The Legacy of Vashna
Page 21
(208) Replaced ‘scavenger’ with ‘Scavenger’. Replaced ‘most-favoured’ with ‘most favoured’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘Jackals’ with ‘Jackals’. Replaced ‘rounds, by’ with ‘rounds by’. Replaced ‘Sun Knight, or higher’ with ‘Sun Knight or higher’.
(209) Replaced ‘gulley’ with ‘gully’. Replaced ‘animal kinship’ with ‘Animal Kinship’. Replaced ‘so you’ with ‘so, you’.
(211) Replaced ‘gone, then’ with ‘gone; then’.
(212) Removed the quotation marks around ‘Mind Charm’. Replaced ‘spell’ with ‘Spell’.
(213) Replaced ‘Kai lord’ with ‘Kai Lord’. Replaced ‘laughs sneeringly’ with ‘laughs, sneering’.
(214) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(218) Replaced ‘kilometres’ with ‘miles’.
(221) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’. Replaced ‘human, she’ with ‘human; she’.
(222) Replaced ‘to the gallop’ with ‘to a gallop’. Replaced both occurrences of ‘jackals’ with ‘Jackals’. Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’.
(223) Replaced both occurrences of ‘gulley’ with ‘gully’.
(224) Replaced ‘throng who are kneeling’ with ‘throng kneeling’.
(225) Replaced ‘head first’ with ‘head-first’. Replaced ‘shadow gate’ with ‘Shadow Gate’.
(226) Replaced ‘furrier's shop’ with ‘furriers' shop’. Replaced ‘mitts’ with ‘Mitts’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘cloaks’ with ‘Cloaks’. Replaced ‘corvayl’ with ‘Corvayl’. Replaced both occurrences of ‘pelts’ in the sale list with ‘Pelts’. Replaced ‘White wolf’ with ‘White Wolf’. Replaced ‘hides’ with ‘Hides’. Replaced ‘furs, or’ with ‘furs or’.
(227) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘man, clad in furs clutching’ with ‘man clad in furs and clutching’. Replaced ‘Telegnosis, and’ with ‘Telegnosis and’. Replaced ‘skill, or’ with ‘skill or’.
(228) Replaced ‘Kai lord’ with ‘Kai Lord’. Replaced ‘maniacally, ‘You’ with ‘maniacally. ‘You’.
(229) Replaced ‘Your Kai blast’ with ‘Your devastating blast’. Replaced ‘weakened by Kai blast’ with ‘weakened by psychic attack’ in harmony with the Collector's Edition. Replaced ‘add 5 to your ENDURANCE points score’ with ‘restore 5 points to your ENDURANCE score’ in harmony with the Collector's Edition.
(230) Replaced ‘horseshoe circle’ with ‘horseshoe shape’. Replaced ‘wintery’ with ‘wintry’. Replaced ‘kilometre’ with ‘mile’.
(231) Replaced ‘eagle eyes’ with ‘eagle-eyes’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(232) Replaced ‘cloud of crypt spawn’ with ‘cloud of Crypt Spawn’. Replaced ‘Crypt spawn’ with ‘Crypt Spawn’.
(233) Replaced ‘kilometre’ with ‘mile’.
(234) Replaced ‘After a short while he says.’ with ‘After a short while he says,’. Moved that phrase into the beginning of the fourth paragraph rather than at the end of the third. Replaced three occurrences of ‘amulet’ with ‘Amulet’. Replaced ‘acolytes of Vashna’ with ‘Acolytes of Vashna’.
(235) Replaced ‘shadow gate’ with ‘Shadow Gate’.
(236) Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’.
(237) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’.
(238) Replaced ‘Storn, a few’ with ‘Storn a few’.
(239) Replaced ‘Kai lord’ with ‘Kai Lord’. Replaced ‘maniacally, ‘You’ with ‘maniacally. ‘You’.
(241) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘longer ,’ with ‘longer,’. Removed the quotation marks around ‘Mind Charm’.
(243) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’.
(244) Replaced ‘metres’ with ‘yards’ as per Joe Dever's original manuscript.
(246) Replaced ‘abate, then’ with ‘abate; then’. Replaced ‘Sun Knight, add’ with ‘Sun Knight or higher, add’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and have’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and have’.
(247) Replaced ‘arrows’ with ‘Arrows’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘kilometres’ with ‘miles’.
(249) Replaced ‘animal control’ with ‘Animal Control’.
(250) Replaced ‘Then, as you round a knoll of rock, shaped’ with ‘Then as you round a knoll of rock shaped’. Replaced ‘vortexi’ with ‘Vortexi’. Replaced ‘sky, then’ with ‘sky; then’. Replaced ‘kilometres’ with ‘miles’. Replaced ‘kilometre’ with ‘mile’.
