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Page 19

by Harry Shannon

  "I am!"

  The declaration is as much a roar of defiance as two words. This male is gigantic. At the moment he is only half transformed, so his broad chest and thick legs are clearly human. His misshapen skull is a mixture of lupine and Homo sapiens. He stands naked near the light of the fire, his arms spread wide to emphasize his strength and power to the older males.

  "Sit ye," the Alpha grunts. He speaks in a softer voice now. He has learned over the years that a whisper commands more attention than a shout. The Alpha knew this day would come, has known since the one called Samson was born. He has been challenged many times over the decades, but Samson is the one he most fears; the one most qualified to replace him.

  It is a most important occasion. This entire matter must be handled delicately and then settled once and for all.

  "And have we the witnesses?"

  Grunts of assent.

  "Come forward."

  Three have been ordered to speak to the Council—the first is a youngish male whose posture reveals his anxiety. His head is down and if he were to change his tail would doubtless curl to protect his testicles.

  The second, the female in heat, is already excited and looking forward to having all eyes upon her. She is covered with hair, but is still somewhat human. She knows the combination will be the most arousing to the younger males and she is milking it for all it is worth.

  The third witness, a tall and angular male still mostly in human form, stands back near the trail. He seems reluctant to confront Samson, even with the entire Clan behind him. Not an unwise position to take.

  The Alpha ponders the politics of the situation, and then orders the insecure male to the center of the group.

  "You, tell us what you have seen."

  The boy cowers and his plight is obvious. He is terrified of Samson but finds it impossible to disobey the Alpha. He searches for words.

  "Do not think!" The command is crisp and precise. "Simply tell us what you know of these events."

  The boy risks a glance at the glowering Samson, who bares his lower teeth. The Alpha speaks soothingly. "Do not fear him, little one. Fear the wrath of the Clan if you fail to speak the truth."

  "I was hunting rabbit at the base of Needle Peak." His voice is a strong, clear tenor despite his obvious fear. "I was not very hungry, so I was playing and chasing the rabbit. She ran down into a streambed with high sides. When she heard another of our breed coming from the opposite direction she thought she was trapped and her heart stopped. I was annoyed. I sat down to rest and wait to see who was coming."

  The Alpha interrupts. "Where were you then?"

  "Near the mouth of that nearly dried up streambed, at the base of Needle Peak, in the large brush that covers the rock pile."

  "Was there water in the stream?"

  "Just like now, perhaps a foot wide at the bottom. It flows well."

  "You were downwind of the rabbit?"

  "Yes, I was downwind and hidden in the brush."


  The young male swallows. "I saw Samson. He was dragging something behind him through the water so that it would not leave a blood trail."

  "Could you see what it was?"

  "The leg of a human, still in the pants."

  A grumbling erupts and races through the group. Samson glares defiance at the others, his legs spread wide.

  "What happened then?"

  "Nothing, sir. He went across the creek and up into the trees, carrying the leg in his mouth. All the flesh was still on it and the bone socket dangled free, so it was not removed by a blade but by teeth."

  Another uproar results, and now a few voices penetrate the wall of noise: "Killing humans without permission from the council?" "He could destroy us all!" "Does he dare betray the Clan to fill his own stomach?" Killing human beings without permission has been outlawed for more than fifty years.

  The Alpha jerks his head to indicate that the boy may leave. Grateful, he glides away into the group to hide from Samson's sight.

  "Rachel, come forth."

  She enters the center, swinging her hips provocatively. The males roar their approval. Rachel has still not fully changed and exudes hormones. She has torn her clothing to better show her hairy flesh to the excited males. Rachel is enjoying her power, which is as it should be.

  "Speak of what you have seen."

  Rachel turns in a circle, pouting and panting. A chorus of yips and wails acknowledge her sexuality. She grins widely and preens with enough self-awareness to draw appreciative laughter, even from the older women. The Alpha lets her perform for a bit; he has been a leader long enough to appreciate the need for comic relief, even at times like this.

