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Monza (Formula Men #1)

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by Pamela Ann

  Monza (Formula Men)

  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Luca di Medici, Italy’s number one racecar driver, is set to inherit his father’s billion dollar automotive empire. Women would donate their left kidney just to spend a night of debauchery with the infamous rogue. Sounds like the perfect life, doesn’t it?

  It could’ve been, if I hadn’t stumbled upon her some months ago.

  Two weeks.

  Fourteen days.

  From dusk until dawn, she was with me, in my arms, in my mind, and in my heart

  She wanted commitment, but I wasn’t ready.

  She told me she understood, and I thought she did, until I heard she was married a month later.

  For me to say I felt betrayed would be an understatement. I wanted revenge, to hurt her and make her pay.

  And I was going to get it, one way or the other.

  Hell hath no fury like an Italian man spurned.


  Book One

  (Formula Men)

  Pamela Ann


  Book One

  (Formula Men)

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  Copyright © 2015 by Pamela Ann

  All rights reserved.

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  “Unless it’s mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it’s a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life; Love shouldn’t be one of them.”

  ~ Dreams for an Insomniac


  “Are you heading somewhere?” She gradually opened the door to the bathroom, watching me as I got out of the shower, her eyes noting everything like a hawk would their prey.

  It was after all six in the morning. Rather an unusual time to shower on a Sunday. Had I not gotten the call that had made me roll out of bed, I’d still be securely fast asleep and wrapped in her body’s warmth. But alas, the call was imminent and needed my attention. “Unfortunately yes. A friend of mine is in trouble—and I think I’m the only person she’ll listen to.” Grazia was one of my closest friends, who also happened to be an ex-girlfriend of mine. She was a social drug user but ever since we broke up, she’s been spiraling out of control. Her family’s been trying to get her into rehab but to no avail. If there was one person who could convince her to get treatment, it was me. So as much as I despised leaving Kimberly after spending every waking moment with her for the past two weeks, I knew I had to sacrifice a little of my happiness to help a someone who meant a great deal to me.

  Pondering as her brows furrowed, she released a sigh before making a curt nod. “If it’s really that important to you then I understand completely.” Her words meant to reassure me, and yet she was far from fine. In fact, she seemed downright uneasy about it. Her lip licking, a cute habit if I might add, easily gave her nervousness away. She was sweet, but her possessive side of her was slowly coming to light, and I must say I found it rather endearing and hellishly sexy at the same.

  She had nothing to worry about. I was enamored with her truly, madly, unceasingly. I might not have voiced it out, but my actions should suffice. Going over to where she was curiously leaning against the doorframe, my chest tightened at the thought of her seeking other men’s company while I was away. I knew she was new to this country, but Italian men weren’t really subtle with their intentions when it came to women. If they want it, they would chase it—hound it until it was theirs. We were a passionate breed, and I had always lauded that fact…until this very instance. Her beauty was a weakness, and for the first time in my life, I had this urge to simply keep her somewhere safe until I was unusual train of thought made me frown a little. I wasn’t sure which was more troubling; the fact that I wanted to keep her away from prying eyes or this maddening pull to always keep her safe. I was never this sort—never—so for my thoughts to tread along these emotions were rather…dangerous.

  “I’ll miss you—”

  Her melancholy face was doing a hefty deal tugging at my heart. “I’ll be back before you know it—behave while I’m away, per favore.”

  She beamed before raising her brow to taunt me, challenge me. “I shall try.”

  To her, this might all be a tease, but I had this inkling that wouldn’t seem to ebb away. “Promise me that you will, cara mia.” I wasn’t necessarily begging, but I was getting there.

  She appeared amused, eyes glittering as she gazed at me before she wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered into my ear, “I promise, Luca.”

  I made an animalistic growl when I felt her pull the towel that was loosely wrapped around my hips with a wicked agenda in mind. She had no idea how much it meant to me, watching her get on her knees and persistently worship me with fervor on a daily basis. I needed this—her—all of it. When I get back, she and I desperately needed to discuss where we were heading. Because from where I was standing, she was perfectly suited for me, in every sense of the matter.

  Maybe this impending trip would be a good way to sort out our feelings for each other. We got together in such a heady, speedy rate, maybe it would benefit us to have some time apart. After all, they did say absence makes the heart grow fonder.


  It took nothing more than a mere second—a blink, a heartbeat, a breath—for everything to drastically change, shifting your world inside out and upside down. Then, when all fight had left you, the moment you shut your eyes, you knew nothing would ever be the same again.

  That thought occurred to me when my car skidded off the track, heading towards a formidable concrete wall.

  Upon the moment of impact, I heard the loud bang of my car smashing against it. Along with the hair-raising sound of metal crunching upon collision, there was the acrid stench of petrol combined with smoke fumes burning into my nostrils.

