The Sleeping Omega Prince

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The Sleeping Omega Prince Page 12

by Maggie Hemlock

  “I’m not good at many things. I just memorized a lot of historical details to get into the class.”

  “I’ll show you how to do everything. I need help making a catalogue of artifacts and sorting things out. I may also need someone who can squeeze into tight spots to look for things. I’m working on something top secret on a close by island.”

  “Are you running a drug ring? I left home, because my parents fell in with one of those back in Chicago,” David sighed. “I’m really not looking to work for a drug front. That’s why I’m busting my mousey tail to make something of myself.”

  “I promise it’s not a drug ring. Let me tell you something about dragons. There’s not a drug out there that can do anything to us. So, we don’t mess with them. Can you keep a secret?”

  “Maybe,” he scooted back from me.

  “Take a chance. We could use the help,” my dragon encouraged me.

  I took a deep breath and a chance that David wouldn’t think I was a mad man. It took all of five minutes to explain to the mouse shifter who I was. His eyes lit up as I spoke.

  “That’s why Professor Warren is obsessed with the Sleeping Omega Prince lore!” He grinned. “It all makes sense now!”

  “Yes,” I nodded with a grin. It was nice to tell someone the truth about who I was. Despite not speaking the words, I loved Rhett, but I missed having friends. Dragons are social creatures. In flights, omega dragons all pull together to take care of the hatchlings and the chores.

  “But what do you need my help with?” David asked.

  “Rebuilding my home and saving everything I can.”

  “I’m not the most experienced,” David looked down.

  “Experts are overrated. Think of it as on the job experience. I can pay you,” I said.

  “What about the class?” He asked.

  “I think Rhett will give you credit for helping me. I mean, you’ll be working a site no one else has ever visited.”

  “Will you ask him, though? I don’t want to rock the boat. I think I’ve done that enough today with the coffee.”

  “That wasn’t your fault, but I’ll be happy to talk to Rhett about it,” I patted him on the back.

  “I feel like I should hug you,” David laughed.

  I hugged him and helped him to his feet.

  “For today, go back to the dig. Don’t say anything to the others, but don’t let Matthew push you around either,” I grinned at him.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  My back ached from dealing with the moron Matthew Tidmore. Shortly after lunch, he took his team off their assigned dig to uproot a tree he thought he spotted something under. Of course, there was nothing there except bugs, worms, and good old fashion rocks, but the dumbass found himself trapped under the tree. He might have died if it wasn’t for Frankie’s quick thinking. He ordered the team to dig up the dirt around and under Matthew to give them room to move him. The afternoon consisted of me promoting Frankie to northside team lead and showing my students how to productively make use of the fallen tree. They were just as tired as I was, but I hoped they learned something from it. Matthew was still cursing under his breath when I headed back to the cabin for dinner.

  The cabin smelled like microwave dinners and Brendan. The first I could live without, but the second brought a smile to my face despite the events of the afternoon. He set the table and served the food from the microwave dishes on the old plates from the back of the cabinet. Left to my own devices I ate straight from the trays. He also found an old cup and filled it with some wildflowers from around the island.

  “Welcome home,” he grinned bringing out a pitcher of ice-cold sweet tea.

  “You’re a sight for a sore back,” I laughed and gave him a quick hug.

  “For a sore back?” He arched a brow.

  Something was off about his scent, but I figured it had to do with being away from home for the first time in his life.

  “Matthew knocked over a tree looking for pirates’ treasure,” I laughed and stole a kiss.

  “I actually need to speak with you about him,” Brendan said.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve stripped him of team lead.”

  “He was really mean to David today and I don’t mean really mean like how some Alpha’s play the good ole boy card either.”

  “Frankie told me,” I nodded.

  “You’re not kicking him off the dig?” He put his hands on his hips.

  The pose broadened his shoulders and showed off his lean muscular form. I raked my eyes over him letting his shirtless torso burn away the negative energy of the day.