  "Enough, girl. Speak of what you have seen."

  "I was hunting mice in the rocks below, even further away from the stream. I heard the boy chase the rabbit." Her use of the word 'boy' is accented to emphasize his lack of sexual maturity. More laughter. "But then I smelled something powerful and male. So I paid attention." Rachel flashes Samson a seductive look. He shows his teeth and moves his hips.

  "To the point," Alpha barks. "What did you see?"

  Rachel dares not disobey. "The same thing. I saw Samson with the leg of a human, still in the trousers. He carried it up the streambed and then into the trees. It was a fresh kill, for it was still bleeding."

  Samson snorts his disgust. He does his best to signal that he is bored with this farce and fears nothing, not even the Council itself. Those near him can feel his simmering rage. They slink away rather than risk a mauling should his famed temper explode. The crisis is upon them all.

  "Come ye!"

  The Alpha is calling to the last witness. The man is far back in the crowd, clearly trying to avoid his responsibilities. Some of the females nip at his legs and spring away, forcing him gradually forward into the light of the fire.

  "Come forth!"

  The tall, thick-faced male is still partly human. His anxiety about testifying has likely interfered with his making the change. He edges nervously into the clearing, his hands clasped before him. He is obviously intimidated by his situation—he is caught between two powerful males and stands naked before the Clan, exposed as nothing more than a coward.

  "Now you speak. Tell us of these events."

  He whimpers. "I beg to be excused."

  "SPEAK!" The Alpha roars the order, his move timed perfectly, having been honed by decades of practice as the leader. Everyone jumps, even Samson, and the words come pouring out.

  "I did not kill them, I did not feed! Well, I had a taste of the woman's guts but only because I was curious. Samson killed them both, and then ordered me to help him dispose of the remains."

  "Slow down," the Alpha says. Inside, he is pleased. "From the beginning."

  The witness wrings his hands. "I was chopping firewood. The man came to get some wood for his cabin. I gave him three logs. He turned to go back and we heard a noise coming from the brush. I knew it was someone who had changed, but I dared not speak of it. The human was foolish. He put down two of the logs and went to poke the brush with the longest."

  Samson turns to the others as if to say: See? I was provoked!

  "I told him to stop," the witness continues. "I warned him of the gang of bikers. I told him that there are dangerous things in these hills. I think he had been drinking. He went closer still and poked the brush with the end of the log."

  He breaks off and looks down. The Alpha allows the dramatic pause, knowing it will heighten the effect of what is to come. Finally he orders: "Continue."

  "Samson came out of the brush like a demon. He went straight for the human's throat and gripped it, but he did not sink his teeth all the way. He forced the man backwards to savor the moment, then shoved down and broke his neck. It was all so fast. There was nothing I could have done to stop it."

  The crowd mumbles. What has Samson done? What has he exposed them to with his greedy foolishness?

  "He ordered me to help. He said he would kill me too
if I failed him. And to be honest, the slaughter got to me. I felt half-crazy with bloodlust myself. I nearly changed just from the smell.

  "Samson dragged the man by one foot and took him back into the cabin. The female was in the toilet, preparing for a bath. Samson told me to watch over the male. I dragged him into the kitchen where the floor could be easily cleaned. I sat on that floor trembling. Dead human flesh within reach! I wanted to obey the laws of Ohenan and the edict of my Clan, but the hunger was upon me. It was fierce as a demon.

  "I heard the woman moan.

  "At first I thought Samson had killed her, but then I heard more sounds. I think she thought he was the male, taking her from behind. I could hear her grunting with lust and the slapping of their loins…"

  The witness trails off. In truth, the tale has aroused them all. Tails are thumping, jaws drooling and some of the young begin to masturbate. Rachel sniffs herself and howls. The males bark and yip their frustration. The Alpha is caught off guard by the response; instead of being angry, they are all becoming excited.

  "Finish this," Alpha commands. He shifts himself to cover his own erection. It would not be considered appropriate.

