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A Nightmare Marriage

Page 9

by Bethany Hauck

  “It was supposed to be,” Logan said, rubbing the red spots on her thighs and arse, trying to sooth some of the sting he had placed there. Fiona sighed and snuggled down into him, the tingle in her arse was still there, although the burn was beginning to fade, it was making her think of anything but the punishment she had just endured.

  Fiona couldn’t explain what happened next, but she wanted her husband. She lifted her face up to look at him, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head forward, pressing her lips to his.

  Logan wasn’t sure what had gotten into his wife, but he wasn’t about to say no. He needed her as much as she needed him.

  “Stand up,” he said to her, lifting her off his lap. He quickly stripped of his trews, letting his already hard cock spring out. He picked her back up and carried her over to the chair that still sat in the middle of the room. This time when he sat, he pulled Fiona down, so she was straddling his lap. He grabbed onto her head with both hands, pulling her forward and kissing her again, hard.

  Fiona could feel his cock as it pressed against her stomach. She pressed herself forward until she could feel it on the outside of her cunny, she took it in her hand and pressed it against her more firmly.

  “Let’s try something new, wife,” Logan said, lifting her by the hips, aligning his cock with her opening and then letting her sink down on top of him, sliding into her fully.

  “Ahhh,” Fiona groaned as he entered her. “That feels wonderful.”

  “It’s all up to you this time,” Logan said, showing her how to move up and down on him a few times before letting go of her hips.

  Fiona put her hands on his shoulders; her toes barely touched the floor as she pushed herself up and then slid back down. She did it again, and then again, loving the feel of being in control. She leaned forward slightly, making her nub rub against his hard pervis, giving just the right amount of friction. She began moving faster, grinding herself down on him as hard as she could. She felt that now familiar flutter in her stomach just before Logan thrust up into her one last time as hard as he could, shooting his seed far up into her as her cunny gripped him tight and her body convulsed. Logan pulled her forward, pressing his lips to hers and thrusting his tongue into her mouth. She rode her orgasm as long as possible before collapsed on top of him.

  “Please don’t make me ever have to punish you that severely again, Fiona,” Logan said to her, as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on top of her head.

  “I’ll try not to,” she answered, her head resting on his chest.

  “I think a rest would be good for you, wife,” Logan said, picking her up and carrying her over to the bed.

  “Only if you join me, husband,” Fiona said, already drifting off to sleep as Logan climbed onto the bed beside her. It wasn’t until she was almost asleep that she remembered poor Edith.


  “You can’t close the door with us in here alone, Brody,” Edith said. “The rest of the servants will talk.”

  “They’ll definitely be talking,” Brody said, sitting down on the edge of her bed and pulling her down over his knees.

  “What are you doing?” Edith squealed, pushing against his leg, trying to get back up.

  “What do you think I’m doing?” Brody asked her, lifting her skirt but leaving her shift down. He didn’t wait for an answer before bringing his large hand down on her perfectly rounded arse. Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack. “You are never to go against Logan’s orders again,” he began. Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack. “You’re way too special to me, Edith, I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you, any more than I would to Lady Fiona,” he continued. Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack. “Do you understand me, Edith?” he finished. Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack.

  “I’m sorry, Brody,” Edith said, crying now. “It won’t happen again. Please, stop. I couldn’t let Fiona go alone.”

  “Next time you let Seamus or me or even Logan know if she decides to do something she’s not supposed to,” he told her, giving her one last round. Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack.

  Brody flipped her up and sat her on his lap. “This isn’t proper,” Edith said, tears dripping down her cheeks. Once she thought about the position she was in, she struggled to get up.

  “It would be if you were my wife,” he said to her.

  “But I’m not your wife,” Edith said.

  “I’d like you to be,” Brody said to her, pulling her in closer to him.

  “Are you asking me to marry you?” Edith asked him as she grinned up at him.

  “I am,” Brody said to her, grinning back. “Although this may not be the best time to do so.”

