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The Venerate Redemption

Page 19

by Troy Dukart

  Relaxing, but bringing the blade back on Longwei's throat, he cleared his throat, “This creed we live by was not created by the Gods above us, but by weak and mortal men. This creed is binding, and limits us to what our true potential could be. I was born into this clan, but despised everything about it. Do you THINK I WANTED TO BE A MURDERER all my life? There is a time in a man's life when he needs peace, needs happiness, needs to be free. The clan doesn't allow this. The Senti offered me a way to find peace, and find the God above us and ask for eternal life, which in that very castle holds the access to. I was never offered a normal life. I did what I had to, in order to escape.”

  With guile and disdain, I looked back at him before I release my bow and said, “Birth is a death-sentence. The day we are born and the day we die are trivial, but the dash between them is what really counts. All of the people we served, the people we loved, our country, they are all affected by the dash. You had a whole lifetime to live a good life, yet you chose not to. You have no-one to blame but yourself. You have no honor.”

  With a flick of my finger, I released the arrow. On cue, the undead warriors sprang at me. In the months of me fighting here, I had learned that I could teleport not only my body but objects as well. If I needed to clear a bomb from exploding near my clan, I could toss it in the air. If I needed a key to the cell I lay in, I could put it in my hand. If I needed to send bullets in another direction to save my life, I could send them back at the person aiming at me.

  Using this new skill, I sent the arrow through the head of each of the resurrected warriors one by one before Master had leaped at me himself. Through his Power of Fear, he turned himself into a giant green dragon with large pointed teeth. I waited until the dragon opened its mouth to bite me before I sent the arrow down the dragon's throat. I teleported away before it would've swallowed me whole. The dragon let out a cry of pain and disappeared. I saw Master with the arrow sticking through his chest. While standing, he looked back into my eyes and bowed to me before collapsing onto the ground. The purple fog dissipated and blew away in the wind.

  I picked up my sword and kept it close as I moved to grab Longwei. Something felt strange, as I noticed my aura changing. New tattoos appeared over my body, purple in color with mystical dragons and other beasts donning my skin. In the water's reflection, I saw my hair was two-toned in blue and purple. It seemed as though he had passed on his Power of Fear to me in his last breath. Maybe, in his final moments, he had a change of heart. It's important to forgive a people for their leader's actions, but when an individual tries to do you harm, forgiveness is also possible. Forgetting what they did though, is impossible.

  I laid Longwei down to rest near a pagoda. It seemed like his injuries weren't lethal. He opened his eyes, “My brother,” I said as I held his hand to my chest.

  “Zon, you, came back, to save us,” Longwei muttered between breaths.

  “How long have you been like this? I thought it was you who betrayed us so long ago,” I asked.

  “I'm sorry brother, but I came under Master's spell, and he took advantage of me. I had been his prisoner ever since the day we were attacked.”

  “Not to worry,” I assuaged, “He's dead now, and our clan avenged. I will need your help to rebuild this, but you must do me one favor.”

  “What, is, that you ask?” he asked after opening one eye.

  “Pretend to be me, and help me sneak attack the Senti. I will change into Master, and they will think he had won. I fear my newfound brothers and sister are in trouble. Without them, I cannot stop the Senti from destroying our world,” I explained.

  He nodded, and with a snap of my fingers, we both transformed. The semblance was remarkable. Longwei looked exactly like me. Looking into the water, and I saw myself as Master.

  “I will need one thing to make it look official,” I said. Off of his dead body, I took Master's famous purple bandana and wrapped it around my eyes. Holding Longwei in my arms as gently as I could, I proceed out the garden towards the enemy in hopes of helping my dear friends.

  Chapter 31


  Gusts of wind brushed through my hair as I woke up, face-flat on the stone courtyard. As I opened my eyes, my vision was blurred. There was an open bloody wound on the back of my head that was pounding. Whoever hit me, hit me good back there. I kept fluttering my eyelids to try to get my vision back.