  "When Samson was done with her he ripped her throat and left her to bleed out in the bathtub. Then we dragged the male into the tub and emptied him too." He lowers his head in shame. "I did join Samson in lapping up some of their blood. I was unable to help myself. I am sorry."

  The leader remains silent.

  "Some of the meat Samson ate on the spot. Some he took into the woods to regurgitate and eat later. I waited with the bodies so that no one would discover them. Samson made several trips into the woods. Finally he was finished and had enough. He ordered me to clean up the mess and swore me to secrecy or he would kill and eat me, too. I was afraid."

  The Alpha nods. "This is understandable. Samson is a very large being. What did you do next, Hondo?"

  "I went to the manager's cabin and woke Jennifer Fowler."


  "I could not think of a better solution. I had so little time before daylight and no one to help me. I knew she would do what she could."

  "Did she?"

  "She helped me. We wrapped the remains in plastic trash bags and carried them to the dump. There was not much left to carry anyway. Then I scrubbed the room down and made sure the bathroom had no traces of blood. I even repainted the walls."

  "Will she keep your secret?"


  The Alpha raises his voice again. "So we have a direct violation of the Clan edict against taking human life without permission of the group and the leader. I feel I should remind you that this law has been in place for generations because we have been driven from our homes on many occasions by humans seeking revenge. Some of you are thinking, well what is the harm, here? Since the bodies have been effectively disposed of, many of you may be wondering why I demanded that we hold this meeting and discuss what our Samson has done.

  "Let me tell you why…

  "More humans have come looking for these two. They arrived in Salt Lick within twenty-four hours, asking questions. The male has already searched the motel room and seems determined to make trouble for us. He seems to be protecting the female, or working for her.

  "Where there are humans, there are more humans.

  "As of now, they are trapped and within our grasp. The question is what do we do now? If we kill them, perhaps even more will come. If we let them go, they may already know too much. This is what Samson has wrought in his lust for flesh and his disobedience.

  "He may have fouled the sanctity of our den."

  Samson leaps to his feet and roars. "I say we kill them now! And I bring you a great truth from beyond the law… We are born to eat the flesh of our cousins! I am stronger and faster than ever before. Time was we called humans 'meat,' and that time shall come again. It is our destiny!"

  The pack reacts at once, and the Alpha sees that he has little choice. But he elects to postpone the inevitable confrontation with Samson. Too much is at stake. If the Alpha loses that fight, he will be forced to stay on the outskirts of the Clan until death, or may be driven away completely.

  This huge male is a challenge that requires careful planning. Nothing short of Samson's death will do, and the Alpha knows his own fingerprints must not be found on the crime. He needs time.


  The noise abates. Somewhere in the distance some coyotes respond to the mad howling with a chant of their own. The Alpha gets to his feet. He is not as young—or as muscular—as Samson, but he is tall and carries the aura of command. He faces his challenger from across the clearing.

  "You have left us no choice, Samson," the Alpha says. "We shall organize and hunt them tonight, and when they are dead the tribe will feast on their flesh. Not a bone shall remain to be found. But after this is done, and by the next full moon, I hereby order that you will stand trial for breaking the law."

  Samson sneers. "We shall see."

  "Yes," the leader says, calmly. "We shall."


  Jennifer Fowler drove them high into the mountains before turning on the lights. She seemed to know the way by heart, although from Case's perspective they narrowly missed crashing into trees or rolling over the cliff on more than one occasion. Case rode in the front, Kelly in the back seat with the metal briefcase. The vehicle was another one of Jake's clunkers, and it rattled so loudly conversation was virtually impossible. Still, Case did his best to ask questions. Jennifer still seemed reluctant to answer.

  "Are you going to tell me what the hell I just shot at?"

  Jennifer backed off the gas. Peering out into the darkness, she yanked the wheel to the right, floored it again and then replied. "You saw what you thought you saw. Sheriff Whitley is a human being who can change into a wolf."

