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Shadow: Lust and Lies Series Book 1

Page 11

by Sera, Drew

  “You’re right, the potency depends upon where you get it.”

  “Where do you recommend?” Chloe asked.

  “Van Doorn’s Bakery. It’s not very close to my place, but I make the trip once a week to get some tablets.”

  I wanted her to know that locals would make the trek to Van Doorns for the drugs.

  “Van Doorns, okay, got it. They have good stuff it sounds like.”

  “Chloe, it’s the purest I’ve had.”

  “I’ll try to make my way up there. What do they sell exactly?”

  “They only sell ecstasy. They have it perfected to a science.”

  We started to head back and decided to jump on the metro to save us from walking mostly uphill.

  “Is there anywhere we can get something good and pure before I go back to the hotel?” she whispered to me on the way back.

  Was I really going to go there with her?

  She looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

  “Come on, Wesley. You know where I can get something good. Just a tablet.” Chloe pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “I want to have a little fun while I’m here.”

  I smiled at her, leaned back in my seat and pulled out the parchment envelope. I held the envelope in the palm of my hand and looked at her. Chloe’s mouth curved into a beautiful smile.

  “Are they—”

  “Van Doorns?” I nodded as I poured the two tablets out into my palm so she could see the “VD” pressed into the pink tablets. “Yes. They’re from Van Doorn’s Bakery.”

  We got off the metro a short distance from her hotel, and I had to play dumb.

  “Which hotel are you staying at?” I innocently asked.

  “Okura. I’ve got a suite so we can party up there.”

  My heart pounded as I rode the elevator up with the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen…and she was also one that I was never supposed to talk to.

  She slid the key card into the slot and pushed the door open. Chloe walked to the mini bar and asked me what I wanted to chase the tablet with.

  “Just water, Chloe. These are powerful.”

  “Water it is, handsome Wesley,” Chloe teased.

  We each downed a tablet, and I walked over to the picturesque window. I looked out over the city and in the distance could even see the docks. Through the reflection of the window, I could see that Chloe had undressed. I turned around and leaned my back against the glass.

  Fuck, she looked incredible.

  Chloe settled on the bed and gazed at me as I pulled my shirt off. When I got to the foot of the bed, I unzipped my pants and stepped out of them. Before I climbed on the bed, I retrieved the condom and tossed the package on the nightstand.

  The bed dipped when I got on it. No words were spoken between us. Our lips locked and it felt like an electrical current was gliding over mine. It felt incredible connecting with her like this. As our bodies collided with one another, our hands roamed feverishly. We made out like teenagers, and I ended up on my back as she straddled my stomach, facing my feet.

  “I’m all wet, Wesley,” she playfully pouted as she swiveled her hips so that her pussy rubbed over my stomach.

  “Sit on my face, Chloe.”

  She gave me a wicked grin, and within moments we were enjoying one another with our mouths. I licked her slick pussy lips as her hot mouth engulfed my cock. As she was working on my shaft, I began to feel the effects of the tablet. They always made the head of my cock so sensitive; it was as though I was sitting on the edge of an orgasm the entire time.

  Chloe’s moans and whimpers grew louder as I flicked my tongue against her clit. She tasted of a mix of sweet and musky, and I loved feeling the weight of her warm body on top of mine.

  “Wesley, fuck me,” she hissed out as she pushed her weight off my body.

  Chloe got on her back while I rolled the condom down my shaft. I lined my cock up with her pussy and pushed myself inside her soaked pussy as she moaned my name. Our bodies moved hard against one another as we drove selfishly to our release. We panted, desperate for air as our mouths pressed against each other.

  Our mouths captured noises of pleasure as our desire to release grew more urgent. Finally, I felt her pussy contract. Chloe pulled me closer and dragged her nails against my back as she came. I couldn’t help but shrug at her hands as her nails pierced my skin. I held myself as still as possible while I felt the orgasm build and build until I flew off that edge I had been teetering on.

  I pushed my weight off of her and looked into her eyes. She smiled softly, and I could see her throat move as she swallowed.

  “Wow, Wesley,” she whispered in that pretty British accent. “Van Doorns has some good shit.”

  I raised my eyebrow at her, and we both smiled.

  “Really? That was all Van Doorns? You think that maybe some of that hot as hell fucking might have been some of me?” I teased.

  Chloe burst out laughing and pulled me to lie beside her. We both rolled onto our sides facing one another.

  “Stay with me, Wesley. I don’t leave for another four days.”

  Despite the sounds of all warning bells going off in my head reminding me of every reason I should decline, I nodded my head.

  Chloe gazed into my eyes while she ran her fingertips over my chest. And as much as I wanted to avoid it, I knew what was coming. I just hoped I could keep it at bay for as long as possible.

  We slowly made out and began talking a little in between the kisses. I felt a sense of responsibility wash over me and needed to find out just how common ecstasy use was for her. If commonplace, then I could most likely trust what she told me regarding how her body reacted.

  “How often do you take them?” I cautiously asked.

  “Honestly, this was only my fourth time. I tried my first one during a New Year’s celebration last year.”

