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The Vessel

Page 6

by Felicia Tatum

  I pulled Livvie closer to me, ignoring the jealous guy on the bed. She turned back, then stopped. Pulling away from me, she went to help him off the bed. My heart hammered in my chest. “What?”

  “He needs help, Scott. He’s really weak. Our captor hasn’t been feeding him at all, so I’ve been giving him some of the crap I was fed.”

  Shocked, I glared at him. “You took her food?”

  He looked as equally shocked, “I didn’t know it was her food all this time. She only told me recently.” He gave her an accusing look, and she lowered her head.

  “Whatever. Here, let me help him, you walk with Juniper,” I told her. I placed Aiden’s arm around my shoulder to brace him, then walked as fast as I could. Juniper had already raced out, lifting Livvie before she knew what was going on. I groaned. Stopping in my tracks, I closed my eyes to transport us to the truck.

  “Hey—,“ he started, but I ignored him and kept on. In seconds, we were standing beside the driver’s side door. I kept my arm around him, holding tightly as he stumbled forward. His hand made contact with my truck, stopping him from falling flat on his face. Chuckling, I said, “Steady, boy.”

  He grumbled a reply, shaking me off him. With a glare he asked, “Where do you want me to sit?”

  As far away as possible, I thought. “Climb in the backseat. There should be enough room for you and Mark.”

  I slid in, my leg brushing against Livvie’s. Heat coursed through my body, igniting the passion only she caused. Turning my head, I caught my breath at her beauty. She laid back, eyes closed, with her lips parted slightly. Her breaths were soft, causing her body to move gently. I tore my eyes from her, glancing in the backseat. Aiden slumped against the seat, fire in his eyes as he watched us. My nostrils flared as anger engulfed me. I slammed the door, causing Livvie to jump in surprise. I patted her knee, “Sorry,” I said with a smile.

  She relaxed, and gripped my hand tightly. “Please take me home.”

  I nodded, putting the truck in reverse. My only desire now was to make her happy.


  Scott’s face was hard as he drove towards his Grandma’s house. I couldn’t tell if it was from worry, from Aiden, or something else. I squeezed his hand, causing his lips to relax and give me a dazzling smile that made my heart beat a little faster. All I wanted to do was shower and spend some time with him. I stared at his large hand swallowing mine whole. I drew back, tracing lines up and down every single one of his fingers. I saw him shiver, and goose bumps appeared on his arm. I half smiled at him, then pushed his head back to watch the road. Juniper sat beside me, holding my other hand. She seemed so different, yet so much the same. The energy she contained before her change was intensified. A lot.

  The air in the car was thick, and I was impatient to get out in the open. The houses on Anna’s street were a blur as I anxiously waited to see hers. Scott told me it was magnificent, but I wanted to see with my own eyes. He pulled into a drive of a house with an antique feel. A sidewalk ran the length of the yard with flowers on both sides. The porch was large, housing chairs and a swing. Sadie and Anna stood in the yard, relief washing over them when Scott turned off the car. Sadie rushed to his side, swinging the door open before he had a chance to grab the handle. She gasped upon seeing me, screaming, “Olivia!”

  I followed Scott out, to be pulled into a tight, warm hug from Sadie. I heard a smothered sob as she stroked my hair. I pulled back, smiling into her beautiful face. Her eyes were moist, but her face was lit with pure joy. She started to speak when Aiden stepped out behind me. She pushed me behind her, her body in a fighting stance. A low growl escaped her throat. She looked at Scott, her eyes questioning his. Scott raised his hands in front of him, causing Sadie to back down and Anna to come forward. They looked at him expectedly, waiting for a much anticipated explanation.

  “Aiden was a vessel for The Crimson Calamitous. It’s a fact, because his eyes are now blue and when Livvie touched him, she got the look of a seer. I suspect she can see him now,” he looked over at me, and I confirmed his statement with a nod. “I healed him some, but Grandma, he needs more. His body is extremely weak, and whoever held them captive all this time wanted him dead. He’s malnourished.”

