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Exposed: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 5)

Page 10

by Violet Vaughn

  Nick’s tall form leads the way, and the rush of snow under our skis sounds as my body prepares to move. He doesn’t bother to stop at the top of the trail, and we all glide over the lip and down the steep incline. I begin a rhythm of S-turns that are quick, and my skis snap me from the end of one into the next. Heat surges through my thighs as I extend my legs away from my body to carve racer-style.

  Only Trevor is in front of me, and I chase him to the bottom. I pull up next to him. “That was sweet!”

  “It was, and you haven’t lost your touch. Nice turns.”


  The rest of our group pulls up, and Jason says, “Day-um, Ruby, you laid it out there.” He’s referring to the way my skis extended away from my body in race turns that take years to perfect.

  I grin at him because now that I’ve proven myself to the guys, today will be fun. I’ve skied with Megan and Casey before, and they know I’m up for anything. We spend our time skiing hidden spots known well by my instructor friends.

  After our last run the group went to the locker room while I headed to the lodge. I walk slowly down the wood stairs toward the parking lot. Even if I was in competitive shape, the first day back on snow uses some muscles I swear are only for skiing.

  Trevor said to meet him by the locker room and he’d give me a ride to my car. I notice him approach me, and he jogs when he sees me. “Let me take those.”

  I hand over my skis gratefully. “I’m exhausted. You guys don’t let up.”

  “Yeah, we ski hard on our days off.” Trevor reaches for my bag too, and I let the weight slip from my shoulder onto my forearm as he asks, “Hungry?”

  “Starved. Where are we going?”

  “Down Under.”

  Uh-oh. Chances are good we’ll run into Neal, and I’m not sure I’m ready to introduce him to my renewed boyfriend. We approach a black truck that is worth more money than Trevor can probably afford on his own. And my memory of his parents makes me think they bought it for him when he was in college.

  My legs want to rebel when I climb up into it. Trevor is about to throw my bag behind my seat until I stop him. “I still need to change into jeans and do a little primping.”

  He raises his eyebrows at me. “You’re going to get naked in my truck?”

  I grin at him. “Close. And I’ll let you watch.”

  Trevor twists in his seat toward me, and crosses his arms. “I think I’m going to like this.”

  Nylon swishes as I slide my ski pants down. I throw them at Trevor, and he catches them before they hit his face. Slouching myself down in the seat I lift my hips to peel off my long underwear and extend my leg dramatically to be funny. He whistles a catcall at me, and I giggle.

  When I begin to slither into my jeans Trevor groans. “Damn, I was hoping you’d keep going.”

  “If I did, I might not get dinner.”

  Trevor folds my clothes for me as I rummaged through my bag for makeup. I notice the sweet gesture as he says, “Good point.” He lowers the tone to a sexy level and says, “Although you for dinner would make me very happy.”

  My insides twinge, and I welcome Trevor’s lips on mine. Reminiscent of so many times before, we end up driving to town with the defroster on for the steamed-up windows.

  Chapter 20

  Trevor’s fingers are warm around my hand as we walk toward Down Under. The afterglow of making out is fading the closer we get. I shouldn’t be so anxious about Neal seeing me with Trevor. Neal has made it clear we can’t be together, and me having a boyfriend would make our attraction easier to ignore. Right?

  Even so, when we get to the door to descend a level I pull away and jog down the steps first. I glance at Neal’s office, even though I wouldn’t know if he were in there by looking. The restaurant is busy, and conversations buzz loudly enough to drown out the music.

  Trevor is behind me and places a hand on my shoulder as we weave through standing people to find our friends. Nick waves to us, and we head over to a booth table. There’s a pitcher of beer in the middle, and beads of moisture drip down making trails in the condensation. Trevor and I sit down and across from each other.

  Casey asks, “Beer?”

  I shake my head as Trevor takes the pitcher from her. He glances at me as he fills a glass. “You aren’t drinking?”

  Dinners with Christian and Nika have spoiled me. “I’d rather have wine. I’ll order when the waitress comes back.”

  Jason jokes, “What took you so long? We’ve been here a while.”