  Considering that she was the daughter of a drug mob leader, I found her statement about this only being her fourth time a bit unreasonable. But then again, I was the adopted son of a drug producer and I didn’t do much either.

  “Do you come off of it subtly?”

  She nodded and smiled at me.

  “You?” she asked me.

  “Sometimes I get depressed,” I replied with honesty.

  Her eyes dropped from mine to my chest. I knew what was coming.

  “Your tattoo is…interesting.” I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach, despite knowing this was coming. “Are those your initials?”


  I nodded slowly as I braced for the next question.

  “And what’s the number for?” she asked as if right on cue.

  I had planned on honesty, but I couldn’t bring myself to speak the truth. Instead, I used the same line that I had used on Martin many years ago.

  “It’s my lucky number.”

  She smiled, closed her eyes and snuggled up against me. Hmm, seemed to be the end of that conversation and I made it out without anything too painful…unlike when I got it.

  * * *

  I woke up to Chloe’s hot mouth on my painfully hard cock. Glancing down my chest, my eyes met hers. She made a big production out of swirling her tongue around the head of my cock.

  “Finally, you’re awake. Do you have any more condoms?”

  I nodded and got off the bed to retrieve it from my wallet. I had the condom on by the time I got back to the bed.

  “Ride me, Chloe.”

  I lay flat on my back and held her hands as she slid down my aching cock. Though I felt everything while we went at it, I couldn’t feel nearly the sensations as I had the night before. And I knew it was the damn tablet.

  Chloe, on the other hand, didn’t seem to notice any difference and rode me like there was no tomorrow. Thankfully, I was still able to come without issue. We took a shower together, and I was very careful so that she wouldn’t see my back. I wasn’t prepped to field those questions, which was why all of my sexual encounters had been down in the Red Light District. No q
uestions were ever asked, so there were none for me to answer.

  After our shower, we ordered room service and as we ate, she dove right in with her curious questions.

  “So, what does the “B” stand for? I know what the “W” is, obviously.”

  I laughed and then took a sip of my coffee.


  “Wesley Berlin. Sounds very action hero,” she teased. “Wesley Berlin and lucky number six.”

  I hadn’t been Wesley Berlin for over nine years.

  “So, what would you like to do today, Chloe?” I asked.

  I had to play dumb because I knew she was meeting with Smit today.

  “Well, I have some things to handle for business for most of the afternoon. I’d like to get together with you for dinner and then maybe a trip to the famous Van Doorn’s Bakery for some more of those treats.”

  “How about while you’re handling business, I’ll get to Van Doorn’s and get some tablets. Then we’ll do dinner…”

  “Then, one another,” she finished the sentence. “I like you, Wesley Berlin, lucky number six.”

  Six was far from my lucky number.

  We made out at the table and then she had to get ready for her meeting. As I made my way through the lobby I sent my dad a text.

  Wes: She’s meeting today with Smit.

  Thom: Good job son.

  I winced when I read the text. I felt terrible about myself for what I was doing. A conscience wasn’t a good thing for me to develop right now. I felt like I was betraying my family somehow, and Chloe. I also understood that the way I was feeling was a result of the tablet.

  Instead of going home, I headed down to the shipyards and the docks. After making the half hour walk, I had reached the place where cries and screams were a way of life.

  I stood across the street and leaned on a brick wall. Each time that I tried coming back here, this brick wall was as far as I’d ever made it. The structure that sat on the hill overlooking the abandoned shipyard had been boarded up, and the chain linked fence still went around the perimeter. My mind drifted as it always did when I came down there after it had been closed.

  “They can’t get you anymore, Wesley.”

  I often heard Thom’s calming, fatherly voice whenever I started feeling depressed or if I woke up from a nightmare.

  I made my way home for a while and moped around the apartment. In my room, I prepped two tablets for tonight. While I loved the tablets, I also hated the tablets. I loved how I felt while it was in my system for the short time but hated how I felt even days later. The depression that followed for me was tough to digest.

  “You alright, mate?” Martin’s voice carried through the living room as he walked in.

  “Yeah,” I replied without moving much from the sofa.

  Moments later Martin was sitting in front of me on the coffee table staring at me.

  “Did you just take one?” he asked.

  I nodded. He could tell that I had taken a tablet. He knew the effect they had on me.

  “Sleep it off, Wes. What time do you have to be back at the hotel to tail that hot piece of ass?”

  “If I can get there by seven or eight, I should be there to catch her coming back for the night and then ready for when she leaves in the morning,” I lied.

  Unknown to him, I was having dinner with her tonight and then planned on fucking her brains out. Martin nodded and thumped me on the shoulder.

  “Dad said you’re doing great, Wes. He’s proud of you.”

  With that, Martin got up and went back to his room. I slept for a while and woke up from a nightmare of the docks. Those fucking tablets wiped me out.

  I had enough time to shower and grab two more tablets for tonight. I put a couple condoms in my wallet next to my picture of Martin and me from eleven years ago. I put some effort into looking nice because if I was being honest with myself, I liked Chloe. I knew that the stars probably didn’t hold a future for me with Chloe...but I could pretend.



