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An Angel of A Different Order: Dr Peter VonNetzer, the bloodletter (Danger Angel Book 1)

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by S. R. Rashad

  An Angel of A Different Order

  Dr Peter VonNetzer, The BloodLetter

  By S.R. Rashad

  Second edition

  Published by Ink and Blade

  Copyright © 2016, Shakim Rashad


  Chapter 1

  Meeting the Monster.

  The moment where we become something unfamiliar to ourselves, where we are forced to change, can always be traced back to a specific incident, usually something significant. For me, it was the moment I said yes to this.

  I am being led down a long narrow corridor which connects to an even narrower walkway; down the corridor, down the walkway, down a steep stairwell, down to the deepest part of the building, like Alice down her proverbial rabbit hole, but this is no wonderland. This is a maximum security holding cell for the monster, a madman, the man behind so many killings, vicious, brutal exsanguinations. The Papers call him "Vlad the impaler," "Jack the bloodletter,” "the blood drainer,” “the blood Doctor,” and the less eloquent newspapers just call him, "the Monster." And why is it that they always look so normal; from the pics in the papers and all the news coverage, no clear traces of insanity. But no mistake, these crimes he’s accused of, are clearly the work of a madman of the highest order, all the victims severely mutilated, some barely recognizable and all completely drained of their blood. What did he do with their blood? Hell, he’s no vampire, right? I mean come on...vampires are the works of fairytales—but, I don't know. I just have to remember it's not for me to pass judgement. It's simply my job to defend him.

  Still, times like these always call for a deep and meaningful self analysis. Why...why, Laura...why did you choose this career? Who are you fooling? How can you help him? I mean

  the weirdness alone is enough to turn anyone off. What about all the fear and hatred surrounding these brutal killings? Why should you defend him, Laura? ‘This monster?’ Perhaps, he didn't do what’s said about him. The papers may have it all wrong. And what if he's simply the wrong man? And even if he is the one who committed these heinous crimes, again, not your concern. Shit, I don't know. I'll just try and look to the humanity in him, whether he is the one or not. Yes, that's where I'll start. Ok, I'll look to his humanity. Then I'll concern myself with the truth and I'll have to be okay with whatever I find. But first, I have to maintain my composure, my calm; hide my disgust, and of course my fear, when meeting Dr.VonNetzer, the monster.

  The guards and I arrive at a large imposing metal door with a small thick glass window. I can just make out the man sitting on the other side of door. It's him alright; tall lanky fellow, with a tightly cropped hair cut, clean shaven with a well chiseled face, barely any wrinkles, kind of good looking, distinguished professorial type for sure. I'd take his classes. Well, if he weren't accused of being a psycho, maniac, woman slayer, of course.

  "Ma'am, I'll need your keys, your phone, your pen and any sharp instrument you may have on your person." I'm told by the more authoritative looking guard, probably ex-military by the looks of him.

  "Yes sure, here's my purse. My phone, keys, pens and most my things are in here. But can I keep my recorder? I'll need it for my interview.”

  "Sure, I'll have to check it first," says mister authority. Then I overhear one guard tell another,

  “Man, why do these guys get such hot attorneys. And why do they need attorneys anyway. I mean...come on. We all know this animal is guilty. And If not of the crimes they caught him on, he's guilty of something despicable. To the bottom of the river with this one I say, and be done with all this."

  "You know the rules, right?"

  "Yes." I say. Still, he proceeds to point them out to me.

  “No touching,” well that definitely won't happen. "No handing him passing notes or taking anything from"

  He continues with a few more ‘do's and don'ts’ mainly ‘don'ts.’ Some things I'm sure weren't in the form I signed just a few minutes ago, but I just listen and nod in the affirmative.

  He then proceeds to unlock the large door, letting me in. I'm starting to feel a little apprehensive, a little like Daniel in the Lions' den, but this is the job. As I enter, I can feel ‘Dr Monster’ eyeing me up and down, sizing me up, for sure.