  My senses took it all in, acutely noting each mind-bending change in my surrounding. However, I couldn’t feel my body. Using all my might, I couldn’t for the life of me move my limbs.

  In the far distance, I could hear the sirens heading towards me.

  I should have panicked, yet that emotion wasn’t present. It was as if my body was not there at all, as if I was disconnected from it.

  I probably was, given the speedy rate I had been going.

  The sound of people running towards me made me feel somewhat hopeful. Maybe there was something to be done, and it wasn’t too late…

  “Signore Luca! Per favore, riesci a sentirmi?” (Can you hear me?)

  From what I could gather, there was a team of people trying to pry my door open.

  His troubling question made me want to respond to him, to simply ask him not to scream so loudly, but that thought immediately escaped me when I suddenly felt weak, thanks to the foul stench of petrol burning my lungs, making it quite impossible to breathe.


  Just as I had wished, I was going to die on the racetrack of Monza.

  Amidst the stark darkness came a tiny slither of light. It reminded me of a darkened sky with one glimmering star to embellish the plain gloom of nightfall.

  The seconds turned into minutes then hours. From there
, I lost track of how long I kept staring at the small tincture of brightness.

  I was still and unmoving from my spot. I wasn’t sure if I was sitting down, standing up, or simply lying somewhere. I hadn’t a clue. It was as if my body was nonexistent, and the only sense that was working was my sight, nothing more.

  My eyes were glued to that one shimmering light, my mind a mass of confusion, enthrallment, and this odd feeling that I was awaiting my sentence. It felt like I couldn’t proceed until I was given permission. Like I said, it was rather peculiar, yet I knew that was what I must do.

  And so I waited in the stillness surrounding me. There was no air, no sound at all, as if there was no life anywhere around me. It was deafening listening to nothing. It made me momentarily think of my ears popping due to pressure when I could only hear myself thinking and speaking, leaving the rest as a dulling nuisance in the background.

  Serene calmness engulfed me. Relaxed and undaunted, I gradually shut my eyes, while another part of me thought it important to keep noting the string of light, wondering if it were to leave me in darkness soon. Regardless, the notion of keeping my concentration sharp completely left me as the temptation of shutting my lids conquered.

  In that instant, I felt utterly complete, unlike any feeling I had experienced before. Contentment filled me. I felt one with my body, with my mind and every vital and lingering thought that ever crossed my mind. A mere second passed, a gasp of a short breath, before I caught a whiff of something…

  …something memorable that tugged at me, immediately making my heart thud like crazy.

  A familiar scent.

  The moment it infiltrated my nostrils, running down my throat and into my lungs, it headed straight into my heart, digging itself in there.

  The wafting fragrance was a mixture of fresh air, the intoxicating smell of orange blooms during summer time, fresh cut grass, and a faint, lingering smell of lavender. It was the scent that had haunted me for the last three months. The very smell that, even after all the time that had past, still made me tremble deep within.

  Just like that, I was transported back to one of my beloved and most cherished places—my family’s orchard in Pavia.

  Villa Allegra had been in my family since the 13th century. Through the years, it had been gradually upgraded to include amenities from the modern world. Despite the upgrades, the overall feel of a classical Roman-inspired country estate had remained with awe-inspiring, floor mosaics; heated, indoor bathing pools; and a Roman-inspired pool that was surrounded by pillared statues of the Roman gods Apollo, Jupiter, Juno, Venus, and the entire lot, which faced Southeast, where the sun rose.

  One of my cherished memories happened in the open courtyard that sat in the heart of the villa, where two shallow, ankle-deep pools were situated side by side, next to the striking Venus fountain. It was where I had spent most of my coins, throwing them in, wishing away for whatever my heart desired. It was, without a doubt, a beautiful, stunning villa with rich splendor. It wasn’t its grandeur that made it remarkably special for me, though. No, it was a woman, an American expat named Kimberly Harris.

  With much anticipation, agitation, and bated breath, she had come back to drown me with nostalgia, throwing me back into the blistering hotness of an Italian summer and the unparalleled love I had once felt for her…


  Three months ago…

  “Have you seen Jacques anywhere?” Andrès Franco threw me a questioning look along with his raised, aristocratic brow that most people found intimidating. Too bad I wasn’t one of them.

  “After the same woman again tonight, I take it?” I made a dry laugh, wondering when those two would end their odd fixation with the same women. Be it a one-night-stand or a temporary lover, the French man and the Spanish duke seemed to share a rather special trait of taking an interest in the same things, women included. Though I had a lot in common with the men, thank goodness I didn’t share that particular trait with them.

  “I don’t see why you find this highly amusing.” he retorted back, a little disgruntled that I wasn’t showing any bit of support when he was evidently not at all pleased by the situation.

  “Listen, chap, the world is filled with beautiful, single women who come in all shapes and sizes; must you both fight at every party for the same bloody woman? You both need to cut this ‘may the best man win’ competition. We’re not in boarding school anymore.” Shaking my head, I nonchalantly shrugged at him.

