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Tempted by a Vampire (Immortal Hearts of San Francisco Book 1)

Page 7

by Susan Griscom

  “Sorry, I’ll buy you another,” he huffed into my ear before he shimmied my dress up to my waist, exposing my core to the cool, gentle evening breeze. I almost orgasmed at the sensation of the wind tickling, exciting me. The thought of being outside, completely exposed with Cian exploring my body in the moonlight was slightly overwhelming. So much for wanting to take it slowly. I was helpless in his arms. His tongue laved up the center of my vulva and he continued to lick. His finger found my clitoris and rubbed circles around it. I bucked my hips in response, and he sucked the little nub between his lips. His hands roamed over my thighs and up my backside. All I could do was stare at his dark hair as he made me hot. I trembled.

  “Magdalena, you taste divine.” He gently rubbed his teeth over my clit before sucking it in again, sending me over the edge.

  I moaned his name. “Cian.”

  He glanced up at me, his deep blue eyes glowing with an intense silver rim. More silver than I’d noticed before.

  I hadn’t wanted to go this far; I’d wanted to play it cool, make his desire build a bit more, but I had no willpower, the temptation so overwhelming. I wanted him more than I’d wanted any man before.

  Chapter Eleven


  Looking at Magdalena, I felt the pressure build in my testes as my swollen cock burned inside my pants, begging for release. I unzipped my trousers, shoving them down to free my shaft. I’d licked and laved her until I knew she was satiated and her creamy texture coated my taste buds. I wanted to taste her blood so badly, my fangs accidentally elongated, and I nicked a spot just beside her clitoris. With her blood on the tip of my tongue, I sucked a little, just to get a sample. It was the sweetest nectar I’d ever tasted. I sealed the small puncture with my saliva. I would not drink her blood without her permission. She moaned a little, but I didn’t think she realized what I’d done.

  Just that small taste of her blood had me extremely excited, and I couldn’t hold back any longer as my desire for her became stronger than my need for air. The next second, I was inside of her, never giving her the option to deny me. Though, I didn’t get the impression that she would have as she raised her hips to meet me, gyrating, pulling me in tighter and tighter, taking me in as far as I could go. We were starving for each other.

  “My gods, Magdalena, you are beautiful,” I said, covering her lips with mine. I kissed her until I was about to climax, and my lips ventured to the vein in her neck, lingering and kissing there as long I could, then sucking at her unbroken skin as I emptied myself into her.

  We lay outside under the stars, her dress up around her waist, her breasts protruding over the top’s bodice. I’d never seen a more beautiful picture. She rested on her back, I on my side, gently fondling her breasts. She sighed into the night sky, before turning on her side to face me.


  “Shhhh. I know. I’m sorry. I took advantage.”

  She smiled against my chest. “No, I just wanted to let you know that…well, I should have mentioned this before, but I am on the pill, so you don’t have anything to worry about. Plus, I’ve only been with one man over the past two years, so I’m safe.”

  “I wasn’t worried.” I spoke the truth. Vampires couldn’t contract STDs, and I was fairly certain we couldn’t procreate, though that theory hadn’t been confirmed yet. That we knew of, anyway. Lane, Gage, and Elvis were the only other vampires I knew well enough to know that none of us had produced an offspring in our two hundred years of vampirism. Well, Lane and I had been infected for two hundred years, but I had a feeling that Gage and Elvis were older, though it wasn’t something we’d ever discussed. We’d encountered other vampires over the years, but there were always so many territorial issues, we steered clear of them. Except for Elvis and Gage, who wanted the same lifestyle that Lane and I did. There were never any territorial or control issues with those guys. Plus, they enjoyed playing in the band and didn’t like the killing side of our existence any more than we did. Chelle, Lane’s one and only recent mistake, was proving to be a challenge, though.

  Magdalena glanced up at me, a questionable frown on her lovely face. “Why wouldn’t you be concerned about that?”