  Trevor shrugs with a smirk on his face as my cheeks heat up. God, this is just like high school, where the guy lets everyone think we hooked up while the girl gets embarrassed. I say, “Trevor had to do his hair, you know how that goes.”

  Jason snorts, and says, “Nice.”

  A plastic-coated menu is slick in my hands as I review it to decide what I want. Looking at the wines, I choose merlot by the glass to go with the hamburger I’m going to have.

  Conversation happens around me as Jason teases Casey about something. I need to use the restroom and lean forward to talk to Trevor. “I have to go to the ladies’ room. Will you order me a hamburger, medium, and a merlot?”


  Winding my way out to the lobby where the bathrooms are located, I look for Neal. I don’t see him and wonder if he’ll show up tonight. The bathroom is cooler than the restaurant, and I shiver as I wash my hands. In the mirror over the sink I notice my face is red from the wind. Nobody will know if I’m embarrassed. I finger-comb my hair.

  A yawn escapes as I walk back to our table, and I think I may be calling this an early night. Not much sleep the past few weeks and a full day of exercise have wiped me out. I sit to laughter, and Jason continues on with a story about one of his classes. I stay on the edge of conversation as the instructors talk shop.

  I notice Neal, and he smiles as he approaches our table. I take a deep breath. He says, “Hey, guys, nice to see you here.” He places a hand on my shoulder as he moves out of the way of the waitress so she can set down my glass of wine.

  Neal asks, “How was the snow?”

  His hand is still on my shoulder, and Trevor’s eyes squint at me.

  Casey says, “Great for this time of year. You’ll have to get out there.”

  Before more can be said, I take the chance to speak before Trevor blows up. “Trevor, this is my business partner, Neal.”

  Neal removes his hand from my shoulder and puts it out for Trevor to shake. I know I have to bite the bullet, and I say, “Trevor is my boyfriend.”

  I can’t see Neal’s face, and I take a sip from my glass as he asks Trevor, “So, are you an instructor, too?”

  “Yes. First year.”

  I’m surprised at the taste of the wine. It’s a bit bitter, and the finish is harsh, and I’m sure I grimace as Neal turns to me as if he’s going to ask me something too. While I don’t think the merlot has turned, it’s certainly not what I wanted. I set it down and push it away. Neal says, “Something wrong with the wine?” He picks it up and takes a taste.

  I’m not sure whether he’s mad at me or serious when he says, “This won’t do. I’ll be right back.”

  I know all eyes are on me when Trevor asks, “So, that’s your business partner?”

  I recognize his jealousy by the way his jaw is clenched, and I am glad I introduced Trevor as my boyfriend. I pretend nothing’s wrong. “Yup. Not only is he my partner, but he owns this place, the dance club across the way, a few other shops, and lots of retail space.” I grin, and add, “I’m just a small part of his empire.”

  Megan is a peacemaker, and she jumps in. “Oh, yeah, a few of the girls that teach work for him at the Wine and Cheese Shop. They say he’s a great boss.”

  I want to kiss her for trying to help. Neal returns with my wine and sets it before me. He gazes into my eyes and says, “The other was our house merlot. You’re going to like the Stag’s Leap much better. Try it.”

  Aware that everyo
ne is watching this exchange, I take a quick sip and barely taste it before I say, “It’s fine, thank you.”

  Neal addresses the whole table with a shrug. “Seems I’ve spoiled her.”

  He walks off, and I want to crawl under the table. Especially when I see Casey’s mouth hanging open.

  She pushes against Trevor. “Let me out, Megan and I need the ladies’ room.”

  I stand to let Megan slide over, and Casey grabs my hand before I can sit. She smiles sweetly at Trevor. “We’re stealing her for a minute. You know how girls are.”

  Casey pulls me along at breakneck speed, and when we get in the bathroom she asks, “What the hell was that? Holy shit, you better start talking, because Neal just peed all over Trevor’s territory.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know. I mean…” I sigh. “I know that Neal is attracted to me, but we’ve already discussed how a relationship is a bad idea.”

  Megan asks, “You’ve discussed it?”

  Casey adds, “As in, you like him too and had an actual conversation about whether or not you should get involved?”

