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A Nightmare Marriage

Page 4

by Bethany Hauck

  “Then I guess we’re ready to go,” Fiona said, mounting her horse with the aid of Logan.

  “You have your new necklace?” Jacqueline asked her as she prepared to ride away.

  “It’ll be with me always,” Fiona said, nodding and fingering the blue stone that hung around her neck and was her connection to help from home.

  “Safe travels then,” Jacqueline said, as her husband slid his arm around her. They watched as Fiona turned her horse to join those of the men from Dunnottar, as she began the journey to her new home.

  Chapter 5 Gregor the Arse

  “How are you holding up, Lady Fiona?” Brody asked, riding up on the side of her. “Do you need to stop and rest soon?”

  “I’m fine,” she answered politely. “Thank you for asking though.”

  “If you need anything just ask, My Lady,” Brody said, nodding towards her.

  “Just call me Fiona, please,” she told him, “and you’re Brody correct?”

  “Yes, my...I mean, Fiona,” he said, smiling at her. “I’m the Captain of the Guard and also your husband’s best friend. We’ve been friends since we were young boys.”

  “Must be nice to have a friend like that still,” Fiona said sadly, thinking how she would never be able to see her best friend again.

  “I’m sure you have some close friends back in Tarmon,” Brody said, making conversation and trying to get to know her a bit better.

  “My sister by marriage and I are close,” Fiona answered. “But my best friend since we were children has been Brayden, and I doubt I’ll see him anytime soon, if ever.”

  “Your betrothed?” asked Gregor, riding up on her other side. “How close were you and this Brayden?”

  “I already said he was my best friend,” Fiona said, she did not like this new brother by marriage. “Not that it’s any concern of yours, but we shared almost everything with each other.”

  “Hmm,” Gregor said. “I wonder how much everything included?”

  “What are you trying to say, Gregor?” Fiona asked. “Why are you so interested in my friendship with Brayden?”

  “It’s of interest to me if it affects my brother,” Gregor said.

  “Well it doesn’t matter now anyway,” Fiona said. “I’ll not be seeing him again.”

  “But it does matter,” Gregor said. “As you’ve said, you shared everything with him.”

  “Enough, Gregor,” said Logan, he had been riding close enough to hear the conversation.

  “I’m just looking out for you, brother,” Gregor said. “I’d hate for you to find out later how much your new wife shared with her friend.” He stressed the words shared and friend, making them sound almost sinister.

  “What my wife has or hasn’t done isn’t your business,” Logan told him. He didn’t want to admit it, but because of Gregor, he too was beginning to wonder what was shared between his wife and her ex-betrothed.

  “Ignore them, Fiona,” Brody said. “They’re like this together most days.”

  “That’s something I can easily accomplish,” Fiona said, giving her horse a nudge and making it speed up a bit to get away from the two men who were annoying her.

  “You two are making the lass uncomfortable,” Brody said to the brothers.

  “I’m just trying to get my brother to see she isn’t the perfect bride he thinks she is,” Gregor said.

  “I barely know the girl,” Logan said, “and you don’t know her either. Give her a chance, Gregor.”

  “I heard enough from her ‘friend’ Brayden in the tavern to know they were closer than she’s letting on,” Gregor said.

  “What did he say?” Logan asked his brother.

  “Enough for me to believe you’re getting used goods,” Gregor said.

  “I don’t believe that for a second,” Brody told them both, disgusted with what Gregor was insinuating. “I’ve just met the lass, but she seems perfectly respectable to me. She told me herself this Brayden was her best friend.”

  “Her best friend that she shared everything with,” Gregor said again. “Even her family seemed to be glad she was marrying quickly. Why is that?”

  “They were not happy with the marriage at all,” Brody said. “Maybe if you wouldn’t have made such a scene when we arrived in the hall and had to leave, you’d know that. Didn’t you notice how upset her Da seemed?”