  I pushed up off my side and shook my head. I saw Taleri standing in front of me, along with Hendrick and Tiras. Tiras looked content eating an apple, like he was admiring a trophy he just won. Looking to my left I saw Roya, who was lying down on the floor. There was a small pool of blood around her, and her eyes were closed. To her left I saw the Slate Rousseau was battling with; it was pinning him down with its giant foot. Rousseau struggled but couldn't move. Zon was nowhere in sight and neither was Master.

  “The legends have failed you,” Hendrick taunted.

  I rubbed my head to help ease the pain as I sat in disbelief. “Roya, Roya, are you okay?” I muttered to her.

  “She won't suffer for long Strafe. As soon as Master is done with Zon, we will have all we need to proceed,” Tiras told me before he looked at Hendrick and said, “He'd better hurry though before she bleeds out.”

  “Damn you, Tiras,” I gritted. Taleri again had her weapon drawn at me, and kept constant eye contact. We didn't have to wait long before I heard footsteps approaching our location. I turned around to see Master dragging a seemingly life-less Zon. With a thud, he dropped him next to me and walked over to the others. He stood silently and sheathed his scythe behind his back. I closed my eyes to see if it really was Zon through his aura, and saw that Master must've absorbed Zon's Power of Pride. We'd been defeated.

  “Strafe,” Tiras said to me, I ignored his voice. “Strafe,” he said again, I kept looking at the floor. Tired of being ignored, Tiras came over and backhanded my face which slammed me down to the floor. He then grabbed my hair and got right in my face, “When I tell you to listen, I expect you to be courteous! Now, where was I. Oh yes, I'm betting you're wondering why you're still alive?”

  “I like cats. I must have nine lives,” I replied sarcastically. Tiras smiled and big smirk,

  “Nope,” he slammed me back down to the ground.

  “Well then, enlighten me,” I said while looking at the sky on my back.

  Tiras walked back to the line of his allies and then turned to me, “At first Commander Ganser wished for the Senti to rule the world to make world peace. But he knew that it would come at great cost to his own people, and civilization itself. He needed there to be some reason, some way to realize this great salvation. And that my dear friend, was made possible when we learned how to unlock the Gateway to Heaven, where Guardian and Nian reside. With Their power, we will finally end all this suffering. Thanks to you all, we finally have the tools to get there. Peace will prevail across Eternia and Earth,” Tiras explained.

  “What did we ever do to you mate?” Rousseau said beneath the foot of the Slate.

  “Still alive there my prince? Good!” Tiras shouted to him, “I wanted to kill you personally rather than let that beast get the honor! Now Strafe, you must understand that our Commander will become a God soon. A God with unimaginable power. Power to change humankind forever! Which is why it was so fortunate that you came here. You see, the Guardian Keys that we acquired, they're only a means of calling forth the true keys to Heaven, the Guardian powers. We simply wreaked havoc across the world to draw the Guardians out of their hiding spots! Strafe my boy, we couldn't have done it without you.”

  “This is madness Tiras!” I antagonized.

  “You see Strafe, we are not alone in this universe,” Tiras informed me, “This planet was once ruled by a superior species that created all of the life here on Eternia eons ago. Some inscriptions have labeled them 'The Venerate.'”

  “Well isn't that some rubbish,” Rousseau dismissed.

  “I'm looking forward to cutting out your tongue for a p
rize,” Hendrick told Rousseau.

  “Whatever this God is Tiras, if it even exists, I can sure as hell guarantee that it's not going to just bow down to you all and do whatever your heart desires. That thing will be unpredictable,” I warned.

  “See, that is where you are wrong again American. The species that gave us life also gave us Guardian and Nian to watch over us. For thousands of years, Eternians paid homage and respected the God until 5000 years ago they imprisoned it for reasons unknown. Ever since then, war has been waged constantly and humanity has struggled to move forward.” Hendrick explained.

  “When they imprisoned the God, it gave away its power and attached it to the fourteen human emotions we all carry. Love, fear, joy, anger, passion, despair, ecstasy, concern, pride, jealousy, desire, grief, compassion, and elation. People are chosen to own these powers who already hold a high level of the emotion. Only those that carry an emotional power may absorb other's power. If it is not passed down, it will be found in the body of a newborn. You all were chosen by the previous owner or possessing a high level of passion, love, pride, and elation, to guard your own guardian key. You all have also defeated others whom carried the remaining emotions, which gave us the location to the keys,” Tiras story-told.

