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An Angel of A Different Order: Dr Peter VonNetzer, the bloodletter (Danger Angel Book 1)

Page 11

by S. R. Rashad

“I want you and Johns to be discreet and continue investigating. I want the original ten minutes found. I want that door and lock looked at and I want a name. Give me the responsible party.”

  “Will do.”

  The warden addresses the room…

  “Something did happen here, that part is clear. What exactly happened is up for speculation. But till I have something more concrete, I want things to be a little tighter around here. There will be two men to a hall not one and everyone is to have clearly written reports after he finishes with his shift. Am I clear.”

  There is a loud “Yes, clear warden,” said by all.

  “And lastly Sgt. Hobbs will give you a new list of protocol once he has it written, thanks gentlemen.”

  Chapter 9

  The Sgt. Roberts effect.

  Sgt. Roberts caught the monster, ending Dr.VonNetzer’s vicious killing career. He always gets his man. This 25 year veteran of Brooklyn’s 71st precinct, heads an elite undercover Taskforce, filled with the best, from swat, homicide, and narcotics; all handpicked by the top brass. This is its third year in operation, with Sgt. Roberts as head for all three years. They have been making sweeping changes and putting a serious dent in crime. And one of their biggest advocates has been DA Ortiz himself.

  “Man, Sgt. Good work. The FBI wanted him. Michigan wanted him. Wisconsin wanted him, but we got him…yes…good score, Sgt. …Good score,” DA Ortiz says with great excitement.

  “Well, sir, we put together a fine team here, it’s all I can really say.” The humble words of Sgt. Roberts as he addresses the DA, in front of his team, just after processing and booking the doctor.

  “Can I get you alone for a minute Sgt. Roberts?”

  “Certainly, what is it.”

  The two of them walk together to Sgt. Roberts’ office.

  “The Mayor is happy with your work, hell, everyone is happy. I see big things for you, and I see big things for me, as well. Our fates are entwined, Sgt. Big things for you, equals big things for me. We are doing good work here, very good work. Let’s keep it up. Remember my office is here to assist. So, come to me with all your concerns. I would like to think we have a special bond you and I…” DA Ortiz says, as he gives Sgt. Roberts a hearty pat on the back.

  “Yes, I understand,”

  “Good, Sgt. I am glad you do. This makes me happy.”

  “Yes, we are doing good work here, sir”

  “Call with any…and I mean any concerns,” the DA tells Sgt. Roberts as he leaves his office with a smile.

  Sgt. Roberts does have a concern but he isn't sure if he can share it with the DA. He likes to handle things on his own. He likes being the hero and he doesn't want to let anyone down. So he handles things his way first, privately, before letting anyone else in. His team backs him 100 %. This still isn’t enough for him to feel confident in opening up to them about concerns he has been having lately. He's been making mistakes, big mistakes.

  “Knock knock, Sgt.”

  “Hey, captain. We did good, huh.”

  “Absolutely, Roberts. Absolutely.”

  The captain has been observing Sgt. Roberts’ behavior over the last few months. He has noticed a change, but hasn’t felt the need to give him the third degree. He likes his men to have free range. Unless they are causing a big uproar in the department, he has deep confidence in them. And he trusts that they are fully aware, they can, and should come to him with major concerns.

  “Roberts, have you been keeping your appointments with the shrink?”

  “Absolutely, captain.”

  “Good, good…if you need anything, my door is open, right?” The captain says with a concerned look on his face.

  “Right, captain. I know.”

  “Ok…and lastly, you know you need to be 100% honest with the doc. That’s how this stuff works, right.”

  “Indeed, cap.”

  “Good, I’m glad we had this chat. Now, get out there with your men, will ya. This is a time to celebrate.”

  “Will do.”

  Sgt. Roberts did miss his last session with the shrink. He has been super busy lately and things have been slipping his mind. He didn’t miss it on purpose. He likes talking with the doc. He feels like he is making headway. He knows it has been the department’s recommendation to see a shrink, but he believes he would go whether or not the department made him. He’s gonna try to reschedule. He doesn’t want to disappoint the captain or his men.

