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Making Her His

Page 4

by Shaw Hart

  I roll us so that she’s sprawled out on top of me and slowly stroke her back.

  “You ok, doll?” I ask quietly.

  “Mhmph.” She moans unintelligibly.

  I chuckle softly as I lean down and kiss her forehead. I snuggle her further into me before I tug the blankets up and over us.

  “I love you.” I say as I click off the lamp on the bedside table.

  Chapter Nine


  It’s been two weeks now since our first date. We’ve fallen into a pretty comfortable routine. Sin spends the night at Grams and my place on the nights that I work both jobs. On the days where I only work one, Grams and I spend the afternoon and nights at his place. He still walks me to work and back home. We still haven’t had any problems with Blaine and I don’t think we will. Blaine was a bully but as soon as Sin stood up to him, he backed down.

  Sin calls me his girlfriend now and yesterday Grams even said that she thinks he’ll be putting a ring on my finger any day now. I blushed when she told me that, but I’d be lying if I said the thought of walking down the aisle to Sin and getting to spend the rest of my life with him didn’t fill me with warmth.

  I figured that marriage is a ways off though. We haven’t even said we love each other yet. And I do. Love him that is. He’s so sweet and caring to me and Grams. Even to Susan. He still walks her to the subway every night. I think that he has said it to me though. Well maybe. Every night as I’m drifting off, I could swear that I hear him say he loves me. Probably just wishful thinking, I think to myself as I finish tying my hair up. I slide my shoes on and meet Sin who is waiting by the door to walk me to the café.

  Sin keeps trying to get me to quit my jobs, saying that he has enough money to support us. I believe him after seeing his apartment but this thing between us is still too new and I need to have a job in case this goes sour.

  “All set, doll?” He asks as he holds the door open for me.

  I nod as I wave goodbye to Grams and Susan and we head down the stairs. Grams has a doctor appointment this Friday and we spend the subway ride talking about how she’s been approving and hopefully the doctor will give her a clean bill of health and she can get off of some of her medications.

  Like every day, Sin walks me to the café door before kissing me on the lips. I head inside and he heads home to shower and change before he’ll come back and grab lunch, making sure to sit in my section and order extra so that I can nibble off of his plate.

  I watch him walk away but when I walk inside, I’m stopped by Fred, my manager.

  “You’re fired.” He says without preamble.

  “What?” I ask, confused as to what possible reason he could have for firing me.

  “Stacy says you’ve been stealing her tips and I can’t have a thief working here.” He says bluntly.

  “That’s a lie! I’ve never stolen anything in my life!” I try to tell him that I would never do something like that but he just pushes me out of the door, locking it in my face.

  What do I do know?


  I’m just stepping out of the shower when I hear the front door slam closed.

  “Sin?” I hear Ainsley call from the front room.

  “In the bedroom, doll!” I call back.

  She comes into the bedroom a second later with tears streaming down her face and I want to find the prick who made her cry and make sure that he never hurts my girl again.

  “What happened?” I ask, closing the distance in two steps and wrapping my arms around her.

  She rests her head on my chest and I stroke her hair as she cries into my shirt. Finally, she lifts her head and looks up to me. Instantly, I’m there, brushing her tears away.

  “What happened?” I ask again.

  “I got fired.” She says.

  “What?!? Why? You work harder than anyone in that place?” I realize I’m shouting and try to lower my voice.

  “Fred, my manager, he’s been sleeping with that waitress, Stacy, and she told him that I was stealing her tips. He said that he couldn’t have a thief working there. I didn’t steal anyt-“

  “I know doll. I know.” I say cutting her off. Ainsley is the purest person I’ve ever met. She would never steal from someone.

  “I just can’t stand that they think that.” She whispers.

  “Forget them. They don’t mean anything. The people who love you know that you would never do what they said.” I say, kissing the top of her head.

  “Do you?” She asks hesitantly.

  “Do I what?”

  “Love me?”

  “Have you not heard me say it every night?” I ask incredulously.

  “I thought I was dreaming!” She exclaims.

  “I love you, Ainsley.” I say as I place a soft kiss against her lips.

  “I love you too, Sin.” She says deepening the kiss.

  I want to throw my head back and laugh. Here I thought that she just wasn’t ready to say it back yet but she never really heard me.