  Taleri stepped up and held her gun up to my chin, “Strafe, you hold passion, joy, grief and concern. Zon held pride. Roya holds love. And Mr. Pansy Prince holds elation, jealousy, and ecstasy.”

  Clapping his hands, Tiras continues, “That's why you aren't dead right now, because you all are what we have been fighting around the world for. Our battle summoned you and now we have you right where we want!”

  “Sonnuva bitch,” Rousseau said as he shook his head.

  “Unfortunately, if Roya dies, her guardian power will freeze unless one with an ability takes it from her. Which is why you will convince her to pass it on, now!” Tiras commanded me.

  “Why would I help you?” I asked.

  “Because if you don't my people back on Earth will rape and kill your mother. We found her Strafe, oh yes we did,” Tiras snickered, “Now, make a choice, absorb this islander trash's power or watch her and your hippie mother on Earth die!”

  I looked into Taleri's eyes. When I did, a glimpse of sadness ran across her face. She aimed her rifle down and turned away, almost as if to avoid what was coming next. Roya's eyes were now open, only slightly; she was still conscious and heard all of what Tiras said. She looked up at me and without saying anything, shook her head as if to let her die rather than give in. I shook my head, “I'm not gonna let you die Roya. But I'm not gonna let you win either Tiras.”

  “Well, that's fine! If she doesn't pass on here power, I know someone who can make her,” Tiras replied as he looked at Taleri.

  “You?!” I said, when I closed my eyes I could see a salmon pink aura glowing around him.

  “Taleri, take their power from them,” Hendrick suggested.

  Taleri gripped her rifle tightly. She walked between Roya and me and aimed her gun between my eyes once again. Before she fired the trigger, I held up my hand and said, “If you're gonna kill me, at least let me die a clean death. A soldier's death.”

  Tiras shrugged as Taleri nodded her head. I used what strength I had to stumble to my feet and looked her squarely in the eyes. I felt like we were one in the same. She had goodness in her heart. I took a deep breath as I looked up to the sunset and said, “I'm ready.”

  Standing there felt like forever as Taleri aimed at me. She flicked off the safety and held her gun tight. I waited for her to wink at me as she put her finger on the trigger. I took a gasp of air as she began to pull down.

  Before either of us could react, a flash of energy blasted Tiras. She then winked as she turned around quickly and shot Hendrick right in the chest. Tiras' eyes widened as he witnessed this betrayal and yelled for the Slate to attack. Before he could mutter another word, Master sliced at Tiras' Achilles heel and he fell to the floor. Rousseau was able to get up and saw a Guardian Key had slipped out from beneath Hendricks's armor. He quickly ran over and grabbed it and yelled, “STOOOOPPPP!!!” To my surprise, the Slate stopped dead in its tracks.

  “How in the hell!?” I muttered.

  As I looked over to Master, his face began to change into someone else; it was Zon! To my right, I saw Longwei, unconscious. Zixin faded back into view, but looked exhausted, like that blast took everything he had. I ran over to my brother to helped him lie down. As I held him in my arms, I looked at Taleri and said, “Why did you do this? Did you plan this all along?”

  With the barrel of her gun still smoking, she threw away her weapon as far as she could throw. She walked over to Hendrick and absorbed his Power of Anger, “What we have done to this world I feel will haunt us a country forever. I cannot follow this ideology any longer. I've felt like I've lost my soul.”

  “Taleri. There's still time. Still time to make this right; come with us,” I said to her.

  “Yes,” Zon looked at her firmly, “If any of us has to die for this, it should be you.”

  “Zon,” Rousseau sighed.

  “No,” she replied, shaking her head, “I must pay for what I have allowed to happen. I am unworthy of this Guardian power I possess.”

  “Is this why didn't you kill me back when I first met you in Mylintus?” I asked.

  “I could've killed you a thousand times over, but I knew you'd do something special. Something I should've help to stop. Something that could bring peace to this world. Something only someone not from Eternia could do, bring us together. We Senti have blood on our hands that will never wash off. My only solace, was that I knew someone would come along and stop us from finishing this. I can face whatever punishment comes my way. Please forgive my people Strafe, they only did what they were told,” Taleri told me.