  I show no fear, or at least, I think so, but predators like him have an extra sense. They can always pick out the weak ones in a herd. But for today, that won't be me. The door closes, and is locked behind me. It's just me and the good doctor. .

  Okay, here we go. At this moment, I remember my father’s words and It brings me comfort. (The best way to begin is always just to begin, no matter the situation.) So, I begin, despite my feelings of apprehension.

  "I'm your attorney, Laura Danger.” I say with a confidence I don't truly have yet.

  "Well now." He says with an annoyingly smug look, while a smile begins to appear on his face, gleaming a hint of superiority.

  “Is that so, any truth to the name? Are you dangerous? That would make things interesting." He says still smiling.

  “It’s just a name,” I say.

  "No, no, no" he says calmly and begins to look around the room as if in deep thought, first up at the ceiling, then down to my recorder on the table, resting between us, then directly at me, with eyes solely designed to see every weakness, every flaw, piercing, cold eyes. Now, I begin to feel exposed, unusually nervous, a little afraid. Any confidence I was trying to fake, quickly leaves. He stares with a long calculated pause. Then he leans deeply toward me, as much as his restraints would allow and speaks with a calm and directness that sends a quick chill down my spine.

  “Nothing is just simply anything, dear counselor.” he says, “all things in this world house multiple natures, multiple purposes; a thing can appear on the surface to be one thing, but underneath there is something else entirely. And I find that even this isn't the truth of the thing, a thing may purposefully conceal its true intent, how nature loves her masks---So many layers. So many layers. So many layers…” He begins to repeat himself in a slow whisper as a faint smile appears on his face as though there were some private joke happening.

  "Well, doc, I’m not sure what you mean, you're the smart one here. I'm just your attorney."

  He seems to take immediate offense to this as his mannerisms change with the swiftness of a surprising cool summer breeze that appears from nowhere.

  "Nice!” He says harshly, “what you did there, attorney Laura Danger. You are dangerous...tricky, tricky, very tricky. So, I'm the smart one. So why do they think me an animal. Yes, why am I here and you there?" He says, looking down angrily at his shackles.

  “No, smart people don't belong in cages, attorney Danger. They need freedom!” He speaks with a loud blood curdling fury. Just then he catches his anger and calms himself again seeming more mild mannered, more professorial. It is a frightening schizophrenic thing to witness. It is as though he were two people.

  "Let's end this, now. Maybe, we'll continue tomorrow, counselor. I'm feeling out of sorts, but leave your card. I may need to call, in case I start to feel better. Are you staying in town?"

  He says as the more courteous Doctor.

  “No, I am just here for the day, then back to the city."

  "Too bad, it would be nice if you were nearby. Then, I could call on you. I would like that very much. Let's make that happen."

  "But..,” he interrupts sharply, as his tone hardens again. “No, buts... Perhaps, I'll be feeling better in a couple of hours, or
in an hour, for that matter. I've been known to have a remarkable recovery you go now. I'll see you soon."

  “But...” He interrupts again, puts up his hand to stop me, giving me an icy stare, looking at me intensely for what must have been twenty seconds, but saying nothing. Then he gestures for the guard...I'm baffled, what is happening here?

  A few guards enter. One undoes the bolt to the chain shackled to the floor and the bolt to the chain in the table. The others bind his wrist and feet, in some strange medieval looking contraption as they walk him out. The heavy chains drag on the floor. He turns his head, looks at me and winks. "Don't forget, give your card to the guard." Then he is led away.

  Okay, that didn't go the way it was supposed to. My boss isn't going to like this. My job was to interview Dr.VonNetzer, to get enough of the story from his side, to start building a defense. I can't do that if he won't speak to me today. Tomorrow, I need to be in court, back in the city.

  This isn't good.

