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Delphi Septuagint

Page 176

by Lancelot C L Brenton (ed)

  [20] But the unrighteous shall be tossed as troubled waves, and shall not be able to rest. [21] There is no joy to the ungodly, said God.

  Chapter 58

  [1] Cry aloud, and spare not; lift up thy voice as with a trumpet, and declare to my people their sins, and to the house of Jacob their iniquities. [2] They seek me day by day, and desire to know my ways, as a people that had done righteousness, and had not forsaken the judgment of their God: they now ask of me righteous judgment, and desire to draw nigh to God, [3] saying, Why have we fasted, and thou regardest not? why have we afflicted our souls, and thou didst not know it?

  Nay, in the days of your fasts ye find your pleasures, and all them that are under your power ye wound. [4] If ye fast for quarrels and strifes, and smite the lowly with your fists, wherefore do ye fast to me as ye do this day, so that your voice may be heard in crying? [5] I have not chosen this fast, nor such a day for a man to afflict his soul; neither though thou shouldest bend down thy neck as a ring, and spread under thee sackcloth and ashes, neither thus shall ye call a fast acceptable. [6] I have not chosen such a fast, saith the Lord; but do thou loose every burden of iniquity, do thou untie the knots of hard bargains, set the bruised free, and cancel every unjust account. [7] Break thy bread to the hungry, and lead the unsheltered poor to thy house: if thou seest one naked, clothe him, and thou shalt not disregard the relations of thine own seed.

  [8] Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thy health shall speedily spring forth: and thy righteousness shall go before thee, and the glory of God shall compass thee. [9] Then shalt thou cry, and God shall hearken to thee; while thou art yet speaking he will say, Behold, I am here. If thou remove from thee the band, and the stretching forth of the hands, and murmuring speech; [10] and if thou give bread to the hungry from thy heart, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light spring up in darkness, and thy darkness shall be as noon-day: [11] and thy God shall be with thee continually, and thou shalt be satisfied according as thy soul desires; and thy bones shall be made fat, and shall be as a well-watered garden, and as a fountain from which the water has not failed. [12] And thy old waste desert places shall be built up, and thy foundations shall last through all generations; and thou shalt be called a repairer of breaches, and thou shalt cause thy paths between to be in peace.

  [13] If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, so as not to do thy pleasure on the holy days, and shalt call the sabbaths delightful, holy to God; if thou shalt not lift up thy foot to work, nor speak a word in anger out of thy mouth, [14] then shalt thou trust on the Lord; and he shall bring thee up to the good places of the land, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken this.

  Chapter 59

  [1] Has the hand of the Lord no power to save? or has he made his ear heavy, so that he should not hear? [2] Nay, your iniquities separate between you and God, and because of your sins has he turned away his face from you, so as not to have mercy upon you. [3] For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with sins; your lips also have spoken iniquity, and your tongue meditates unrighteousness.

  [4] None speaks justly, neither is there true judgment: they trust in vanities, and speak empty words; for they conceive trouble, and bring forth iniquity. [5] They have hatched asps’ eggs, and weave a spider’s web: and he that is going to eat of their eggs, having crushed an addled egg, has found also in it a basilisk. [6] Their web shall not become a garment, nor shall they at all clothe themselves with their works; for their works are works of iniquity. [7] And their feet run to wickedness, swift to shed blood; their thoughts also are thoughts of murder; destruction and misery are in their ways; [8] and the way of peace they know not, neither is there judgment in their ways; for their paths by which they go are crooked, and they know not peace.

  [9] Therefore has judgment departed from them, and righteousness shall not overtake them: while they waited for light, darkness came upon them; while they waited for brightness, they walked in perplexity. [10] They shall feel for the wall as blind men, and shall feel for it as if they had no eyes: and they shall feel at noon-day as at midnight; they shall groan as dying men. [11] They shall proceed together as a bear and as a dove: we have waited for judgment, and there is no salvation, it is gone far from us.