  Aiden stood awkwardly beside the truck, taking everyone in. Anna’s eyes softened upon closer inspection. She gracefully glided forward, swooping in to show him motherly nurturing. “Dear Aiden, it hurts my heart to know you were a vessel to such evil. Come inside, I will use my healing powers on you and cook you a meal.” She put her arm around him, guiding him towards the door.

  Sadie finally let her guard down and stepped back so she could face me. “That scared me half to death. I thought he snuck in or something. My heart is beating so fast.” She grasped my hand in hers, then dragged me in for another hug. “I’m so glad you’re ok, Olivia. I was so worried about you. We all were. We’ve been searching and searching, but always came up empty handed. Thank God you got that note to Scottie, or we may never have found you.” She walked off, following Anna in the house.

  My body instinctively leaned into Scott’s, molding to him perfectly. His strong arms enclosed me, making me feel safe and warm. I sighed with content, knowing he was where I was supposed to be. I snuggled my head in his chest, inhaling his scent again so I would never forget. I murmured into his neck, “I’ve missed you.”

  He gripped me tighter. “I was so worried, baby. So, so worried. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”

  I placed my hands on his cheeks, and looked deeply into his eyes. “You saved me. Don’t worry anymore. I want to snuggle up and find out everything I’ve missed, but can I please take a shower?” I begged.

  He laughed and clasping his hand in mine, led me to the house. I glided my hand over the soft wooden handrail. Everything was a dark oak with touches of flowers and plants to give color. An old rocker was placed in the right corner. I imagined Anna rocking Scott when he was a baby, and it brought a smile to my face. A small table was placed beside it, a cup and saucer in the corner. The swing was on the left side. It looked brand knew, the silver of the chains so shiny I could see myself. I turned and took in everything. The property was lovely, and it really fit Anna’s personality. It was filled with light and color, yet felt safe and homey. I glanced over at Scott to find him watching my every move, making me blush.

  He ran his knuckle over my cheek, chuckling at my embarrassment. “You’re so adorable when you blush.”

  “Stop,” I laughed. “I was just thinking about how much this place fits Anna.”

  “It really does,” he agreed. “Let’s go in now. You may need some healing, too. You look thin, darling.”

  I looked down at my body. I could see my ribs poking out, and my arms felt thinner than usual. I dreaded really seeing myself in a lighted bathroom. “Ok. Lead the way, Mr. Sexy.” I gave him a wink. He groaned at my nickname for him, but I knew he secretly liked it.

  We walked through the door. I gasped at the beauty surrounding me. Anna had everything decorated in black and white. The photos in black frames, the sofa and chairs a white leather with black tables to compliment. I stepped closer to the wall in the parlor, seeing photos of Scott and Sadie when they were younger. I grinned at how cute Scott looked in his overalls in a photo of him at about four years old. He stood with a toy wagon, a lopsided smile on his little face. His hair was cut in one of those awful bowl cuts, yet he looked adorable. His big brown eyes shone with excitement. He nudged me forward, leading towards a back room. He flipped on the lights for me, and motioned I follow. The bathroom was small, but I didn’t mind. The hot water on my sore body was all I thought about.

  “Here you are, love. There are towels on that shelf and some washcloths. I’ll send Sadie in with some clothes. Take your time.” He kissed my forehead and gently closed the door behind him. I quickly undressed, eager to feel clean again.


  Tensions were thick. The older lady, Anna I gathered, was leadi
ng me to her kitchen. She had oak everything. Tables, porch, furniture. She must have an oak forest or something. The two friends of Olivia’s kept their distance. The girl gave me disgusting looks often. The pretty younger girl, Scott’s sister I assumed, glared at me through squinted eyes. The deep brown richness of them made my heart hammer. She was a dangerous girl.

  “What’s your name, dear?” the older lady asked. Her eyes were kind, a blue that seared into you and made you warm. Her lips turned in a soft smile. Something about her was fascinating and comforting. I found myself relaxing in her gaze.

  “Aiden Rivers,” I replied.

  She nodded, and spoke. “Aiden is your name then. I have many questions for you, child, but first I want to heal you. I understand Scott did some healing before he brought you here.”