  I gotta get my head together. I need to stay in the game. I can't let him freak me out. I need to call Bill. But man, do I hate that prick. He wanted to be here but Jim loves me, maybe in the wrong way, maybe not, but I'll use what I got, well, at least for now. Okay, I need to find a Starbucks. Is there one in this godforsaken hick town? Hmm, I seriously doubt it. "Hey," I call to one of the guards, the young one. He seems a bit more friendly. Let's hope he knows this town. "I need to get a latte pronto! Do you know where I can go?"

  “Oh...yea, you could go to Nancy's, a cute little diner about 10 miles up the road. You can get gas there too. Well, Nancy's, it's an inn/diner/gas station. Heck, you can get just about whatever you need there."

  “Thanks, Russo, is it?” I say as I read his name tag.

  "Yes, ma’am, John Russo.”

  “Okay, John. Here's my card. Can you give it to Dr.VonNetzer?”

  "Sure're not gonna defend that guy for real. I mean well, it's just, he's scary. Don't you think? These Psychos are just that, Psycho! And this one is up there with the big god!" "Thanks, for your concern, John, but I'll be fine.” I say as I try to convince him and myself.

  Okay, good thing Jim let me use his jeep. I mean, man, these country roads are a bitch. Now, which way is up the road? Hell, I'll just go...hmm...left. Yea, left seems fine and if not left, I'll just head back the other way. A ten mile mistake is no big deal. Besides, it’s kinda scenic in these parts anyhow. Not a lot of forest and charming green lushness in the city, this is a surprisingly needed change.

  Ah, there's Nancy's...nice. It's cute, in that Norman Rockwell meets American Gothic kinda way; Mid-Victorian colorful, cozy for sure. Those modern gas pumps seem a bit out of place though. Let's just hope they have ‘the inter-Webs’ up in these mountains. Oh! and Let's hope that Nancy can make a decent cup o coffee. Hell, at this point, I'll take half decent and half caff, for that matter.

  My god! this country air is crisp, chilly! I trust Nancy's will be well heated. "All Welcome" "free WiFi" hang on the door, nice Nancy. Okay, that's a good start. As I enter I see a little bit of heaven. Yes! there's an espresso machine--Mama's home! These hicks might not be all backwoods after all.

  “Hi, so this is Nancy's?” "Yup" says the cute little barista in her cute little country barista voice. Well, kinda reminds me of the place I called home growing up. Hell, I'm glad I left that place.

  "I'll have a venti latte."

  “Um, venti?”

  “I mean large, thanks. Oh, can you put an extra shot in it?”

  “Yup, sure thing.”

  Looking around this place, it's not so bad, not so great either. It's definitely not the city. Is that an elk head hanging above that hideous paisley sofa...Yup, it sure is. At least the place is well kept. Seems clean and kinda cozy. Ah, goober over there adjusting his overalls and not in that hipster ironic way either. Nope, nothing ironic here, except me. That's a laugh.

  "That’ll be $2.50"

  Well, I do like these hick prices.

  "Hey hon, what's the password for the Internet?"



  "The password is hotstuff,” she says again. "That's one word all lowercase.”

  I like this Nancy. She seems fun.

  Okay, check company email, and then I'll call that prick, Bill.

  "Hi, Bill.”

  “Hey Danger, how bad did you screw things up?”

  "Excuse me?"

  "I'm sorry. So you didn't fuck things up, huh?”

  "No, no I didn't"

  “Then why you calling me?"

  "I may have to stay in town awhile to get a full and thorough interview from the doctor.”

  “Why--how long does it take to write down crazy? You and I have to be in court in the morning."

  "Can you just go without me, I mean it's just a hearing to suppress evidence. You're good at suppressing and oppressing, for that matter."

  "Well, since you're gonna turn on the charm, I'll go without you, but you have to tell Jim.”

  “Thanks, I'll call him now.”

  “Okay, screw up. Enjoy your time with the bumpkins and the crazy!"

  "Bye, Bill.”

