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The Alpha's Mate:

Page 4

by E A Price

  She gave in. “What are you doing here anyway?” She asked slightly muffled by his magnificent chest.

  “I came by to make sure you were okay Rosalee.”

  “I had no idea you cared Arnold. Please call me Rose.”

  His chest heaved with laughter, the sound resonated through her body. Every nerve ending tingled pleasurably. “I do care Rose.”

  They stood entwined for a few minutes until a sharp cough startled her. Adam reluctantly let go of her and they turned to see that the Sheriff Alec, out of uniform, and Deputy Jake, still in uniform, had arrived. She didn’t even hear their cars. Too engrossed with the perfect specimen in front of her...

  Adam moved slightly in front of Rosalee as if shielding her for the other wolves. Rosalee was embarrassed about being found in the arms of a naked man but the other wolves didn’t bat an eye. Mac was right, nudity really doesn’t bother them.

  Quickly Adam explained what had happened. Alec and Jake went outside to look around. Rosalee quickly slipped out of the room and came back carrying a large pink bath towel.

  Flinging the towel at him she said, “for the love of Zeus, please, cover up.”

  He wrapped it round his lower body and smiled at her seductively. “All right, but only because I like it when you beg.”

  She pursed her lips before raising an eyebrow. “Good, because I’ve already suffered enough tonight.”

  “Hey you want me to ease your suffering just say the word, as you can see I’m more than ready.” He adjusted the towel around his groin and without thinking she looked directly at the bulge. Why couldn’t he stop teasing her?

  “Ugh! You are such a butthole!”

  The Sheriff and Jake came back in the room. Jake snickered at the pink towel his Alpha wore but quietened under the warning glare of the Sheriff.

  “I’m Sheriff Alec Hart and Beta of the Grey wolf pack. I’m sorry we’re meeting under these circumstances ma’am.”

  She guessed the Sheriff was in his mid-thirties. He had dark brown hair and green eyes. Broad shoulders and a wide chest packed full of muscles barely contained by the t-shirt he was wearing. He must have stood at least six feet three tall. Like Adam, Rosalee could sense power radiating from him. Unlike Adam he was direct and no nonsense. Adam was all nonsense, at least with her he was.

  “Please call me Rose, it’s nice to meet you.”

  Alec asked her some questions about what had happened and took notes. Adam and Jake listened patiently.

  “Whoever it was must have come in through the back door, we found a key still in it. There was one of those hide-a-key rocks on the porch. They’re not exactly hard to spot. It is possible this was just a spontaneous crime, someone who thought the house was empty since Iris was dead might have thought to rob it. We’ve had that a few times over the last couple of years.”

  “That’s just a guess though right?”

  The Sheriff looked at her directly. “Yes. For now I really think it would be better if you packed a few things and spent the night in town at the bed and breakfast.”

  She looked at him obstinately. “I don’t want to be run out of my home... even if it is a temporary home.”

  Jake rolled his eyes and tried to reason with her. “You’re being foolish...” He didn’t get off to a good start.

  Adam snarled at him and Alec placed a hand on his shoulder. “Jake go and fetch some board for the front door. Now.”

  Jake, seeing the murderous look on his Alpha’s face, ran out of there as quickly as he could.

  Rosalee looked at them wonderingly. Why was Adam so angry at Jake? Why did they need board?

  Seeing the confused look on her face the Sheriff explained. “We need to do something about your front door, we can patch it up tonight but it’s gonna need to be completely replaced.”


  Adam having calmed down put his arm around her shoulder. “I broke it down after I heard you scream.”

  “What?!” She rushed to look at it and sure enough it looked like it had been shredded. “You butthole! Look what you’ve done!”

  He smirked and readjusted the towel drawing her eye to the bulge again. “The door was locked, I had to break it down to get in.”

  She groaned. “Terrific” she muttered dragging herself back into the living room. She slumped onto the couch.

  Adam sat down heavily in an armchair. “Hey I thought you were being murdered in here, sweetheart I will buy you a new door.”