  “What I meant was, I never thought you were the type of female who gave herself freely to men, so I wasn’t worried about contracting anything. And as far as pregnancy, I’m…infertile.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  I turned to face her and kissed the little crease that had formed between her eyes. “Does that bother you, Magdalena? That I can’t produce children?”

  She shook her head and grew quiet. Of course, it did. “I hope that doesn’t change your opinion of me.”

  “No. Not at all. I’m just surprised. How do you feel about it?”

  I almost laughed but managed to keep my composure. To Magdalena, this was a serious question, and I didn’t want to say or do anything to make her think that I didn’t care about human needs and desires. But vampires really didn’t care about those things, and like it or not, I was a vampire.

  “I came to terms with it a long time ago,” I supplied nonchalantly, hoping that would put the conversation to rest. However, if there was one thing I’d learned over the past two hundred years, it was that the female attitude regarding such matters of the heart—family and love—was never put to rest until they were satisfied that the outcome of said conversation had ended to their liking.

  “A long time ago? And how would you know you’re infertile? You’re young, early twenties, with your entire life ahead of you. And why would you know that anyway? Were you married before?”

  Fuck me. I’d just backed myself into a corner on the subject.

  “I just know. Let’s talk about something more interesting. Better yet, let’s do something more interesting.” I stood and yanked my pants back up, zippering them but leaving the button unfastened. I had plans that didn’t require complete dressing. I held my hand out to her. “Come with me.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Cian stood, giving me the complete picture of his beautifully toned, tattooed chest and arms. I took Cian’s hand, smoothing my dress down and repositioning my breasts back inside the bodice as I stood. I glanced down at the ripped red lace thong Cian had removed—with very little effort—from me before tossing it carelessly on the ground and giving me the best orgasm I’d ever had. He led me inside and down a short hallway until we reached an atrium with a wide wooden, spiral staircase, complete with a beautiful crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. My heels clicked on the Italian marble tile as we made our way across the area to the stairs.

  My head was reeling from the mind-blowing sex I’d just experienced, and the knowledge that Cian was infertile, creating two very different emotions in my brain. One pitted against the other for its rightful possession of my immediate mentation. I liked Cian. A lot. And the thought of any serious relationship with him now seemed impossible because family and kids had always been a part of the future I’d envisioned for myself.

  At the top of the stairs, we headed down a long hallway lined with photos. Most very old. I guessed they were relatives of Cian’s until we passed one that caught my eye. A picture of Cian and Lane together, arms draped around each other’s shoulders, huge grins on both of their faces. The photograph itself had an antique flare to it, making it look as if it had been taken many years ago. Way before digital cameras came into play. They appeared to be standing on some sort of luxury cruise ship; only it too showed signs of age.

  “Is this you and Lane?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  “Yes,” he said, leading me into another room with a king-size bed in the center and a huge fireplace directly in front of the bed. A large flat screen hung on the wall next to the fireplace with a cabinet below it. X-box and Play Station controllers lay scattered on the floor in front of two large, reclining chairs. I smiled. I enjoyed video games. In fact, Kellen and I had spent many hours playing The Walking Dead game.

��It looks like you play a lot of video games,” I said, wondering which games Cian enjoyed.

  “Sometimes, when I’m bored. Welcome to my room. There is a bathroom in there if you need it. I’ll be back in a few minutes. I’m going to get some drinks.”

  I decided to take advantage of the alone time and freshen up a bit. I entered the bathroom and stood in front of the sink. Again, I looked up at the mirror to check my makeup and stared into another abstract portrait of a woman in a similar position as the one in the downstairs bathroom. I turned around to see if maybe the mirror was on the opposite wall, but there was nothing there either. No mirrors in the bathrooms at all. “What that hell?” I whispered. “Guys.” And shook my head. I freshened up a bit, hoped my hair and makeup were still intact, and went back to the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed.