(251) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘plank, then’ with ‘plank, and then’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘fifteen metres’ with ‘fifty feet’.
(252) Removed the quotation marks around ‘Be brave, Grand Master. But most of all — be swift!’.
(253) Replaced ‘branch, then’ with ‘branch; then’.
(254) Replaced all occurrences of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘approaching.’ with ‘approaching from.’. Replaced ‘domain, a’ with ‘domain: a’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘metres’ with ‘yards’ as per Joe Dever's original manuscript.
(255) Replaced ‘runic disc’ with ‘Runic Disc’.
(256) Replaced ‘north-easterly’ with ‘northeasterly’.
(257) Replaced ‘Black corvayl’ with ‘Black Corvayl’.
(259) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(261) Replaced ‘shadow gate’ with ‘Shadow Gate’.
(263) Replaced ‘vortexi’ with ‘Vortexi’.
(264) Replaced ‘psi-screen’ with ‘Psi-screen’. Replaced ‘metres’ with ‘yards’ as per Joe Dever's original manuscript.
(265) Replaced ‘acolyte Elder’ with ‘Acolyte Elder’.
(267) Replaced ‘offguard’ with ‘off-guard’. Added ‘Arch Druid Cadak is immune to Mindblast and Psi-surge, but he is vulnerable to Kai-surge.’ in harmony with the Collector's Edition.
(268) Replaced ‘Vakovarian brigands’ with ‘Vakovarian Brigands’. Replaced ‘rounds, by’ with ‘rounds by’.
(269) Replaced ‘spell’ with ‘Spell’. Removed the quotation marks around ‘Mind Charm’. Replaced ‘be — a lowly acolyte of Vashna’ with ‘be: a lowly Acolyte of Vashna’.
(272) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(274) Replaced ‘metres’ with ‘yards’ as per Joe Dever's original manuscript.
(275) Replaced ‘acolyte Elder’ with ‘Acolyte Elder’. Replaced ‘kilometres’ with ‘miles’. Replaced ‘battle wounds’ with ‘battle-wounds’.
(276) Replaced both occurrences of ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’. Replaced ‘Sun Knight, or higher’ with ‘Sun Knight or higher’. Replaced ‘Nexus, and’ with ‘Nexus and’.
(277) Replaced ‘humble-but-honest’ with ‘humble but honest’. Replaced ‘acolytes of Vashna’ with ‘Acolytes of Vashna’.
(278) Replaced ‘sparks, then’ with ‘sparks; then’. Replaced ‘arching’ with ‘arcing’.
(279) Replaced ‘streaming’ with ‘steaming’. Replaced ‘six metres’ with ‘twenty feet’.
(280) Replaced ‘three metres’ with ‘ten feet’.
(283) Replaced ‘Sun Lord, or higher’ with ‘Sun Lord’ since Sun Lord is the highest available rank in this book. Replaced ‘Kai-surge, and’ with ‘Kai-surge and’.
(284) Replaced ‘vortexi’ with ‘Vortexi’.
(285) Replaced ‘kilometres’ with ‘miles’.
(286) Replaced ‘chasm of doom’ with ‘Chasm of Doom’. Replaced ‘shadow gate’ with ‘Shadow Gate’. Replaced ‘say, ‘how’ with ‘say. ‘How’.
(287) Replaced ‘gold crowns’ with ‘Gold Crowns’. Replaced ‘lop-sided’ with ‘lopsided’.
(288) Replaced ‘Elder-magi’ with ‘Elder Magi’.
(290) Replaced ‘belt pouch’ with ‘Belt Pouch’.
(293) Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’. Replaced ‘Backpack (up to a maximum o
f 2 Meals).’ with ‘Backpack. (You may take up to a maximum of 2 Meals. These nutritious blossoms have no healing properties.)’ in harmony with the Collector's Edition.
(294) Replaced ‘spell’ with ‘Spell’. Removed the quotation marks from ‘Mind Charm’. Replaced ‘eyes, then’ with ‘eyes; then’.
(295) Replaced ‘throng who are kneeling’ with ‘throng kneeling’.
(296) Replaced ‘ever-nearer’ with ‘ever nearer’.
(297) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’. Replaced ‘out, ‘my’ with ‘out. ‘My’. Replaced ‘Guardian, or higher’ with ‘Guardian or higher’. Replaced ‘kilometres’ with ‘miles’. Replaced ‘Mastery, and’ with ‘Mastery and’.
(298) Replaced ‘curse, then’ with ‘curse; then’.
(300) Replaced ‘kilometre’ with ‘mile’.
(301) Replaced ‘bow, draw an arrow from your quiver’ with ‘Bow, draw an Arrow from your Quiver’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(302) Replaced ‘Kai pathsmanship’ with ‘Magnakai Pathsmanship’.
