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Cross My Heart

Page 25

by Elizabeth Morgan

  Generations – The different ages of Vampires created after Marko Pavel

  Glamour - Vampire trick; First Three Generations of Vampires are able to take hold of animals and humans minds and therefore control them

  Half-Breed - A person of mixed descent/Any animal resulting from the crossing of different breeds or types

  Hybrid(s) - The offspring of two animals of different species or varieties/ A thing created by combining two different elements

  Infected – A human who has the Vampyrric Virus

  Initiation - Blood ceremony to welcome new Werewolves/Loup-Garous to the Pack

  Leech(es) – Term used by the Werewolves in regards to Vampires

  Legacy - Something left or handed down by a predecessor

  Lingo - (Latin) - A foreign language or local dielct

  Loup-Garou – Female offspring of a male Werewolf

  Luna(r) - (Latin name) - The Moon

  Maker – The term for a Vampire who turns a human

  Master – Male Maker

  Mate - Werewolf term for Soul-mates/The One

  Mated - Physical connection between two Werewolves

  Mating Process - Werewolf version of dating; intense process which involves the couple having to challenge any other interested parties, announcing themselves as mates to the Pack, mating, and gaining permission off Alpha to be bonded

  Mistress – Female Maker

  Monkshood - Poisonous to Werewolves (aka. Wolfsbane)

  Nest - Group of Vampires (aka. Colony)

  Offspring - The product or result of something/ An animal's young/ A persons child or children

  Pack - Group of Werewolves

  Pact - A formal agreement between individuals or parties(aka Treaty)

  Premonition - A strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant

  Prophet - A person who will predict what happens in the future (aka Psychic, etc)

  Psychic - A person considered or claiming to have psychic powers(aka Clairvoyant, etc)

  Pure Blood - Term used for a born Werewolf or Loup-Garou

  Second-sight – The ability to see future or distant events; clairvoyance

  Shift - First Three Generations of Vampires are able to shift into an unknown form

  Shifter – A human who is able to shift from their human form to an animal of their choice

  Silver - Type of metal: Harmful to Vampires and Werewolves

  Slayer – A person who hunts and kills Vampires

  Strigoii – A Romanian Vampire

  Territory – An area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state

  Treaty - A formally concluded and ratified agreement between states (aka Pact)

  Vamphood – A twist on the term Manhood

  Vampire – A species that is commonly known for drinking its victim’s blood

  Vampyrric Virus – The mutation that starts the first stage of being turned into a Vampire

  Vocktail – A Vampire mock/cocktail

  Venom – Poison contained in Vampires blood, which kills its victims

  Werewolf – An individual who is able to shift in to a half-form; combination of woman/man and wolf

  Were-gene – The Werewolf Gene

  Wolfsbane - Poisonous to Werewolves (aka.Monkshood)

  Language Translations

  English (Slang)

  Bloody - Used to express anger, annoyance, or shock, or simply for emphasis

  Bollocks - Nonsense/rubbish

  Buggered - Extremely tired

  Chat/Chatting - Talk/Talking

  Cockney - London Accent

  Cranny - A small, narrow space or opening (aka Nook)

  Dump – Dumping ground (aka garbage dump)

  Fellow - A man or boy(aka Fella)

  Fiver - A five pound note

  Geordie - Newcastle Accent

  Git - An unpleasant or contemptible person

  Gob - Spit

  Got Pissed - Got Drunk

  (Jump) into the sack - Jump into bed with someone

  Kidding - Deceive someone in a playful way; tease or joke

  Nab - Take, grab, or steal something

  Narked -Annoyed

  Nook - A corner or recess, especially one offering seclusion or security (aka Cranny)

  Northerner - Individual from the North of the country

  Mammy - A child's word for their mother

  Mate - Pal/Friend

  Mongrels - A person of mixed descent/Any animal resulting from the crossing of different breeds or types a.k.a Half-Breed

  Pants - Rubbish/Nonsense

  Pissed - Drunk or very annoyed (aka Pissed Off)

  Pissed Off - Drunk or very angry (aka Pissed)

  Prick - A vulgar word for Penis

  Quid - One Pound Sterling

  Ringing - Call by telephone

  Shite - Shit

  Sod - An unpleasant or obnoxious person

  Take/Taking the piss - Mock someone of something


  Femme - Female

  Merci - Thank you

  Oui - Yes


  Ηρεμα, Μαστορα - Be calm, Master

  Μαστορα; - Master?

