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Delphi Septuagint

Page 46

by Lancelot C L Brenton (ed)

  Chapter 33

  [1] And this is the blessing with which Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death. [2] And he said, The Lord is come from Sina, and has appeared from Seir to us, and has hasted out of the mount of Pharan, with the ten thousands of Cades; on his right hand were his angels with him. [3] And he spared his people, and all his sanctified ones are under thy hands; and they are under thee; and he received of his words [4] the law which Moses charged us, an inheritance to the assemblies of Jacob. [5] And he shall be prince with the beloved one, when the princes of the people are gathered together with the tribes of Israel. [6] Let Ruben live, and not die; and let him be many in number.

  [7] And this is the blessing of Juda; Hear, Lord, the voice of Juda, and do thou visit his people: his hands shall contend for him, and thou shalt be a help from his enemies.

  [8] And to Levi he said, Give to Levi his manifestations, and his truth to the holy man, whom they tempted in the temptation; they reviled him at the water of strife. [9] Who says to his father and mother, I have not seen thee; and he knew not his brethren, and he refused to know his sons: he kept thine oracles, and observed thy covenant. [10] They shall declare thine ordinances to Jacob, and thy law to Israel: they shall place incense in the time of thy wrath continually upon thine altar. [11] Bless, Lord, his strength, and accept the works of his hands; break the loins of his enemies that have risen up against him, and let not them that hate him rise up. [12] And to Benjamin he said, The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in confidence, and God overshadows him always, and he rested between his shoulders.

  [13] And to Joseph he said, His land is of the blessing of the Lord, of the seasons of sky and dew, and of the deeps of wells below, [14] and of the fruits of the changes of the sun in season, and of the produce of the months, [15] from the top of the ancient mountains, and from the top of the everlasting hills, [16] and of the fullness of the land in season: and let the things pleasing to him that dwelt in the bush come on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of him who was glorified above his brethren. [17] His beauty is as the firstling of his bull, his horns are the horns of a unicorn; with them he shall thrust the nations at once, even from the end of the earth: these are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and these are the thousands of Manasse. [18] And to Zabulon he said, Rejoice, Zabulon, in thy going out, and Issachar in his tents. [19] They shall utterly destroy the nations, and ye shall call men there, and there offer the sacrifice of righteousness; for the wealth of the sea shall suckle thee, and so shall the marts of them that dwell by the sea-coast.

  [20] And to Gad he said, Blessed be he that enlarges Gad: as a lion he rested, having broken the arm and the ruler. [21] And he saw his first-fruits, that there the land of the princes gathered with the chiefs of the people was divided; the Lord wrought righteousness, and his judgment with Israel.

  [22] And to Dan he said, Dan is a lion’s whelp, and shall leap out of Basan. [23] And to Nephthali he said, Nephthali has the fulness of good things; and let him be filled with blessing from the Lord: he shall inherit the west and the south. [24] And to Aser he said, Aser is blessed with children; and he shall be acceptable to his brethren: he shall dip his foot in oil. [25] His sandal shall be iron and brass; as thy days, so shall be thy strength.

  [26] There is not any such as the God of the beloved; he who rides upon the heaven is thy helper, and the magnificent One of the firmament. [27] And the rule of God shall protect thee, and that under the strength of the everlasting arms; and he shall cast forth the enemy from before thy face, saying, Perish. [28] And Israel shall dwell in confidence alone on the land of Jacob, with corn and wine; and the sky shall be misty with dew upon thee. [29] Blessed art thou, O Israel; who is like to thee, O people saved by the Lord? thy helper shall hold his shield over thee, and his sword is thy boast; and thine enemies shall speak falsely to thee, and thou shalt tread upon their neck.