  The Sheriff stiffened and sniffed the air groaning loudly. A few seconds later Rosalee was surprised to see the plump blonde girl from Pizza Moon rush in. Her hair was stuck up at different angles and she was wearing a large blue sweatshirt over a pair of pyjama shorts and some tennis shoes.

  “What are you doing here?” Asked Alec heatedly.

  Rosalee cringed at his forceful tone but Liv huffed at him. “Mac rang me and told me what happened. I thought Rosalee might need to be comforted.”

  Alec glowered at her. “It’s not safe for you to be running around at night on your own, and half dressed no less!”

  Rosalee could hear Adam stifling a laugh. Liv put her hands on her hips. “I am fully dressed.”

  “People can see your legs.” Ground out Alec.

  “Don’t worry I haven’t had any complaints.” Alec growled throatily. “Rosalee! Are you okay? What happened?” Liv rushed to sit by Rosalee’s side on the couch and put a comforting arm around her. “I’m Liv by the way, Liv Briers-Hart. The cute scowly one is my mate.” She gestured at Alec who gave her a dark look.

  Rosalee smiled at the energetic and sweet young woman, immediately liking her. “It’s nice to meet you Liv. Someone broke into the house but I’m fine really, nothing happened, they broke a lamp and then ran off when I woke up. I’m sorry I didn’t mean for you to be dragged out of bed.”

  Liv’s faced creased in worry and she tightened her arm around Rosalee’s shoulders. “You poor thing, is there anything I can do?”

  Rosalee felt pleased at Liv’s attention and smiled again. “No really, I appreciate you coming by, really I do, but I’m fine. You should get home.”

  Alec came and stood by his mate. “You hear that angel? She said she’s fine. I’m taking you home.”

  Liv frowned. “What about Rosalee? She can’t stay here.”

  “I agree.” Rumbled Adam leaning forward in the armchair. “You can come and stay at my house sweetheart.”

  Rosalee cocked an eyebrow. “I think I might actually be safer here, and you still haven’t explained what you were doing hanging round my house anyway before you made mincemeat of my door.”

  Adam faltered for a second before beaming triumphantly. “Your house backs onto pack land, I was patrolling the area.”

  She looked at him in disbelief. “Lucky you happened to be right here then.”

  “Couldn’t agree more sweetheart.”

  Liv snapped her fingers. “If you like I can spend the night here? Safety in numbers and all that, and I am already in my pjs.”

  “No!” Yelled Alec. “Rosalee, you are welcome to come and stay at our house, but you!” He pointed at Liv. “Are not staying here. You are coming home, end of discussion.”

  Rosalee was again taken aback at the Sheriff’s insistent tone but Liv just giggled. Seeing Rosalee’s surprised face she whispered to her, “ignore him, he’s a sweetie really.”

  Adam chuckled. “Or I can stay here?” He offered with apparent indifference.

  “That’s really not necessary...” Rosalee started to speak before the large Alpha leapt to his feet and bounded across the room to her.

  Rosalee felt a surprising rush of excitement at seeing him coming towards her, for a second she thought he was going to pounce on her. She was annoyed at how disappointed she was when he stopped and stood next to Alec.

  “Well,” he began in a deep rough voice that had every nerve ending tingling, “either you stay with Liv and Alec or I stay here with you – dealer’s choice.” She smir
ked at her.

  Rosalee balked at the idea of the sexy naked Alpha under the same roof as her. She could tell he was aroused by her, a flicker of her eyes to his groin confirmed that. He was erect and ready to go, the towel did nothing to hide that fact.

  She wasn’t worried that he would force her to do anything she didn’t want to, she was more worried about what she would do. She could resist any attempt at seduction on his part but would he resist her?

  Then again she wasn’t exactly keen to stay in the house of people she didn’t know. Even if she actually thought they were a sweet couple.

  Going on the hungry looks Alec was throwing Liv, she didn’t fancy the idea of listening to the two of them having sex. Repeatedly.