  [12] For our iniquity is great before thee, and our sins have risen up against us: for our iniquities are in us, and we know our unrighteous deeds. [13] We have sinned, and dealt falsely, and revolted from our God: we have spoken unrighteous words, and have been disobedient; we have conceived and uttered from our heart unrighteous words. [14] And we have turned judgment back, and righteousness has departed afar off: for truth is consumed in their ways, and they could not pass by a straight path. [15] And truth has been taken away, and they have turned aside their mind from understanding.

  And the Lord saw it, and it pleased him not that there was no judgment. [16] And he looked, and there was no man, and he observed, and there was none to help: so he defended them with his arm, and stablished them with his mercy. [17] And he put on righteousness as a breast-plate, and placed the helmet of salvation on his head; and he clothed himself with the garment of vengeance, and with his cloak, [18] as one about to render a recompence, even reproach to his adversaries. [19] So shall they of the west fear the name of the Lord, and they that come from the rising of the sun his glorious name: for the wrath of the Lord shall come as a mighty river, it shall come with fury.

  [20] And the deliverer shall come for Sion’s sake, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. [21] And this shall be my covenant with them, said the Lord; My Spirit which is upon thee, and the words which I have put in thy mouth, shall never fail from thy mouth, nor from the mouth of thy seed, for the Lord has spoken it, henceforth and for ever.

  Chapter 60

  [1] Be enlightened, be enlightened, O Jerusalem, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. [2] Behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and there shall be gross darkness on the nations: but the Lords shall appear upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. [3] And kings shall walk in thy light, and nations in thy brightness.

  [4] Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold thy children gathered: all thy sons have come from far, and thy daughters shall be borne on men’s shoulders. [5] Then shalt thou see, and fear, and be amazed in thine heart; for the wealth of the sea shall come round to thee, and of nations and peoples; and herds of camels shall come to thee, [6] and the camels of Madiam and Gaepha shall cover thee: all from Saba shall come bearing gold, and shall bring frankincense, and they shall publish the salvation of the Lord. [7] And all the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered, and the rams of Nabaeoth shall come; and acceptable sacrifices shall be offered on my altar, and my house of prayer shall be glorified.

  [8] Who are these that fly as clouds, and as doves with young ones to me? [9] The isles have waited for me, and the ships of Tharsis among the first, to bring thy children from afar, and their silver and their gold with them, and that for the sake of the holy name of the Lord, and because the Holy One of Israel is glorified. [10] And strangers shall build thy walls, and their kings shall wait upon thee: for by reason of my wrath I smote thee, and by reason of mercy I loved thee. [11] And thy gates shall be opened continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; to bring in to thee the power of the Gentiles, and their kings as captives. [12] For the nations and the kings which will not serve thee shall perish; and those nations shall be made utterly desolate.

  [13] And the glory of Libanus shall come to thee, with the cypress, and pine, and cedar together, to glorify my holy place.

  [14] And the sons of them that afflicted thee, and of them that provoked thee, shall come to thee in fear; and thou shalt be called Sion, the city of the Holy One of Israel. [15] Because thou has become desolate and hated, and there was no helper, therefore I will make thee a perpetual gladness, a joy of many generations.

  [16] And thou shalt suck the milk of the Genti
les, and shalt eat the wealth of kings: and shalt know that I am the Lord that saves thee and delivers thee, the Holy One of Israel. [17] And for brass I will bring thee gold, and for iron I will bring thee silver, and instead of wood I will bring thee brass, and instead of stones, iron; and I will make thy princes peaceable, and thine overseers righteous. [18] And injustice shall no more be heard in thy land, nor destruction nor misery in thy coasts; but thy walls shall be called Salvation, and thy gates Sculptured Work. [19] And thou shalt no more have the sun for a light by day, nor shall the rising of the moon lighten thy night; but the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and God thy glory. [20] For the sun shall no more set, nor shall the moon be eclipsed; for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be completed. [21] Thy people also shall be all righteous; they shall inherit the land for ever, preserving that which they have planted, even the works of their hands, for glory. [22] The little one shall become thousands, and the least a great nation; I the Lord will gather them in due time.