  “Hey! Don’t look at me like that. We’re not romping until we talk this out. He’s harassing his team. He hit on everyone on the plane. Lisa said he even hit on Samantha.”

  “Samantha told me. He went through the group and everyone turned him down. He’s a horn ball, but I think today put him in check.”

  “What if it didn’t?” Brendan asked narrowing his eyes on me.

  “Then if he messes up again, he goes.”

  “If his parents didn’t donate money to the academy would you still allow him to stay?”

  I pulled Brendan into a hug and stole a kiss. He kissed me back half-heartedly.

  “Yes, because young people make mistakes. It happens every day. Until I met the shaman who clued me in about you, I was just another frat boy. I was dumb and drunk most of the time. Then you came into the picture and everything changed. I think nearly dying will shake Matthew up and wake him up to the real world.”

  “Do you really think one bad day is going to change him forever?” Brendan asked.

  “Not forever. Not just one bad day. Other things will add up. I’ve seen more than one student turn around on a dig. I wouldn’t have made him team lead if I knew about his behavior on the plane. I didn’t at the time. I rectified it once I was aware,” I crossed my arms.

  “I want David to help me rebuild Moonscale Island,” Brendan crossed his arms. “He’s a mouse shifter. He can get into places I can’t fit even in my human form. David doesn’t belong around someone like Matthew. I understand your need to fix a student, but I want David to help me. It’ll separate him and Matthew and he’ll learn more from rebuilding the past than digging it up.”

  I nodded and considered my next words carefully.

  “Why him? Besides getting him away from Matthew?” I asked.

  “Because I think he can listen and keep a secret. He’s known how I am since right after lunch and he hasn’t told anyone else.”

  “Why don’t you want me to help you rebuild?” I asked before I could stop myself.

  Brendan hung his head. I was a dick for making it about my ego, but I spent years researching the lore. I knew his story. I knew every piece of information about Moonscale Island that survived into the modern day. So why didn’t my mate want me to help rebuild his home? A home that could be ours if we didn’t return to the mainland.

  “Because I can’t keep my emotions from you when you’re close by. It’s going to be messy. It’s going to be emotional. I’m probably going to find more dead relatives. If I stop and cry every time I’ll never finish. When you’re there it’s too easy to go into your arms and hide from the world. I’m not saying I won’t ask for help if I need it, but I need to do this. I’ve never stood on my own feet before. My parents were always there to take care of me. I need to do this. I want our hatchlings to come into the world in the same nursery as I did.”

  I swallowed hard and my hands dropped to my sides. My anger crumbled to surprised hope.

  “Are we expecting?”

  “Not yet. At least I don’t think so,” Brendan said. “But sooner or later we will be.”

  “Then let me help build our children’s home,” I took his hands in mine.

  “I will, but I need to do the clean up on my own.”

  “But with David’s help,” I laughed.

  “With David’s help so I don’t break down every time I stumb
le upon something sad. So, what do you say? Can I borrow David and you still give him class credit?” Brendan pressed his forehead against mine.

  “Do you think he’s up for it? He’s not the most outgoing student I’ve ever taught.”

  “He doesn’t need to be outgoing for what I have in mind. Besides, he seemed really excited about a change of pace.”

  “Do you trust him?” I asked.

  “I love it when you’re all overprotective Alpha, but I’m a dragon and he’s a mouse. If he turns out to be evil, I’ll eat him in one bite,” Brendan smirked.

  “Fine, you can borrow David, but if you need help you have to promise to come to me. We’re in this thing called life together, you know that, right?”

  “I know, but you can stay here and keep your promise and I can fly home and work on rebuilding at the same time. I’ll come home in time to make dinner every night.”

  “As long as you’re home in time to eat dinner with me I think we’ll survive,” I said and leaned in for a kiss.

  His lips were soft and supple under mine. He parted them accepting my tongue. Brendan always tasted sweet like the coffee he drank by the gallon.