  Rosalee looked between the three of them for a few seconds before giving in. She looked at Adam directly. “Fine you can stay here. Down here, on the couch. While I’m upstairs.”

  Adam smirked. “Sure sweetheart if that’s what you really want.”

  “It is!” She spat out.

  Adam whipped the towel off and handed it Rosalee, his impressive manhood unashamedly springing forth. “Thanks for the loan, I’ll run home and pick up my clothes. Not be long, Alec and Liv will wait here with you.”

  Rosalee’s eyes widened in amazement whilst Liv went bright red and Alec quickly pulled her into his arms keeping her head buried in her chest. Alec snarled at Adam, not liking his little mate seeing his Alpha’s privates at all.

  Rosalee forced herself to look at Adam’s face. He was grinning widely and winked at her. Smug bastard.

  Rosalee smiled back wickedly. “I’ll see you soon, be careful out there. I can already tell it’s cold outside.” She flicked her eyes down to his arousal before returning them to his face.

  His smile faltered for a second, but only for a second. “True, but I’ll be back soon to warm you up.”

  With that he strode out of the house. Both Alec and Rosalee breathed a little more easily once he was gone. Liv giggled as her mate finally released her from his death grip.


  The cold water ran in rivulets down his tense muscles. Adam had been in the shower for over an hour but so far nothing had appeased his raging erection. He desperately wanted to claim his mate.

  After returning to her house it was to find that she had already gone to bed. He bade a disgruntled Alec and a snickering Liv good night before trying to settle on the couch.

  He couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t the most comfortable couch but he’d slept on worse. It was due to the fact that his mate was sleeping soundly above him. To be so close to her but not able to touch her was painful.

  When he came back he had stood outside her room for half an hour just listening to the steady rise and fall of her breath. He had debated joining her in bed but couldn’t imagined that would not go down well at all.

  Instead he had decided to take a cold shower. He imagined what would happen if she joined him.

  She would kneel in front of him, that wicked smile over her beautiful lips. She would slowly lick them in anticipation. She would take one finger and trace the thick vein down his shaft before her small hands wrapped around him and gently fisted him. She would stroke his balls and the soft skin between his sac and his ass. She would lick the glistening pre-cum from the tip of his penis and would moan at the salty taste of him in her mouth.

  He would take her hair in one hand and use the other to guide himself into her open willing mouth. He would feed himself to her through her lips and over her tongue until he hit the back of her throat. She would contract around him and try to swallow him down, he would groan at how tight her throat was. He would pull his hips back and she would suck him and lap him with her tongue until he thrust hard into her mouth again. She would continue to stroke his balls whilst he thrust into her faster and faster, her moans like music to his ears...

  The images taunted him as he firmly fisted his cock for the third time that night. He desperately needed some release. He needed Rosalee. He imagined how tight her silken walls would feel wrapped around him, the moans she would make as he drove himself into her. He would make her come again and again all night.

  He gripped himself tightly and with a hollow groan his seed spilled out into the shower, washed down by the swirling water.

  He leaned his forehead against the cold tiles and shut the water off. His wolf howled in his mind and paced restlessly.

  He worried about her. He didn’t like her staying here, it wasn’t safe. He should have slung her over his shoulder and dragged her back to his house. Caveman style. He wondered if she would have enjoyed that. He felt his arousal start to twitch and tried to get the image out of his mind.

  Adam smiled remembering her witty nature, despite trying, he hadn’t been able to restrain himself from teasing her. She really did bring out his wicked side.

  His wolf was prowling his mind, snarling at him to go and claim his mate. Take her, force her to be submissive... if only it was that easy.

  He’d never imagined that finding his mate would fill him with such anguish. He’d assumed that if he ever found her the two of them would just fall into bed... for a few weeks. Of course he had always assumed that his mate would be a she-wolf, who would understand the significance of finding your true mate. Not a human who just wanted to bust his balls.