  I nodded.

  “Well, you are very weak. In fact, I’m not even sure how you survived what happened to your body the night of the dance. That is quite the mystery. Afterwards, I’m going to have Sadie here cook you some food.”

  Sadie gasped, her full, pink lips falling open in shock. She moved them to speak, but Anna held her hand up, and she quickly silenced. Anna seemed to possess power over all of them. Everyone in the room watched her intently. I sensed a deep respect for this lady.

  “Ok. What do I need to do?” I asked.

  “Oh, nothing, dear. Just stay right where you are, and don’t make any sudden movements. I’m going to place my hands on your shoulders and arms, alright?”


  Her hands gripped me slightly. Her fingers moved in circles, massaging my muscles. I felt heat radiating down into my core. My eyes widened, and I leaned my head back in relaxation. My whole body loosened. I felt limp and strange. The warmth flowed through me, getting stronger where I hurt the most. My legs felt like they were on fire. My arms like torches. My core was an inner bonfire being fed over and over. My breathing deepened, and I was sure I was going to burst into flames any minute now. As soon as I thought it, Anna released her hold on me. Instantly, I cooled and I felt strong. I flexed my arms, smiling at how easily I could move them now. I stood on my once wobbly legs, now sturdy and ready for anything. I looked at Anna in amazement, “Thank you so much!” I exclaimed, grasping her closer for a hug.

  She laughed lightly, “You are welcome, Aiden.”

  I caught a glimpse of Scott watching my every move. I let go, moving back to the seat. I looked around uncomfortably, wishing Olivia was in here to mediate.

  “Sadie, dear, can you whip up something hearty for Aiden here? He looks so malnourished. Look at those ribs,” she exclaimed, gently poking me in the side.

  I flinched away, not wanting anyone to know my ribs were ticklish. This room wasn’t full of people too fond of me, so any faults I had were best kept a secret. “I’m ok. Olivia fed me sometimes.”

  Scott turned a deep shade of red, and I saw his fists clench. His hatred for me ran deeply, it was written all over his face. While I was still unsure of what all happened to me, I didn’t appreciate his blaming me. Or the others’ blame. The more I thought about how I was being treated, the angrier it made me. Who did he think he was? Yeah, Olivia was his girlfriend, but I didn’t do anything. Jealousy oozed out of him. It was almost entertaining. I stood, getting control of my emotions so I could confront him when Olivia stepped up behind him. Her arms circled around his waist, and her head lay on his back. I could see her profile from where I was. The lines of her face were more prominent than I remembered. Her skin looked thin against her protruding bones. It pained my heart to know she was so weak and skinny because she had been worried about me. “Olivia…you shouldn’t have shared your food all those times. Looking at you now…I see why Scott is upset. Your body is frail, and I feel like it’s my fault. Let Anna heal you.”

  She sighed heavily. “Aiden, I did all of that to you. There was no way I was going to let that bastard kill you by malnourishment. It was my decision and mine alone. I’d appreciate if you both would stop treating me this way.” She stepped away from Scott, folding her arms defiantly.

  Sadie snickered behind me. The aroma of her cooking was making my mouth water. I snuck a peek at her, watching her move gracefully around the kitchen. She didn’t seem much younger than I was, but there was something about her that intrigued me greatly. Scott cleared his throat and I whipped my head back to face him. He glared at me, a cold look in his eyes. I took a step forward when Olivia moved between us. She gave me a hard stare, her eyes conveying all I needed. I relaxed and turned to find Anna. I wanted her to help me find out what happened.

  “Ms. Anna, can we go talk about what happened to me? Now that I feel stronger, I’d like some answers if we can do that.”

  She agreed, motioning for me to follow her. She yelled for Sadie to bring the food when she finished it. She led me to a library. The room was amazing with books lining shelf after shelf. The sizes varied, as well as the condition of the covers. I took a minute to process how much information this area held. There must be an answer for whatever, or whoever, took over my body years ago. My fingers caressed the book in front of me. An old, worn, leather bound heavier than most. My hands yearned to open it, feeling the crumpled pages beneath my fingertips. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d gotten lost in a book. The words on the page becoming a movie playing only for me, taking me through every scene, emotion, and event. Easing it open, the smell of old paper wafted to my nose. Closing my eyes, I inhaled deeply, savoring it. I heard Anna shuffle beside me, and I remembered I wasn’t alone.