  “Didn’t seem that way to me. In fact, why would any father give their daughter up to a man they hardly know without a fight?” Gregor asked.

  “Because he knows better than to go against the King,” Logan said to his brother, although he was beginning to have doubts about the lass himself now.

  “I guess you’ll know soon enough how much she and her betrothed shared,” Gregor said, nudging his horse ahead of the others, calling over his shoulder, “I just hope it isn’t too late to undo this marriage by then.”

  “Do you think he’s right and she had relations with this Brayden already?” Logan asked his friend.

  “Nay,” Brody said. “I don’t believe it. I think Gregor is being an arse and just trying to cause problems between you and your bride, but as he said, you’ll find out soon enough.”


  “We’ll stop and camp here for the night,” Logan said to his wife and men a few hours later.

  “Thank goodness,” Fiona murmured. Her arse and thighs had gone numb quite a while before. She was used to riding often and rode around Tarmon a few times a week, but rarely made trips of this distance.

  “Let me help you,” Logan said, walking up to her horse and stretching his arms up to her. She slid into them, and he slowly lowered her to the ground.

  Fiona was happy to finally be off the horse until her feet hit the ground. She held onto Logan for just a few seconds longer than it was probably necessary since she wasn’t sure her legs were going to hold her up at first.

  “Are you alright?” Logan asked her, afraid to let go.

  “I’m fine,” she said, as she let go of him. “I’m just not used to being on a horse this long,” she explained.

  “You should have said something if you needed a break more often,” Logan said to her. “I would’ve stopped for you to stretch your legs.”

  “She looks fine to me,” Gregor said, approaching them from behind. “Is this too much for a fine lady like yourself?” he said sarcastically to Fiona.

  “Don’t worry about me, Gregor,” Fiona said, liking the man less every time he talked to her. “I can keep up with any man.”

  “That’s what I heard in the tavern last night,” Gregor said to her.

  “What are you talking about?” Fiona asked, trying to control her anger.

  “I spoke with your friend Brayden at length, he also said you and him did everything together,” Gregor said, stressing the word everything.

  “And what if we did?” Fiona asked, not picking up on his meaning. “Why are you so obsessed with what I did with Brayden?”

  “Hear that, brother?” Gregor said to Logan. “She doesn’t even deny it.”

  “Is it true, Fiona?” Logan asked, beginning to believe what Gregor was accusing her of having done. It must be true since she didn’t deny it.

  “He’s my best friend, and we were betrothed,” Fiona answered. “I’ve done many things with Brayden.”

  “So you don’t even try to hide it,” Gregor said, shaking his head. “How shameful.” He then turned to Logan and said, “you would have been better off marrying Isobel.”

  “Enough, Gregor,” Logan said, angry with both his new wife and brother.

  “He’s probably not even the only one,” Gregor said quietly so only his brother would hear before walking away to join the rest of the men who were making camp, starting a fire and eating.

  “Your brother is an arse,” Fiona said to Logan as they watched Gregor leave.

  “You’re not the first to tell me that today. I’ll find us a place to lay our bedroll for the night,” Logan told Fiona, not kindly at all. He had
thought to give her time to get used to him before consummating the marriage, but since it seemed she had already done so with another, he wasn’t going to wait and instead would find an out of the way spot for them to bed down for the night.

  “That’s fine,” Fiona said, still not understanding what was going on in the conversation between the brothers.

  “Are you hungry, Fiona?” asked Brody walking up to her. “I’ve saved a spot near the fire for you to rest and have something to eat.”

  “Thank you, Brody,” Fiona said, glad that at least one man at her new home would have some manners. “Do you know where my maid Edith is?”

  “She’s waiting for you over there,” Brody said, pointing to a spot not far away. “I’ll take you to her.”

  Fiona followed him over to where he had pointed, happy to see Edith already settled upon a log waiting for her. “Can I get something for you to eat, Fiona?” Edith asked her.