  Chapter 61

  [1] The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me; he has sent me to preach glad tidings to the poor, to heal the broken in heart, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind; [2] to declare the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of recompence; to comfort all that mourn; [3] that there should be given to them that mourn in Sion glory instead of ashes, the oil of joy to the mourners, the garment of glory for the spirit of heaviness: and they shall be called generations of righteousness, the planting of the Lord for glory.

  [4] And they shall build the old waste places, they shall raise up those that were before made desolate, and shall renew the desert cities, even those that had been desolate for many generations. [5] And strangers shall come and feed thy flocks, and aliens shall be thy ploughmen and vine-dressers. [6] But ye shall be called priests of the Lord, the ministers of God: ye shall eat the strength of nations, and shall be admired because of their wealth. [7] Thus shall they inherit the land a second time, and everlasting joy shall be upon their head. [8] For I am the Lord who love righteousness, and hate robberies of injustice; and I will give their labour to the just, and will make an everlasting covenant with them. [9] And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring in the midst of peoples: every one that sees them shall take notice of them, that they are a seed blessed of God; [10] and they shall greatly rejoice in the Lord.

  Let my soul rejoice in the Lord; for he has clothed me with the robe of salvation, and the garment of joy: he has put a mitre on me as on a bridegroom, and adorned me with ornaments as a bride.

  [11] And as the earth putting forth her flowers, and as a garden its seed; so shall the Lord, even the Lord, cause righteousness to spring forth, and exultation before all nations.

  Chapter 62

  [1] For Sion’s sake I will not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her righteousness go forth as light, and my salvation burn as a torch. [2] And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and kings thy glory: and one shall call thee by a new name, which the Lords shall name. [3] And thou shalt be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God. [4] And thou shalt no more be called Forsaken; and thy land shall no more be called Desert: for thou shalt be called My Pleasure, and thy land Inhabited: for the Lord has taken pleasure in thee, and thy land shall be inhabited.

  [5] And as a young man lives with a virgin, so shall thy sons dwell in thee: and it shall come to pass that as a bridegroom will rejoice over a bride, so will the Lord rejoice over thee.

  [6] And on thy walls, O Jerusalem, have I set watchmen all day and all night, who shall never cease making mention of the Lord. [7] For there is none like you, when he shall have established, and made Jerusalem a praise on the earth. [8] For the Lord has sworn by his glory, and by the might of his arm, I will no more give thy corn and thy provisions to thine enemies; nor shall strangers any more drink thy wine, for which thou has laboured. [9] But they that have gathered them shall eat them, and they shall praise the Lord; and they that have gathered the grapes shall drink thereof in my holy courts.

  [10] Go through my gates, and make a way for my people; and cast the stones out of the way; lift up a standard for the Gentiles. [11] For behold, the Lord has proclaimed to the end of the earth, say ye to the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy Saviour has come to thee, having his reward and his work before his face. [12] And one shall call them the holy people, the redeemed of the Lord: and thou shalt be called a city sought out, and not forsaken.

  Chapter 63

  [1] Who is this that is come from Edom, with red garments from Bosor? thus fair in his apparel, with mighty strength? I speak of righteousness and saving judgment.

  [2] Wherefore are thy garments red, and thy raiment as if fresh from a trodden winepress? [3] I am full of trodden grape, and of the nations there is not a man with me; and I trampled them in my fury, and dashed them to pieces as earth, and brought down their blood to the earth. [4] For the day of recompence has come upon them, and the year of redemption is at hand. [5] And I looked, and there was no helper; and I observed, and none upheld: therefore my arm delivered them, and mine anger drew nigh. [6] And I trampled them in mine anger, and brought down their blood to the earth.