  He dials the doc’s secretary hoping to get a make up appointment.

  “Hello you are speaking to Stacy, this is doctor Phillips’ office.”

  “Hi Stacy, this is Sgt. Roberts.”

  “Hello Sgt. Roberts. How can I help you?”

  “Well, I missed my last appointment and I was hoping I could reschedule?”

  “The doctor’s schedule is pretty packed this week. I need to check. It may be possible. Can I call you back in a few. Unless you would like to stay on the line?”

  “No, you can call me back.”

  “Ok, Sgt. Roberts. Can I reach you at this number?”


  “Okay, it will just be a few minutes, then.”


  He heads out to be with his men…

  “Oh, hey, there’s the Sgt.” Yells officer Chan, who has been with the team since its inception.

  “Yea, that’s right, here I am.” Sgt. Roberts says heartily. “Okay, which one of you bastards is buying me a beer?”

  The whole team steps up waving money, offering to get him a beer.

  “Ok ok, guys I just need one beer. If everyone here buys me a beer, I wouldn’t be able to report in, for duty tomorrow.” The team laughs.

  “Just one beer, Sgt. Don’t let us believe you are a lightweight, huh.” Shouts officer Jeffries the team’s crack sniper.

  “Hey, I am no lightweight. Just the only responsible adult around here.” The crowd jeers and hisses.

  “Hey hey now, the truth hurts, people…Come on lets go to O’haley’s.”

  The entire team heads out to O’haley’s, which is still the premier cop bar in Brooklyn. Even the brass enjoys having a pint or two there, where pitchers are always half off for the boys and girls in blue.

  The eight men and two women of the elite force pile into O’haley’s, and are immediately greeted with a standing ovation by ex cops, off duty cops, fellow cops, patrons, and the bartenders and wait staff, of O’haley’s. Sgt. Roberts remains outside to answer a call…

  “Hello Sgt. Roberts. This is short notice, but the doctor has a cancelled appointment. So if you could get here in an hour, He will be happy to see you.”

  “That’s perfect. I’ll be there.”

  “Great. Happy to help. We’ll see you in an hour, then.”

  “Yes, you will.”

  He enters the bar to tell his men that he can’t stay long. He has been disappearing a lot lately. This is the sentiment of some of his men.

  “Where’s my beer?” He yells as he enters the bar.

  “Hey tell me, how did a jerk like you get that asshole, serial killer.” Shouts his old partner, now retired, three years, spending most his free-time in O’haley’s.

  “Some of us just happen to be better at police work then others, Tommy. It’s that simple.”

  “Ohhh!” is the unanimous cry heard through out the bar.

  “To hell with you, good police work? You’re just lucky, is all…Besides, I still don’t think you even know which way to point that gun. Let alone do good police work.”

  “Now now boys, let’s play nice. Can’t we just be happy another killer is off the streets,” says Frank the bar’s owner.

  “Yeah. Tommy. Just sit there and drink ya beer.” Says officer Jeffries.

  “Here’s ya beer, Sgt.” Says Frank as he comes over and shakes his hand, smiling and handing him a cold pint..

  “Thanks, Frank.”

  “No, thank you, Sgt. Thank you.”

  “Hey Chan, can you come here a sec
?” say Sgt. Roberts.

  “Yea, Sgt. What’s up.”

  “I have an appointment in the city and need to leave. Can you let everyone know.”

  “Yea, no problem…everything good, Sgt.”

  “Yea, yea…it’s nothing.”

  “Ok, Sgt.”


  The Sgt. slips out during all the merriment and heads to doctor Phillips’ office. He is feeling more at ease already, just knowing he’ll be able to talk to the doc, soon.

  He arrives a few minutes early…

  “Hello, Sgt. You are a little early. He’s finishing up with another patient. Just have a seat.” Says Stacy the doc’s receptionist.


  Sgt. Roberts sits for a second, then he feels the need to go over to the reception desk.

  “Hey, can I ask you something?”