  I looked around the room; it was enormous. I think someone could live in Cian’s room and never need to venture anywhere else in the house, except for wanting to check oneself in the mirror every once in a while, I could become a complete recluse if I lived here. On one side of the room, a circular alcove with a huge picture window protruded out over the ocean below. The cubby housed two plush and comfortable cushioned chairs in a multitude of tan and brown shades with a small table between them. I walked to it to see what sort of view he had, and, of course, I wasn’t disappointed. To my right, the Golden Gate Bridge glowed in all its spectacular glory, lit up to perfection. To my left, the Pacific Ocean, as well as another alcove with a window identical in shape to the one I stood inside. I supposed that was Lane’s room, and I bet that they’d had both alcoves built after they moved in to present each with the best views possible. I had to admit, it was rather ingenious.

  “It is a clear night. I’m glad that you came tonight. Clouds have a way of putting a damper on the view. I’ve brought some champagne.”

  Cian handed me one of the flutes full of bubbly, and I sipped.

  He set his glass down on a table in the corner, and I did the same. Then he turned me to face him, and his lips softly caressed the side of my neck just below my earlobe. He snuck a finger under the tiny strap of my dress and slipped it off my shoulder, repeating the motion on the other side. My dress fell to the floor, leaving me completely naked as his eyes roamed my body. Normally, I would have felt very self-conscious, but the lustful look in Cian’s eyes made me feel sexy. Alive. Every pore of my body begged to be caressed and stroked by his beautiful, skillful hands. I was no longer Mags or Maggie. I was most definitely the Magdalena Cian so affectionately referred to me as—powerful and eloquent.

  “Magdalena, I want you so much. Will you let me have you?”

  “Yes. I want you, too,” I confessed, no longer worried about denying the temptation. I wanted him. Again.

  He let his pants fall to the floor and stepped out of them. I gasped a bit at the sight of him. I hadn’t really seen him naked the first time we had sex since it had been rather rushed and frenzied, but he was beyond huge. The mushroom head of his cock passed well beyond his navel. He gathered me up in his arms and carried me to his bed, placing me down on silky, black satin sheets that I found to be very sexy and alluring.

  I couldn’t look away from him. His gorgeous dark hair curled over his forehead and his ears, and his eyes glowed silver around the edges, tugging at the urges in my mind. His taut, muscular chest begged for me to rake my fingers down it. He pulled me up and kissed me. His tongue speared into my mouth, and I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders. There was no doubt in my mind that Cian, despite his young age, had mastered the art of kissing and lovemaking many years ago.

  I fell back on the bed as he came with me, gently, his fingers kneading my breasts, his tongue swirling around inside my mouth before moving on to kiss the length of my throat.

  He parted my thighs.

  “Oh, Magdalena, so wet for me. You tempt me beyond control.”

  He had no idea about temptation and control. I’d lost both those battles an hour ago down on the patio. Now all I could think about was how hot he was and how much I needed his hard body against me. In me.

  Heat filled my veins and traveled to every cell in my body when he skimmed his hands between my thighs and thrust two fingers inside of me. My hips involuntarily bucked when he crooked his middle finger, wiggling it against my G-spot. His thumb twirled little circles around my clit as liquid heat poured from me onto his hand.

  Cian twisted our bodies around so that I was on top of him. We sat facing each other; my legs straddling his hips as the tip of his huge cock brushed against my sex. My heart beat erratically, and blood pulsed at my core. I ached to have him back inside of me. He pulled me against him, close, and he entered. His hips thrust up, hard, and I took him in, felt the tip plunge against my cervix. I’d never been this aroused before, and I came almost immediately.

  His tongue circled the spot right below my earlobe, and I felt a heated sensation fill me as he sucked the side of my neck. I’d never had a hickey before; had always loathed them when I saw them on other women or men. But this time, I didn’t care, as Cian continued his thrusts, pulling and kneading my hips while his tongue tickled the outside of my throat where I knew my pulse must be beating wildly. Between his gentle sucks, he kneaded and pinched each of my nipples between his finger and thumb. Then he swore, loudly.