  I nod my head. “Kind of.”

  Casey won’t let me evade the question. “What do you mean kind of?”

  “A while back we kissed, and he said we shouldn’t have because a relationship would ruin our business partnership.”

  Meagan says, “Yeah, well, he just acted like you can’t be with anyone else, either. You’re going to have to have a serious conversation with him if you plan to date Trevor.”

  I close my eyes for a moment. “Trevor.”

  Casey’s arms are crossed, and she frowns at me. “You like both of them, don’t you?”

  “Not really. Yeah, I was attracted to Neal, but that was before I saw Trevor again. I want to make things work with him.”

  Meagan rubs my arm. “It’s okay, that probably wasn’t as bad as we thought. You know how girls see things guys don’t.”

  Casey has a sly smile. “Maybe you just need to go make out in his truck again. That might help him forget his jealousy.”

  I can’t help myself and chuckle as we walk back to the restaurant. Before we get to the table I say, “Thanks, guys.”

  When we get to the table the guys stop talking to look at us. Casey pats Trevor on the arm before she slides in to her spot. “I took care of him for you. Nothing like a well-placed kick to make a point.”

  I snort in surprise, and Jason shakes his head with a grin. “That’s my girl.” He pulls Casey close and kisses her.

  I reach my hand out for Trevor’s as I glance at him. “Hey.”

  He squeezes it and smiles back. But my stomach rolls, because this isn’t over for Trevor, Neal, or me. And, because somehow, my life just became complicated.

  Chapter 21

  After my drama I’m more than happy to sit back, listen to the stories, and laugh at the interaction of the group. Jason has a way of making everything funny, and Trevor lightens up quickly. A bit too quickly as I notice he’s getting drunk.

  He’s witty, like Jason, and the two of them banter back and forth like a well-rehearsed comedy show. I know Trevor loves to be the center of attention, and I’m thankful his ego is being pumped up.

  After a delicious dinner of beef and fried food, I’m full and tired. I’m ready to go home, but my boyfriend is just getting started. It’s as if the more interaction with people he has, the more energized he becomes. I seem to have the energy sucked out of me with each person I encounter.

  I hang in with everyone and sigh in relief when Megan suggests to Nick it’s time to go home. As we walk away from our table, Trevor asks, “Who wants to play some pool?” Internally I groan, knowing I’m going to have to stay longer or figure out a way to get to my car to leave.

  Jason says, “I’d love to, but work comes early in the morning. I’m going home.”

  Megan says, “Nick and I are out of here. I’ve got upper-level classes tomorrow, and they usually kick my butt. I need my sleep.”

  Casey looks at me, and I guess she’s wondering how I’m reacting to the party-boy side of Trevor. I say, “I’m tired, too. Let’s go.”

  As we walk up the stairs, Trevor stumbles, and Jason grabs his arm. “Whoa, bro. I hope Ruby plans to drive.”

  I say, “Sure. Trevor, I can drive you home if you can get a ride into town tomorrow.”

  Cold air hits us when we get through the door, and Casey says, “But you live all the way out in Frisco. That doesn’t make sense.”

  Jason pipes in, “I can give Trevor a ride home and bring him by on my way to work. Problem solved.”

  Trevor wraps his arm around my waist as we walk down the sidewalk. He’s moving slowly, and we fall behind the rest of our group. He says, “You sure you don’t want to stay out longer? It’s early.”

  “I would, but I haven’t slept well in weeks working so much. It’s better if we all just go home.”

  Flurries are highlighted by the street lamps, and they swirl around in chaos. Trevor says, “How about you give me a ride home and stay over. You haven’t seen my loft yet.”

  Fortunately we’re not close enough for the others to hear me turn him down. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I want a shower, and the idea of sleeping in a house full of guys doesn’t appeal to me, sorry.”

  Trevor nuzzles my neck, but it’s rough and awkward. So not doing a thing for me. “It’s okay, I said I wouldn’t push, and I’m not.”

  “Thanks.” Suddenly I can’t wait to get rid of him. I don’t remember finding the drunken version of him this repulsive in high school, and I wonder what’s changed.