  Chapter 34

  [1] And Moses went up from Araboth Moab to the mount of Nabau, to the top of Phasga, which is before Jericho; and the Lord shewed him all the mount of Galaad to Dan, and all the land of Nephthali, [2] and all the land of Ephraim and Manasse, and all the land of Juda to the farthest sea; [3] and the wilderness, and the country round about Jericho, the city of palm-trees, to Segor. [4] And the Lord said to Moses, This is the land of which I sware to Abraam, and Isaac, and Jacob, saying, To your seed will I give it: and I have shewed it to thine eyes, but thou shalt not go in thither. [5] So Moses the servant of the Lord died in the land of Moab by the word of the Lord. [6] And they buried him in Gai near the house of Phogor; and no one has seen his sepulchre to this day. [7] And Moses was a hundred and twenty years old at his death; his eyes were not dimmed, nor were his natural powers destroyed.

  [8] And the children of Israel wept for Moses in Araboth of Moab at Jordan near Jericho thirty days; and the days of the sad mourning for Moses were completed. [9] And Joshua the son of Naue was filled with the spirit of knowledge, for Moses had laid his hands upon him; and the children of Israel hearkened to him; and they did as the Lord commanded Moses. [10] And there rose up no more a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, [11] in all the signs and wonders, which the Lord sent him to work in Egypt on Pharao, and his servants, and all his land; [12] the great wonders, and the mighty hand which Moses displayed before all Israel.


  Chapter 1

  [1] And it came to pass after the death of Moses, that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Naue, the minister of Moses, saying, [2] Moses my servant is dead; now then arise, go over Jordan, thou and all this people, into the land, which I give them. [3] Every spot on which ye shall tread I will give it to you, as I said to Moses. [4] The wilderness and Antilibanus, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, and as far as the extremity of the sea; your costs shall be from the setting of the sun. [5] Not a man shall stand against you all the days of thy life; and as I was with Moses, so will I also be with thee, and I will not fail thee, or neglect thee. [6] Be strong and ‘quit thyself like a man, for thou shalt divide the land to this people, which I sware to give to your fathers. [7] Be strong, therefore, and quit thyself like a man, to observe and do as Moses my servant commanded thee; and thou shalt not turn therefrom to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest be wise in whatsoever thou mayest do. [8] And the book of this law shall not depart out of thy mouth, and thou shalt meditate in it day and night, that thou mayest know how to do all the things that are written in it; then shalt thou prosper, and make thy ways prosperous, and then shalt thou be wise. [9] Lo! I have commanded thee; be strong and courageous, be not cowardly nor fearful, for the Lord thy God is with thee in all places whither thou goest. [10] And Joshua commanded the scribes of the people, saying, [11] Go into the midst of the camp of the people, and command the people, saying, Prepare provisions; for yet three days and ye shall go over this Jordan, entering in to take possession of the land, which the Lord God of your fathers gives to you. [12] And to Ruben, and to Gad, and to the half tribe of Manasse, Joshua said, [13] Remember the word which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, saying, the Lord your God has caused you to rest, and has given you this land. [14] Let your wives and your children and your cattle dwell in the land, which he has given you; and ye shall go over well armed before your brethren, every one of you who is strong; and ye shall fight on their side; [15] until the Lord your God shall have given your brethren rest, as also to you, and they also shall have inherited the land, which the Lord your God gives them; then ye shall depart each one to his inheritance, which Moses gave you beyond Jordan eastward. [16] And they answered Joshua and said, We will do all things which thou commandest us, and we will go to every place whither thou shalt send us. [17] Whereinsoever we hearkened to Moses we will hearken to thee; only let the Lord our God be with thee, as he was with Moses. [18] And whosoever shall disobey thee, and whosoever shall not hearken to thy words as thou shalt command him, let him die; but be thou strong and courageous.

/>   Chapter 2

  [1] And Joshua the son of Naue sent out of Sattin two young men to spy the land, saying, Go up and view the land and Jericho: and the two young men went and entered into Jericho; and they entered into the house of a harlot, whose name was Raab, and lodged there.