  Αγγελε μου - My Angel

  Φιλη μου - My Friend

  Αγαπημενοι μου - My Loved Ones

  Μητερα μου - My Mother

  Γιε μου - My Son

  Καμια λυπη - No Regrets

  Είναι δυναμικη - She's Strong

  Γλυκιε μου - Sweet One

  Τι εγινε; - What is it?


  Aye – Yes

  Daidi – Father, Da, Dad or Daddy

  Eejit – Idiot

  Mamai – Mother, Ma, Mum or Mummy


  Basta cosi - Enough/That will do

  Bastardo/i – Bastard/s

  Bella Mia - My beautiful one

  Benvenuto – Welcome

  Brava – Bravo

  Brutta Sgualdrina – Ugly bitch

  Cane - Dog

  Cara Mia – My dear/honey

  Chiudi la bocca - Shut your mouth

  Confuso – Fuzzy

  Contagiata - Infected/Disease

  Cosa? - What?

  Disgustosa/o - Disgusting

  Finalmente - Finally

  Forza, a lavoro ragazzi - Go on, get to work guys

  Grazie - Thank you

  Ho detto vattene - I said go

  Infetta/o – Infected

  Lasciaci soli - Leave us

  Lupo intelligente - Clever wolf

  Mia - My

  Muoviti - Move

  Ora - Now

  Padrona – Mistress

  Perdonami - Forgive me

  Piccola – Little

  Portatelo via - Take him away

  Puttana – Whore/Bitch/Prostitute

  Ragazzi? - Boys?

  Salve – Hello

  Sgualdrina – A female who sleeps around/loose woman/dirty whore

  Si - Yes

  Sono occupato - I'm busy

  Sparite - Move it/Get out/Get lost

  Spostati, cagnetto - Move, little dog

  Stupido - Foolish

  Ti prego – Please

  Ti voglio – I want you

  Origin Unknown

  Boss - A person in control of a group or situation

  Brick Shithouse - A person with a well developed body; implies an element of indestructibility

  Chime in - Interject a remark

  Fella - Non-standard spelling of fellow, used in representing speech in various dialects (aka Fellow)

  Hovel - A small squalid or simply constructed dwelling

  Nod/Nodded Off - To fall asleep or doze momentarily, especially in a sitting position

  No shit - You Think?

  Piss Off - Get lost/go away

  Screw you - Fuck you/Go to hell

  Shitload - A large amount or number
r />   Tattled - Gossip idly/ Report another's wrongdoings; tell tales

  Zoned Out - To become oblivious to ones surroundings


  Aye - Yes

  Bonny - Attractive/Beautiful

  Laddie - Boy or Young Man

  Lass(ie) - Girl or Young Woman

  Pet - Term of endearment

  Wee - Little


  Loco - Crazy

  Mi pequeña asesina - My little murderer


  I’m so happy to finally be able to share the next instalment in the Blood Series. Cross My Heart ended up being a longer work in progress than Blood Secrets was. It was never my intention to take so long to write this boo, but I do hope you find it worth the wait.

  Firstly, I want to thank my friend and editor, Zee Monodee who – as always – is full of positivity and support. Once again, she has worked her magic and calmed my inner doubt. Thank you, Zee.

  Fiona Jayde, I cannot thank you enough for taking on the challenge of designing the next cover in the Blood Series. I seriously love it.

  And lastly and most importantly; my readers, old and new, thank you for taking a chance on my work. Thank you for your patience in regard to this book and well, just in general. I appreciate your support and understanding. I hope you found Cross My Heart worth the wait and are as excited as I am for the final instalment, which I have already started and am aiming to finish sooner than the last two books.

  Thank you for your ongoing support, your comments, and your reviews; just thank you. You are truly wonderful, and I hope from the bottom of my heart that you continue to trust in my creative insanity and enjoy my stories.

  About the Author

  Elizabeth Morgan is a multi-published author of urban fantasy, paranormal, erotic horror, f/f, and contemporary; all with a degree of romance, a dose of action and a hit of sarcasm, sizzle or blood, but you can be sure that no matter what the genre, Elizabeth always manages to give a unique and often humorous spin to her stories.

  Like her tagline says; A pick ‘n’ mix genre author. “I’m not greedy. I just like variety.”

  And that she does, so look out for more information on her upcoming releases at her website:

  Away from the computer, Elizabeth can be found in the garden trying hard not to kill her plants, dancing around her little cottage with the radio on while she cleans, watching Netflix or curled up with her three cats reading a book.




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