Even if he doesn’t, I’ll make him. How about we go get a bite to eat and then you can get back to work? I don’t want you to lose class participation points.”

  He shook his little mousey head.

  “I know you don’t know me, but I’m one of the good guys. I’m an omega like you and I know how it is to be pushed around by a brute. I’ve got your back and I’m a lot bigger than a wolf. Even an Alpha wolf.”

  David shifted back to his human form. He sat inside the bush with his knees drawn to his chest.

  “I need to ask a favor from you, David. Do you think you can help me?” I asked sitting up.


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