  He smirked, looking devious. “Are we giving lectures now, Luca? You’re one to talk. It’s not as if you’re a saint.”

  I was far from one, and I shamelessly admitted that, wholeheartedly.

  “Just be careful, yeah? I’m sure this is all fun and games at the moment, but there might come a time when things get serious. You don’t want to be caught in the middle of that, Andrès, especially when your family loathes scandal.”

  He seemed thoughtful a moment before finally giving me an understanding look. “I hadn’t thought of it that way, but you’re right.” He paused before grinning at me. “But must we end this rivalry tonight? This year? Probably not.” He tapped my shoulder then breezed away towards the bar where the party was thriving.

  Tonight was the opening night of my cousin Antonio’s bar, so naturally my best friends were here, all except for the other two rogues, Dimitris and Callum. We all went to the same boarding school and had remained in contact since. Our bond, though we all lived in different countries, had surprisingly only gotten stronger since Switzerland.

  Andrès, Jacques, and myself had chosen the path of car racing, but it was only this year that we finally had been able to join Formula One. It was one of my prized moments. This year was supposed to be the year I was going to have the best year yet. For some reason, though, I felt empty.

  I wasn’t sure what prompted my thoughts towards such depressing notions, yet it was what it was, and I couldn’t deny it. Normally, when I was at a party, those disheartening thoughts were suppressed. Tonight, it was different. In fact, the need to leave and be left alone was crucial.

  Scouting the bar, I couldn’t find Jacques or Andrès anywhere, nor could I find my cousin Antonio. I wasn’t one to leave without saying goodbye, but being surrounded by all these happy, drunk people was just too much for tonight. Decidedly, I took a moment before finally making my way to the exit, dashing towards it with a striking purpose, as if any second wasted surrounded by these nameless people would make me detonate.

  I couldn’t name what truly was troubling me. All I knew was that I simply had to take myself out of there, away from the smoke-laden air, irritating high-pitched laughs, and prying eyes of strangers. I was sick of it all.

  The second I breathed in the fresh air, I knew I had made the right decision. Pensive, I made good use of my legs, hoping a long, brisk walk in one of the cities I loved so much would enlighten my obviously troubled mind.

  Maybe it was the stress from the closely won race tonight or simply the nagging sound that was my mother, who lovingly choked me with her horrid matchmaking skills. As if acquiring a wife would make everything in my life blindingly perfect.

  Felicia Constantia di Medici, my dearest mother who chose to live her life through me, parading me as if I was her trophy child, her only accomplishment in life and nothing else. Sometimes, I wondered if it was love she felt for me. There were times whilst growing up that made me wonder if she channeled all of her energies to me because of her unrequited love with my father, masking her hurt and rejection by focusing on something that she could be a part of, something that she could control. Me. Her only child. The heir to the Medici billions.

  It was as much a curse as it was a blessing, never leaving me a choice, never a moment to doubt or question my position, because it was drilled into my head at an early age that this was to be my life.

  I knew it. In fact, I acknowledged it, but as the years passed, the shackle inevitably tightened, grappling me in a chokehold manner, never easing its pressur
e on me.

  “Shit. Shit. Shit!” A woman’s highly pitched voice made me withdraw from my thoughts, scouting the yellow-lit streets close to Piazza Navona. A frustrated growl came next. “Just my luck, another typical moment in Kim’s world.”

  A hidden smile played on my lips when I spotted a brunette muttering into the air, clearly unhappy that one of her heels had broken.


  Watching the lady from afar, I wondered what she would do next. My guess was for her to carry on her hissy fit, but when I caught sight of her defeated shoulders sagging, biting her lip as if to stop herself from crying, every inkling in my body told me to go to her. I didn’t even think twice, just followed my instincts, willingly wanting to reach out to this sullen stranger.

  “Mi scusi, is everything okay?” I softly asked from a respectable distance, hoping not to frighten her.

  “Uh…” She hesitated before cocking her head to the side to properly see me. Then she momentarily froze, staring wide-eyed at me. “Holy. Fuck.”

  Her response threw me off a little, making me furrow my brows. “Sorry. Did I offend you for some reason? I thought you needed help, so—”

  “Sorry. No. It’s just… I cuss a lot, you know.” She blushed before laughing nervously at herself. “And I honest to God didn’t expect a stranger to look like you, but hell, I’m in Rome. Everyone’s practically born with pizzazz and sculpted faces and bodies closely resembling the statue of David, right?” She was nervous, rambling on.

  “That’s very kind of you, but trust me, not everyone in Italy is born that way. Some would like to think so, but I’m not one of them.”

  “That’s just crazy! You’re like hotter than Channing Tatum, and let me tell you, Channing is like the ultimate dream man. Have you see Magic Mike?”


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