  “Yes, is there a problem?”

  “Well, not really…maybe. Well, the doc says what I say during these sessions stays here, is that the case under every circumstance?”

  “I believe so, but here’s the doctor now. He can best address that.” Stacy points to Dr Phillips as he exits his office.

  “Oh hi, doc.” The Sgt. Says nervously as though he just got caught doing something wrong.

  “Hello, Sgt. give me a minute, I need to talk to Stacy, but have a seat inside. I’ll be in shortly,”

  says doctor Phillips.

  “Ok, doc. I was just asking Stacy…”

  Dr Phillips interrupts. “It’s fine, Sgt. Just a second, ok.”

  “Ok. I’ll go have a seat.”

  Dr Phillips’ office has a warm homey feel. It doesn't feel like an office at all. It's easy for a person to relax here. This is Sgt. Roberts take on the doc’s office every time he comes here; comfy couches, nice drapes, great rugs and super comfy throw pillows all around, and nice ottomans as well. Yup, great homey feel for sure nothing cold, sterile or clinical here.

  The doc was just a few minutes like he said, then he enters…

  “So Doug, you missed our last session. But I'm glad we had space available for a make up. Tell me, how are you?”

  “Well, doc, like I said last time, I still find that I keep missing time. You know, I’m doing something one minute and then the next I'm somewhere else and not knowing exactly how I got there, you see.”

  “I see. Let me ask. Are you taking your meds, Douglas?”

  “Yea, yea, of course doc, absolutely. I am.”

  “That’s good, Doug...Continue, what else?”

  “Well, we just caught that crazy serial killer. You know the one that drinks the blood or whatever.”


  “Yea him, that whacko.”

  “How does catching him make you feel?”

  “What do you mean, doc?”

  “Well, do you feel relief, happy, proud, what are your feelings related to catching a reported killer?”

  “That’s simple. I feel great. You know everyone is happy. The city is safe.”

  “How about you? Are you safe, Doug?”

  “What do you mean, doc? I'm a cop. Of course I'm safe.”

  “Oh, I see. So you are safe.”

  “Yea why, shouldn't I be?”

  “It’s just a question, Doug. If you feel safe, Douglas, then I would say yes, you are safe. But safety comes in many forms, like being here. Do you feel this is a place where you can talk about things?”

  “Well doc, for the most part, yea. That's what I feel.”

  “This is good, Doug. What do you mean for the most part?”

  “Well, I'm not sure. You know there are things I can say then there are those things that I know people don't want to hear.”

  “I see…well, Doug. I would want to hear these things.”

  “Come on, doc. Don't trick me.”

  “I wouldn't do that, Doug.”

  “I don't know, doc. I just don't know.”

  “Do you think that could be part of it, Doug, the not knowing? Perhaps that's where our deepest trust lies, Doug, in the not knowing.”

  “Maybe, doc, maybe…can I just be the hero cop for today, doc.”

  “Sure, Doug. I mean you did catch a notorious criminal. That’s something to be proud of.”

  “Doc, about that.”

  “I'm listening, Doug. What is it you want to say?”

  Sgt. Roberts wants to say a lot but this combat veteran, ex marine who suffered a severe head trauma and is having bouts with PTSD, is so use to ‘Manning Up’ he still can't let anyone into the deeper wounds. He can't truly let himself into those darker areas.

  “Doc, not for nothing but I need time. I'm feeling trapped.”

  “Ok, Doug. Let's end it here.”

  “Ok, doc.” Sgt. Roberts is feeling relief now.

  “Continue to take your meds and look deeper, Doug. Can you do that for me?”

  “Deeper. Yea doc, sure.”

  Dr Phillips knows there are a lot of missing parts here. Deep trauma is tricky. It's tough. One has to tread lightly in this area. He just hopes that…well…he hopes for the best.