  He grinned just thinking about the look on Rosalee’s face when he had dropped his towel and given her an eyeful. She had practically licked her lips.

  The images flooded through his mind again and his half mast became rock hard. He sighed and switched the shower back on. It was going to be a long night...

  Chapter Six

  28th September

  Rosalee awoke to the sounds of banging. God didn’t anyone in this town just want to have a lie in?

  She curled into a ball and pulled the covers over her head. Five more minutes...

  Loud voices outside intermingled with the banging. What were they doing? One of the loud voices was a little too familiar...

  Reluctantly she hauled herself out of bed, throwing on a robe she trudged downstairs to see what the fuss was about. She found Adam and an older man in his forties fixing a new door to her house.

  They were laughing but stopped abruptly when they saw her. Adam smiled at her, his cheeks dimpling. “Morning Rose, this is Jase, we’re fixing up your door.”

  “Yes I gathered that much...”

  “And we’ve put some better locks on your windows and changed the lock on the back door.”

  The other shifter gave her a crooked and curious smile. “Nice to meet you Rose.”

  He was a good six inches shorter than Adam and a hell of a lot skinnier, but didn’t seem to have any trouble holding the massive wooden door while Adam guided it into place.

  “You too, thanks for this.”

  “Don’t thank me, Adam here is paying for it.”

  “Well he is the one who destroyed the door...”

  Adam took a deep breath and stopped himself from retorting. He had resolved that the best way to woo his mate might be to hold his tongue whenever she tried to goad him. “Which is why I‘m only too happy to replace it.”

  She harrumphed and folded her arms, making her breasts lift and jut out. She was wearing a shorts and vest pajama set, she had a robe on but she had not bothered to tie it so he could see everything. He almost started drooling as he saw her nipples harden underneath the thin fabric.

  Thank god he had insisted Jase himself come out to help. Jase had been happily mated to a human for twenty years and had four children, all coyotes like himself. Jase had wanted to send one of his apprentices but he was glad he didn’t, he might not have been able to cope with an unmated male looking at her.

  Adam had offered to pay Jase double to get out here and get everything done that morning. Jase was curious as to why Adam was willing to do that but certainly hadn’t the nerve to ask him.

  He forced himself to look away and concentrate on the door. “Liv’s in the kitchen.�

  “Umm thanks, either of you guys want a drink or something?

  Jase politely declined and Adam said, “nah, Liv’s been plying us with food and drink all morning, but thank you for asking.”

  This new courteous side of Adam was a bit unnerving. She could deal with the teasing and sexual innuendo but this made it difficult to ignore how much she wanted him. She cleared her throat. “Okidoke, I’ll just go see what Liv’s up to.”

  Both men nodded as she made her way to the kitchen. She found Liv sipping a cup of tea and nibbling some toast. Liv looked a litte tired and once again Rosalee felt bad about her coming over in the middle of the night.

  “Morning Rose.”

  “Hey, good morning. You sleep okay? You look a little tired.”

  Liv flushed. “Yep, fine.” When Alec let her sleep. “I’m actually pregnant, so I’m kind of tired all the time right now.”

  Rosalee beamed at her. “Congratulations! No wonder your man’s so overprotective.”

  Liv giggled. “No, Alec’s always like that. He’s such a cutie.”

  Rosalee tried to reconcile the word ‘cutie’ with the six foot three stern wolf shifter but just couldn’t.

  Rosalee lowered her voice. “How long have they been out there?”

  “About two hours. Here you should eat something?” Liv offered her a plate of toasted bread. Rosalee took a couple of slices and began slathering them with fruit jellies. Liv poured her a cup of tea and pushed it over to her.

  “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “I figured after the excitement last night you needed all the rest you could get.”

  Rosalee blushed. Even after the threat of being attacked last night her dreams had still only been filled with erotic thoughts about Adam, which were even more vivid now she had seen him naked.

  After wolfing the two slices Rosalee reached for a third.

  Liv chewed her bottom lip. “I don’t like the idea of you being all the way out here alone.”


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