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Love, Honor, Respect

Page 6

by Elle Linder

  “Hi, sweetie!” She swept Izzy up into a hug, but Julia’s eyes were locked on Luke’s. “What do you have there?” she asked Izzy, whose face beamed as bright as the sun.

  “This.” Izzy handed Julia a box of gourmet truffles—Julia’s guilty pleasure.


  “Oh, my. I love truffles!” She arched her brow at Luke. He strutted over to her and placed a kiss on her cheek.

  “Hi, baby,” he whispered. She smiled up at him.

  “They’re for you!” Izzy shouted, stealing Julia’s attention away from Luke.

  “Thank you!” she said, leaning into Luke. His hand brushed against her lower back, a finger hooking into the loop of her jeans. That little gesture stirred her right up.

  “I got this.” Izzy held a lollipop in front of Julia’s face, again forcing Julia to pay attention to her.

  “That looks yummy!” Izzy bobbed it up and down as she nodded.

  “Well, that’s just great. She’ll never sleep tonight,” Lauren said in a motherly voice, walking up to Rick.

  “She won’t eat the whole thing today,” Rick said. “I couldn’t drag her out of Seaton’s kicking and screaming. Louise would’ve put the incident in the Falls Weekly Chronicle.”

  “That’s true.” Julia laughed. “Besides, look how happy she is.”

  Izzy’s infectious smile could command armies and melt anyone’s heart.

  “Oh, sure, easy for you to say. She has you wrapped around her little pinky, but if you had to stay up with her until she finally crashed from a sugar high, you’d think differently.” Lauren winked. “I love her to pieces, but someone has to be the parent.”

  Lauren wasn’t wrong about that. She had slid into the role of mommy like a natural. Julia couldn’t have been happier for the new life Lauren had found with Rick. Some days she still couldn’t believe Lauren was pregnant, in love, and moving to Faithful Falls.

  Life sure had a mind of its own. It also seemed to know what was best for everyone.

  “Exactly. I can spoil her and send her home.” Julia smiled as Izzy wiggled. “Do you want down?” Izzy nodded, so Julia set her down.

  Izzy hopped over to Lauren, wrapped her arm around Lauren’s leg, craned her neck up, and held the lollipop in the air. “Please,” she asked sweetly.

  Lauren ran her fingers through Izzy’s curls, and Julia saw right through her. Her heart melted just as Julia’s had. “Okay, sweet pea. But only half.”

  “K!” Izzy jumped in place as Lauren unwrapped the giant lollipop that was as big as Izzy’s face.

  “Looks like she also has you wrapped around her pinky.” Julia snickered.

  “She does,” Rick teased. “She’s not as tough as she’d like everybody to think.”

  They all laughed when Lauren twisted her mouth. She couldn’t say anything because Rick spoke the truth. Anyone could see how she softened hearing one please from the toddler.

  “We should be going. It’s a big day tomorrow. If you need anything, call me.” Lauren flicked her gaze to Julia while handing Izzy the candy. “Otherwise, I’ll be at Tami’s at noon for hair and makeup. I’ll have this one in tow.” She patted Izzy’s back. “And quite possibly the snow bunny.” Lauren rolled her eyes.

  “Sounds perfect. I’ll be there at ten with the Godfrey clan and Heather.” Julia wrapped her arms around Luke’s waist. “I’m so ready for tomorrow.”

  “Me too,” he breathed.

  They waved goodbye to the little Torres family, and Julia wondered when Rick and Lauren would get married. She was certain they would but had no idea when that might be. Julia knew Lauren well; she’d wait until after the baby was born. Her vanity would get the better of her, and she’d want to be back down to her pre-baby size. Then again, Lauren had dramatically changed in the last few months. Perhaps she’d be just fine being round and plump with a baby in her belly as she married the love of her life. Stranger things had happened.

  “What’s next on your to-do list?” Luke asked. “I’m here to help you. The kids are hanging out with your mom and aunts at the house.”

  “Actually, I’m all caught up. Want to go make out for a bit before we go home to feed the troops?”

  “You know I do. My truck or your suite?”

  “Um…your truck. We might get carried away in the suite.”

  “We could get carried away in my truck too.” His devious grin killed her.