  [7] I remembered the mercy of the Lord, the praises of the Lord in all things wherein he recompenses us. The Lord is a good judge to the house of Israel; he deals with us according to his mercy, and according to the abundance of his righteousness.

  [8] And he said, Is it not my people? the children surely will not be rebellious: and he became to them deliverance [9] out of all their affliction: not an ambassador, nor a messenger, but himself saved them, because he loved them and spared them: he himself redeemed them, and took them up, and lifted them up all the days of old.

  [10] But they disobeyed, and provoked his Holy Spirit: so he turned to be an enemy, he himself contended against them. [11] Then he remembered the ancient days, saying, Where is he that brought up from the sea the shepherd of the sheep? where is he that put his Holy Spirit in them? [12] who led Moses with his right hand, the arm of his glory? he forced the water to separate from before him, to make himself an everlasting name. [13] He led them through the deep, as a horse through the wilderness, and they fainted not, [14] and as cattle through a plain: the Spirit came down from the Lord, and guided them: thus thou leddest thy people, to make thyself a glorious name.

  [15] Turn from heaven, and look from thy holy habitation and from thy glory: where is thy zeal and thy strength? where is the abundance of thy mercy and of thy compassions, that thou hast withholden thyself from us? [16] For thou art our Father; for though Abraham knew us not, and Israel did not acknowledge us, yet do thou, O Lord, our Father, deliver us: thy name has been upon us from the beginning.

  [17] Why hast thou caused us to err, O Lord, from thy way? and has hardened our hearts, that we should not fear thee? Return for thy servants’ sake, for the sake of the tribes of thine inheritance, [18] that we may inherit a small part of thy holy mountain. [19] We are become as at the beginning, when thou didst not rule over us, and thy name was not called upon us.

  Chapter 64

  [1] If thou wouldest open the heaven, trembling will take hold upon the mountains from thee, and they shall melt, [2] as wax melts before the fire; and fire shall burn up the enemies, and thy name shall be manifest among the adversaries: at thy presence the nations shall be troubled, [3] whenever thou shalt work gloriously; trembling from thee shall take hold upon the mountains.

  [4] From of old we have not heard, neither have our eyes seen a God beside thee, and thy works which thou wilt perform to them that wait for mercy. [5] For these blessings shall happen to them that work righteousness, and they shall remember thy ways: behold, thou wast angry and we have sinned; therefore we have erred, [6] and we are all become as unclean, and all our righteousness as a filthy rag: and we have fallen as leaves because of our ini
quities; thus the wind shall carry us away. [7] And there is none that calls upon thy name, or that remembers to take hold on thee: for thou hast turned thy face away from us, and hast delivered us up because of our sins.

  [8] And now, O Lord, thou art our Father, and we are clay, all of us the work of thine hands. [9] Be not very wroth with us, and remember not our sins for ever; but now look on us, for we are all thy people. [10] The city of thy holiness has become desolate, Sion has become as a wilderness, Jerusalem a curse. [11] The house, our sanctuary, and the glory which our fathers blessed, has been burnt with fire: and all our glorious things have gone to ruin. [12] And for all these things thou, O Lord, has withholden, thyself, and been silent, and hast brought us very low.

  Chapter 65

  [1] I became manifest to them that asked not for me; I was found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold, I am here, to a nation, who called not on my name. [2] I have stretched forth my hands all day to a disobedient and gainsaying people, to them that walked in a way that was not good, but after their sins. [3] This is the people that provokes me continually in my presence; they offer sacrifices in gardens, and burn incense on bricks to devils, which exist not. [4] They lie down to sleep in the tombs and in the caves for the sake of dreams, even they that eat swine’s flesh, and the broth of their sacrifices: all their vessels are defiled: [5] who say, Depart from me, draw not nigh to me, for I am pure.


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