  June 2018

  The plan was to meet Chloe in the restaurant of the hotel at 8:00. I arrived at 7:30 and sat in the lobby and at about 7:45, Chloe walked through the doors leading from outside. I hadn’t expected that. I thought she’d be coming downstairs from her suite. I stood, and as she hurried through the lobby toward the elevators, she saw me.

  God, I’d never tire looking at her.

  She looked like she was occupied with something on her mind. Chloe messed with her hair as she walked toward me.

  “Hi, beautiful,” I greeted her with a kiss on her cheek.

  “Hi, Wesley.”

  Chloe kissed my lips and made me feel so good. Her hands on my biceps and the sweet gaze she gave me, instantly pulled me out of my down mood.

  “I’m running a little late.” Chloe looked around nervously and then back at me. “My business meeting ran a over. I still need to get cleaned up for dinner.”

  She was nervous and cautious about something, which was making me feel the same suddenly. I glanced toward the doors the led to the street.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked. “You seem a little tense.”

  “The meeting just frazzled me, is all. Do you want to come upstairs with me and wait while I get ready?”

  I nodded.

  “I’d like that,” I said as we made our way to the elevator.

  As the elevator arrived, I glanced toward the lobby to make sure no one saw us. The lobby looked empty and quiet. During the long ride to the floor where her suite was, Chloe seemed to relax.

  “So, long meeting?” I innocently asked.

  “Yes. I was rather annoyed, to be honest. Crude men were in full swing at the meeting. Many seemed more interested in getting in my panties rather than business at hand.”

  Chloe’s frustrated face eased, and she smiled shyly at me while leaning on the wall of the elevator.

  “Well, I can see why they’d be interested. And I can vouch that the inside of your panties is the hottest place to be.”

  Her lips parted as her beautiful smile widened exposing her perfectly white teeth. She was gorgeous and not only was my dick telling me that but the rapid beating in my chest.

  “Were any of the business guys assholes to you?”


  Her answer was quick and short. I wouldn’t press her on this anymore, for now. Once we were in her suite, she sat down on the sofa in the sitting room. She looked worn out, but still, I found her to be sexy even with the wear and tear of her daddy’s work on her face.

  “Chloe, you look like you’ve been through a really long day. Would you rather reschedule our dinner?”

  “No! Wesley—”

  Chloe stood and crossed the room to me until she was less than a foot from me. She placed her hands on my chest, and as she looked up into my eyes, her fingertips roamed. The soft pads of her fingers and the sharp fingernails combined to be the perfect mix of sweetness and playfulness.

  “Wesley, you’re all that I’ve thought about today,” she admitted. “Our time is limited as it is.”

  I grinned as I watched her toy with the buttons on my shirt while my cock stirred to life. From where I stood, I could see her tanned cleavage perfectly.

  She was good at the art of seduction. She knew how to toy, tease and make a man want her. I could see exactly why her father used her. It got him what he wanted. Either way, she was beautiful, and my cock was straining at the fabric of my pants.

  “What do you say that we pass on the noisy restaurant and order room service?” I offered up.

  “I’d like that, Wesley.”

  With her sitting on my lap, we examined the menu and settled on steaks. As I placed the order, Chloe’s fingers worked on the buttons of my shirt until it was completely open. Then she lowered her head to kiss my chest and lick my nipples. She was making me unbelievably hard. After I ordered, I pulled her face up to mine and crushed my mouth on hers.

  “Mmm,” she mo
aned into my mouth. “Wesley,” she whispered. “I’m going to take a quick shower before dinner arrives.”

  She pushed herself off my lap, and as she walked towards the bedroom, she began pulling off pieces of her clothes. She’d look over her shoulder at me as each piece fell away, revealing more of her sun-kissed flesh.

  “Temptress,” I said.

  “Just giving you a preview,” she laughed. “You can come watch...if you’d like, Wesley.”

  I stood and followed behind her. I stopped in the doorway of the bathroom and gazed at her body while she waited for the water to warm. The water cascaded down her body, as she stepped under the spray. I wanted to run my tongue over the places on her body where the heavy trails of water flowed.

  There was no doubt in my mind that she was teasing me. Chloe propped her foot up on the tiled ledge on the opposite side of the shower. With her back to me, she bent over to wash her foot and lower leg, which gave me a glimpse of her pussy from behind.

  Last night was rushed. Tonight, I wanted to savor this woman.

  After her feet and legs had been washed at the slowest, most teasingly pace possible, she took the sudsy coconut scented sponge to her chest. White foam ran down her breasts quickly and dropped off the peaks of her dusty pink nipples.

  “Chloe, you’re making me so hard.”

  “Good,” she giggled.

  From the other room, I could hear the knock on the door.

  “Dinner is here. I’m going to go let them in.”

  “I’m sure the room service guy will love the visual of your hard cock pressing against your pants,” she teased and laughed again.

  As we settled in to enjoy our dinner, I decided to get a bit nosey with Chloe. I wasn’t used to having dinner dates, or dates for that matter. I had learned years ago that I wasn’t good boyfriend material.

  The idea of commitment to a woman scared the shit out of me. The only obligation that I had been comfortable with had been with my family. I was unconditionally bound to them.


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