  “Yes, we could…but we won’t. Right?” She hiked a brow.

  “Yes, my love. We’ll keep our pants on.” Luke took her by the hand and promptly led her out of the lobby. Julia waved to Erika, who was helping a customer at the front desk.

  She was glad she hadn’t opted for a traditional rehearsal dinner. Their wedding was low-key, without a big wedding party. She could relax the night before the big day with Luke, the kids, and her mom and aunts.

  She loved her simplified life


  Her Heart Fluttered

  Tami Burns had provided a light breakfast buffet for Julia and her wedding party, complete with coffee, juice, fruit and yogurt, and pastries. While the first round of women got beautified, Julia helped serve and assisted with style ideas. It still surprised her that her aunts wanted to get their hair and makeup done.

  The wedding wasn’t that big of a deal, not compared to the lavish weddings she’d read about in the L.A. Times where the guest lists often topped five hundred. But there would be family pictures taken, which warranted the extra special treatment the sisters wanted.

  Either way, Tami and Tiffani had their hands full with the Godfrey sisters. Becky led the charge with her snappy demands and constant chatter. If nothing else, she kept the tension low, because it was nearly impossible to not laugh at her. She was the best storyteller around. Julia loved hearing the tales of her youth. She only wished Lauren had already arrived so she could bust a gut too. But her appointment was at noon, like Julia’s.

  “More coffee, Mom?” Julia held the pot in hand, issuing a soft smile.

  “Yes, thank you. How are you doing?” Her mom peered up at her hesitantly.

  “I’m wonderful. Really good.” Julia filled the mug.

  “Are we okay?”

  “Absolutely. No worries, really.” She patted her mom’s hand.

  And she really was wonderful. Spending time with Luke last night was just what she needed. That, and being with the kids. It had only been a couple of days, but she had begun to miss their daily routine. She loved her family and couldn’t wait to resume their normal lives.

  “More coffee?” she asked Becky. Tiffani was setting her up under the dryer after spraying her hair with a heavy coat of hairspray. Becky had just finished telling Tiffani that she didn’t want a single hair to move on her head.

  “I’d love some.” Becky lifted her cup.

  “You’re all set. I’ll turn off the dryer in five minutes,” Tiffani said, making her way to her next client, Diane.

  “Aren’t you going to thank me?” Becky asked as Julia filled her mug.

  She paused. Thank her? Was this about her talk with her mom? She didn’t want to talk about that here. Not today.

  “Thank you for what?” she cautiously asked.

  “For breaking my leg and guilting you to come up to run my resort.” Becky cackled. “You owe me big, cupcake.”

  What a relief.

  “Oh, that… Yes, thank you very much. You orchestrated a flawless plan.”

  “What’s that?” Heather, who was standing beside Julia with a Danish in hand, asked. Her expression was filled with intrigue. “You broke your leg, and that’s how Julia met Dad?”

  “That’s right, kiddo! It was all because of me.” Becky had her typical smirk peeking out of the corners of her mouth. “Aren’t you glad I did that for your dad and Julia?”

  Julia laughed but rolled her eyes, as if her aunt had purposefully broken her leg or had any real control over the situation. It was due to good luck that she and Luke had fallen for each other�
�and quickly—given how different they were. But Becky had been relentless in claiming the accolades for the match. She insisted she’d known they were perfect for each other before they had even met. Julia couldn’t argue that they were made for one another.

  “There wouldn’t be a wedding if it weren’t for me,” Becky crowed.

  “Oh, Lord…” Julia rolled her eyes again.

  “Yeah, I’m glad!” Heather exclaimed. “Dad’s never been happier than he is with Julia. And I love her too.” Heather laid her head against Julia’s shoulder, and a swell of emotion bloomed inside her. Luke’s kids did it to her every time. They never hid the way they felt about her, not since day one when they’d stared at her with stars in their eyes at The Peak.

  “Aww, sweetie.” Julia wrapped an arm around Heather. “I love you too. Your dad makes me deliriously happy.”

  “And it’s all because of me!” Becky tapped her chest.

  “Do you want a medal or something?” Julia teased.

  “That would be lovely, but naming your first child after me would be better.” Becky eyed her curiously. Julia should have known that was coming; she just had to mention a baby, knowing that her mom had told her about the infertility problems that ran in the family.