(304) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘Thok!’ with ‘thok!’. Replaced ‘screams, and’ with ‘screams and’. Replaced ‘lips, then’ with ‘lips; then’.
(305) Replaced ‘vortexi’ with ‘Vortexi’.
(306) Replaced ‘corvayl’ with ‘Corvayl’.
(307) Replaced ‘pathsmanship’ with ‘Pathsmanship’. Replaced ‘north-easterly’ with ‘northeasterly’.
(308) Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’.
(309) Replaced both occurrences of ‘jackals’ with ‘Jackals’. Replaced ‘Huntmastery, and’ with ‘Huntmastery and’. Replaced ‘Discipline, or’ with ‘Discipline or’.
(311) Replaced ‘arching’ with ‘arcing’. Replaced ‘brightly, then’ with ‘brightly; then’.
(314) Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’. Replaced ‘Disciplines, or’ with ‘Disciplines or’.
(315) Replaced ‘king's’ with ‘King's’. Replaced ‘warmly, ‘it’ with ‘warmly. ‘It’.
(316) Replaced ‘token’ with ‘Token’. Replaced ‘bang’ with ‘bang’.
(318) Replaced ‘head first’ with ‘head-first’. Replaced ‘shadow gate’ with ‘Shadow Gate’.
(319) Replaced ‘gulley’ with ‘gully’. Replaced ‘Kai rank of Grand Guardian’ with ‘rank of Kai Grand Guardian’. Replaced ‘this rank of’ with ‘this level of’. Replaced ‘Guardian, or higher’ with ‘Guardian or higher’. Replaced ‘skill, or’ with ‘skill or’.
(320) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’. Replaced ‘Sun Knight’ with ‘Sun Knight or higher’. Replaced ‘Nexus, and’ with ‘Nexus and’. Replaced ‘skill, or’ with ‘skill or’.
(322) Replaced ‘acolyte Elder’ with ‘Acolyte Elder’.
(323) Moved ‘How can I help you, stranger?’ to the first paragraph and moved ‘For an instant the look of suspicion returns to his beady eyes, then he sneers and says,’ to the third paragraph. Replaced ‘eyes, then’ with ‘eyes; then’.
(324) Replaced ‘vortexi’ with ‘Vortexi’. Replaced ‘sparks, then’ with ‘sparks; then’.
(325) Replaced ‘acolytes of Vashna’ with ‘Acolytes of Vashna’. Replaced ‘ruins, by’ with ‘ruins by’.
(326) Replaced ‘Guardian, or higher’ with ‘Guardian or higher’. Replaced ‘Kai-screen, and’ with ‘Kai-screen and’.
(327) Replaced ‘stalagtites’ with ‘stalactites’. Replaced ‘young teenage’ with ‘young, teenage’. Replaced ‘chasm of doom’ with ‘Chasm of Doom’. Replaced ‘seven metres’ with ‘twenty feet’ as per Joe Dever's original manuscript.
(328) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘metres’ with ‘yards’ as per Joe Dever's original manuscript.
(329) Replaced ‘arrows’ with ‘Arrows’.
(330) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘arrows’ with ‘Arrows’. Replaced ‘quiver’ with ‘Quiver’. Replaced ‘If, after’ with ‘If after’.
(333) Replaced ‘metres’ with ‘yards’ as per Joe Dever's original manuscript.
(334) Replaced both occurrences of ‘automatons’ with ‘Automatons’. Replaced ‘Kai Blast’ with ‘Kai-blast’.
(335) Replaced ‘journey, then’ with ‘journey; then’.
(336) Replaced ‘corvayl’ with ‘Corvayl’.
(337) Replaced ‘pathsmanship’ with ‘Pathsmanship’. Replaced ‘kilometres’ with ‘miles’.
(338) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘kilometres’ with ‘miles’. Replaced ‘Mastery, and’ with ‘Mastery and’. Replaced ‘neither, or’ with ‘neither or’.
(339) Replaced ‘here, then’ with ‘here, and then’.
(340) Replaced ‘tone, ‘ 'T'as’ with ‘tone. ‘ 'T'as’. Replaced ‘black corvayl’ with ‘Black Corvayl’.
(341) Replaced ‘north-easterly’ with ‘northeasterly’. Replaced ‘north-east’ with ‘northeast’. Replaced ‘kilometres’ with ‘miles’.
(342) Replaced ‘gulley’ with ‘gully’. Replaced ‘indentify’ with ‘identifies’. Replaced ‘acolyte of Vashna’ with ‘Acolyte of Vashna’.