  “Say it again.” I say, pulling back from her.

  “I love you, Sin.” She says with the biggest smile on her face.

  Chapter Ten


  It’s been two weeks since Sin and I said I love you to each other. Things have been going better than I could have ever imagined. After I got fired from the café, Sin talked me into working less. After we said I love you to each other and he took me to bed and made me come so many times that I forgot all about getting fired, he took me back to Grams house. I told her what happened and then Sin surprised us all when he asked Grams and I to move in with him. We of course said yes and there were movers there within the hour.

  Sin tried to convince me to quit my job at the bodega but I don’t want to feel like I’m beholden to him for everything. I know that he won’t see it that way and that he loves me and wants to support me but I told him until we’re married, I would be working at the bodega. Judging by the persistent scowl he had on his face when I said that, I have a feeling that a proposal is in my immediate future.

  Sin still walks me to work everyday and comes and gets me to walk me home every night. Today is no exception. When I get off work, I see him standing right outside the door, waiting for me. I walk up to him and give him a quick kiss on the lips before I slip my hand into his and we head home.

  He asks me how work was and fills me in on what he and Grams did this afternoon but he seems a little off. Almost like he’s nervous, but that’s crazy; my Sin never gets nervous. He grips my hand tighter as we ride the elevator up to our apartment. I open my mouth to ask him if he is ok when the elevator doors slide open and I gasp.

  There are flowers covering every inch of the apartment with Grams grinning in the middle of them all. Sin leads me further into the room and over to her.

  “What is all of this?” I ask breathlessly as I try to take it all in.

  When Sin doesn’t respond I turn back around to find him down on one knee.

  “Oh!” I gasp.

  He smiles up at me as he takes my hand in one of his and then reaches for Grams hand with the other.

  “I love you. Both of you. I can’t imagine not having either of you in my life. I know that you guys are a packaged deal and I wouldn’t have it any other way. So, Grams, will you do me the honor of becoming part of my family?”

  I look over to Grams to see her eyes are wet with unshed tears but she’s got the biggest smile on her face.

  “Of course, honey.” She says as a tear slips down her cheek.

  Sin squeezes my hand as he turns his attention back to me.

  “Ainsley, doll, you are the love of my life. I can’t imagine not spending my life with you and I never want to even try. Will you do me the honor of marrying me and becoming my wife?”

  I see Sin hold his breath as he looks up at me with so much love shining from his eyes. Grams reaches over and squeezes my other hand and as we stand in a flower covered apartment, holding onto each other, I say, “YES!�


  Ainsley and I wasted no time getting married. We took Grams and Susan down to the courthouse the next day. Ainsley wore a white sundress and pink flats and I’m sure that there’s never been a more breathtaking bride. We grinned like fools at each other throughout the whole ten-minute ceremony.

  That was four months ago and Grams has finally gotten the all clear from her doctors so Ainsley and I are finally going on our honeymoon. We had taken a short trip up to Maine right after the wedding with Grams but that was more of a vacation. Grams had always wanted to see Maine in the fall and I would do anything to make my girls happy.

  This trip though is just for me and Ainsley. We’re going to spend a week in Italy. Ainsley says that she wants to eat her way through the country and as long as I get to be by her side while she does it, I’ll be happy.

  Susan has agreed to stay with Grams for the week, just in case. Technically, Susan retired after we got married and Ainsley quit her job. Grams didn’t really need a caregiver with the both of us here and Susan was eligible for retirement a year ago but she stayed on to help out Ainsley and Grams. She’s become more like family now.

  I stack the last of Ainsley’s bags by the door and turn to see her hugging Grams and Susan goodbye. I smile as I make my way over to them and wrap Grams and Susan in a quick hug each.

  “Try to stay out of trouble.” I tell them.

  “No promises.” They say in unison.

  I laugh as I wrap my arm around Ainsley’s waist and she says goodbye one more time. I carry our bags down to the waiting town car and we’re whisked off to the airport. I chartered a private place for the occasion and I grin as the town car pulls up on the tarmac next to the plane and I see her eyes grow big with excitement.

  “Happy, Mrs. Alpha?” I ask in her ear as I lead her over to one of the cushioned seats.

  “Always, Sin.” She says as she leans over and seals her lips against mine.

  “I love you, doll.”

  “I love you more, Sin.”

  The End.




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