  [2] An it was reported to the king of Jericho, saying, Men of the sons of Israel have come in hither to spy the land. [3] And the king of Jericho sent and spoke to Raab, saying, Bring out the men that entered into thine house this night; for they are come to spy out the land. [4] And the woman took the two men and hid them; and she spoke to the messengers, saying, The men came in to me, [5] but when the gate was shut in the evening, the men went out; I know not whither they are gone: follow after them, if ye may overtake them. [6] But she had brought them up upon the house, and hid them in the flax-stalks that were spread by her on the house. [7] And the men followed after them in the way to Jordan to the fords; and the gate was shut.

  [8] And it came to pass when the men who pursued after them were gone forth, and before the spies had lain down to sleep, that she came up to them on the top of the house; [9] and she said to them, I know that the Lord has given you the land; for the fear of you has fallen upon us. [10] For we have heard that the Lord God dried up the Red Sea before you, when ye came out of the land of Egypt, and all that he did to the two kings of the Amorites, who were beyond Jordan, to Seon and Og, whom ye utterly destroyed. [11] And when we heard it we were amazed in our heart, and there was no longer any spirit in any of us because of you, for the Lord your god is God in heaven above, and on the earth beneath. [12] And now swear to me by the Lord God; since I deal mercifully with you, so do ye also deal mercifully with the house of my father: [13] and save alive the house of my father, my mother, and my brethren, and all my house, and all that they have, and ye shall rescue my soul from death.

  [14] And the men said to her, Our life for yours even to death: and she said, When the Lord shall have delivered the city to you, ye shall deal mercifully and truly with me. [15] And she let them down by the window; [16] and she said to them, Depart into the hill-country, lest the pursuers meet you, and ye shall be hidden there three days until your pursuers return from after you, and afterwards ye shall depart on your way.

  [17] And the men said to her, We are clear of this thy oath. [18] Behold, we shall enter into a part of the city, and thou shalt set a sign; thou shalt bind this scarlet cord in the window, by which thou hast let us down, and thou shalt bring in to thyself, into thy house, thy father, and thy mother, and thy brethren, and all the family of thy father. [19] And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall go outside the door of thy house, his guilt shall be upon him, and we shall be quit of this thine oath; and we will be responsible for all that shall be found with thee in thy house. [20] But if any one should injure us, or betray these our matters, we shall be quit of this thine oath. [21] And she said to them, Let it be according to your word; and she sent them out, and they departed. [22] And they came to the hill-country, and remained there three days; and the pursuers searched all the roads, and found them not.

  [23] And the two young men returned, and came down out of the mountain; and they went over to Joshua the son of Naue, and told him all things that had happened to them. [24] And they said to Joshua, The Lord has delivered all the land into our power, and all the inhabitants of that land tremble because of us.

  Chapter 3

  [1] And Joshua rose up early in the morning, and departed from Sattin; and they came as far as Jordan, and lodged there before they crossed over. [2] And it came to pass after three days, that the scribes went through the camp; [3] and they charged the people, saying, When ye shall see the ark of the covenant of the Lord our God, and our priests and the Levites bearing it, ye shall depart from your places, and ye shall go after it. [4] But let there be a distance between you and it; ye shall stand as much as two thousand cubits from it. Do not draw nigh to it, that ye may know the way which ye are to go; for ye have not gone the way before.

  [5] And Joshua said to the people, Sanctify yourselves against to-morrow, for to-morrow the Lord will do wonders among you. [6] And Joshua said to the priests, Take up the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and go before the people: and the priests took up the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and went before the people. [7] And the Lord said to Joshua, This day do I begin to exalt thee before all the children of Israel, that they may know that as I was with Moses, so will I also be with thee. [8] And now charge the priests that bear the ark of the covenant, saying, As soon as ye shall enter on a part of the water of Jordan, then ye shall stand in Jordan.