  Okay, that didn't go as bad as I thought it would, or maybe it's the latte talking--not bad by the way. Thanks, Nancy and company, not bad at all, who would have thought you could get a decent cup o Joe in these parts. Wifi speed not bad either. And after that phone exchange, I'll have to start calling Bill a half prick...haha...

  "Here comes the slick bitch. I get a little sentimental when I fall. I get a little too much when you push me too far. Don't you be sad but I'm the best that you ..." her phone begins to ring and this is the ringtone that plays. An ex put this ringtone on her phone, and now, she almost always chuckles when she hears this playing, and well..." Here comes that slick Bitch..." she loves humming to herself.

  "Hello, Laura here."

  "Hello Laura, I just heard from Bill that you're not going to be in court tomorrow?"

  Ahh! that prick...okay back to full prick for you, Bill… Bill, the fuckin' prick.

  "Yes, Jim, I was just about to call...hmmm...well. They had to rush the doctor to the infirmary--something major I think. So, I have to wait here to see if he gets better." As I stretch the truth a tad bit here... (No, Jim he just didn't feel like talking to me.) that would have not gone over so well, I think. Jim would have had serious doubts about my ability to get things done, and well, I can't have that, at this point in my career.

  "So how long are you going to be there, Laura?”

  "Well, Jim, as long as, it takes. He was just about to tell me his whole deal...well...just before, he fell ill, and I think that if I leave now, he won't trust me or anyone for that matter.” More truth stretching here. How does that Shakespeare thing go again? What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive... Well, here comes the web weaving. Let's hope it doesn't get too tangled.

  "Okay, Laura, what do you need from me?"

  "Thanks Jim, I need my cases and briefs covered for a bit and I need to stay in town, till I hear from the doctor. So, I'll have to check into a local motel and have his files or any pertinent info sent there."

  "Okay Laura, maybe I should send Bill to help?"

  Ahh Bill! Hell no, that bastard, I bet he suggested this to Jim.

  “No, Jim, you don't want two of your most valuable attorneys up here now, do you?" I say in my most sweet and charming voice.

  "Okay, maybe not Bill but I would like someone there with you...any suggestions?"

  ...Well Laura...any suggestions...there is that new girl, fresh from GeorgeTown Law...what the hell is her name? Hmm...Jennifer!

  “Jim, you can send Jennifer, the new girl."

  “Okay, Laura, you got it. As soon as you find where you are staying, I'll get her to you."

  "Thanks, Jim."

  “If you need anything, call. If you think you might need anything, call. If you..."

  I interrupt him.
“I know, Jim, call...Absolutely! I will."

  "Good luck with that guy. Remember, we are his attorneys, not his friends. We don't have to like him, or even trust him, but we do have to defend him. Now, let's see if we can win this case."

  Now, I wonder if there are any cozy suites here.

  "Hey, it's Susie, correct?"

  "Yes,” says the lovely barista.

  "Do you know of any vacancies here?"

  "Well, the front desk is on the other side of that wall with the elk head."

  “Oh, okay."

  "Just ring the bell on the desk and the super helpful Chuck will be there to assist you."

  "Thanks, Susie.”

  I walk around the elk head wall and ring the bell on the front desk. A few moments later, the shortest most bizarre looking man appears, not more than 4 feet, if that, misshapen eyes and a birthmark in the shape of South America covering most of the left side of his face, but I must say, I have yet to see a warmer smile on anyone.

  "Hey pretty lady, how can I help you?" he says with enthusiasm.

  "Hello, Susie said there maybe a vacancy?"

  "For you? Sure thing."

  "How long are you staying with us?"

  "Not sure, yet."

  "Well, we have monthly, weekly and daily rates. And let me tell you, lady, there is one monthly left that is right up your alley."

  "Is that so?”

  "Yup, it is beautiful and sophisticated just like you."

  "Ah, you sweet talker, but I don't believe I will be here that long."

  "You know what, I'll put you down for two weeks and give you a super special rate on the suite."

  Laura laughs..."Okay, let's do it. But I don't know if I'll be here that long either but let's do it anyway."


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