  “Kissing you is almost enough to give me a caffeine buzz,” I laughed when the kiss ended.

  “That’s all me, Alpha,” he smirked. “Now, let’s eat dinner than I’ll give you a shoulder massage.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  “After dinner you can hold me to any part of you that you please,” Brendan said and wrapped his arms around my neck.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The next morning, I woke up early enough to shake Rhett awake for an early morning romp before the rest of the camp was alive. During our time alone it became part of our routine and a part I wasn’t ready to give up yet. After breakfast we shared a goodbye kiss and I went to look for David. Despite not knowing if Rhett agreed, he was ready with his backpack and gear. I wasn’t sure what we’d need, but he looked prepared for everything from a mudslide to a hurricane.

  “Did he say yes?” He asked bouncing on the balls of his sneakered feet.

  “Of course, he did,” I grinned. “He knows the secret to a happy life is a happy mate.”

  “When do we leave?” David asked.

  “Soon. I just need to find a spot big enough to shift.”

  “There’s a clearing down south,” Rhett stepped up next to me.

  “Hey, we already kissed goodbye,” I teased.

  “We’ll just have to do it again. I wanted to make sure you guys got off to a safe start,” Rhett wrapped his arm around my waist. I leaned into his warmth.

  “Thanks for letting me help on your mate’s project, Professor Warren,” David said nervously fidgeting with his backpack’s drawstring.

  “You’re welcome, but you should thank him. It’s his project and he’s calling the shots.”

  “Oh,” I turned to look at him. “I have somewhere to move the scales too, but I might need your help.”

  “Anything for you,” Rhett stole a kiss.

  Moving the scales to the clearing was the easy part. The dig site was cluttered with wheelbarrows and wagons. The real work fell onto Rhett and David. Neither of them had loaded a dragon for flight and there was a definite learning curve. By myself I would have to carry them in my front claws or by a rope hanging from my mouth. With help, I could carry them on my back.

  “Make sure you leave a place for David to sit,” I reminded Rhett over our mating link.

  “He’s nervous about flying.”

  “He’s safer on my back than on any plane,” I chuckled.

  “You call me when you two land. I won’t breathe easy until I know you’re safe.”

  “It’s a short flight, Alpha. I’ll be okay. Besides I don’t have a phone.”

  “David does.”

  “It’s so strange that everyone carries them around to keep in touch with non-flight members. Back in the day our parents told us to avoid strangers.”

  “And yet you’re taking David to your island,” Rhett said.

  Irritation tinged his scent. He felt left out and pushed aside. His feelings stung, but this was the only way we could ensure the dean didn’t sue us and that our home was ready for our eggs. I didn’t know if I was pregnant or not, but home called my name. Ancient whispers danced through my mind and something primal said it was time to build a nest. We’d been together less than two weeks, but male omega pregnancies didn’t take long to show up. Dragon gestation could last anywhere from six weeks to years depending on how the eggs went about their development. I was the carrier. It was my job to build the nest. Why didn’t Rhett understand? He wasn’t a dragon, but our claiming vow should have taught him a thing or two about dragon culture.

  “Don’t start that again, please. I know you want to help, and you are helping. You’re helping me move these really important scales to safety. Do you not trust David?” I asked him.

  “I do. I just wish you’d let me be there for you.”

  “You will be. Every morning and every evening. We could even fly back for lunch some days. Besides, it’s not forever. The dig only lasts a few weeks,” I assured him.

  “I know it doesn’t make sense. I just don’t like the idea of you being that far away.”

  “I can be here in two minutes if I really hurry.”

  “I’ll time your flight then.”

  “Well, it’ll take longer with a passenger and boxes to carry and unload,” I explained.

  “Be safe, mate. There’s still so much we haven’t done yet.”

  “I’ll let you know when we land. Do you still want me to call?” I asked him.