  [9] And Joshua said to the children of Israel, Come hither, and hearken to the word of the Lord our God. [10] Hereby ye shall know that the living God is among you, and will utterly destroy from before our face the Chananite, and the Chettite and Pherezite, and the Evite, and the Amorite, and the Gergesite, and the Jebusite. [11] Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth passes over Jordan. [12] Choose for yourselves twelve men of the sons of Israel, one of each tribe. [13] And it shall come to pass, when the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the covenant of the Lord of the whole earth rest in the water of Jordan, the water of Jordan below shall fail, and the water coming down from above shall stop.

  [14] And the people removed from their tents to cross over Jordan, and the priests bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord before the people. [15] And when the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord entered upon Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord were dipped in part of the water of Jordan; (now Jordan overflowed all its banks about the time of wheat harvest:) [16] then the waters that came down from above stopped; there stood one solid heap very far off, as far as the region of Kariathiarim, and the lower part came down to the sea of Araba, the salt sea, till it completely failed; and the people stood opposite Jericho. [17] And the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood on dry land in the midst of Jordan; and all the children of Israel went through on dry land, until all the people had completely gone over Jordan.

  Chapter 4

  [1] And when the people had completely passed over Jordan, the Lord spoke to Joshua, saying, [2] Take men from the people, one of each tribe, [3] and charge them; and ye shall take out of the midst of Jordan twelve fit stones, and having carried them across together with yourselves, place them in your camp, where ye shall encamp for the night.

  [4] And Joshua having called twelve men of distinction among the children of Israel, one of each tribe, [5] said to them, Advance before me in the presence of the Lord into the midst of Jordan, and each having taken up a stone from thence, let him carry it on his shoulders, according to the number of the twelve tribes of Israel: [6] that these may be to you continually for an appointed sign, that when thy son asks thee in future, saying, What are these stones to us? [7] then thou mayest explain to thy son, saying, The river Jordan was dried up from before the ark of the covenant of the Lord of the whole earth, when it passed it: and these stones shall be for a memorial for you for the children of Israel for ever.

  [8] And the children of Israel did so, as the Lord commanded Joshua; and they took up twelve stones out of the midst of Jordan, (as the Lord commanded Joshua, when the children of Israel had completely passed over,)and carried these stones with them into the camp, and laid them down there. [9] And Joshua set also other twelve stones in Jordan itself, in the place that was under the feet of the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord; and there they are to this day.

  [10] And the priests that bore the ark of the covenant stood in Jordan, until Joshua had finished all that the Lord commanded him to report to the people; and the people hasted and passed over. [11] And it came to pass when all the people had passed over, that the ark of the covenant of the Lord passed over, and the stones before them. [12] And the sons of Ruben, and the sons of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasse passed over armed before the children of Israel, as Moses c
ommanded them. [13] Forty thousand armed for battle went over before the Lord to war, to the city of Jericho. [14] In that day the Lord magnified Joshua before all the people of Israel; and they feared him, as they did Moses, as long as he lived.

  [15] And the Lord spoke to Joshua, saying, [16] Charge the priests that bear the ark of the covenant of the testimony of the Lord, to go up out of Jordan. [17] And Joshua charged the priests, saying, Go up out of Jordan. [18] And it came to pass when the priests who bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord were gone up out of Jordan, and set their feet upon the land, that the water of Jordan returned impetuously to its place, and went as before over all its banks.

  [19] And the people went up out of Jordan on the tenth day of the first month; and the children of Israel encamped in Galgala in the region eastward from Jericho. [20] And Joshua set these twelve stones which he took out of Jordan, in Galgala, [21] saying, When your sons ask you, saying, What are these stones? [22] Tell your sons, that Israel went over this Jordan on dry land, [23] when the Lord our God had dried up the water of Jordan from before them, until they had passed over; as the Lord our God did to the Red Sea, which the Lord our God dried up from before us, until we passed over. [24] That all the nations of the earth might know, that the power of the Lord is mighty, and that ye might worship the Lord our God in every work.


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