  Opening my eyes, I caught her gaze. She was watching me with laughter playing at her lips. I smiled sheepishly, and placed the book back in its spot. “Sorry,” I said. “I can’t remember the last time I was around books. I’ve always been an avid reader, so I got carried away.”

  “That’s quite alright, Aiden. I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through. If you don’t mind, I’d like to take you back to my working area and see if I can get any type of reading off of you. I’ll tell you more about The Crimson Calamitous, also. The evil sorcerer’s spirit who took over your body.”

  I nodded, anxious to know anything she could tell me.

  “Now, I want you to start with what you last remember.”

  I followed her to a space behind the library, into a smaller room with more books and supplies. I sat in a chair placed near the center of the room, and began my tale.


  Livvie was upset with me. My jealousy was getting the best of me, and she wasn’t impressed. But who could blame her? I was acting like an idiot. We were sitting on the couch in my apartment. She was hesitant to leave Aiden, but Sadie assured her she would make sure he was fed and rested.

  Her body was rigid beside me. I moved my hand closer to hers, but she reached up to hold herself. She shivered ever so slightly, so I summoned a blanket to cover her body. She needed healing, but in her mood was too stubborn to let me touch her. “Livvie, dear, let me heal you. Please?”

  “I don’t know, Scott. Why were you acting that way? You looked like you were about to punch Aiden or something.”

  Groaning, I took her face in my hands, despite her resistance. I leveled our eyes, staring deeply into her lively green irises. “Love, I’m sorry. I’m jealous because of the way he looks at you. I don’t like it.”

  Her face softened. Sighing, she placed her hands on mine. Her delicate fingers clenched around my palms, causing a tightening of desire in my stomach. Hot air exhaled out my nostrils as I tried to control my urges. My eyes roamed to her lips. Full and soft looking, I wanted to take them into my own and devour her right then and there.

  “Scott, look at me.”

  “I am,” I said hungrily. I licked my lips in anticipation. She bit hers in response and I groaned, moving closer to claim her.

  “Stop. I’m trying to tell you something,” she giggled.

  I moved back slightly, looking back into the depths of her soul. “Yes, Livvie?”

  “I lo
ve you. I know I do. I feel guilty for what I did to Aiden. I feel awful for what happened to him. He lost years of his life, Scott. Years.”

  “It’s not your fault,” I started to scold, but she stopped me.

  “I know. But it’s really difficult for me to know I caused him so much pain when an evil spirit was the one really after me. I caused another human being a lot of pain. I thought he would die, Scott. I really did.” A tear slid down her face, getting lost in the corner of her mouth.

  I longed to follow it, but instead chose my words carefully. “Olivia, I’m sorry. I didn’t know about the vessel situation, or I wouldn’t have hurt him either. Grandma just found the book a couple of weeks ago. None of us knew. And Aiden doesn’t blame you, so please don’t blame yourself. You may have hurt him, though not purposefully, but you also saved his life. Think of that, love.”

  Her eyes moistened more, causing my heart to ache. Seeing any girl cry was awful, but it was downright torture to see the woman I loved with a face full of tears. And I knew what I was going to tell her would make her cry more.

  “Livvie, I have to tell you something now.”

  She looked at me worriedly. She could sense something was wrong from my voice. Her back straightened. She sniffled, and nodded at me.

  I grasped her hand. “We can’t find your parents. They were definitely taken, and we have no idea who took them or where they are,” I said shakily.

  Her voice rasped out, “Are you positive?”

  “Yeah, baby. I knew you would be worried, so I had Juniper and Mark helping me look for them.”

  A small cry let loose from her throat, and she collapsed into my arms. Her body heaved as sobs rolled through her. I stroked her hair, back, and arms as she let everything out. The past few months had taken their toll. I kissed her head, whispering that it would be ok, over and over to her.


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