  “We need to see if the phones work from there to here. That way if something ever happens to you and you can’t reach out over the mating link David can call me for help.”

  “If I’m knocked out, David’s dead. I mean a blow to knock me out would splat a mouse,” I chuckled.

  “Is everything okay?” David asked. “You two aren’t changing your minds about me helping, are you?”

  “Not at all. We’re just reviewing safety protocols. Climb on up,” Rhett said.

  “Can I get a boost, professor?” David asked.

  I carried Rhett’s uneasiness with me on my flight home. Blue skies stretched out and hugged Moonstruck Island but faded to gray storm clouds as we neared Moonscale Island. I flew lower than I liked to keep David from freezing. He wasn’t dressed to fly above clouds.

  “I think someone’s waiting for us,” David shouted from my back.

  I squinted. On the beach stood an outline of a man. I hovered and held my breath trying to discern who was down there. Had Corden really come back to finish the job? Had other Moonscales rediscovered the island?

  The figure squatted and dug in the sand. He held something up towards the sun for a better look.

  “THIEF!” My dragon roared. The sound crawled out of my throat and echoed through the gray stormy skies.

  The figure looked up and ran inland.

  “HOLD ON!” I roared unsure if David got the hint.

  I soared through the clouds nose aimed at the island. I held my breath allowing the oxygen to stroke the fire in my belly ready to fry the trespassing thief.

  “What’s going on, mate?” Rhett reached out over our mating link.

  “Thief! Fried thief on my island!”

  “I’m on my way!”

  “What are you going to do swim?” I roared over the link.

  “If I have to!”

  Rhett continued speaking, but his words were out of focus. My dragon took control and I let my humanity fade away. On my back, David held tight to one of the straps holding the totes in place. Closer to the ground I breathed in again. Matthew’s scent washed over my head. I didn’t think I’d get a chance to eat him this soon, but he’d never cause trouble for me or my mate again.

  “You can’t eat a student!” Rhett said.

  “The hell I can’t! He’s a tre
spasser and dragons eat trespassers!” I roared.

  Matthew cut through the forest heading for the waterfall. My lips twisted into a grin. He’d never break through the ward. He was trapped like a fish in a barrel. He sprinted headfirst through the fall and bounced off the invisible wall of the ward.

  “What the fuck?” He roared and banged his hand on the air around it.

  “Don’t eat him. Don’t eat him. Please, don’t eat him. I don’t want to watch. I don’t want to see that. Please don’t eat him,” David whisper chanted from my back.

  “Brendan! Brendan, can you hear me? We’re coming! Samantha and I are coming over on one of the row boats!”

  “You’re kicking him off the dig or I’m eating him. You decide, Alpha!” I circled high above the island.

  Matthew shifted and started for the shore. He kicked aside some seaweed and grass and uncovered a boat.

  “Fucking trespassing thief stole a boat from the dig site!”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Samantha rowed the boat. I stood on the forward edge shifted and scanning the horizon for any sign of Matthew’s boat. Whatever he took from Brendan he was going to return one way or another. Anger vibrated inside my belly and crawled out of my throat as a growl. Droplets of water splashed my paws and legs with each row. I didn’t look down or shake them off. My eyes were on the prize: Moonscale Island. My mate was there alone with another omega and a possibly deranged Alpha wolf.

  “I’m sorry. I should’ve known he’d be trouble,” Samantha sighed.

  A second later, through the storm clouds I glimpsed Matthew rowing his boat as hard as he could in the opposite direction. I leapt into the water splashing Samantha and most of our boat, but I didn’t stop. I shouldn’t have let Brendan and David go alone. Regret twisted my stomach but didn’t slow me down. I cut through the water like a fish. My high school career involved every sports team that would have me, including swim team. If the sea mist held its own, I could use it as cover to swim under his boat and capsize it.

  “Head to shore, Alpha. I got him. He’s not going anywhere!” Brendan roared over our mating link. “The slimy bastard will meet you there!”


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