  “Aye!” Edith said, smiling up at him and letting him kiss her for the first time. “Most definitely aye!”

  Chapter 11 It Was Her Arrow

  “These arrows are very different,” Logan said to Fiona as they dined that night, Brody and Edith were seated at their table as the Stewart clan celebrated their newly announced betrothal.

  “My Da had them made especially for me,” Fiona explained as Logan passed one over for both Brody and his brooding brother Gregor to see. “They’re shorter than what the men use, but also made of a lighter wood.”

  “And you get more distance from them?” Brody asked.

  “I do because my bow is shorter than most,” Fiona explained. “I don’t think we’ve ever tried them with a man’s longbow.”

  “I’d like to have a few made to fit the longer bows and try them out,” Logan said, “the design is interesting.”

  “How many of these do you have, Lady Fiona?” Gregor asked, surprising everyone at the table. Lately, Gregor said very little to anyone, especially Fiona.

  “I only have twelve,” Fiona answered.

  “I’d keep a close eye on them then,” Gregor said to her. “You wouldn’t want any of them to turn up missing.”

  “I always know where my arrows are, Gregor,” Fiona said, thinking what a strange thing it was for him to say.

  “I’d like to go back to the range tomorrow Logan if that’s possible,” Fiona said to her husband.

  “The field should be empty,” Logan said. “I’ll let Seamus know he can escort you there.”

  “Thank you, husband,” Fiona said, smiling at him.

  “You’re not a prisoner here, Fiona,” Logan said softly to her. “I want you to be happy at Dunnottar.”

  “I’m beginning to be,” she said shyly to him. “In fact, I’m beginning to be very happy.”


  Logan was having a hard time concentrating on the training that was going on around him. His thoughts kept going back to his wife and what they had been doing the night before. The image of Fiona kneeling in front of him with his cock in her mouth was enough to make his cock hard again just thinking about it. He didn’t know how it happened so quickly, but he had come to love the little hellion. He was going to tell her tonight. He smiled at the thought of what his declaration would probably lead to happening.

  He shook his head to clear his mind, trying to concentrate on the men in front of him. “What’s with you today?” Brody asked him.

  “Nothing,” Logan said, “I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “I can see that,” Brody said, as Logan felt a sharp pain in his stomach, still looking at his friend he saw the look of panic that crossed Brody’s face before looking down himself and seeing the arrow protruding from his middle.

  “Logan,” Brody began to say as his best friend pitched forward.

  “Somebody help,” Brody yelled, slowly lowering Logan to the ground.

  “That’s one of Lady Fiona’s arrows,” Gregor said, as he approached.

  “We don’t know that for sure,” Brody said, looking at the arrow, afraid to pull it out. “Someone get the healer,” he yelled.

  “She’s on her way,” one of the guards yelled back.


  “Where’s Lady Fiona?” Brody asked Blair as he descended the stairs. He’d been in the room while the healer worked on Logan, trying to save his life. It was a waiting game now; the wound was serious.

  “She was at the archery fields,” Blair said, wringing her hands in front of her.. “I sent someone to get her.”

  “Where is he?” Fiona asked as she ran through the door and into the hall. “Is he alive?”

  “He is,” Brody pretty much growled at her. “Your shot was off a few inches.”

  “What do you mean my shot,” Fiona asked, going to walk around him, Brody grabbed her arm to stop her.

  “Isn’t this your arrow, Lady Fiona?” Brody asked, holding the shaft that had been pulled out of Logan as Gregor came into the hall.

  “Where did you get that?” Fiona asked, “I was wondering where I had lost one.”

  “We pulled it out of my brother,” Gregor said to her. “You didn’t kill him….yet.”

  “What do you mean I didn’t kill him?” Fiona asked them, confused. She pulled on her arm, telling Brody, “Let me go, I need to see him.”

  “Come now, Fiona,” Gregor sneered at her, “we all heard you say you’d like to put an arrow through his heart.”