  “What if it’s a boy?” Heather asked.

  “Then they can name him Beck. Or Beckett,” Becky replied.

  “Beckett is so cute! Do you like Beckett, Julia?” Heather asked, eyes dancing with delight at the prospect of a baby brother.

  “When the time comes, Luke and I will name our baby, thank you very much.” She shot Becky a pointed look.

  “Aunt Diane…coffee?” Julia said, resuming her coffee service.

  “No thank you, dear. And don’t listen to that gloating sister of mine.” Diane took Julia’s hand and pulled her down. In a whisper she said, “I believe, deep in my heart, you’ll have a baby.”

  Julia mouthed thank you.


  Nearly two hours later, the Godfrey sisters finally left Tami’s House of Hair. Heather went with them. Julia would have preferred that Heather stay with her, but she was adamant about leaving with them.

  It was easy to see how much Heather enjoyed being with them. Probably because they treated her like their niece…their family. Luke’s kids hadn’t grown up with aunts and grandparents to dote on them, but now they had plenty of family to love on them.

  As always, the sisters had laughed, bickered, laughed some more, and gotten hot under the collar with each other. Their up-and-down moods were too much for Julia’s nerves. Normally her aunts and mom didn’t bother her, but with her thoughts on the wedding and Luke, she needed some quiet.

  “I was afraid to speak while those women were here!” Tami said, sinking into the sofa beside Julia. “Whew! They are a trio of triple trouble, aren’t they?”

  Julia laughed and nodded, eyebrows hiked high.

  “You should see them during the holidays. It’s no wonder my cousin Zoey and I are always at each other’s throats. The competition between us was instigated by the three of them. It was rough being the only two cousins.”

  Being the older cousin hadn’t made it easier. Julia had finally recognized the favoritism and the one-upping that was occurring. By the time she was sixteen, she’d put an end to it. Unfortunately, the bad blood between her and Zoey had already been established.

  “That’s rough. Tiff and I could have been that way. Right, Tiff?”

  Tiffani stopped organizing her station and turned around. “Competitiveness between us? Never. With Calvin and Erika, it was game on.”

  “She’s right. Half siblings are another dynamic. Especially when born out of an affair. Fortunately, we were old enough to know our father’s habits. But it still shocked us to the core when Calvin was born. Then Erika not long after him.”

  “Yeah. We wanted to blame someone. For a long time, we blamed those two innocent kids,” Tiffani added, sadly.

  “I can’t imagine having a brother or sister, let alone one of each due to an affair.” Julia shook her head in disbelief. “I love Calvin and Erika. I’m glad you’ve been able to make it work with them.”

  “It hasn’t always been easy. Hearing Mama and Daddy argue about the kids and child support made it worse for me,” Tami admitted. “Our mama cried a lot of tears over the years. I wish she would have kicked him out on his ass.” She huffed, putting her cup to her lips. “Why couldn’t he just keep his dick in his pants?”

  “Because he’s a selfish asshole, that’s why!” Tiffani snapped. “He was rarely around. Never paid any attention to us anyway, and then Calvin was born. His son. His pride and joy. A boy to carry on the disgraceful Burns name.” Tiffani plopped onto the chair at her station, looking frustrated. “Calvin was lucky that Nathan showed him interest, but really, the reason Calvin turned out so great was because of his mom, LeAnn. She rarely let our dear old dad around Calvin. And then Luke came along and took Calvin under his wing, teaching him how to be a real, honorable man.”

  Julia’s heart swelled with pride. Luke loved Calvin like his own son. In fact, he loved Erika too. He looked out for those kids when he didn’t have to. Luke might have been gruff, intimidating, and curt with most people, but he had a big heart. He cared about people.

  She dabbed the corner of her eye. “I’m the luckiest girl.”

  “You are!” Tami patted her leg. “Luke is definitely one of the good ones.”

  “So is Bruce,” Julia noted, eyes on Tiffani.

  Unfortunately, she couldn’t read Tiffani. She was emotionless, not at all what Julia expected. Maybe she and Bruce were only friends.

  The bell on the door jingled as Lauren entered, holding Izzy’s hand. Paige was two steps behind them, wearing an almost meek expression.