  “When this is over Taleri, I'll let them know what you did here for us.” I told her.

  “Well then my love, tell us what we need to do in order to stop this crazy pedagogue?!” Rousseau pleaded.

  “My father will stop at nothing to awaken Guardian and Nian to exploit their power. He must be stopped. The Gateway has already been opened. You must stop him at the Chamber of Guardian. I know you may have to kill him, and if you do, I…I will try to remember when he was a good man,” she explained. She walked over and took Tiras' power from him as well. Zon was pinning him down.

  He held his sword to Tiras' throat and said, “You shall die for what you have done here.”

  Before he was about to end him, I spoke out against it, “Zon, there have been enough deaths today. He should pay with his life, behind bars. A slow death.”

  Zon hesitated, pushing the blade on Tiras' neck to make him bleed but didn't kill him. Instead, he knocked him out with a pressure point at the back of his neck and dropped him to the floor. A Mag-Ship piloted by Yessa flew over us before hovering down. Some troops exited out with her. They quickly apprehended Tiras and Taleri. As she was handcuffed, Taleri looked down at the floor, “Out of all the people in our organization, he was the most evil of us all. He corrupted my father.”

  “Strafe,” Yessa said as she gave me a hug.

  “Yessa, can you take them back? They are, war-criminals,” I languished; I knew Taleri wouldn't be shown mercy.

  “Yeah, we were told to come support you guys, so that's what I'll do,” she told me.

  “Strafe,” Taleri said to us, “Let me give mine and Hendrick's Guardian Power to her and Tiras' to Zon, it'll give them enough strength to finish the job.” Looking down at Roya, who still laid motionless, I nodded in agreement.

  Taleri stood in front of Zon, who was on guard. She held up her arm and gave him Tiras' Power of Desire. She then bent down and put her hands around Roya's face and gave her a kiss on the lips. When she did, the Power of Compassion and Anger flowed into and revived Roya. Roya began to cough and Rousseau rushed over and held her in his arms. She then looked up to us, “You stopped them.”

  Zixin and I walked over to her. I
held her hand as she said, “Take me with you all. I feel it will be my final duty to this world. We must stop this together.”

  “If that's what you wish,” Zon said to her.

  “Strafe, I don't think I can fight much anymore,” Zixin assessed, “I feel tired. I want to give you Gain's power too.”

  “Whatever you wish my brother,” I said as I hugged him.

  He gave me Power of Despair and fell to the floor in exhaustion. Zon and I helped get him to the Mag-Ship along with Tiras and Taleri. I waved to Yessa as she and her troops took off with them. I had to be strong.

  I walked back to Roya and held her in my arms as gently as I could. She asked me to cauterize the wound with my spirit energy, so I did.

  Final duty?

  Chapter 32


  We were at the precipice. All of what culminated over the past year had led up to this moment. An opportunity to end this madness. Taleri's actions surprised me but also helped me realize that not all of the Senti shared the same beliefs as their leaders. Despite the fact she'd helped us, she'd be held responsible for war-crimes, and wouldn't likely live a free-life anymore. Life behind bars is a more civil and appropriate way to punish those who were uncivil. I didn't want anyone else to die though, I made a promise to Brutus. We would live to see another day.

  As we walked into the burning castle, we were greeted by Shinjin decorations that were reminiscent to Japanese art. Smoke had started to fill the building and we needed to move fast. Zon guided us to a stairway that got us up to the top level. The roof was crumbling and fire was spreading everywhere, except one area. He brought us in front of an ancient oval plate that sat on the floor. It looked similar to the Heaven's Gates in Zindaqe but these cultures were never connected up until about 100 years ago; this was the work of someone or something else's.

  Zon told us that the entire purpose of Miega village was to teach people warring arts and to protect this plate, which they called the Zorakagami or the Sky Mirror. Normally, there was a hole in the roof to collect sunlight for the plate and at night it would illuminate and help guide their meditations. It was surrounded by inlets that had fourteen Guardian Keys inserted inside them.


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