  We round the corner to the parking lot, and Jason is standing under a streetlight waiting for us. He asks, “Ruby, where’s your car?”

  “In lot B.” It’s only a block away, but it’s dark at that end of the street, and walking alone this time of night probably isn’t smart, no matter how safe Breck is.

  “Let’s get your stuff from Trevor’s truck, and I’ll give you a ride. We can all squish in my cab to get there.”

  Casey slides in tight next to Jason, and I end up sitting on Trevor’s lap. He makes himself busy kissing my neck, and I’m mortified that he’s doing it in front of Casey and Jason as if they aren’t present.

  I pull away, and ask, “What time do you guys have to be at work in the morning?”

  Casey puts her hand on my knee, and it makes me think she’s sympathizing with me. “Lineup isn’t until nine, but most of us get there by seven so we can ski.”

  Jason seems to sense where she’s going, and asks, “Trevor, you’re joining us tomorrow, right?”

  “Yeah, sure. I guess I have to if I want to get my car.”

  Now he’s acting like the pouty child I remember from back in high school when he didn’t get his way. Yeah, I’m annoyed with him right now.

  I direct Jason to my car, and before I get out, I kiss Trevor on the lips to pacify him. I whisper, “Text me tomorrow, baby.”

  I jump down and wave good-bye as my lights flash, indicating I’ve unlocked my car. Getting in on the cold seats is a relief, and I sigh. It was a great day, and I’m sad that it ended on such an unpleasant note.

  I turn down the heat and welcome the silence of the fans. I replay Neal’s actions tonight and decide he was definitely being possessive. While part of me is flattered he cares, another part of me is pissed that he would want to sabotage my relationship.

  Sitting at the last traffic light on the edge of town, I wonder about Trevor’s drinking. I’m not sure why he got on my nerves and wonder if I wouldn’t have thought much about tonight if Casey hadn’t mentioned he was a partier. I sure hope she’s right, that it doesn’t take many days of working hungover to get him past this phase.

  A yawn stretches my mouth, and I wish I had a bathtub to soak in. Maybe I’m cranky because I’m so exhausted. I put all irritated thoughts of Trevor and Neal out of my mind and flip on the radio to lose myself in some music.

  I sing loudly in an attempt t
o cheer myself up, and by the time I get home I’m in a better mood. My zipper grinds as I open my bag to pull out my things. I grab my phone from my coat so I can charge it and notice texts came in from Casey, Trevor, and Neal when the charger beeps and lights up my screen.

  I go for Casey’s first. “That was awkward. We need a girl’s night soon.”

  I text back. “Yup. We do.”

  Neal’s is next. “Displays and racks are in the store for you whenever you want to get to them. Text me if you need help, and I’ll find a way to come by.”

  The mature version of me knows I should respond. But I decide not to because I’m still pissed about how he acted as if I belonged to him tonight, and I want to leave him wondering if I went home with Trevor.

  I brace myself for Trevor’s text. “Baby, I’m thinking about you and the way your hair feels on my chest.”

  Ugh. No way am I sexting him tonight. My phone clatters as I drop it on the counter. Stripping off my clothes, I leave a trail of them on the floor as I walk to the shower. I’ll pick them up on my way out.

  The heat of water pouring over me relaxes my tired muscles, and I revel in the sensation. The last time I was in here I fingered myself, fantasizing about Neal after I had sexted with Trevor. Great. I’m one messed-up chick. But neither one of them is something I want to think about right now.

  Wrapped in a thick robe with a towel on my head, I make my way to the kitchen for tea. As the kettle clunks on the burner, a text lights up my phone. It’s from Trevor, and I really don’t want to know what he has to say, so I ignore it and go deal with my hair instead.

  When I return to make my tea, curiosity gets the better of me, and I read his text. “I probably won’t work tomorrow if you want help with your clothing racks.”

  He must have sobered up. Even so, I’m not dealing until tomorrow. The perfect ending to today is going to be tea on my comfy couch with a good book. I’m re-reading the Outlander series, and a little Jamie is just what I need. I’ve had enough of real-life relationships for one night.


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