  “We were arguing,” Fiona said, trying to back up from them both. “I would never hurt Logan; I love him.”

  “Funny how you suddenly love him now that he may be dying,” Gregor said.

  “He’s dying?” Fiona asked, fighting back tears, “I need to go to him. Let go of me, Brody.”

  “No you don’t, My Lady,” Gregor said menacingly. “You’ll get nowhere near my brother. The healer and Isobel are caring for him. You’ve already done enough. I’m in charge of Dunnottar until Logan either gets well or dies. Guards, lock her in the dungeon.”

  “Gregor,” Seamus said, “I was with Lady Fiona. She didn’t hurt the laird.”

  “You were with her the entire time?” Gregor asked.

  “All but a few minutes,” Seamus said. “There was a commotion in the village that I went to check on.”

  “So you weren’t with her the entire time,” Gregor said. He turned to the guards. “Take her.”

  “Nay,” Edith yelled, trying to step between Fiona and the guards.

  “Get out of the way, Edith,” Brody said, trying to grab hold of her with his other hand and missing.

  “If you allow this to happen, I’ll never forgive you,” Edith said to him.

  “She’ll get a fair trial,” Brody tried to explain to her.

  “When will that be?” Edith asked him; she was both hurt and angry that he would think Fiona could do such a thing.

  “When we know if Logan lives or dies,” he said to her, reaching for her again, “please, Edith, move.”

  “Don’t touch me,” she spat at him as he tried to take her arm, “don’t touch me ever again. You turn against your lady so easily? You should be ashamed of yourself.”

  “It was her arrow, Edith,” Brody tried again to explain, “and we did all hear her threaten him.”

  “You’ll all be sorry for the treatment you’re showing the lady of the keep,” Edith yelled out to all in the room. “When her innocence is proven you’ll all be sorry.”

  “When my innocence is proven I’ll be leaving,” Fiona said sadly. “I’ll not stay with people who turn against me so easily.”

  “I doubt you’ll be found innocent,” Gregor said, “Take her to the dungeon.”

  “Make sure she’s well cared for,” Brody said as the guards approached.

  Two guards grabbed Fiona and led her down the stairway into the dungeon below. Fiona had never even known the dungeon at Dunnottar existed before that moment. The guards opened one of the cells and pushed her in none too gently, making her fall and scrape her cheek on the ground as her gown ripped. “Enjoy your stay,” one of them said, as they closed and locked the door, leaving her alone in the darkness.

  Fiona didn’t know what to do. Her cheek stung, and she knew she was bleeding slightly. She was worried about her husband, she loved him and needed him to live, even if she couldn’t live with him anymore. Would he believe she had tried to kill him? Finally, she sat down in the corner of the cell and cried, not knowing what to do.

  “Lady Fiona?” she heard someone whisper hours later.

  “Edith?” Fiona said, standing up and walking over to the door of the cell.

  “What happened to you?” Edith said, holding a torch up high so she could see into the cell and look at Fiona’s cheek.

  “The guards who threw me in here weren’t very gentle,” Fiona explained.

  “I hate them all! What can I do to help you?” Edith asked.

  “Can you get out of the keep?” Fiona asked her, reaching up and taking the necklace from around her neck.

  “I can try,” Edith said. “Everyone seems preoccupied with the Laird right now. I may be able to sneak out.”

  “You need to get this to Tioram and Ross McCabe. Explain to him what’s happening here,” Fiona said. “He’ll get word to Connor and my Da.”

  “I don’t know if I can make it there alone,” Edith said, worried about traveling by herself, especially at night.

  “You won’t be alone,” came a male voice.

  “Who’s there?” Edith and Fiona both said.

  “It’s me,” said Seamus and he stepped out into view.

  “Will you help Edith get out of the castle?” Fiona asked him.