  “It’s already been done, Edith,” Brody said to them both, handing them some of the bread, cheese and dried meat they had brought to eat while traveling. “You both just sit and rest now. I know the ride today was hard on you.”

  “Looks like you’ve both made yourselves comfortable,” Gregor said as he and Logan joined the group sitting near the fire.

  “Gregor, did I do something to make you dislike me so much?” Fiona asked, tired of the snide remarks.

  “My brother had to give up a woman he truly cared for to marry you,” Gregor said to her. “I don’t need any other reason.”

  “Enough, Gregor,” Logan said, not wanting to get into the fact that he hadn’t ever really cared for Isobel and giving her up had been more of a relief than a hardship.

  “He’s not the only one who had to give someone up,” Fiona shot back at Gregor. “I was going to marry someone I truly cared for myself.”

  “I heard how much you cared for him already,” Gregor said. “In fact, everyone in the tavern heard how much you gave of yourself to him.”

  “I gave him my heart because he deserved nothing less,” Fiona said, wondering why he was acting so hateful.

  “Aye, we all know how much you gave,” Gregor said, smirking at her.

  “Lady Fiona,” Edith said. “Can I speak with you in private?” Edith knew that Gregor was implying Fiona had given herself in full to Brayden, although Fiona didn’t. She needed to get Fiona alone so she could explain it to her.

  “There’s no need,” Logan said, letting Edith know she wouldn’t be getting time with his wife. “I think we all understand what’s being said. Time for us to turn in for the evening. Brody, make sure you post guards for the night.”

  “Already done, Logan,” Brody said. “Can I speak with you alone for a moment, Logan?”

  “No need, Brody,” Logan said, he had heard enough this night from everyone and had made a decision. If his new bride was so willing to give herself to a man, then he was more than willing to take what she had offered another. “Come, Fiona,” he said, extending his hand to her.

  Fiona put her hand in his and let him pull her to standing, looking back at Edith who looked concerned. “It’ll be alright,” she said to her maid and friend. “I could use a moment of privacy,” Fiona said to Logan.

  “I’ll make sure your needs are seen too,” Logan said, then turning to Brody he told him. “Make sure the maid has a place to lay tonight. I’m placing her safety in your hands.”

  Brody nodded, “I’ll take care of her,” he said, hoping his friend wasn’t about to start off his marriage doing something he’d regret for the rest of his life.

  Chapter 6 A Wedding Night to Forget

  “Why did you put our bedrolls way over here?” Fiona asked Logan, as he led her a good distance away from the rest of his men.

  “So we could have some privacy,” Logan said to her.

  “Why?” Fiona asked, hoping he wasn’t going to want to consummate their marriage out in the middle of the woods with his men nearby. She had an idea of what happened between a married couple thanks to Jacqueline, but she was nervous about the act itself.

  “I think you know why, Fiona,” Logan answered. Fiona wondered why he sounded angry; she hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “Logan, please can’t we wait until we’re alone at your home?” she said, stepping back from him.

  “You’re going to act like the shy maiden now?” Logan said to her, still angry at what he believed he’d learned from her conversation with Gregor.

  “What do you mean act?” Fiona asked.

  “Come now, Lady Fiona,” Logan said, stressing the word lady, “we all heard you say you’ve already given yourself to your beloved Brayden. I’m your husband, what you gave him so willingly now belongs to me.”

  “When did I say I gave myself to Brayden?” Fiona asked, becoming angry herself. She knew she had never said such a thing.

  “You shared everything with him,” Logan mocked, “after all, you were betrothed.”

  “And you believe that means I would dishonor myself?” Fiona spat at him. “It’s good to know you have such a low opinion of me.”

  “Don’t try to back out of what you said now, Fiona,” Logan said. “It won’t work.”

  “Fine,” Fiona said to him, she knew by the way he was talking there was no changing his mind. “But know that what happens here tonight, will never be forgotten, and will probably ruin any chance of this marriage being good for either of us.”