  Chapter 10

  Hello, DA Ortiz

  This case is not sitting well with me. In the more than a decade at the firm and the dozens upon dozens of maniacs, creeps and buffoons I’ve defended, this one just turns my stomach. The funny thing is, I was worried about Jen and her reaction to this guy, but here I am feeling a little spooked. At the time we come across the most gruesome photos of one of his victims, we also come across a reason to free this man. I thought this would be a fun and interesting case, something that would look good on the resumé. I don’t want this on the resumé. I don’t want this at all.

  “Okay, so that’s it, Jen, back to the city for us. Jim wants us to personally clear things up with the missing report. First, we’ll need to talk with Jim’s buddy down at the precinct to make sure there wasn't some mix up. We should leave soon. You live in Brooklyn, right?”

  “Yes, I do, Laura.”

  “Well, Jen, you should stay with me tonight at my place, we’re getting in late, and need to get up early. No need for me to drop you off in Brooklyn then pick you up in the morning. You can stay in the guest room. Perfect timing too, The remodel is finally complete and you’ll be my first guest, ok.”

  “That sounds great. I bet your place is amazing, not like my tiny rundown place in Crown Heights, right. Everyone at the firm is talking about how much you spent on the remodel.”

  “Yes, it took time and money but I can call it home now. I would give you a complete tour, but that's not happening tonight, so feel free to make yourself at home when we get there.”

  Laura goes over to her suitcase and digs through frantically…

  “Hey Laura , you ok? You lose something?”

  “I gotta find it…shit…where the hell!” She shouts as she searches the side pockets of the case

  “It’s a long drive and I’m gonna need mother’s little helper for sure, for this late night driving.”

  “What’s mother’s little helper?”

  “Oh, that's anything that gives you that edge. For now…” As she finds what she was looking for and holds them up to show Jen…

  “That's these tasty little bottles of 5 hour energy. Mmm, great stuff in a pinch. I tell ya, a little jolt of zoom zoom….Yes!”

  “Oh, I thought you were talking about, like drugs.”

  “You mean narcotics, cocaine, meth, zanies! Great stuff for that awkward semester in college but awful stuff for a working professional. Don’t you ever go that route, girl. I mean never, got it.”

  “I got it, Laura. I don’t think that’s something I’d try anyway.”

  “I know. Your natural perkiness is already too much. I mean, shit. If we could bottle that stuff, hell, the whole world be one big permanent smile.” We both laugh.

  “Go get what you need and meet me by the car in 45mins. I’m taking a quick power nap. Benjamin Franklin swears by the stuff…and who am I to disagree.�

  “Should I try it, Laura?” Jen wants to model herself after Laura and she can’t help but seek Laura’s approval.

  “You mean a power nap... Sure…It is a little awkward at first, but…you know what… If you don’t jump around or act weird, you can stay her with me, and I’ll show you how I do it.”

  “Ok. I won't be weird. I promise.”

  “Great. I have a sound track of natural sounds I play. I set the alarm for 45mins. Dim the lights and there it is. Ready”

  “Ready,” Jen says as she begins to climb into the bed with Laura.

  “Hey girl, no no,” Laura says as she points to the couch.

  “Unfortunately, you’ll have to take the couch. I find it hard to sleep with anyone next to me. It’s great for my love life. I tell ya, shit!” Jen laughs.

  “You're funny and fun, Laura. I knew you would be.”

  That comment makes Laura smile. She likes being fun Laura again.

  45mins. Fly by, the alarm sounds, Laura jumps to her feet.

  “Wow! that was great.” She looks over to Jen, and yup, Bambi is still sound asleep.

  “Now, come on, girl” I’ll just give her a little nudge with this oh so comfy pillow.

  Laura hauls off and gives Jen a pretty decent whack on the head with her pillow…

  “Hey, hey, I’m up!” Jen yells as Laura positions herself for another blow.

  “You up, newbie!”

  “Yes, yes I am,” Jen says as she continues to block her head in anticipation of another blow from the pillow wielding maniac disguised as her mentor.

  “You sure, cause mister pillow doesn’t see you getting up.”

  “Ok, just step back with that thing,” Jen laughs.

  “Ok, I’m backing off slowly…now, get up.”


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