  Julia looked at Lauren, trying to read her. The slight roll of her eyes said they must have had words right before they arrived.

  Great. More tension.

  “Hello! Right on time, ladies,” Tami said in greeting.

  Izzy ran into Julia’s arms.

  “Hi, Izzy! How’s my flower girl?” She kissed her chubby cheek.

  “Great. She’s been talking about dropping flowers on the white blanket all morning.” Lauren laughed softly.

  “That is adorable. Are you excited?” Julia asked Izzy, who nodded enthusiastically.

  “Well, let’s get this show on the road,” Tami said. “Julia, take my chair. Lauren, you’re with Tiffani. Paige, would you like some coffee? Something to eat?”

  “No thank you. I’ll just sit here with Izzy.”

  “No problem. It’s all there if you change your mind.” Tami pointed to the table.

  Julia slipped her phone out of her pocket to check her messages and to send one to Lauren. The weird tension that filled the garage salon made her curious about what had happened between Lauren and Paige.

  Her heart fluttered when she saw a text from Luke.

  Luke: I’m counting the minutes until I can kiss my wife.

  Julia: Is that ALL you’re looking forward to?

  Julia giggled to herself for teasing him. Then warmth rippled through her, splashing along the edges of her core as she thought of his insatiable appetite for her. After his feral kisses in their bedroom last night, she fully expected to be devoured by her husband later tonight. She clenched her legs, pinching off her arousal.

  Now who was the one being teased?

  Luke: Holy hell, baby! I can hear your sweet voice and now I’m as hard as granite.

  Julia: I love your imagery. The madness ends tonight.

  Luke: Sweetheart, I may ravage you mercilessly, but know I love you something awful.

  Ravage her mercilessly? She couldn’t clench hard enough to ward off the desire he had just put in her. The need, the want, settled in her chest…in her heart. She could taste bourbon, smell smoke and pine, feel his muscled arms wrapped around her, holding her protectively… Possessively.

  She inhaled, lost in the black screen of her ph

  The sound of a throat clearing jerked her gaze up. Both Lauren and Tami were looking at her with grins and curiosity.

  “Need a room there, babe?” Leave it to Lauren to read right through her and embarrass the hell out of her on her wedding day.

  “It would be expected given who you’re marrying,” Tami added, stoking the fire burning inside Julia. Her cheeks heated as her mouth went dry.

  “He texted me.” She raised her phone.

  “A little sexting, huh?” Lauren arched her perfectly manicured brow. Mischievous as ever, her eyes shimmered with pride knowing she was right.

  Julia waved her off, unwilling to play into Lauren’s hand. Giggles ensued while Julia sent Luke one final text.

  Julia: I love you with all my heart, body and soul.

  Luke: Music to my ears. Don’t forget, I’ll be the sexy as fuck man dressed in the suit.

  More giggles bubbled up out of Julia. Luke, the master of making her laugh, had done it again. Tears rolled down her cheeks while she tried to keep her laughter low. But the curious glints in Tami’s and Lauren’s eyes—in everyone’s eyes really, even Izzy’s—only contributed to her giggle-fest.

  Luke: I’ll leave you alone now with your lascivious tears. Just don’t laugh too hard.

  Julia: XoXoXo!!!

  “Yeah, so we really need to know what the Greek god said that would make you laugh so hard your face might combust,” Lauren said, deadpan.

  “He’s just so damn funny. And incredibly sexy.”

  “Luke, funny? I don’t believe it.” Tami snickered.

  “Spill it, babe. Funny and sexy isn’t good enough,” Lauren pressed.

  “I know it’s hard to believe.” She flicked her eyes up to Tami. “But he never fails to make me laugh. And Lauren, that’s all you’re getting.” Julia took short breaths to calm herself. All the while, she couldn’t help but smile thinking of Luke.

  But she had to stop, or she would never survive the next four hours before saying I do.

  The need for his arms around her, his lips on hers, was more than she could bear. The wedding ceremony wasn’t until six, when the sun began to set. Afterward, there’d be cocktails and dinner. Julia hoped to have the day wrapped up by nine at the latest. Then she’d have Luke all to herself in the honeymoon suite.


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