  “Holy fuck!”

  His body stiffened as I felt him empty himself inside of me.

  I closed my eyes and fought to catch my breath. The entire experience left me drained, yet wanting more. I’d never felt anything like that before. I snuggled against Cian. He draped his arm over me, positioning one of his legs under mine with the other stretched out beside me.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Morning was approaching, and I carefully untangled my limbs from Magdalena’s without waking her. I scribbled a quick note for her, explaining that I needed to work and that Ari would be taking her home, and left her in my room. The shades would be coming down any minute, and though I could have stayed with her, I didn’t want to have to lie directly to her face about why I wouldn’t be able to take her home. This way, I’d already be gone.

  I walked down to the large dining area where Lane, Chelle, and Elvis sat drinking coffee, looking every bit the normal human family that they weren’t. One of the servants came in and placed a plate of eggs and bacon in front of each of them. Elvis tipped up his dark shades and licked his lips at the food in front of him. He wore those sunglasses constantly. He said he liked being prepared, just in case he was ever caught out in the sun’s damaging rays. Aside from his dark strands, slick hair putty, and his long sideburns, the shades were just another reason we called him Elvis.

  “Hey, did you know that your brother is keeping me prisoner?” Chelle asked. I gave her a derogatory glance. Her bright red and blue bangs contrasted with the rest of her short, dark brown crop of hair. She was a new vampire, and her opinion about her new life and how she was treated was of no importance. Lane should have let her die, but he’d felt too responsible. He’d been extremely drunk one night and out on a feeding frenzy. Something we usually never did, especially alone. But, like I said, he’d been drunk. By the time I reached him, he’d already sucked all the blood she had to give. When he realized that her lifeless body lay in his arms, he’d cried. In the two hundred years we’d been vampires, I’d never seen my brother cry. I begged him to let her go. Said that I would never think him cruel or a monster, but he couldn’t bear the thought of killing her. So he gave her his blood, turning her. She’d been devoted to him after that, wanting to be with him sexually. He became extremely guilt-ridden and apparently gave in more than once, which was a mistake in my opinion. She needed to learn to be on her own if she was going to survive. Her bloodlust and desire to kill was still very strong and sometimes she needed to be restrained. More in the beginning than now, but the thrill of the kill was still very prevalent during her feedings. Lane should have compelled her, but I knew he wouldn’t
. Like me, he didn’t like to compel females, even female vampires. He’d insisted that if he and I could overcome the need to kill without compulsion, then so could she. Now, here she was. His problem. Not mine.

  “Lane will keep you a prisoner, as you call it, as long as you continue to act stupid and do foolish things. Now shut the fuck up.”

  She sank back in her chair, and Lane smirked.

  “Breakfast, sir?” the little manservant named Stan asked, looking at me.

  “No. No, thanks. Where’s Ari?”

  “I’m right here,” Ari said, walking into the room carrying his own plate. He sat at the table with the others.

  “I’ll need you to take Magdalena home when she wakes up.”

  “Sure, boss.”

  “Keep the explanation simple. Not too much detail about why I had to leave.”

  “Where are you going?” Lane asked.

  “I can’t be here when she wakes up. I don’t want to use compulsion on her. It’s too early to try to explain things to her.”

  “You can’t be serious,” he said then bit off two inches of a piece of bacon. “You can’t tell her. Ever. Not unless you wipe the knowledge from her mind afterwards.”

  “Why not? Ari knows about us.”

  “That’s because you saved my life. I trust you, you trust me,” Ari said.

  “Maybe she will, too.”

  “Doubtful. We made a pact,” Lane said.

  “You can’t reveal yourself, Cian. It will ruin everything,” Elvis added.


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