  “I believe you’re innocent,” Seamus said to Fiona, “I have never trusted Gregor Stewart, and I think he’s involved in this somehow. I’ll not only get you out of the castle, Edith; I’ll escort you to Tioram personally.”

  “You’d do that for me?” Fiona asked.

  “I will,” Seamus answered. “But we’ll have to take Blair with us. I’ll not leave her behind to deal with Gregor’s wrath when he finds we’ve gone.”

  “When do we leave?” Edith asked.

  “As soon as everyone settles in for the night. I’m going to get some horses ready and hide them in the woods. We’ll use a side gate I know of to sneak out after dark,” Seamus told them.

  “Thank you, Seamus,” Fiona said. “At least I have one true friend here at Dunnottar.”

  “I believe you have more than one, My Lady,” Seamus said to her, “they’re just afraid to admit it right now.”


  Seamus, Blair and Edith snuck out of the castle that night just as planned. The horses were exactly where Seamus had left them. Edith was grateful to Seamus as he escorted her to Tioram, she wasn’t sure if she would have found it herself, they were almost at the gate of the keep by the time anyone noticed they were missing from Dunnottar.

  “Has anyone seen Blair this morning?” Gregor asked as he sat down in the great hall. “I’m ready to break my fast.”

  “I’ll bring you something,” said another of the maids.

  “I haven’t seen Seamus around this morning either,” Brody said as he joined him there.

  “Where could they be?” Gregor wondered. “Seamus seemed awful close to Lady Fiona; maybe he’s down visiting her.”

  “I’ll check,” Brody said, getting up and heading into the dungeon.

  “Fiona,” Brody called to her. Saddened when she wouldn’t even lift her head to look at him.

  “What do you want now, Brody?” Fiona asked. “Have you come to falsely accuse me of something else?”

  “I was looking for Seamus,” Brody said to her, ignoring her question. “I thought he might have come to see you.”

  “He’s gone,” Fiona said.

  “What do you mean gone?” Brody said.

  “He helped me get Edith out of this hell hole,” she told him. “It’s not safe for her here anymore. It’s not safe for either of us.”

  “Edith left?” Brody asked, he was shocked. He knew she was angry with him, but he didn’t think she
was angry enough to leave.

  “She did,” Fiona answered.

  “Seamus went with her?” Brody asked.

  “Aye,” Fiona said, “and Blair. At least I had a few true friends here.”

  “I see,” Brody said, he was hurt and a bit angry. “If you’re innocent, Lady Fiona, you’ll be set free.”

  “It won’t matter now. How’s Logan?” Fiona asked.

  “Still alive,” Brody told her.

  “Thank God,” she whispered.

  “Can I get you anything, Lady Fiona?” Brody asked, wishing she would look at him.

  “I don’t want anything from anyone in this place,” she said to him. “I’ll be going home soon.”

  “What do you mean?” Brody asked, a feeling of dread coming upon him.

  “My true family will come for me,” Fiona said. “I hope you’re prepared for what may happen. This is likely to cause a clan war.”

  “I hope not, Lady Fiona,” Brody said sadly, “I really hope not.” He sighed and walked back to the hall. At least he knew where Edith had gone, and that she was safe. He needed to get his mind off of her for the moment. Lady Fiona was right; now he needed to prepare for the arrival of the Frasers, and possibly the McCabes, and if things really went bad the McCarthys.

  Chapter 12 True Family

  “Who are you?” William, the captain of the Tioram guard, called down from the parapet.

  “My name is Edith,” Edith yelled back, “I’m Lady Fiona Fraser’s personal maid. I need to speak with Ross McCabe immediately.”

  “No one is awake yet,” William said, signaling for the gates to be opened and the three travelers to be let in.

  “It’s a matter of life or death,” Edith told him as he walked up to greet them.

  “It better be,” William said. “I’ll wake him.”

  “Thank you,” Edith said as Seamus helped her and Blair off of their mounts.

  “Who are you?” William asked Seamus before walking away.


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