  “I never expected much of anything from this marriage to begin with,” Logan said, lying. Even though he was going to act on his beliefs, Logan began to get the feeling he was about to make a huge mistake but was just too angry to care.

  “Then I guess neither of us will be disappointed since we’ll both be getting exactly what we thought out of it,” Fiona said. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “Fine with me,” Logan said. He grabbed her and pulled her to him, pressing his lips to hers.

  Fiona was shocked when Logan grabbed her the way he did, she had kissed Brayden a few times, but those kisses had always been gentle and hadn’t led to anything more. She was a little taken aback when Logan thrust his tongue into her mouth, making her gasp and try to pull away, as he pushed it up against her own.

  “Come now, Fiona,” Logan said, breaking the kiss, “let’s not act like as if you’ve never kissed a man before.”

  “What makes you think I give my kisses away so freely?” she asked him, trying to catch her breath.

  “You made it clear what you and your betrothed have done together,” Logan said. “I’m going to make sure you forget all about him tonight.”

  “You could never make me forget Brayden,” Fiona said, not caring anymore if her words angered him more, “he never treated me as you are.”

  “I’m treating you as you deserve,” Logan said, grabbing her and leading her over to where he’d laid their bedding.

  “Wait, Logan,” she began to panic and struggled to pull away from him as he started lowering her down on the tartan he’d spread on the ground earlier.

  “Wait for what, Fiona?” Logan asked. “You said yourself we need just to get this over and done. I never thought I’d have a wife who wasn’t mine and mine alone, but then I didn’t get to pick for myself did I?”

  “You’re a real arse, Logan Stewart,” Fiona said, not caring if she angered him more. “I see it runs in your family. First Lachlan showed his true colors, then your brother Gregor has shown on more than one occasion what an arse he is, and now it’s your turn.”

  “You want to compare me to Lachlan?” Logan asked, becoming even angrier.

  “You’re no better obviously,” she said, “and I hate you already.”

  “Enough, Fiona,” Logan said. “I’ve had enough of your smart comments to last me the rest of the evening.”

  “Get used to it,” Fiona told him, “this is what our marriage is going to be.”

  “Nay, it won’t be,” Logan told her. “There’s a way to quiet a woman if need be.�

  “I’d like to see you try it,” Fiona said, knowing she was pushing him too far.

  “Not another word, Fiona,” Logan said, trying to get his anger under control.

  “I’ll say what I please, when I please,” she said, shoving him in the chest. “I wish I’d never married you.”

  “That’s it, woman,” Logan said, grabbing her around the waist, picking her up and carrying her over to a log that was lying just a few feet away. He sat down and promptly pulled her over his knee.

  “This is obviously what you wanted,” Logan said, pulling her skirt and shift up, baring her arse. He began bringing his hand down repeatedly, alternating sides. Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack. “Do you have more to say to me, Lady Fiona?” he stopped and asked her.

  “Only that you’re a bigger arse than I thought,” Fiona yelled back at him.

  “I show you what an arse I can be,” Logan said, “on your arse.” Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack.

  “I really hate you,” Fiona said to him, fighting back tears.

  “I don’t really care,” Logan said, but it wasn’t true. Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack.

  “I was hoping for a good marriage, but with what I learned about you today, I doubt that’s going to be possible.” Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack.

  “Stop, Logan,” Fiona said, tears beginning to drip down her cheeks. “I can’t take much more.”

  Logan stopped for a moment and looked down at the bare skin he had been striking and not paying attention to up until that moment. He felt his cock jump as he rubbed his hand over the skin he had turned a dull shade of red. “Are you done arguing with me?”

  “Aye,” Fiona hissed at him, she was embarrassed as he rubbed her warm skin. She didn’t want to admit that where his hand was rubbing actually felt good.

  "I’ve had enough for tonight,” Logan said as he let his hand dip down between her thighs, she wasn’t wet yet, but he could see she was enjoying his roaming hand.


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