(343) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(344) Replaced ‘tree-tops’ with ‘treetops’. Replaced ‘Kai-screen, and’ with ‘Kai-screen and’. Replaced ‘Kai-screen, or’ with ‘Kai-screen or’.
(345) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘shadow gate’ with ‘Shadow Gate’.
(347) Replaced both occurrences of ‘jackal’ with ‘Jackal’. Replaced ‘weapon, then’ with ‘weapon; then’.
(348) Replaced ‘invisibility’ with ‘Invisibility’. Removed the quotation marks around ‘Mind Charm’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(349) Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘above, or’ with ‘above or’.
(350) Replaced both occurrences of ‘shadow gate’ with ‘Shadow Gate’.
(Map) Replaced ‘Varetian Hills’ with ‘Varettian Hills’. Replaced ‘Maaken Miner’ with ‘Maaken Mines’.
(Combat Rules Summary) Replaced ‘cross reference’ with ‘cross-reference’. Replaced ‘top of chart’ with ‘top of the chart’. Replaced ‘fall to 0’ with ‘falls to 0 or below’. Replaced ‘Kai Disciplines’ with ‘Grand Master Disciplines’. Replaced ‘Pick number from’ with ‘Pick a number from the’. Replaced ‘Turn to Combat’ with ‘Turn to the Combat’. Replaced ‘to random number’ with ‘to the random number’. Replaced ‘when ENDURANCE’ with ‘when the ENDURANCE’. Replaced ‘ignored, only’ with ‘ignored; only’.
[1] (The Game Rules) The Discipline bonuses mentioned do not affect your permanent scores. If you have completed previous adventures, the Disciplines that you have mastered may still be beneficial. See the Grand Master Rules section of the Readers' Handbook for details.
[2] (The Game Rules) If you have completed any previous Lone Wolf Grand Master adventures, remember to choose an additional Grand Master Discipline and add +1 to your basic COMBAT SKILL and +2 to your basic ENDURANCE for each adventure you successfully completed (cf. Grand Master Disciplines).
[3] (Grand Master Disciplines) Weaponmastery bonuses are replaced by Grand Weaponmastery bonuses, not added cumulatively (cf. Lone Wolf Club Newsletter 28).
If you have completed previous adventures, already possess the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, and have reached the rank of Mentora, it seems that you should already be able to add 5 to numbers picked from the Random Number Table (i.e. the basic Weaponmastery with Bow bonus of 3 added to the Mentora bonus of 2 for all missile weapons). Likely, the author intended the Weaponmastery bonus at the Mentora rank to be a ‘hidden loyalty bonus’ (cf. Lone Wolf Club Newsletter 28). In view of this, the +2 Mentora bonus is therefore not cumulative with Grand Weaponmastery with Bow.
Certain sections dir
ect the reader to use different bonuses when using a Bow, ranging from 3 to 5, if you have Grand Weaponmastery with Bow. This may be the author adjusting the Grand Weaponmastery bonus on a case-by-case basis (and therefore this bonus should be used instead of the standard bonus) or an error (and therefore all of these bonuses should be 5). It is up to you to decide, but it seems most reasonable to follow the first alternative, to replace the Grand Weaponmastery bonus with whatever bonus is mentioned in that section.
[4] (Section 6) This is the correct answer to the crystal dais grid in Section 164.
[5] (Section 10) This is the correct answer to Shamath's riddle in Section 189.
[6] (Section 21) If you have already spent all of your money, you have a choice: you may either give her an item of comparable or greater value, or you may simply disregard this cost.
[7] (Section 57) If you already carry the maximum number of Special Items permissible, you must discard one in favour of the Deathstaff. If you possess Helshezag, the sword of Darklord Kraagenskûl, it is now destroyed, obliterated by the power of the Deathstaff, and you must erase it from your Special Items list. Section 94 also implies a loss of 5 ENDURANCE points in this incident.
[8] (Section 60) You are now on the Plane of Darkness (cf. Section 72). If you possess the Sommerswerd, Section 98 of Dawn of the Dragons suggests that you may be able to add 4 to your COMBAT SKILL when using it in the Plane of Darkness (in addition to all other combat bonuses for this Special Item).
[9] (Section 92) If you already carry the maximum number of Special Items permissible, you must discard one in favour of the Deathstaff. If you possess Helshezag, the sword of Darklord Kraagenskûl, it is now destroyed, obliterated by the power of the Deathstaff, and you must erase it from your Special Items list. Section 94 also implies a loss of 5 ENDURANCE points in this incident.
[10] (Section 93) Kai Masters who have attained the rank of Scion-kai are ‘able to converse with any sentient creature’ (cf. The Masters of Darkness). Therefore, if you have successfully completed previous Lone Wolf adventures, possessed the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, and attained the rank of Scion-kai, you may also turn to Section 243.