  Kelly shouted from the back seat. "Did he kill all those people, or was it Hondo who did it?"

  Jennifer did not answer at first. She kept her eyes glued to the dirt road, barely visible in the moonlight. Finally she shouted a reply. "Like I told you, Hondo is a family friend. I don't want him hurt."

  Case shook his head. "This is crazy." The car bounced in a pothole and nearly threw him headfirst into the ragged dashboard. "Where are you taking us?"

  "To a cabin in the mountains," Jennifer said. She spoke slowly, enunciating carefully over the racket. "My family used to rent it out. The old woman who owned it died a few years ago. Nobody ever goes up there any more. It's the only place I can think of where you'll likely be safe until morning."

  Kelly held on to the seat and put her head close to Jennifer's to avoid having to shout. "I can't believe I'm really going to ask this question. Are all the old stories true, Jennifer? Do they only come out after dark, with a full moon?"

  Jennifer slowed the car a bit. They began to rumble and bounce over some rocks. The road was no longer paved. "Some can change nearly every night, it seems like. Some never change back once it happens. But most only with the full moon. And I've also seen a few that get stuck halfway in between."

  "Like half human?" The image revolted Kelly. Case reacted as well.

  "Yeah," Jennifer said, "but they don't live long like that. When they aren't quite wolf but they're not human any more."

  "Can they be killed?"

  "Just like you and me. They're flesh and blood."

  Case leaned closer. "Why haven't you gone to the State Police?"

  Jennifer shrugged. "Who's gonna believe me when the high and mighty sheriff says everything is okay and that me and Doc Cherry are just overreacting to some animal attacks. Besides…"

  "Besides what?"

  "I can't talk any more right now. This is the hardest part of the drive." She shifted gears and the car whined before complying.

  "Oh, crap."

  Case looked forward into the gloom. The unpaved road suddenly went up at a sharp angle and was full of rocks and holes. It continued on into the trees, moving higher. The headlights barely worked. Ahea
d, it looked like some of the soil was loose enough to cause a slide and there was barely enough room for one vehicle. He squinted in the gloom and managed to check his watch. It was seven-thirty; still early in the evening; though Case felt like they'd already been on the run for months.

  "How you holding up?"

  Kelly was huddled in the back seat rubbing her arms. Case braced himself against the side and turned around. He brought his face close to hers. She brought her head up to meet him. He almost kissed her, but she was already talking. "I'm not built for roughing it. It's either too hot up here or too cold."

  "I hear you."

  "Case, I still can't believe it. That man…transformed himself into some kind of monster, right before my eyes. I must be going crazy."

  "If you are, so am I. And hell, it looks like Jennifer and Jake and Doc Cherry are nuts right along with us."

  "What was that thing?"

  "I have to believe it was whatever killed the tourists last night. It was some kind of werewolf."

  "Case, you heard them. There was more than one."

  "I know"

  "Damn it, Case, a werewolf? That was right out of the freaking movies. If I hadn't been so scared I would have expected a camera crew to let us in on the joke."

  "Not a very funny one."

  "No. Case, where is she taking us?"

  "To a cabin up in the mountains, some place her family used to own. I guess it's pretty much deserted. She thinks we'll be safer there."

  Kelly grabbed the seat and pulled herself up. Her lips brushed his ear. "I'm really getting spooked, Joe. Can we trust her?"

  "Do we have a choice?"

  Their eyes met for a long moment, but then the vehicle crashed into another deep pothole. The tires spun in the dirt, then gained purchase. Jennifer yanked the wheel and shifted hard. The car smashed through a wall of thick brush. They lurched up out of the depression and onto a dirt road that was nearly hidden from view. She shifted again as the road began to level out.

  "Maybe another half mile now."

  Some of the noise settled down as the car stopped rocking on boulders and bouncing through pockets of sand and loose dirt. The road was narrow, but the area to the right was grassy and reasonably flat until it ran into the forest. Case watched the moon and reckoned that direction was southwest.


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